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Mobility Data Specification: Agency

This specification contains a collection of RESTful APIs used to specify the digital relationship between mobility as a service Providers and the Agencies that regulate them.

  • Authors: LADOT
  • Date: 25 Feb 2019
  • Version: BETA

Table of Contents


When making requests, the Agency API expects provider_id to be part of the claims in a JWT access_token in the Authorization header, in the form Authorization: Bearer <access_token>. The token issuance, expiration and revocation policies are at the discretion of the Agency.


As with the Provider API, timestamp refers to integer milliseconds since Unix epoch.


The /vehicles endpoint returns the specified vehicle (if a device_id is provided) or a list of known vehicles. Providers can only retrieve data for vehicles in their registered fleet.

Endpoint: /vehicles/{device_id} Method: GET

Path Params:

Param Type Required/Optional Description
device_id UUID Optional If provided, retrieve the specified vehicle

200 Success Response:

If device_id is specified, GET will return a single vehicle record, otherwise it will be a list of vehicle records with pagination details per the JSON API spec:

	"vehicles": [ ... ]
 	"links": {
        "first": "https://...",
        "last": "https://...",
        "prev": "https://...",
        "next": "https://..."

A vehicle record is as follows:

Field Type Field Description
device_id UUID Provided by Operator to uniquely identify a vehicle
provider_id UUID Issued by City and tracked
vehicle_id String Vehicle Identification Number (vehicle_id) visible on vehicle
type Enum Vehicle Type
propulsion Enum[] Array of Propulsion Type; allows multiple values
year Integer Year Manufactured
mfgr String Vehicle Manufacturer
model String Vehicle Model
status Enum Current vehicle status. See Vehicle Status
prev_event Enum Last Vehicle Event
updated Timestamp Date of last event update

404 Failure Response:

No content returned on vehicle not found.

Vehicle - Register

The /vehicles registration endpoint is used to register a vehicle for use in the Agency jurisdiction.

Endpoint: /vehicles Method: POST

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
device_id UUID Required Provided by Operator to uniquely identify a vehicle
vehicle_id String Required Vehicle Identification Number (vehicle_id) visible on vehicle
type Enum Required Vehicle Type
propulsion Enum[] Required Array of Propulsion Type; allows multiple values
year Integer Optional Year Manufactured
mfgr String Optional Vehicle Manufacturer
model String Optional Vehicle Model

201 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

409 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
already_registered A vehicle with device_id is already registered

Vehicle - Update

The /vehicles update endpoint is used to update some mutable aspect of a vehicle. For now, only vehicle_id.

Endpoint: /vehicles/{device_id} Method: PUT

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
vehicle_id String Required Vehicle Identification Number (vehicle_id) visible on vehicle

201 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

404 Failure Response:

No content returned if no vehicle matching device_id is found.

Vehicle - Event

The vehicle /event endpoint allows the Provider to control the state of the vehicle including deregister a vehicle from the fleet.

Endpoint: /vehicles/{device_id}/event Method: POST

Path Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
device_id UUID Required ID used in Register

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
event_type Enum Required see Vehicle Events
event_type_reason Enum Required if Available see Vehicle Events
timestamp Timestamp Required Date of last event update
telemetry Telemetry Required Single point of telemetry
trip_id UUID Optional UUID provided by Operator to uniquely identify the trip. Required for trip_start, trip_end, trip_enter, and trip_leave event types

201 Success Response:

Field Type Field Description
device_id UUID UUID provided by Operator to uniquely identify a vehicle
status Enum Vehicle status based on posted event_type. See Vehicle Status

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing Array of missing parameters
unregistered Vehicle is not registered

Vehicles - Telemetry

The vehicle /telemetry endpoint allows a Provider to send vehicle telemetry data in a batch for any number of vehicles in the fleet. Telemetry data will be reported to the API every 5 seconds for each vehicle in motion.

Endpoint: /vehicles/telemetry Method: POST

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
data Telemetry[] Required Array of telemetry for one or more vehicles.

201 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

Service Areas

The /service_areas endpoint gets the list of service areas available to the Provider or a single area.

Endpoint: /service_areas/{service_area_id} Method: GET

Path Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
service_area_id UUID Optional If provided, retrieve a specific service area (e.g. a retired or old service area). If omitted, will return all active service areas.

Query Params:

Parameter Type Required/Optional Description
bbox String Optional The bounding box upper, left, lower and right coordinates in WGS84 degrees. All geometries overlapping this rectangle will be returned. The format is: lat,long;lat,long

200 Success Response:

Field Types Required/Optional Field Description
service_area_id UUID Required UUID issued by city
start_date Timestamp Required Date at which this service area became effective
end_date Timestamp Optional If exists, Date at which this service area was replaced.
area MultiPolygon Required GeoJson MultiPolygon in WGS84 degrees.
prev_area UUID Optional If exists, the UUID of the prior service area.
replacement_area UUID Optional If exists, the UUID of the service area that replaced this one
type Enum Required See area types

Vehicle Events

List of valid vehicle events and the resulting vehicle status if the event is sucessful. Note that to handle out-of-order events, the validity of the initial-status is not enforced. Events received out-of-order may result in transient incorrect vehicle states.

event_type event_type_reason description valid initial status status on success status_description
register Default state for a newly registered vehicle inactive removed A vehicle is in the active fleet but not yet available for customer use
service_start Vehicle introduced into service at the beginning of the day (if program does not operate 24/7) unavailable available Vehicle is on the street and available for customer use.
service_end low_battery, maintenance, compliance, off_hours A vehicle is no longer available due to event_type_reason available unavailable
provider_drop_off Vehicle moved for rebalancing removed, elsewhere available
provider_pick_up rebalance, maintenancecharge, compliance Vehicle removed from street and will be placed at another location to rebalance service available, unavailable, elsewhere removed
city_pick_up Vehicle removed by city available, unavailable removed
reserve Customer reserves vehicle available reserved Vehicle is reserved or in use.
cancel_reservation Customer cancels reservation reserved available
trip_start Customer starts a trip available, reserved trip
trip_enter Customer enters the municipal area managed by agency during an active trip. removed, elsewhere trip
trip_leave Customer leaves the municipal area managed by agency during an active trip. trip elsewhere
trip_end Customer ends trip and reservation trip available
deregister missing A vehicle is deregistered available, unavailable, removed, elsewhere inactive A vehicle is deactivated from the fleet.

The diagram below shows the expected events and related status transitions for a vehicle: Event State Diagram

Telemetry Data

A standard point of vehicle telemetry. References to latitude and longitude imply coordinates encoded in the WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) standard GPS projection expressed as Decimal Degrees.

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
device_id UUID Required ID used in Register
timestamp Timestamp Required Date/time that event occurred. Based on GPS clock
gps Object Required Telemetry position data Double Required Latitude of the location
gps.lng Double Required Longitude of the location
gps.altitude Double Required if Available Altitude above mean sea level in meters
gps.heading Double Required if Available Degrees - clockwise starting at 0 degrees at true North
gps.speed Float Required if Available Speed in meters / sec
gps.hdop Float Required if Available Horizontal GPS accuracy value (see hdop)
gps.satellites Integer Required if Available Number of GPS satellites
charge Float Required if Applicable Percent battery charge of vehicle, expressed between 0 and 1

Enum Definitions

Area Types

type Description
unrestricted Areas where vehicles may be picked up/dropped off. A provider's unrestricted area shall be contained completely inside the agency's unrestricted area for the provider in question, but it need not cover the entire agency unrestricted area. See the provider version of the service areas endpoint
restricted Areas where vehicle pick-up/drop-off is not allowed
preferred_pick_up Areas where users are encouraged to pick up vehicles
preferred_drop_off Areas where users are encouraged to drop off vehicles

Vehicle Type


Propulsion Type

propulsion Description
human Pedal or foot propulsion
electric_assist Provides power only alongside human propulsion
electric Contains throttle mode with a battery-powered motor
combustion Contains throttle mode with a gas engine-powered motor

A vehicle may have one or more values from the propulsion, depending on the number of modes of operation. For example, a scooter that can be powered by foot or by electric motor would have the propulsion represented by the array ['human', 'electric']. A bicycle with pedal-assist would have the propulsion represented by the array ['human', 'electric_assist'] if it can also be operated as a traditional bicycle.


  • 200: OK: operation successful.
  • 201: Created: POST operations, new object created
  • 400: Bad request.
  • 401: Unauthorized: Invalid, expired, or insufficient scope of token.
  • 404: Not Found: Object does not exist, returned on GET or POST operations if the object does not exist.
  • 409: Conflict: POST operations when an object already exists and an update is not possible.
  • 500: Internal server error: In this case, the answer may contain a text/plain body with an error message for troubleshooting.

Error Message Format

Field Type Field Description
error String Error message string
error_description String Human readable error description (can be localized)
error_details String[] Array of error details