The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project currently adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This file only documents changes in the site engine, not any changes in the hosting infrastructure.
1.2.1 - 2024-10-18
- Link to Gitter.
1.2.0 - 2023-12-18
- The application now uses .NET 8.0.
1.1.0 - 2023-07-18
- There's no longer a Resources page; all the resources are now listed on the main page.
1.0.2 - 2021-02-22
- Pages now have proper titles
1.0.1 - 2020-10-11
- A link to our Matrix room
1.0.0 - 2020-08-09
- Updated to .NET Core 3.1
- The application is now delivered as a Docker image
0.7.7 - 2019-12-26
- A link to LogList (which has been moved to a new domain)
0.7.6 - 2019-05-12
- Update to .NET Core 2.2
0.7.5 - 2018-02-24
- The copyright year
0.7.4 - 2017-07-09
- Update to .NET Core 1.0.4
0.7.3 - 2017-06-18
- A link to LogList
0.7.2 - 2017-01-28
- A link to the Telegram group
0.7.1 - 2017-01-02
- A note of the date range containing in the log archive
0.7.0 - 2016-12-31
- A link to the log archive (preserved from
0.6.4 - 2016-12-10
- Default timezone offset for the external log server
0.6.3 - 2016-11-13
- A backup XMPP conference link
0.6.2 - 2016-11-08
- Codingteam logo
0.6.1 - 2016-10-25
- A link to our Telegram group
- A copyright notice in the site footer
0.6.0 - 2016-10-19
- A configuration to change the external log location (#39) and timezone
- font-awesome icons are now used as bullets in the list on the Resources page
0.5.0 - 2016-10-17
The application has been rewritten in F#, using ASP.NET Core, after the maintainers have been unable to build and redeploy the previous version (see #32 and #34).
0.4.3 - 2015-04-14
- Small textual fix
0.4.2 - 2015-03-09
- The favicon is now properly linked from the pages
0.4.1 - 2015-03-09
- Resource list
- A new PNG favicon instead of an old ICO one
- Google Analytics
0.4.0 - 2015-03-09
The application has been rewritten in Haskell, using Yesod web framework.
There's now an
with logs instead of a redirect -
The application now requires a database, with a structure to store the registered users.
(Notably, there's no way to either register or access the database in any way outside the application tests.)
0.3.0 - 2014-02-09
- Time zone handling in the redirect endpoint (#3)
0.2.0 - 2014-02-09
0.1.0 - 2014-02-02
Initial version of the application, written in Scala using Spray framework.
- Redirect to the actual logs hosted on