- Using the provide code in src folder, modify the sample file
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/CMakeLists.txt
- to be able to execute the complete workflow
- cmake .
- ccmake .
- make
- make test
- run
- Note:
- The code is written in both c++ and fortran 90, so cmake should look know it
- use enable_language (Fortran)
- It relies upon blas dgemm and lapack dsyev routine, so blas and lapack should be searched using the built-in modules
- use
- find_package (libname REQUIRED)
- include_directories
- target_link_libraries
- The code works with both c-style random number generators and c+11 new random generators.
try adding the following code to BUILD_DIR/CMakelists.txt
option (USE_CXX11 "C++11 compatibiity, mostly for the random generator class" ON) if (USE_CXX11) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11") endif (USE_CXX11)
This will add a switchable field, that can be modified using ccmake
activate testing ( use "enable_testing()" )
- add a test
:: add_test (MatrixExpId3 ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/MatrixExp 3 17 Id)
set_tests_properties ( MatrixExpId3 PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Difference between the two methods 0.00000000000000")
- have the executables built in the "bin" folder