Seems like:
- microk8s is full product (is from Canonical).
- k3s lightweight, not a development tool, meant to be installed as lightweight on iot etc.
- minikube, used to be most popular. Not a full fledged thing? And I remember hating it.
So next time try k3s, microk8s and for pachyderm will use kind.
But for pachyderm local deployment, they seem to only include
- docker desktop
- minikube
- kind
- oracle virtualbox
Consider just using kind to begin with.
Maybe just ?
Trying to understand best devflow for dockerless approach.
Seems microk8s is central choice for k8s. sudo snap install microk8s --classic
Seems skaffold is a reasonable build system to start with.
What about secrets?
What is skaffold?
What is Draft?
What is Garden?
What is Helm?
What is Jib? Some dockerfile build thing but seems java oriented.
What is Kustomize?
What is podman?
What is kaniko?