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Introduction to Riak

Riak is a distributed key-store that ensures maximal data availability by storing the data across multiple servers. It is an open source NoSQL database with high availability, fault tolerance, and is quite scalable. Riak is written in Erlang and supports automatic data replication and data distribution via consistent hashing. This gives it a purported near-linear performance increase as you add to its capacity. Riak supports variable consistency depending on the configuration. The unique thing about Riak is not the typical master slave model. Riak stores key-values into a bucket then the bucket and key are hashed together which maps the result to a 160 bit integer space. Riak then divides this space into partitions which are managed by virtual nodes. Physical nodes then divide up the virtual nodes among themselves. The way Riak does implicit data replication is that when you write data to one of these virtual partitions it is automatically copied to n more partitions that are adjacent to the written one. Riak is based off a paper written about Amazon’s Dynamo therefore it shares a lot things in common with Dynamo.

Underlying Data Model:

Enabling Data Types

By default, Riak is schemaless and does not enable any data types for you. If you want to use these data types listed below, you will have to enable it using the riak-admin CLI tool. To enable a data type, run:

  riak-admin bucket-type create <data-type> ‘{“props”: {“datatype”: “datatype”}}’

For example, to enable the map data type you would run:

  riak-admin bucket-type create maps ‘{“props”: {“datatype”: “map”}}’

You can read more about here.

Data Types Overview

In this section we will give a short summary of what each data type supported by Riak out-of-the-box. We will assume all examples are executed using the python driver. You can read more about each data type here


A Bucket is essentially a flat namespace in Riak. It allows you to duplicate key names as long as they exist in separate buckets.


# Creates a default bucket with name key
customers  = client.bucket(key)


Flags are essentially boolean values and can only be stored within a map.


map.flags[‘enterprise_customer’].disable() # Set the value # Writes the value
map.reload().flags[‘enterprise_customer’].value # Get the value


Registers are named binary values like strings. They must also be used in a map exclusively.




Counters: are bucket level and can be used by themselves. Their values can be positive, zero, or negative integers.


bucket = client.bucket_type(‘counters’).bucket(key) # Create the bucket for it
counter = # Create the counter
counter.increment(value) # Can be empty for 1 or an integer value
counter.decrement(value) # Write to server


Sets are bucket level and can be used by itself or be put into another collection like a bucket. This is a collection of binary values that are unique. Duplicate additions will be ignored by Riak.


set =
# or create the bucket
key = client.bucket_type(‘sets’).bucket(‘travel’)
cities_set =‘cities’)


All data types can be put in a map. This enables a map to be the basic data type of Riak.


customers = client.bucket_type(‘map_bucket’).bucket(‘customers’)
map =


This is a data structure that is used to estimate (within 2%) of the number of distinct entries of an input. This data structure is used in queries as a representation of the HyperLogLog algorithm.


bucket_type = client.bucket_type('hlls')
bucket = bucket_type.bucket('my_hlls')
hll =

Installation of Riak

Installation process is paraphrased from general installation page For direct information about Ubuntu look here.

Assuming that you are installing on the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system, execute the command

  curl -s | sudo bash
  sudo apt-get install riak

Configuring Riak

Basic configuration

  • Riak was written almost exclusively in Erlang and runs on an Erlang virtual machine. Before building and starting a cluster, there are some Erlang-VM-related changes that you should make to your configuration files. In your riak.conf file, add the next two lines:
      erlang.schedulers.force_wakeup_interval = 500
      erlang.schedulers.compaction_of_load = false
  • Before using the cluster, you will need to set the ring size, the number of data partitions that comprise the cluster, which will impacts the scalability and performance of a cluster. This needs to be done before the cluster receiving any data. Change the ring creation size parameter by uncommenting it in riak.conf and setting it to the desired value, for example:
      ring_size = 64
  • Other available configuration options are here.

Cluster configuration

  • Configuring a Riak cluster involves instructing each node to listen on a non-local interface (i.e. not and then joining all of the nodes together to participate in the cluster. Most configuration changes will be applied to the riak.conf file located in your /riak/etc directory.
  • Configuring the first node. First, you need to stop the Riak node if it is currently running:
      riak stop
  • Second, you need to select an IP address and port: If you are using the protocol buffers interface:
      listener.protobuf.internal = <IP Address>:<port number>
    If you are using HTTP interface:
      listener.http.internal = <IP Address>:<port number>
  • Next, you need to name your node. Every node in Riak has a name associated with it, the default name is [email protected]. You can change it from the riak.conf file:
      nodename = riak@<IP Address>
  • Now, your node is properly configured, you can start it by:
      riak start
  • If the Riak node has been previously started, you must use the following command to change the node name and update the node’s ring file:
      riak-admin cluster replace <old nodename> <new nodename>
  • As with all cluster changes, you need to view the planned changes by running the following command to finalize those changes:
      riak-admin cluster plan
      riak-admin cluster commit

Adding a second node to your cluster

  • Repeat the above steps for a second host on the same network, giving the second node a different host/port and node name. Then start the second node.
  • Use the following command to join the second node to the first node, thereby creating an initial Riak cluster:
      riak-admin cluster join <first node’s nodename>
  • Next, plan and commit the changes using:
      riak-admin cluster plan
      riak-admin cluster commit
  • After the last command, you should see Cluster changes committed. You can use the same approach to add more nodes to the cluster.

Checking your Riak cluster status

  • You can use riak-admin command to check the status from shell command line:
      bin/riak-admin status | grep ring_members
  • If you are running your riak node, just use:
      riak-admin status

Removing a node from a cluster

You can use the riak-admin command from any other node in the cluster to do so:

  riak-admin cluster leave <nodename of the leaving node>

Riak Search Setting

Riak support a function called Riak Search with Solr integration. Riak Search is off by default. To enable it, you need to add the following line to riak.conf:

  search = on

In the default riak.conf file, you can find all the Riak Search configuration settings in riak.conf. Setting search = on is required, but other search settings are optional. You can explore them more at link.

Managing Configuration:

A simple command can help you retrieving a list of all of the configs currently applied in the node:

  riak config effective

For detailed information about a particular configuration variable, use

  riak config describe <variable> command.

For example:

  riak config describe ring_size

Riak has a chkconfig command that enables you to determine whether the syntax in your configuration files is correct. It will output config is OK if your configuration files are syntactically sound:

  riak chkconfig

Riak supports a command that you can use to debug your configuration:

  riak config generate -l debug

Warm Up Activity:

Now that you have read through a quick introduction and how to setup your own Riak cluster, head over to our Warm Up Activity.



Underlying data model examples

Configuration reference:

Cluster configuration: