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How to Configure External Secrets Operator with Vault


In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure and use the External Secrets Operator. External Secrets Operator is a Kubernetes operator that integrates external secret management systems like AWS Secrets Manager, HashiCorp Vault, Google Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault and many more. The operator reads information from external APIs and automatically injects the values into a Kubernetes Secret. You will be installing and configuring Vault server on an external DO Droplet.

The goal of External Secrets Operator is to synchronize secrets from external APIs into Kubernetes. ESO is a collection of custom API resources - ExternalSecret, SecretStore and ClusterSecretStore that provide a user-friendly abstraction for the external API that stores and manages the lifecycle of the secrets for you.

If you are using an external secrets manager to handle sensitive data then ESO if the way to go. Examples of secrets managers include HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, IBM Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, Akeyless, Google Secrets Manager, etc. To get secrets from you secrets manager into your cluster is by using the External Secrets Operator, a Kubernetes operator that enables you to integrate and read values from your external secrets management system and insert them as Secrets in your cluster. On the other hand if you are not using an external secrets manager you can use Sealed Secrets to handle sensitive data. Sealed Secrets allow for “one-way” encryption of your Kubernetes Secrets and can only be decrypted by the Sealed Secrets controller running in your target cluster. This mechanism is based on public-key encryption, a form of cryptography consisting of a public key and a private key pair. One can be used for encryption, and only the other key can be used to decrypt what was encrypted. To use Sealed Secrets, you have to deploy the controller to your target cluster and download the kubeseal CLI tool.

External Operator Architecture

External Secrets Operator Architecture

Table of contents


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  1. A Git client, for cloning the Starter Kit repository.
  2. Helm, for installing the Loki stack chart.
  3. Kubectl, for Kubernetes interaction.
  4. A text editor with YAML lint support, for example: Visual Studio Code.
  5. Vault sever installed on a DO Droplet as explained in this article. Please install the Vault sever on the same VPC Network as the Kubernetes droplet for easier access via private address.

Note: Please make sure that you replace the vault version in the packer template.json from 1.8.4 to 1.11.3. That is specified in the provisioner block on line 16. Change it from:

"curl -L -o"


"curl -L -o"

Step 1 - Understanding External Secrets Operator

The External Secrets Operator extends Kubernetes with Custom Resources, which define where secrets live and how to synchronize them. The controller fetches secrets from an external API and creates Kubernetes secrets. If the secret from the external API changes, the controller will reconcile the state in the cluster and update the secrets accordingly.

The External Secrets Operator uses the following CRDs:

  • Secret Store - the idea behind the SecretStore resource is to separate concerns of authentication/access and the actual Secret and configuration needed for workloads. The ExternalSecret specifies what to fetch, the SecretStore specifies how to access. This resource is namespaced.
  • Cluster Secret Store - The ClusterSecretStore is a global, cluster-wide SecretStore that can be referenced from all namespaces. You can use it to provide a central gateway to your secret provider.
  • External Secret - An ExternalSecret declares what data to fetch. It has a reference to a SecretStore which knows how to access that data. The controller uses that ExternalSecret as a blueprint to create secrets.

During this guide you will be using Hashicorp Vault as a provider for secrets management. Vault itself implements lots of different secret engines. ESO only supports the KV Secrets Engine.

Step 2 - Configuring the Vault Server


The vault server in this chapter is for development/demonstration purposes only.

HashiCorp Vault is an identity-based secrets and encryption management system. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API encryption keys, passwords, and certificates. Vault provides encryption services that are gated by authentication and authorization methods. Using Vault’s UI, CLI, or HTTP API, access to secrets and other sensitive data can be securely stored and managed, tightly controlled (restricted), and auditable.

A modern system requires access to a multitude of secrets, including database credentials, API keys for external services, credentials for service-oriented architecture communication, etc. It can be difficult to understand who is accessing which secrets, especially since this can be platform-specific. Adding on key rolling, secure storage, and detailed audit logs is almost impossible without a custom solution. This is where Vault steps in.

Vault validates and authorizes clients (users, machines, apps) before providing them access to secrets or stored sensitive data.

Please follow the next steps to configure vault:

  1. SSH into the droplet created in Step 5.

  2. Create a file called config.hcl and add the following content to it:

    listener "tcp" {
    address = ""
    tls_disable = "true"
    storage "raft" {
    path = "./vault/data"
    node_id = "node1"
    cluster_addr = ""
    api_addr = ""

    Explanations for the above configuration:

    • listener - Configures how Vault is listening for API requests. It's currently set to listen on all interfaces so your Kubernetes Cluster can communicate to it.
    • storage - Configures the storage backend where Vault data is stored. Raft is the integrated storage backend used by Vault.

    Note: When using the Integrated Storage backend, it is required to provide cluster_addr and api_addr to indicate the address and port to be used for communication between Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection.

  3. Create the vault directory which will be used as storage from the current working directory:

    mkdir -p vault/data
  4. Start the Vault server using the config file created in the above step:

    vault server -config=config.hcl
  5. Open a new terminal instance and ssh into the droplet

  6. Export the VAULT_ADDR environment variable to the following:

    export VAULT_ADDR=
  7. Initialize the vault server with the following command:

    vault operator init

    IMPORTANT NOTE: After the initialize command the ouput will show 5 Unseal Keys and an initial Root Token. These are very important. Vault is sealed by default so you will use three keys to unseal it. The Root Token value will be used in the SecretStore CRD to connect to the Vault server from the Kubernetes Cluster. You should save these values and keep them stored in a secure place like a Password Manager with limited access.

  8. Export the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable to the value of the Root Token from the previous step:

  9. Unseal the vault server with the Unseal Kyes outputted above:

    vault operator unseal

    You should see something similar to the following:

    root@vault:~# vault operator unseal
    Unseal Key (will be hidden):
    Key                Value
    ---                -----
    Seal Type          shamir
    Initialized        true
    Sealed             true
    Total Shares       5
    Threshold          3
    Unseal Progress    1/3
    Unseal Nonce       5f5492b4-b89a-cbf1-9e02-1f95c890710b
    Version            1.11.3
    Build Date         2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
    Storage Type       raft
    HA Enabled         true

    Note: Please note that you will need to repeat this step three times with different keys as shown in the Unseal Progress line.

  10. Enable the KV secrets engine:

    vault secrets enable -path=secret/ kv
  11. Check the status of the Vault server:

    vault status

    You should see something similar to the following:

    root@vault:~# vault status
    Key                     Value
    ---                     -----
    Seal Type               shamir
    Initialized             true
    Sealed                  false
    Total Shares            5
    Threshold               3
    Version                 1.11.3
    Build Date              2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
    Storage Type            raft
    Cluster Name            vault-cluster-5641086a
    Cluster ID              9ea65968-d2fc-cca1-d396-75de70e1289b
    HA Enabled              true
    HA Cluster    
    HA Mode                 active
    Active Since            2022-09-09T12:21:20.509152959Z
    Raft Committed Index    36
    Raft Applied Index      36

    Note: Take note of the Initialized and Sealed lines. They should show true and false, respectively.

As a precaution you should also restrict incoming connections to the Vault Server Droplet to just the Kubernetes cluster. This is necessary as for the time being as TLS is disabled in the vault config file. To achieve this please follow the next steps:

  1. Log into your DO account and go to the "Networking" --> "Firewalls" menu.
  2. Click on the "Create Firewall" button.
  3. Add a name to the firewall and from the Inbound rules configure the following rule: "Custom" rule type, "TCP" protocol, 8200 port and the "Source" should be set the Kubernetes Cluster which will consume secrets from the Vault server.
  4. After the rule is created make sure you add this rule to the droplet from the "Droplets" menu.

Note: TBD - Securing the Vault Server with TLS certificates.

At this point the Vault Server should be initialized and ready for use. In the next section you will create a ClusterSecretStore and ExternalSecret CRD.

Step 3 - Installing and Configuring the External Secrets Operator

In this step, you will learn how to deploy External Secrets Operator to your DOKS cluster, using Helm. The chart of interest can be found here.

First, clone the Starter Kit repository, and then change directory to your local copy:

git clone

cd Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers

Next, add the External Secrets Helm repository and list the available charts:

helm repo add external-secrets

helm repo update external-secrets

helm search repo external-secrets

The output looks similar to the following:

NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                              
external-secrets/external-secrets       0.5.9           v0.5.9          External secret management for Kubernetes


  • It's good practice in general, to use a specific version for the Helm chart. This way, you can version it using Git, and target if for a specific release. In this tutorial, the Helm chart version 0.5.9 is picked for external-secrets, which maps to application version 0.5.9.

Next, install the stack using Helm. The following command installs version 0.5.9 of external-secrets/external-secrets in your cluster, and also creates the external-secrets namespace, if it doesn't exist (it also installs CRDs):


helm install external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets --version "${HELM_CHART_VERSION}" \
  --namespace=external-secrets \
  --create-namespace \
  --set installCRDs=true

Finally, check Helm release status:

helm ls -n external-secrets

The output looks similar to (STATUS column should display 'deployed'):

NAME                    NAMESPACE               REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
external-secrets        external-secrets        1               2022-09-10 10:33:50.324582 +0300 EEST   deployed        external-secrets-0.5.9  v0.5.9    

Next, inspect all the Kubernetes resources created for External Secrets:

kubectl get all -n external-secrets

The output looks similar to:

NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/external-secrets-66457766c4-95mvm                   1/1     Running   0          48s
pod/external-secrets-cert-controller-6bd49df95b-8bw6x   1/1     Running   0          48s
pod/external-secrets-webhook-579c46bf-g4z6p             1/1     Running   0          48s

NAME                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/external-secrets-webhook   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   49s

NAME                                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/external-secrets                   1/1     1            1           50s
deployment.apps/external-secrets-cert-controller   1/1     1            1           50s
deployment.apps/external-secrets-webhook           1/1     1            1           50s

NAME                                                          DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-66457766c4                   1         1         1       50s
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-cert-controller-6bd49df95b   1         1         1       50s
replicaset.apps/external-secrets-webhook-579c46bf             1         1         1       50s

Next, you will create a ClusterSecretStore, which is what External Secrets Operator uses to store information about how to communicate with the given secrets provider. But before you work with the External Secrets Operator, you’ll need to add your Vault token inside a Kubernetes secret so that the External Secrets Operator can communicate with the secrets provider. This token was created when you first initalized the operator in Step 2.

To create the Kubernetes secret containing the token follow the next steps:

kubectl create secret generic vault-token --from-literal=token=<YOUR_VAULT_TOKEN>

The output should look similar to:

secret/vault-token created

Note: The ClusterSecretStore is a cluster scoped SecretStore that can be referenced by all ExternalSecrets from all namespaces whereas SecretStore is namespaced. Use it to offer a central gateway to your secret backend.

A typical ClusterSecretStore configuration looks like below:

kind: ClusterSecretStore
  name: vault-backend
      server: "<YOUR_DROPLET_ADDRESS>:<PORT>"
      path: "secret"
      version: "v1"
          name: "<YOUR_SECRET_NAME>"
          key: "<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>"

Explanations for the above configuration:

  • spec.provider.vault.server: Interal IP address of the Vault server droplet. Runs on port 8200.
  • spec.provider.vault.path: Path where secrets are located.
  • spec.provider.vault.version: Version of the Vault KV engine.
  • Name of the previously created secret holding the Root Token of the Vault server.
  • auth.tokenSecretRef.key: Key name in the secret since the secret was created with a key-value pair.

Then, open and inspect the 06-kubernetes-secrets/assets/manifests/cluster-secret-store.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using an editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Please make sure to replace the <> placeholders accordingly:

code 06-kubernetes-secrets/assets/manifests/cluster-secret-store.yaml

Next, create the ClusterSecretStore resource:

kubectl apply -f 06-kubernetes-secrets/assets/manifests/cluster-secret-store.yaml

This command applies the ClusterSecretStore CRD to your cluster and creates the object. You can see the object by running the following command, which will show you all of the information about the object inside of Kubernetes:

kubectl get ClusterSecretStore vault-backend

You should see something similar to:

NAME            AGE   STATUS   READY
vault-backend   97s   Valid    True

Note: If you created the SecretStore successfully, you should see the STATUS column with a Valid value. If not, a very common issue is message: unable to validate store. This generally means that the authentication method for your client has failed as the ClusterSecretStore will try and create a client for your provider to verify everything is working. Recheck the secret containing the token and the status of the vault server.

Step 4 - Fetching an Example Secret

In this section, you will create an ExternalSecret, which is the main resource in the External Secrets Operator. The ExternalSecret resource tells ESO to fetch a specific secret from a specific SecretStore and where to put the information. This resource is very important because it defines what secret you’d like to get from the external secret provider, where to put it, which secret store to use, and how often to sync the secret, among several other options.

Before creating the ExternalSecret you need to have a secret available in the VaultServer. If you do not have one, follow the next steps:

  1. SSH into the Vault Server droplet (if you closed the server you will need to restart the server and unseal it. Steps highlighted in Step 2)

  2. Create a secret using the following command:

    vault kv put -mount=secret secret key=secret-value

    You should see the following output:

    Success! Data written to: secret/secret

A typical ExternalSecret configuration looks like below:

kind: ExternalSecret
  refreshInterval: "15s"
    name: vault-backend
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
    creationPolicy: Owner
    - secretKey: <SECRET_KEY>
        key: <VAULT_SECRET_KEY>
        property: <VAULT_SECRET_PROPRETY>

Explanations for the above configuration:

  • spec.refreshInterval: How often this secret is synchronized. If the secret's value changes in Vault it will be updated it's Kubernetes counterpart.
  • spec.secretStoreRef: Referance to the ClusterSecretStore resource created earlier.
  • Secret to be created in Kuberentes. If not present, then the secretKey field under data will be used
  • This will create the secret if it doesn't exist
  • data.[].secretKey: This is the key inside of the Kubernetes secret that you would like to populate.
  • data.[].remoteRef.key: This is the remote key in the secret provider. (As an example the previously created secret would be: secret/secret)
  • data.[] This is the property inside of the secret at the path specified in in data.[].remoteRef.key. (As an example the previously created secret would be: key)

Then, open and inspect the 06-kubernetes-secrets/assets/manifests/external-secret.yaml file provided in the Starter Kit repository, using an editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). Please make sure to replace the <> placeholders accordingly:

code 06-kubernetes-secrets/assets/manifests/cluster-secret-store.yaml

Next, create the ExternalSecret resource:

kubectl apply -f 06-kubernetes-secrets/assets/manifests/external-secret.yaml

This command applies the ExternalSecret CRD to your cluster and creates the object. You can see the object by running the following command, which will show you all of the information about the object inside of Kubernetes:

kubectl get ExternalSecret example-sync

You should see something similar to:

NAME           STORE           REFRESH INTERVAL   STATUS         READY
example-sync   vault-backend   15s                SecretSynced   True

If the previous output has a Sync Error under STATUS, nmake sure your SecretStore is set up correctly. You can view the actual error by running the following command:

kubectl get ExternalSecret example-sync -o yaml


In this tutorial, you learned how to setup Vault on an external server and how to setup and configure the External Secrets Operator. You enabled communication between your DOKS cluster and the Vault Server making use of the External Secrets Operator CRDs. You also created a secret in your DOKS cluster by syncing an existing secret in Vault Server.

This guide showed the basic functionalities of both Vault and External Secrets Operator For more advanced funtionalities make sure you read their documentation here:

Go to Section 7 - Scaling Application Workloads.