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Supercomputing with MPI meets the Common Workflow Language standards

An experience report




Rupe Nash Nick Brown Max Kontak Michael R. Crusoe
EPCC, University of Edinburgh EPCC, University of Edinburgh DLR German Aerospace Center VU Amsterdam / CommonWL project leader


Speaker: Rupe

Talk Overview

![:sec_slide](Problem statement)


Speaker: Rupe

Since this is an "experience report" , want to tell a bit of a story

  • about how this work came about,
  • the 90% solution we found (spoiler alert - it's CWL),
  • the work we (VESTEC) did with the CWL community (Michael) to produce a solution
  • that meets our basic needs and had a few unanticipated benefits
  • talk about the limitations and solicit thoughts on how to take this forwards

Problem statement



The VESTEC (Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing) project seeks to fuse HPC and real-time data for urgent decision making for disaster response.

We need to run workflows that include MPI-parallelised applications on HPC.

We didn't want to reinvent all the wheels.

] .col2[

.center[ :scale_img 90% ]

Example workflow from VESTEC of wild fire monitoring.

Thanks to Gordon Gibb for the image. ] ]


Speaker: Rupe

Rupe, Nick, Max are working on VESTEC.

We needed a workflow system to manage the steps efficiently, inccluding parallel simulation(s) on HPC (10--10,000 cores)

Gordon will talk about the details in his talk

Problem statement

.columns[ .col2[

While we did create a custom workflow management system (see G. Gibb et al., UrgentHPC workshop 2020), we really didn't want to implement all of the parts of a WMS.

In particular we believed that tools must exist that could:

  • describe step inputs
  • actually execute the (MPI-parallel) program
  • describe any generated outputs
  • represent this in a structured way

And ideally wanted this in a standardised way.

We found that CWL was our closest match.

] .col2[ XKCD wheel

Randall Monroe, ] ]


Speaker: Rupe

Needed to have control over whether, where, and with what parameters parts of the workflow run to deal with new data/user interaction

But didn't want to reinvent all the wheels, nor to hack together a bunch of bash scripts on each HPC machine used

Spoiler alert: CWL

Talk Overview

![:sec_slide](Existing standard meets many needs, but lacks MPI)


Speaker: Rupe

So why didn't CWL work with MPI?

Message Passing Interface

The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is an important standard for HPC, i.e. large, tightly-coupled simulations.

Start many copies of the same program, which differ only by a unique index (their rank).

MPI is a library allowing them to perform:

  • point-to-point and collective communication
  • synchronisation operations,
  • IO
  • more

Typically MPI programs have to be started by a special launcher:



Speaker: Rupe

With apologies to audience members, this is MPI in one slide

Large > 1k working together on the same problem So not embarassingly parallel: ensembles/parameters sweeps

The MPI standard specifically does not require this or any other way to start programs, but recommends that this method be available.

Common Workflow Language

CWL defines a standard for describing command line tools and workflows made from those tools.

It aims to model the requirements of those tools explicitly to enable flexibility and portability.

For example, if you want to use Docker, you don't manually specify "docker run my_container foo"; you say which Docker format container is recommended or required. The workflow engine sets up everything else. CWL Logo:scale_img 100%


Speaker: Michael

Do you want to cover why MPI progs don't work in standard CWL? I.e. the following are implementation/system dependent:

  • the actual name of the mpiexec command
  • the flag to set number of processes
  • other flags needed
  • environment variables needed to be set (e.g. SLURM and passing the node list)

Hello world in CWL

.columns[ .col2[

cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool

    type: string
      position: 1

baseCommand: echo

outputs: []

] .col2[

% cwltool hello/serial.cwl --message "Hello, world"
INFO /Users/rnash2/.virtualenvs/cwl/bin/cwltool 3.0.20200807132242
INFO Resolved 'hello/serial.cwl' to 'file:///Users/rnash2/work/vestec/2020-works-workshop-mpi-cwl/hello/serial.cwl'
INFO [job serial.cwl] /private/tmp/docker_tmp86tr7_wy$ echo \
    'Hello, world'
Hello, world
INFO [job serial.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success

] ]


Speaker: Michael

Talk Overview

![:sec_slide](Working with the CWL community to add MPI)


Speaker: Michael

A first attempt within standard MPI

.columns[ .col2[

Since CWL supports using JavaScript to compute values for some elements within a tool description, RWN created a few functions to programmatically insert the necessary MPI job launch commands to the front of the command line string.

  • 😀 Worked on laptop
  • 😀 Worked on ARCHER (Cray XC30, UK National Supercomputing Service)
  • 😐 Requires NodeJS
  • 🤢 Ugly tool description
  • ☹️ Failed on SLURM-based cluster (requires environment variables to be set)
  • ☹️ Failed to work with containers



cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
      - $include: mpi.js
      - $import: mpi.yml
    type: string
      position: 1
    type: mpi.yml#mpiInfo
    default: {}
  - position: 0
    valueFrom: $("echo"))
outputs: []

] ]


Speaker: Rupe

Kinda worked, but wasn't fit for purpose, so I reached out via Github to the CWL community

After starting to work with Michael, it became clear that MPI execution had to be treated differently and integrated with the job runner, comparable to software container runtimes


.columns[ .col2[ Tool descriptions:

  • must opt in to potentially being run via MPI;

  • must allow for this to be disabled;

  • must be able to control number of processes either directly or via an input;

  • must remain the same for different execution machines;

  • should be as close to a non-MPI version of the same tool as practical. ] .col2[ The runner also needs to provide a configuration mechanism:

  • to specify the platform specific launcher;

  • to specify how to set the number of processes;

  • to add any further flags required;

  • to pass through or set any environment variables required.

] ]


Speaker: Michael

Extension to the CWL specification

.columns[ .col2[ CWL supports the concept of a requirement which "modifies the semantics or runtime environment of a process".

The minimum features we need are:

  • to enable the requirement, and
  • to pass through the number of MPI processes to start.

The number of processes can either be a plain integer or a CWL Expression which evaluates to an integer.

This was added to the CWL reference runner as an extension, requiring the --enable-ext flag.

] .col2[

- name: MPIRequirement
  type: record
  extends: cwl:ProcessRequirement
  inVocab: false
    - name: class
      type: string
        "_id": "@type"
        "_type": "@vocab"
    - name: processes
      type: [int, string]

SALAD Schema for new requirement, source.

] ]


Speaker: Michael

We treat the case of zero processes requested as being equivalent to disabling the requirement.

Note the we're talking here about the tool description. An expression can use, say, an input to produce an integer

Hello world in parallel

.columns[ .col2[

cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool

    type: string
      position: 1

baseCommand: echo

outputs: []



cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool

    processes: $(inputs.nproc)

    type: string
      position: 1
    type: int

baseCommand: echo

outputs: []

] ]


Speaker: Michael & Rupe

Left: the hello world shown before and on the right is a comparable one that accepts the number of processes to start as an input

Michael: CWL side thoughts: namespace

Rupe: fairly simple from a user's POV, just need to figure out how to choose the number of processes (which you'd have to do anyway)

Platform configuration

We added a command line option (--mpi-config-file) to cwltool to accept a simple YAML file containing the platform configuration data.

Key Type Default Description
runner str "mpirun" The primary command to use.
nproc_flag str "-n" Flag to set number of processes to start.
default_nproc int 1 Default number of processes.
extra_flags List[str] [] A list of any other flags to be added to the runner’s command line before the baseCommand.
env_pass List[str] [] A list of environment variables that should be passed from the host environment through to the tool (e.g. giving the nodelist as set by your scheduler).
env_pass_regex List[str] [] A list of Python regular expressions that will be matched against the host’s environment. Those that match will be passed through.
env_set Mapping[str,str] {} A dictionary whose keys are the environment variables set and the values being the values.


Speaker: Rupe

We also had to have a way to adapt to the various HPC systems we used and settled on this

Within the runner, this argument, if present, is used to configure the MPI runtime (although there defaults in the code).

When a tool is actually executed, the runner checks for the MPIRequirement, evaluates the processes attribute and, if present and non-zero, it uses the configuration data, to construct the appropriate command line which is prepended to the tool's command line.

I'll show an example in a few slides.

Talk Overview

![:sec_slide](CWL+MPI works for us - with bonus features!)


Given we're talking about this, it's not surprising it worked, but we in VESTEC had a few unanticipated bonuses

We showed that it works

.columns[ .col2[ A modest number of unit tests.

Used within VESTEC WMS to wrap individual tasks.

  • 😀 Worked on laptop
  • 😀 Worked on ARCHER (Cray XC30, UK National Supercomputing Service)
  • 😀 No JS required
  • 🙂 Tool description minimal extension for MPI
  • 😀 Worked on SLURM-based cluster
  • 😐 Worked once with Singularity container engine

] .col2[ :scale_img 100% ]

Wildfire simulation results. ]


Speaker: Rupe

14 tests

And also small sub-workflows

Use with workflows

.columns[ .col2[ CWL supports composing a set of steps into a workflow.

Useful for VESTEC for cases when there are steps that will always occur together
e.g. pre-processing > simulation > post-processing.

Composing tool executions with different MPI requirements worked transparently.

Uses the same platform configuration for all MPI steps.

] .col2[ :scale_img 100%

Example sub workflow from wildfire use case: localised weather simulation.

Blue: input(s)
Magenta: MPI step
Yellow: non-MPI step
Purple: output(s)
] ]


Speaker: Rupe

This workflow

  • uses one or more global weather forecasts from the US NOAA Global Forecast System (gfs_gribs input) (potentially real time, published every 6hrs).

  • PREP_GFS step interpolates the meterological fields onto the domain for the simulation (specified by the input pdg, i.e. the physiographic data) - this step has to be run on a compute node on ARCHER so has to be apruned as a single process MPI job.

  • runs the Meso-NH mesoscale atmospheric simulation application in parallel (as specified by the sim_processes input) using the GFS data provided as initial and boundary conditions, for an experiment of simulated duration segment_length

  • The outputs of this are then post-processed by a script into a single netCDF file with the fields of interest for use later in the outer workflow.

Performance monitoring

.columns[ .col2[ Generally accepted as important in HPC.

Some centres monitor user jobs by default or sampling.

Various tools, including LIKWID

Can use the MPI configuration file to construct an appropriate command line. ] .col2[

runner: srun
extra_flags: [
  "-C", "L:N:0", 
  "-g", "FLOPS_DP", 
  "-o", "/output/path/likwid_%j_%h_%r.json"
nproc_flag: -n
env_pass_regex: ["SLURM_.*"]

Platform configuration file for using LIKWID on a SLURM-based cluster at DLR.

] ]


Speaker: Rupe

Monitoring the performance of parallel applications is particularly important when they may be running across thousands of cores and is very common in the HPC and supercomputing community.

When a workflow may execute very many parallel jobs this is even more so.

Some centres do this to proactively monitor for errors/failing components. Others just to track usage in more detail.

LIKWID from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU)

Performance monitoring

We validated this using the high-performance conjugate gradient benchmark (

Ran on DLR cluster (4 x 14 core Intel Xeon Gold 6132 per node).


LIWKID reported
HPCG reported Perf / GFLOP/s µ-op rate / GHz
Cores Perf / GFLOP/s Total Mean S.D. Total scalar Total vector
56 38.0 39.7 0.71 0.002 39.0 0.31
112 71.7 74.6 0.67 0.002 73.5 0.58
] ???

Speaker: Rupe

Why HPCG? the application reports its own estimates of the floating point performance achieved, allowing us to have some confidence that the reported numbers are correct.

Can see the numbers are similar. HPCG gives an estimate based on a lower bound on the number of operations required to perform the calculations.

LIKWID measures what was executed with the hardware counters so no surprise it's a little higher

Can also see some other metrics that might be of interest, e.g. the ratio of scalar and packed micro-operations, which indicate that the compiler was not able to generate SIMD instructions from the HPCG code efficiently.

We can vary the metrics collected by simply changing the platform configuration file!


Also tested successfully (once) with the Singularity software container engine using a Docker format software container.

??? Speaker: Michael

Mention the "classic CWL approach, as the standards have long supported both software containers and references to the name (and published identifier, if available) of the software tool".

Software requirements

Another challenge to supporting the execution of portable workflows on supercomputers is the requirement for custom-compiled software and the lack of software containers for performance reasons.

This is somewhat orthogonal to the classic CWL approach, as the standards have long supported both software containers and references to the name (and published identifier, if available) of the software tool.

        version: ["5.4.2"]

The CWL reference runner has a feature which maps these software identifiers to locally available software packages, and loads them in a site-specific way using a local configuration.

We have adopted this same approach within the VESTEC system, which ensures that our workflows are portable between target HPC systems.

# The CWL reference runner and toil-cwl-runner can transform the above
# `SoftwareRequirement` into a site specific command like:
module load mesonh/5.4.2-LXifort-O2


Speaker: Rupe

Wired cwltool + SoftwareRequirements to module load MesoNH etc

Talk Overview

![:sec_slide](What do you all think?)

??? Speaker: Rupe

I'll mention some issues we know about, sum up, and ask for your thoughts.


We have given the Common Workflow Language only a very simple model of an MPI program: the number of processes to start.

Users of HPC codes often need to consider:

  • hybrid parallelism, e.g. OpenMP;

  • node memory architecture + process placement;

  • use of hyperthreads

  • MPI implementation-dependent things (e.g. progress engine threads)

For now, we can set these via the reference runner's platform configuration file, but that applies across all tools run by invocation.

We have "deferred this to future work", although our feeling is that this could be tackled with the overrides feature of the reference runner.

Other suggestions would be appreciated!


Speaker: Rupe

The number of processes is probably the most important parameter but everyone who's been doing HPC for a while knows there's a lot more

  • E.g. with MPI+OpenMP codes you have to map that parallelism onto the executation hardware: e.g. 2 x 16 core CPUs in a node might have 2 NUMA domains per CPU so do you want to run 1 MPI process per NUMA domain and set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of cores per NUMA domain? How do you tell your mpirun program this?

Future Work

Specify version of the MPI standard required.

Specify level of thread support required by application.

More complete testing with software containers.

Extend CWLProv to capture more run time information, like module load invocations


Speaker: Rupe

A few smaller things we will definitely look at:

Working towards MPI version 4.0 at present

Thread support can be one of 4 levels (SINGLE, FUNNELED, SERIALIZED, MULTIPLE)


We have created a minimal extension to the CWL specification that allows a tool to specify that it requires an MPI job launcher and way to set the number of MPI processes to start

We have implemented this, and a mechanism for platform configuration, within the CWL reference runner

VESTEC authors happy

  • to find CWL was powerful and flexible enough to be altered to support MPI
  • CWL developers were open to helping make these alterations and accepting them
  • software requirements feature of CWL could help make our tool descriptions more portable
  • multi-step CWL workflows could simplify our larger workflow system

MRC as a member of the CWL/bioinformatic community was happy

  • find a new user community
  • be confirmed in the value of open standards

Goal: progress MPIRequirement or equivalent to CWL standard


Speaker: Rupe & Michael

num of MPI procs can be hard coded, supplied as an input directly, or calculated in any way allowed by a JavaScript expression



Much of this work was funded under the EU FET VESTEC H2020 project, grant agreement number 800904 (

This work used the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service (