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corbinlc edited this page Jan 2, 2013 · 5 revisions

Where can I file bugs or feature requests?

Can I plot?

Yes, but you also need to install droidplot for plotting to work.

Can I get Octave-Forge add-on packages?

Yes, but only some of them currently. Just search the Play Store for what is available.

Can I create .m files and run them?

Yes. They just need to be in your Octave path

How can I modify my path every time Octave launches?

You can add Octave commands like addpath() to your .octaverc file in the directory specified by the HOME environment variable.

What is the HOME environment variable set to?

There are many ways to check an environment variable. The easiest way to see how this is set is just look at the top of the terminal Octave was launched in. The HOME environment variable is set just before launching Octave. It is usually /sdcard/freeRoot/ #Unpacking failed or it does not work afterwards...why? There are two main reasons this may fail. 1) You did not have the Android Terminal Emulator by Jack Palevich installed when you installed Octave. Uninstall Octave, install the ATE, then reinstall Octave. 2) You don't have enough space for Octave to unpack. Uninstall Octave and then make sure you have more than 100MB of free internal space before re-installing.

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