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293 lines (236 loc) · 13.5 KB



  • Ported to work with Corda 5.0.0-DevPreview-1.0

  • Modified the flow to work against the new APIs

  • Removed any MockNetwork and DriverDSL tests and replaced with the e2e tests



  • Rebased the workflows to use the new confidential-identities module. You will need to add: TestCordapp.findCordapp("") to your tests.


  • Added an early version of in memory token selection independent from database backend. To learn more see documentation: InMemoryTokenSelection Notice that it still needs refining in the future release, but it's here to play with!

  • Split all the selection related code (both database and in memory) into the new module: tokens-selection to make it in later release type agnostic (now it works only for FungibleTokens). This will require change in your tests and CorDapps code. You will need to add: TestCordapp.findCordapp("com.r3.corda.lib.tokens.selection") to your tests and cordapp "com.r3.corda.lib.tokens:tokens-selection:$tokens_release_version" to your gradle files.

  • On top of that lots of exciting improvements and unexciting bug fixes!

Known issues

  • In memory token selection is still experimental due to the API change we need to make in coming 2.0 release. For further information see list of required changes



  • The type of TokenType.tokenClass has been changed from String to Class<*>.
  • The contracts module now builds against core-deterministic. The tokens SDK is the FIRST project with a contracts JAR compiled against Corda core-deterministic.
  • TokenType is now a class instead of an interface. This makes it easier and more secure for CorDapp developers to create their own token types by simply just creating an instance of TokenType and supplying a tokenIdentifier string and a number of fractionDigits. The trade-off with using instances of TokenType as opposed to sub-types of TokenType is that type-safety is lost and you cannot define any custom properties. If type-safety is required or if you need to define custom properties on top of the tokenIdentifier and fractionDigits then it is still possible to create your own TokenType sub-type by sub-classing TokenType.
  • The Type parameter T : TokenType from FungibleToken and NonFungibleToken has been removed. Here we compromise on type-safety for a more simple implementation of these classes and the flows which use them. As a consequence the majority of the tokens flows now do not require the use of a type parameter. Furthermore, when querying tokens from the vault, one can only query of type FungibleToken or NonFungibleToken. To specify the exact type, the tokenClass and tokenIdentifier must be specified.
  • Moved IssuedTokenType._heldBy(owner: AbstractParty) and the sister infix function to the workflows module as it requires the generation of a UniqueIdentifier which is not deterministic.
  • NonFungibleTokens now must be passed a UniqueIdentifier upon creation.
  • Changed the method signatures for addIssueTokens so that they now take TransactionBuilder as the first argument. Thanks to Ian Lloyd for the contribution.
  • Added tests for NonFungibleTokens.
  • Fixed a bug in the contract code whereby the TokenType was not "pinned" to a NonFungibleToken or FungibleToken state. The AbstractTokenContract now checks that an attachment that implements the intended TokenType is attached to a transaction involving AbstractTokens. The TokenType attachments are now pinned by storing the attachment hash in the AbstractToken state. The hash is propagated to future versions of the state. The attachment cannot change during the life of the token, thus the TokenType cannot change. However, the token can be redeemed and re-issued, thus allowing the TokenType to be changed.
  • Deterministic compilation of contracts has been enalbed for versions of Corda > 4.1 (this is due to a bug in 4.0 and 4.1 where StatePointer was not annotated KeepForDJVM.


  • Added in memory token selection implementation. It is not currently the default token selection method but in a future release CorDapp developers will be able to choose between database or in memory selection.
  • Changes to how how change parties are generated and used:
    • The issuance flows don't require any change outputs
    • The non-confidential move and redeem token flows now default the change party to be the calling node's identity.
    • The confidential redeem flow requires that the issuer request a new key from the redeeming party.
    • The confidential move token flow requires that a change party is generated prior and passed into the confidential move tokens flow.
  • The issue tokens flows now resolve the attachments implementing the specified TokenType and ensure it is added to the issue transaction.
  • The EvolvableTokenType flows have been refactored to use the same design as the other tokens flows in that there is a set of inline flows as well as initiating and StartableByRPC flows.

Release candidate 3


  • Builds against Corda 5.0-SNAPSHOT for this release. The final release will be built against Corda 4.1.
  • Changed module names from "contract", "workflow" to "contracts" and "workflows", so now inline with other CorDapps.
  • Now don't publish an empty "modules" JAR.
  • Changed package namespace to "com.r3.corda.lib" from "com.r3.corda.sdk".
  • Changed artifact IDs to be prefixed with "tokens-".
  • Changed release group to "com.r3.corda.lib" from "com.r3.tokens-sdk".
  • Fixed various compiler warnings.


  • The tokenClass property which CorDapp developers were required to implement has been implemented in TokenType, so there is now no need to implement it in your token type classes.

  • The defaultFractionDigits property of type BigInteger has been removed in favour of a fractionDigits property of type Int, simplifying the way to create a token type. Example:

    • RC02:

          data class MyTokenType(
              override val tokenIdentifier: String,
              val fractionDigits: Int,
              override val tokenClass: String = javaClass.canonicalName
              override val defaultFractionDigits: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-fractionDigits)
          ) : FixedTokenType()
    • RC03:

          data class MyTokenType(
              override val tokenIdentifier: String,
              override val fractionDigits: Int = 0
          ) : TokenType
  • Removed FixedTokenType as it was a spurious abstraction. All "fixed" tokens can instead implement TokenType directly. Removing FixedTokenType removes a concept and therefore reduces the mental load of developers who are new to Corda and the token SDK.


  • Added an integration test which uses a DvP flow to swap a House for some Money.

Release Candidate 2

Release candidate 2 is available. Please see branch release/1.0-RC02. This release candidate is almost code complete.


  • NonFungibleTokens are now LinearStates so they can be queried for by LinearId.


  • The redeem flows have been re-factored so that they are in-line with the design of the issue and move flows.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Added progress trackers to more flows.
  • Added @Suspendable annotations to more functions.

Known issues

  1. Increase test coverage still required.
  2. In memory token selection to be merged into master and the addition of a config option which allows CorDapp developers to use in memory token selection or database token selection.
  3. Docs and examples are still to come.

Release Candidate 1 (15 May 2019)


Token types

  • Addition of the TokenType interface which allows developers to define their own token types.
  • Addition of a IssuedTokenType class which couples a token type with an issuing Party. This type exists because identical token types with different issuers cannot usually be considered fungible.
  • Addition of two TokenType sub-types; FixedTokenType for definitions which are not expected to evolve over time and TokenPointer which points to the linearId of a LinearState which contains the token type data that is expected to evolve.
  • Addition of an abstract EvolvableTokenType which will be pointed to by a TokenPointer. It allows developers to define their own evolvable token types as LinearStates. The EvolvableTokenType state comes with an abstract contract which defines common logic expected to be used in all evolvable token types. Evolvable token types can be converted to TokenPointers.
  • Addition of two command types Create and Update for performing transactions on evolvable token types.


  • Addition of a FungibleToken state type which allows parties to hold some amount of an IssuedTokenType. Amounts of fungible tokens can be split and merged, providing the IssuedTokenType is the same type.
  • Addition of a NonFungibleToken state type which allows parties to hold a fungible token of an IssuedTokenType. Non fungible tokens cannot be split and merged. It is expected that only one non fungible token of a particular IssuedTokenType can be issued on the ledger at any one time, although there are currently no controls to prevent multiple non fungible tokens being issued. For the time being, these controls will be up to issuers to enforce.
  • Addition of contracts for FungibleToken and NonFungibleToken which govern how fungible and non fungible tokens can be issued, moved and redeemed.
  • Addition of commands for performing transactions on fungible and non fungible tokens.


  • Addition of object relational mappers for NonFungibleToken and FungibleToken so that they can be queried from the vault by the following properties: issuer, holder, amount (for fungible tokens) and token type.


  • Addition of kotlin utilities for creating amounts of a TokenType or IssuedTokenType using the following syntax: 10.TOKEN_TYPE or 10 of tokenType.
  • Addition of kotlin utilities to create an IssuedTokenType from a TokenType using the following syntax tokenType issuedBy issuer
  • Addition of kotlin utilities to sum amounts of IssuedTokenType and TokenType.
  • Addition of kotlin utilities to create a NonFungibleToken or FungibleToken from an IssuedTokenType and a Party using the following syntax: issuedTokenType heldBy party
  • Addition of kotlin utilities to assign a notary to a NonFungibleToken or FungibleToken using the following syntax: tokens withNotary notary
  • Addition of utilities for summing lists of FungibleTokens.


  • Addition of an abstract Money class, that sub-classes FixedTokenType, from which all money-like token types should derive.
  • Addition of a FiatCurrency class which is a wrapper around java.util.Currency.
  • Addition of a DigitalCurrency class which behaves similarly to FiatCurrency, it's registry has been populated with the following digital currencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Dogecoin.
  • Addition of utilities for creating amounts of Money using the following syntax 10.GBP.


  • Creation of an internal package to house parts of the API which may change.
  • Addition of flows to issue, move and redeem fungible tokens, called IssueTokensFlow, MoveTokensFlow and RedeemTokensFlow, respectively. All flows are intended to be used as in-line sub-flows. IssueTokenFlow handles the issuance of fungible as well as non-fungible tokens. The move and redeem flows have variants for fungible tokens and variants for non-fungible tokens.
  • Added confidential variants of the above flows, which allow CorDapp developers to issue tokens to newly created public keys, move tokens to newly created public keys and redeem tokens, with change being assigned to a newly created public key.
  • Initiating versions of the above flows have been added which can be easily invoked from the node shell (this is useful for testing and performing demos).
  • Addition of flows to create new evolvable token types.
  • Addition of a generic flow to update an evolvable token type.
  • Addition of a set of flows to add parties to a distribution list for evolvable token updates. This flow exists in the absence of data distribution groups. When tokens with evolvable token types are newly issued, the recipient is added to a distribution list. When tokens with evolvable token types are moved, the recipient is added to the issuer's distribution list.
  • Addition of query utilities to query fungible and non fungible tokens by type and issuer.
  • Addition of query utilities to obtain sums by token type.
  • Creation of an "observer aware" finality flow which allows transaction observers to store a transaction with StatesToRecord.ALL_VISIBLE.

Token selection

  • Addition of a token selection utility which keeps in memory records of available tokens for spending. Multiple buckets can be created to cateogrise tokens by various criteria. For example, tokens for a particular account, tokens of a particular type, tokens with a particular issuer or notary.

Known issues

  1. Redeem flows still require refactoring to bring in-line with issue and move flows.
  2. Some tests are ignored while we investigate why they are failing.
  3. Docs and examples are still to come.
  4. Increased test coverage required.