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Eric Newton edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 12 revisions

Version 2 is currently released as NuGet


  • No dependencies! The standard CommandLineParser package has no dependencies. If you want FSharp support, you should reference the CommandLineParser.FSharp package.
  • Getting Started will show you how to get started with step-by-step instructions
  • Generating Help and Usage information The library by default will automatically generate help and usage information for you.
  • Unparsing You can transform back a parsed instance or a freshly created one into a string with command line arguments.


Verbs help delineate and separate options and values for multiple commands within a single app. A common usage of verbs in a sample ftp program could be to provide a specific commands: upload, download, delete, etc.

To use verb commands create an option class for each verb decorated with the [Verb] attribute:

[Verb("add", HelpText = "Add file contents to the index.")]
class AddOptions { //normal options here
[Verb("commit", HelpText = "Record changes to the repository.")]
class CommitOptions { //normal options here
[Verb("clone", HelpText = "Clone a repository into a new directory.")]
class CloneOptions { //normal options here

A this point you have to use a proper ParserArguments<T1, T2...> overload that accepts more than one type (without using the overload with variadic arguments, the library defines versions with up to 16 type parameters):

var result = Parser.Default.ParseArguments<AddOptions, CommitOptions, CloneOptions>(args);

In this case the T Value property of ParserResult<T> will be object but will contain the proper instance if parsing succeeds or NullInstance if fails.

The only change with normal parsing is the requirement to query the Parsed<object>.Value property and invoke the application logic written to handle a specific verb.

A helper extension method is provided to simplify this task:

Parser.Default.ParseArguments<AddOptions, CommitOptions, CloneOptions>(args)
  .WithParsed<AddOptions>(opts => ...)
  .WithParsed<CommitOptions>(opts => ...)
  .WithParsed<CloneOptions>(opts => ...)
  .WithNotParsed(errs => ...)

Coherently with ParseArguments<T1, T2, ...>() overloads used for verbs, you can take advantage also of MapResult<T1, T2, ...>(). Like in the sample with a single target instance, here we turn the parsed verb into an exit code:

int Main(string[] args) {
  return Parser.Default.ParseArguments<AddOptions, CommitOptions, CloneOptions>(args)
      (AddOptions opts) => RunAddAndReturnExitCode(opts),
      (CommitOptions opts) => RunCommitAndReturnExitCode(opts),
      (CloneOptions opts) => RunCloneAndReturnExitCode(opts),
      errs => 1);

In this scenario the parser supplies you an additional help verb that allows:

$ app help clone

In this way application users can display specific verb command help screen.

$ app help

Or will display a help screen for available verbs.

Immutable Options Type

If you develop according to functional programming, you probably won't define a mutable type like the ones presented in samples.

You're free to define an immutable type:

class Options {
  private readonly IEnumerable<string> files;
  private readonly bool verbose;
  private readonly long offset;

  public Options(IEnumerable<string> files, bool verbose, long offset) {
    this.files = files;
    this.verbose = verbose;
    this.offset = offset;

  public IEnumerable<string> Files { get { return files; } }

  public bool Verbose { get { return verbose; } }

  public long Offset { get { return offset; } ]

The parser will detect this class as immutable by the absence of public property setters and fields.

This is the same feature that allow you to parse against an F# record:

type options = {
  [<Option>] files : seq<string>;
  [<Option>] verbose : bool;
  [<Option>] offset : int64 option;

As you can see the options.offset record member was defined as option<int64> since the library has full support for option<'a> (full CLR name type name Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<T>).

Help Screen

One of strengths of this library lies in the ability to automatically generate a help screen for the end user. See the Generating Help and Usage information page for more information.

[Usage] Attribute

The Usage attribute is a new 2.0.x feature that allows you to add a properly formatted USAGE: section to your help screen. One or more usage examples can be defined, by providing a static IEnumerable<Example> property annotated with the [Usage] attribute.

using CommandLine.Text;

class Options
    [Option("filename", Required = false, HelpText = "Input filename.")]
    public string filename { get; set; }

    [Usage(ApplicationAlias = "yourapp")]
    public static IEnumerable<Example> Examples
            return new List<Example>() {
                new Example("Convert file to a trendy format", new Options { filename = "file.bin" })

Will produce the following help text:

CommandLine 2.0.201-alpha
Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015 Giacomo Stelluti Scala
Convert file to a trendy format:
yourapp --filename file.bin

  --filename    Input filename.

  --help        Display this help screen.

  --version     Display version information.

More than one usage can be defined. It is also possible to format the displayed usage by providing a list of UnParserSettings.

class Options {
  // Normal options here.

  [Usage(ApplicationAlias = "yourapp")]
  public static IEnumerable<Example> Examples {
    get {
      yield return new Example("Normal scenario", new Options { InputFile = "file.bin", OutputFile = "out.bin" });
      yield return new Example("Logging warnings", UnParserSettings.WithGroupSwitchesOnly() , new Options { InputFile = "file.bin", LogWarning = true });
      yield return new Example("Logging errors", new[] { UnParserSettings.WithGroupSwitchesOnly(), UnParserSettings.WithUseEqualTokenOnly() }, new Options { InputFile = "file.bin", LogError = true });

When working with formatting styles, the important thing to know is that UnParserSettings is exactly the same type accepted by Parser.FormatCommandLine<T>(T options, Action<UnParserSettings>); since this API is the same used internally to generate part of the example command line.

UnParserSettings.WithGroupSwitchesOnly() and UnParserSettings.WithUseEqualTokenOnly() are just factory methods to simplify the creation of an instance with the property in the name set to true.

If you're an experienced command line user, you're wondering how AutoBuild() will handle this data when you define AssemblyUsage attribute. It will follows the rules above:

  1. Prints header (SentenceBuilder.UsageHadingText) if you've used Usage or AssemblyUsage attribute and such header isn't an empty string (default USAGE:).

  2. Prints content provided by AssemblyUsage if defined.

  3. Prints content provided by Usage if defined.

The above output is taken from a unit test.

CommandLine 2.0.201-alpha
Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015 Giacomo Stelluti Scala

  Option 'badoption' is unknown.

Cloning quietly:
  git clone --quiet
Cloning without hard links:
  git clone --no-hardlinks

  --no-hardlinks    Optimize the cloning process from a repository on a local 
                    filesystem by copying files.

  -q, --quiet       Suppress summary message.

  --help            Display this help screen.

  --version         Display version information.

  URLS (pos. 0)     A list of url(s) to clone.

If you build HelpText instance by your own, you can rely on three methods to gather Usage attribute data:

static string RenderUsageText<T>(ParserResult<T> parserResult)
static string RenderUsageText<T>(ParserResult<T> parserResult, Func<Example, Example> mapperFunc)
static IEnumerable<string> RenderUsageTextAsLines<T>(ParserResult<T> parserResult, Func<Example, Example> mapperFunc)
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