Releases: coreruleset/go-ftw
Releases · coreruleset/go-ftw
What's Changed
- fix: properly URL encode data for POST requests by @theseion in #96
- fix: remove obsolete use of tzdata by @theseion in #95
- fix: remove most uses of log.Fatal when running programatically by @anuraaga in #99
- ci: setup buildx for release docker builds by @fzipi in #100
- fix(check): explain why files are not properly formatted by @fzipi in #102
- fix: only escape key/values for data in POST requests. by @anuraaga in #103
- Overhaul by @dune73 in #98
- feat: only output failed tests by @fzipi in #105
- feat(output): adds new interface for showing test results by @fzipi in #82
- fix: look more than one line for log markers by @theseion in #107
- New release: 0.4.2 by @fzipi in #109
- chore: fix readme code blocks by @fzipi in #112
- docs: update readme with new features by @fzipi in #113
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
What's changed
- setup buildx for release docker builds
- add branch develop (#97)
- small fixed on README (#94)
- testoverride ignore/forcefail/forcepass as regexes (#80)
- use goreleaser default naming for published archives (#91)
- publish docker images to ghcr with release (#88)
- look for ~/.ftw.yaml after looking in local folder
- remove most uses of log.Fatal when running (#99)
- remove obsolete use of tzdata (#95)
- properly URL encode data for POST requests (#96)
- simplify sonar workflow and only run on push (#92)
- enhance general coverage (#90)
Full Changes: (v0.4.0...v0.4.1) (2022-11-02)
- f26935f: feat(ci): split actions for sonar (@fzipi)
- 9fc95b8: feat(log): consolidate log file handling in waflog (@fzipi)
- 75ee050: feat: Use httpbin
endpoint for markers (@theseion) - 93f8ba3: feat: make request timeout configurable (@anuraaga)
- 6ef8c05: feat: set "Host" header from dest_addr override (@theseion)
Bug fixes
- cf181f5: Revert "fix: remove RTT tracking from client/transport in favor of direct tra…" (@fzipi)
- bfc2f2c: fix(run): fix handling runner reponse errors (@fzipi)
- ca4ba26: fix: Close net.Conn before setting up a new one (@theseion)
- 5177b3a: fix: Reuse connection transport for marker requests (@theseion)
- 76f3ca3: fix: close previous connection before starting new one (@anuraaga)
- c13ae5f: fix: override port with missing port inside test. (@M4tteoP)
- e33dc16: fix: remove RTT tracking from client/transport in favor of direct tracking. (@anuraaga)
- 85fe31b: Add Config (@anuraaga)
- 6d23a91: Added forgotten types file (@theseion)
- 7751fd2: Allow timeouts to be configured (@anuraaga)
- f05c11b: Apply suggestions from code review (@fzipi)
- 0cc0c0e: Directly read HTTP response from connection instead of copying to bytes first. (@anuraaga)
- 155f3ee: Finished implementation of log markers (@theseion)
- 5bfa47e: Fixed a couple of issues in log marker prototype (@theseion)
- 779d3a4: Fixed pre-commit configuration (@theseion)
- fa9612c: Formatting (@anuraaga)
- 2ec51c5: Merge pull request #51 from theseion/use-test-web-server-for-all-tests (@fzipi)
- 531f76e: Merge pull request #52 from theseion/log-markers (@fzipi)
- 448ecfb: Merge pull request #53 from fzipi/split-gh-workflows (@fzipi)
- 8810b52: Merge pull request #54 from fzipi/fix-runner-markers (@fzipi)
- 9ace87c: Merge pull request #56 from fzipi/open-log-file-only-once (@fzipi)
- fcdc808: Merge pull request #58 from M4tteoP/ignore_output (@fzipi)
- f5f64a1: Merge pull request #63 from theseion/set-host-from-dest_addr-override (@fzipi)
- 98019b0: Merge pull request #65 from fzipi/update-readme (@fzipi)
- 68d2825: Merge pull request #66 from anuraaga/fix-resposneerrlog (@fzipi)
- 4d0e1e9: Merge pull request #67 from anuraaga/propagate-ftwrun-error (@fzipi)
- 61a73cf: Merge pull request #68 from anuraaga/disconnect (@fzipi)
- 67881bf: Merge pull request #69 from anuraaga/configurable-timeout (@fzipi)
- fe1d01d: Merge pull request #71 from anuraaga/reformat-code (@fzipi)
- 23cca65: Merge pull request #72 from theseion/reduce-log-data-from-markers (@fzipi)
- 75c27b7: Merge pull request #73 from anuraaga/update-test-rule (@theseion)
- fcf6dfd: Merge pull request #76 from anuraaga/direct-rtt (@fzipi)
- d61210f: Merge pull request #77 from theseion/reuse-connection-for-marker-requests (@fzipi)
- fd953f4: Merge pull request #79 from anuraaga/receive-to-response-direct (@fzipi)
- a30cf90: Merge pull request #83 from fzipi/revert-76-direct-rtt (@fzipi)
- 536b896: Merge pull request #84 from theseion/close-connection-when-reusing (@fzipi)
- 3a1a02a: Only print skip message for disabled tests (@theseion)
- 1b34105: Open log file only once (@theseion)
- 8d26bf7: Pass correct error when a response error (@anuraaga)
- 4a483f2: Prototype of log markers instead of using log time (@theseion)
- 5055498: Refactored test setup to facilitate cloud mode tests (@theseion)
- 77716c9: Refactoring to get cloud tests to work (@theseion)
- 2f34af4: Reformat code (@anuraaga)
- e4c8012: Respect quiet mode (@theseion)
- 3f473c8: Simplify error messages (@anuraaga)
- 37b93b6: TeeReader (@anuraaga)
- 32e8f42: Use the local test web server for all tests (@theseion)
- 760d4fa: chore: improving output for overridden tests (@M4tteoP)
- 6a76373: chore: make testing rule more generic for different waf implementations (@anuraaga)
- c918e1d: chore: wrap original error in markAndFlush requests and simplify messages (@anuraaga)
- 6301a58: chore: 🚀 to coreruleset organization (#86) (@fzipi)
- 52b3f5d: ci: update base golang version (@fzipi)
- c11a379: dummy (@theseion)
- ed852ae: updates readme/help (#74) (@M4tteoP)
- 1518cfe Merge pull request #44 from fzipi/override-host-port-tests
- 6307d19 Merge pull request #45 from fzipi/override-output-result-tests
- 1e3461c Merge pull request #46 from fzipi/set-cloud-mode-using-cli-param
- 2e585fd feat(cloud): add also cli param to use cloud mode
- d41e859 feat(override): adds feature for everriding host and port globally on all tests
- ff5a48e feat(tests): add overrides for running in cloud mode
- 1ab43cc fix(test): add more coverage
- bedef5c fix(tls): update minimal version in client to tls 1.2
- 346020e ci(sonarcloud): add new coverage and quality badges
- 0d17a47 ci: upgrade to 1.16
- 59a32e7 feat(debug): only show http message in debug mode. to see all use trace
- c09292b feat(errors): extend tests to get better accuracy in error lines - add method to get file line from failed tests - add ttests for the feature
- 4ad8a08 fix(ci): update test build to go 1.16
- 01eaefd fix(timer): extend time to let container write logs
- 24d5a48 fix: add constant to fix code smell
- b6ecbe6 improvement(test): adds coverage