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High-Fidelity Most Frequently Used Eviction Policy

version 1.0

Daniel Owen


The High-Fidelity Most Recently Used Eviction (Hifi-MFU) policy replaces the 2-bit Least Recently Used eviction (2-bit_LRU) policy in 5.5.0 (Vulcan).

When memory usage reaches the high watermark, the ItemPager begins iterating over all StoredValues in memory, selecting values to evict. Evicting a StoredValue either removes just the document body from memory (value eviction) or removes the body and metadata (full eviction). Evicted documents are non-resident - they exist on disk but are not currently held in memory.

Eviction reduces memory usage, but at a cost: to serve a GET request for a non-resident item, it must first be loaded from disk by a background fetch (aka bgfetch). This increases the time taken to complete the GET operation.

To minimise how often items need to be bgfetched from disk, eviction attempts to keep frequently accessed values in the HashTable. To efficiently track how frequently value are used, Hifi-MFU maintains a 8-bit probabilistic frequency counter for each StoredValue, which is updated when the value is read or written.

The ItemPager will evict items if their frequency counter is below a certain threshold. This threshold is determined by maintaining a histogram of frequency counter values. The threshold is then set such that items with a frequency counter in the lowest N% of items will be evicted - the least frequently accessed items.

As clients can continue to store data, after the pager has visited all StoredValues, memory usage might not have reached the low watermark. In that case, the pager will start again, and will continue running until the low watermark is reached.

Tagged Pointer

Given an 8-bit frequency counter needs to be maintained for each StoredValue it could potentially increase memory usage by a significant amount. Therefore we make use of Tagged Pointers to avoid needing extra memory.

On x86-64 architectures the top 16-bits of a 64-bit address are not used. Therefore it is possible for use to make use of this unused space to store data. There are some complexities, such as the top 16-bits must be zero before a 64-bit pointer can be used to address a location in memory. Therefore a Tagged Pointer wrapper class is provided to hide away this additional complexity.

There are two 64-bit pointers in the storedValue object value and chain_next_or_replacement. Therefore we have a total of 32-bit of space that we could exploit. The value pointer is of type SingleThreadedRCPtr<Blob> whilst the chain_next_or_replacement pointer is of type std::unique_ptr<StoredValue> therefore two variants of TaggedPtr have been created. See for examples of how to use both.

We restrict our frequency counter to using only the bottom 8-bits of the 'value' pointer. The top 8-bits are used to store an age (measured in defragmenter task passes), which is used to determine if the defragger should be triggered.

Frequency Count

We use a 8-bit counter held in the storedValue to record the frequency that an item is accessed. The counter value is incremented using probabilistic counter which means that calling the increment function will not always increase the counter value. The behaviour is such that it is harder to increment the higher the counter value is. This allows us to represent a large frequency counter range in only a few bits.

The probabilistic counter function has to be invoked approximately 65K times before the 8-bit counter will become saturated. This means the counter behaves similar to a unsigned 16-bit counter, which has a maximum value of 65,536, however only requires 8-bits of storage.

Eviction Strategies

We support two eviction strategies for the HiFi policy -- learning_age_and_mfu and upfront_mfu_only.

Learning Age and MFU-based eviction strategy

Default MFU Value

An item is initially created with a initialFreqCount which is set to a default of 4. This ensures that the item is not an immediate candidate for eviction, and leaves space for items that are even colder.

Learning-based eviction

The learning_age_and_mfu strategy approximates the distribution of items which are eligible for eviction by sampling the StoredValues in the HashTable. The thresholds for eviction are recalculated at computed intervals, but no sooner than every 100 items.

For each vbucket we start with an initially empty frequency count histogram, and as we visit items their frequency count gets added to the histogram.

The MFU histogram attempts to approximate the distribution of frequency counter values for eligible stored values; if an item is ineligibie for eviction, for example if it is dirty (not yet persisted to disk) or already non-resident, it is not included in the histogram.

The age histogram is computed in the same way as the MFU histogram and holds the age (time since last mutation) of seen values.

Finally, when deciding whether to evict an item, thresholds for both age and frequency count are derived using the configured %iles. Items are evicted only if the age and MFU are both below the threholds (with the age threshold ignored for items with MFU == 0).


The aging component was introduced in MB-29013 and is used by the learning_age_and_mfu strategy to ensure that items that are recently changed and resident are not immediately evicted (the age is based on the CAS value of the item, which corresponds to the last mutation of the item).

Age is measured by taking the item's current cas from the maxCas (which is the maximum cas value of the associated vbucket). The time in nanoseconds is stored in the top 48 bits of the cas therefore we shift the age by 16-bits. This allows us to have an age histogram with a reduced maximum value and therefore reduces the memory requirements.

Age Histogram

The age histogram is populated by adding the current age of each item that we visit during PagingVisitor::visit.

The PagingVisitor constructor is passed an agePercentage (default of 30%) and a freqCounterAgeThreshold, which is a value between 0 and 255 (defaulted to 1).

The agePercentage is used to select a given age from the age histogram. The threshold returned from the histogram is used to define the minimum age that an item can be considered for eviction. For example if histogram when selected at 30% returns the value 10, then only those items that have an age >= to 10 will be eligible of eviction. Those below the threshold are considered too young for eviction.

To ensure that items do not remain in the hash table for longer than required, there is a minimum frequency counter threshold at which age is ignored ( defaulted to 1). This means that items that have a frequency counter below 1 ( i.e. 0) do not take age into account when being considered for eviction.

Updating The Frequency Counter Threshold and Age Threshold

As the frequency histogram and age histogram take time to be constructed, there is a learning phase. During this learning phase both the frequency counter and age thresholds are updated each time an item is visited. The duration of the learning phase is determined to be when the frequency counter histogram contains <= to the learningPopulation. The learningPopulation is determined by a constant value, currently set to 100.

Once outside of the learning phase the two thresholds are updating periodically. The frequency of updating the threshold is set to vbucket->getNumItems() * 0.001. So if the vbucket contains 10K items then every time the frequency histogram contains 10 more items the thresholds will be updated.

Detailed Algorithm

When the ItemPager task runs, the current memory usage is compared the high water mark. If it is greater, eviction will continue until memory usage falls below the low water mark. This may lead to a "sawtooth" pattern in memory usage over time.

The percentage of data to evict from active and replica vbuckets is computed as (roughly)

memoryToRecover = currentMemoryUsage - lowWaterMark
replicaEvictionRatio = min(1.0, memoryToRecover / replicaEvictableMemory)
activeEvictionRatio = max(0, (memoryToRecover-replicaEvictableMemory) / activeEvictableMemory)

The ItemPager creates one or more PagingVisitors ( see concurrent_pagers), which will visit vbuckets in descending order of memory usage.

For each vbucket, the PagingVistor then visits each StoredValue in the vbucket's HashTable. If the value is dirty1 or non-resident it is skipped.

Otherwise, the value's frequency counter is compared to frequencyCountThreshold. If it is above the threshold, the value is skipped - it is "frequently used".

The frequency counter is then compared to freqCounterAgeThreshold (which is a configuration parameter, defaulting to 1). If below, the age of the value is ignored - it is "cold" enough to evict regardless of age. Otherwise, the age of the item (taken from the CAS) is compared to ageThreshold, if below the item is "young" and is skipped.

If the item passes all the checks an attempt is made to evict it, and its frequency count and age are stored in the appropriate histograms.

If we are in the learning phase (i.e. first 100) or periodically we update the frequency count threshold and age threshold.

Once all values for a given vbucket have been visited, memory usage is re-checked. If it is now below the low watermark, the visitor stops.

Upfront MFU-only eviction strategy

Default MFU Value

The upfront_mfu_only eviction strategy does not use a separate age component. This is because the age component is implied by the MFU in this mode, as new items stored in the HashTable have an initial MFU value computed at a fixed %ile of the current MFU histogram.

MFU-based eviction

The upfront_mfu_only eviction strategy uses the MFU histograms of all items in the HashTable which are eligible for eviction (e.g. dirty and pending items are not eligible).

It derives an eviction threshold by taking the MFU value at the %ile determined by the ratio of (mem_used - low_wat) / low_wat, and evicts eligible items below that frequency counter threshold.

Initial MFU value

We want to give new items some minimum TTL, during which they can become hot on their own, before we consider them for eviction. This is why this eviction strategy uses the MFU histograms to calculate an appropriate MFU value at which to insert new items into the HashTable.

We only consider active and pending vBuckets when deriving an initial MFU value. This is because we prioritise eviction from replica vBuckets, and focus on keeping items in active vBuckets resident. The replica MFU histograms are not relevant to that and introduce skew in the derived initial MFU.

The initial MFU value is taken to be the 25%ile + 1.

The 25%ile is chosen semi-arbitrarily (see addendum). It can be interpreted as the % of resident items which will be evicted in order to reduce memory usage from high_wat to low_wat, assuming 50% of memory is evictable (the rest could be CheckpointManager and SVs for value-only eviction).

By choosing the 25%ile, we're at the highest MFU which will be evicted from during the next pager run, which will reduce mem_used from high_wat to low_wat, when 50% of the mem_used is evictable by the ItemPager.

We +1 to the initial MFU determined by taking a %ile from the MFU histogram, to make the item ineligible during that following pager run. We don't just pick a higher %ile because in case of many cold items, the 25, 50 or even 70%ile might be the same, and that would mean new items are immediately eligible for eviction, regardless of the %ile chosen.

The mutation age as determined by the CAS and used by the learning_age_and_mfu strategy is not used by the upfront_mfu_only strategy. The upfront_mfu_only eviction strategy protects items which were BGFetched recently, but does not protect items which were recently touched (any more than the item's MFU value allows (MFU is incremented on access)).

This should result in fewer BGFetches for read-only workloads.


The fixed %ile can never be perfect, because full-eviction vs. value-eviction, EP vs Ephemeral all have different constraints on what can be evicted. In addition to that, we could have up to 30% of memory used by the CheckpointManager. So in order to reduce mem_used from high_wat to low_wat, we might need to evict between 12% and 100% of resident items.

Given this histogram from a YCSB Workload D run, it is clear that for this specific test, any %ile between 5 and 30 will result in us picking the same frequency counter value.

vb_active_evictable_mfu (21740650 total)
1 - 2     : (  0.0626%)   13620
2 - 3     : (  4.1615%)  891120 █▊
3 - 4     : ( 31.6348%) 5972880 ███████████▊
4 - 5     : ( 55.9652%) 5289568 ██████████▍
5 - 6     : ( 70.2924%) 3114843 ██████▏

More extreme example is YCSB workload A, where any %ile below 96% will results in us picking bin 0.

vb_active_evictable_mfu (8921606 total)
0 - 1     : ( 96.6435%) 8622150 █████████████████████████████████████████▌
1 - 2     : ( 98.9734%)  207865 █
2 - 3     : ( 99.6535%)   60682 ▎

Paging Visitor

When the item pager task is run, it triggers the paging visitor task which iterates through all the vbucket selecting items for eviction.

The paging visitor is provided an eviction strategy which determines which items should be evicted from the vbucket.

Active verses Replica Eviction

Eviction prioritises keeping active data resident.

The ItemPager attempts to reduce memory usage to the low watermark. The approximate amount of memory which could be recovered from a vbucket if every value were to be evicted can be determined ahead of time. If it is estimated that the low watermark could be reached by evicting only replica data, no active data will be evicted in the current ItemPager pass.

This attempts to maximise the amount of resident active data, minimising how often client operations need to read data from disk.

Eviction from replicas vBuckets and ephemeral vBuckets

The calculated eviction thresholds differ based on whether the vbucket is active or replica, and whether the vBucket is an ephemeral bucket, and also on the ephemeral full policy. All of these determine what items can be evicted and when.

Decaying Task

Couchbase is expected to run for months, even years, without being restarted therefore it is possible that after an extended perod of time the frequency counts would become saturated for a large number of items. To avoid this a decayer task runs when the frequency counter of an item becomes saturated.

Frequency counters are decayed in 2 ways:

  • If we iterate over an item during the ItemPager run and we do not evict, we reduce its frequency count by 1. This ensures that if there is no changes to the hash table the item will evently be evicted.
  • If the frequency count of an item in the bucket get saturated we run the decayerTask. This task iterates over all items and reduces the frequency counts by 50%.


If eviction fails, we reduce the frequency counter by 1, to ensure that it will be evicted in a following pass. This was originally introduced in MB-29333 to handle the edge case where the learning_age_and_mfu eviction was still in the learning phase and the MFU threshold was 0, but there are not enough items for a learning pass to complete. Once the frequency counter reaches 0, the item is evicted. Currently, we maintain this behaviour regardless of eviction strategy.

Propagation of Hotness Information

If the consumer supports the hifi mfu eviction algorithm then the producer will send the frequency counter value of the item. Otherwise it will be converted from the 255 possible values to one of the 4 states used in the pre-existing Not Recently Used (NRU) algorithm.

The hotness information is sent from the producer to the consumer on each PREPARE and MUTATION. Note: that because it is only sent on write operations, items on the replica may not have an up-to-date frequency count.

Configuration Parameters

  • ht_eviction_policy - provides the ability to swtich between the original 2-bit_lru policy and the hifi_mfu policy.
  • item_eviction_strategy - defines the eviction strategy to use
  • item_freq_decayer_chunk_duration - defines time (in ms) itemFreqDecayer task will run for before being paused, defaulted to 20ms.
  • item_freq_decayer_percent - defines the percent that the frequency counter of a document is decayed when visited by item_freq_decayer, ( defaulted to 50%).
  • concurrent_pagers - number of paging visitors created by the ItemPager. Controls how many vbuckets can be visited at the same time. (defaulted to 2).

upfront_mfu_only configuration parameters

  • item_eviction_initial_mfu_percentile - defines the MFU %ile to use for the initial MFU of items stored under the upfront_mfu_only strategy
  • item_eviction_initial_mfu_update_interval - defines how frequently the initial MFU of items stored under the upfront_mfu_only strategy is recalculated

learning_age_and_mfu configuration parameters

  • item_eviction_age_percentage - defines the percentage that is used to select the appropriate age value from the age histogram, (defaulted to 30%).
  • item_eviction_freq_counter_age_threshold - defines the frequency counter value at which the age is ignored, ( defaulted to 1).


cbstats can be used with the eviction parameter to get the histogram of the number of docs evicted at specific frequency counts, as well as a snapshot of the current frequency count histogram. For example, running the follow cbstats command on default bucket results in the following output.

./cbstats -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -b default eviction

ep_active_or_pending_eviction_values_evicted (306849 total)

0 - 0 : ( 43.9780%) 134946 █████████████████████████████████████████████████▋
1 - 1 : ( 46.9573%)   9142 ███▎
2 - 2 : ( 50.6001%)  11178 ████
3 - 3 : ( 57.9484%)  22548 ████████▎
4 - 4 : (100.0000%) 129035 ███████████████████████████████████████████████▌
Avg   : (    0.0)

The first bar chart shows the total number of evictions from active or pending vbuckets and a histogram of frequency counts when documents were evicted. If a replica was configured for the bucket, a similar histogram would be presented for replica vbuckets.

The second histogram produced is a snapshot of the current frequency count histogram for the last active or pending vbucket from which documents were evicted. Again if a replica was configured for the bucket, a similar histogram would be shown for the last replica vbucket from which documents were evicted.

ep_active_or_pending_eviction_values_snapshot (5241 total)

0 - 0     : (  1.4119%)   74 █▌
1 - 1     : (  3.0338%)   85 █▊
2 - 2     : (  4.5602%)   80 █▋
3 - 3     : (  6.0103%)   76 █▌
4 - 4     : (  7.5558%)   81 █▋
255 - 255 : (100.0000%) 4845 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▌
Avg       : (    0.0)


  1. Dirty items have not yet been persisted; until they are, the value must remain in the HashTable. Otherwise an incoming GET would see either no value, or would bgfetch an old version of the document from disk - this would break consistency.