Fixes a bug with the service::linux agentless task failing on the PE orchestratior.
- Stray line breaking service::linux task
This release adds the ability to manage services without the puppet-agent being installed on the remote host.
- Agentless windows service management
- Agentless linux service management
- Linux task service restart
This release uses the PDK convert functionality which in return makes the module PDK compliant. It also includes a roll up of maintenance changes.
- Update modules to modulepath MODULES-5945.
- Test cleanup.
- Disable sysklogd on Linux to allow testing against rsyslog service.
- Modulesync maintenance.
- Readme updates.
- Service attribute is now name.
- Fixed locales project name.
- Fixed cli description.
This is the initial release of the service task.
## Features
- Provides the following actions start, stop, restart, enable, disable, status.
- Provider can optionally be specified.