Releases: coreshop/CoreShop
Releases · coreshop/CoreShop
What's Changed
- [Core] Pimcore 11.1 and 11.2 compatibility and psalm update by @dpfaffenbauer in #2584
What's Changed
- Fix store mail and store order mail collection entry type by @kkarkus in #2586
- [NoteService] implement deadlock retry strategy by @dpfaffenbauer in #2588
- always set default unit quantity in gift product action by @solverat in #2590
- [CoreBundle] fix PaymentWorkflow Listener to trigger state transition conditions by @dpfaffenbauer in #2601
- [CoreBundle] fix CartTextProcessor priority and CartManagers setParent for cart-item by @dpfaffenbauer in #2602
What's Changed
- [Docs] Improve resource bundle docs a bit by @jdreesen in #2554
- [OrderBundle] register OrderDocumentPrintController in controller.yml by @breakone in #2557
- [OrderBundle] cast return values for getWkHtmlToPdfBinary and getXvfb… by @breakone in #2558
- [Docs] improved installation instructions by @nehlsen in #2569
Full Changelog: 4.0.3...4.0.4
What's Changed
- [Tests] add test for stock tracked products in checkout by @dpfaffenbauer in #2560
- [Tests] test only latest pimcore with highest deps for 3.2 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2559
- Increase MessengerBundle Receivers combobox width by @NiklasBr in #2567
- Updated CachedStoreContext.php by @kamil-karkus in #2565
- [Core] fix price calculation with immutables and adjustments by @dpfaffenbauer in #2573
New Contributors
- @kamil-karkus made their first contribution in #2565
Full Changelog: 3.2.5...3.2.6
What's Changed
- [Migration] fix Staticroute Migration for Pimcore 10 by @dpfaffenbauer in #2550
What's Changed
- [Core] Fixes in DataObject Extensions and Subscribed Services by @solverat in #2528
- [MessengerBundle] make FailedMessageDetails and MessageDetails JsonSerializable by @dpfaffenbauer in #2530
What's Changed
- [CoreBundle] fix priority of coreshop_payment_token route by @dpfaffenbauer in #2542
- [Frontend] create order-token if not yet exists by @dpfaffenbauer in #2543
- [ProductBundle] default return empty array instead of null in preGetData by @breakone in #2544
What's Changed
- [ProductBundle] fix ClearCachedPriceRulesListener - remove service definition
- [CartManager] create unique key for cart items by @dpfaffenbauer in #2510
- [Core] Use order tokens in payment capture by @yariksheptykin in #2515
- [Core] add caching for recursive variant checking by @dpfaffenbauer in #2520
- use null coalescing operator against maxUsagePerUser by @solverat in #2524