ODFToolkit and PDF library
clean_outputs : Clean the generated files from the 'outputs' or 'read' directories
Clean the generated files from the 'outputs' or 'read' directories. Can be used in a Convertigo scheduled job to automate the process. Variables : 'max_time' => delete only files older than x ms. 'all' => Delete all files in folder even in a max_time is defined. 'target' => if value is 'fill' searches for files in 'outputs' folder else in 'read' folder.
demo_u_fill_odt : Demo sequence to fill an ODT template file
Demo sequence to fill an ODT template file.
demo_u_fill_pdf : Demo sequence to fill an ODT template file
Demo sequence to fill an ODT template file.
fill_odt : Fills an ODT template file (Deprecated)
Fills an ODT template file (Deprecated). Place your template files in .//templates/odf folder.
fill_pdf : Fills a PDF template file (deprecated)
Fills a PDF template file (deprecated). Place your template file in .//templates/pdf folder.
u_create_odt : Create a new Text document with a table
Create a new Text document with a table.
u_fill_odt : Fills an ODT template file (Universal)
Fills an ODT template file (Universal). Place your template files in .//templates/odf folder. It will output an attachment structure and if you call it with .bin requester it will trigger a download in the client Browser.
u_fill_pdf : Fills a PDF template file (Universal)
Fills a PDF template file (Universal). Place your template file in .//templates/pdf folder. It will output an attachment structure and if you call it with .bin requester it will trigger a download in the client Browser.
u_read_odt : Dev sequence to read a table from a Text Document
Dev sequence to read a table from a Text Document.
u_read_pdf : Reads a PDF file (Universal)
Reads a PDF file (Universal). Place your template file in .//read folder. It will output the following structure : { "array": [ { "name": "", "value": "", "type": "PDF Form type" }, ...]