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Giftaid React

React Frontend for giftaid submissions.



This front end application is somewhat legacy. With this in mind you will need to be careful about what version of node you are running, as an older one will probably be needed to run this application. An easy solution is to use Node Version Manager to revert your node install to an older version.

To install NVM on Mac:

brew install nvm

Then you can use the local .nmvrc config file to install and use the specified version:

nvm use

Log in to npm

You will also need to be a member of the Comic Relief organisation on NPM in order to install this project, as it has the private NPM package @comicrelief/data-models as a dev dependency:

npm login

Install the application

yarn install

sort out the .env file

Currently you can just use the sample .env.dist

cp .env.dist .env

Local Development

For local development please run:

yarn start

Deployment & Environments

Pull requests are tested with circle ci, this will run code style and unit tests against the PR. Deployments are enacted using concourse, the pipeline can be seen here.


The domains for giftaid are as follows




Playwright-Local Tests

To run PR Playwright Tests locally (after running yarn playwright install if you haven't previously), you need to first export REACT_APP_ENDPOINT_URL= in your terminal for the form to get submitted and then run the script test:playwright-local:local found in package.json; this script starts the http://localhost:3000 server in the background, config for this is found in playwright-local/playwright-local.config.js file and runs the tests in headless mode.

To view a test in a headed mode locally, use the according command; test:playwright-local--h.

To run a single test, add only annotation

eg: test.only('Valid giftaid submission', async ({ page }) => { });

Staging Playwright Tests

In order to run Playwright end-to-end tests locally you need to change directory to playwright folder cd playwright and export the following environment variables to your terminal:BASE_URL, BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY, BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME Browserstack credentials can be found in

export BASE_URL=''

Running tests

To run spa-feature-test or nightly-test-sanity, check the commands in playwright/package.json eg: yarn test:sanity

To run a single test, add only annotation

eg: test.only('submit form with valid inputs', async ({ page }) => { });

Check serverless-giftaid in order to get the right values and then you can run the test executing:

yarn test:sanity