- When Should You Use Which Collection?
To get this out of the way: you should probably just use Vec or HashMap. These two collections cover most use cases for generic data storage and processing. They are exceptionally good at doing what they do. All the other collections in the standard library have specific use cases where they are the optimal choice, but these cases are borderline niche in comparison. Even when Vec and HashMap are technically suboptimal, they’re probably a good enough choice to get started.
- The
pub struct ViewModel {
} exposes its data viapub
. Is this an Adapter? - All else have
pub struct {
} only. Is this a Port?
Elm | Crux | Notes |
Model | Model | the Model holds all the possible states the app can be in |
a) View | ViewModel | the ViewModel contains data relevant to the currently displayed UI/view |
b) View | fn view() in App | the fn view() function populates ViewModel’s data fron the Model |
c) View | see “Cmd Msg” in Capabilities | the Shells will send/receive the data to/from ViewModel via Capabilities |
d) View | no Model -> Html Msg here | unlike Elm, Crux doesn’t render a View but sends data to Shells (see “c”) |
Update | fn update() in App | takes Model, Events, Capabilities and changes Model by invoking Events |
a) Msg | Events | are all the possible things the user can do |
b) Cmd Msg | Events | invoke Capabilities and may also callback more Events |
(Model, Msg) | fn update() implicit return of? | self.update(Event::Update(count), model, caps); |
main | crux_core::App entry point | is an implementation of the App trait, exposed via the Core or Bridge |
a) init | #[derive(Default)] | set Model initial state with Default Trait; impl Default for any custom Types |
b) init | works like Elm’s sandbox | no request effects during init. You can always add Event::Init if needed |
Side Effects | Capabilities/FFI | Notes |
a) Side Effects | Capabilities | Crux has three types of effects: notifications, requests, and subscriptions |
b) Side Effects | Capabilities | Crux side effects differ by the number of expected responses from the Shell |
c) Side Effects | Capabilities | Crux fn update() in App is the only Capabilities consumer, via Events |
Cmd Msg | Capabilities | from the perspective of the Shell, they are data oriented messages sent back and forth |
Cmd.none? | Capabilities | the Crux app will send the data to the Shell every time you call caps.render.render(); |
subscriptions | Capabilities | subscriptions is a type of an effect in Crux, requested via capabilities |
ports | Capabilities | contrary to Elm Ports, Crux requests all side-effects, internally, through Capabilities |
flags | Event::Configure | favor something like Event::Configure to take the configuration options |
- This needs some more love and thinking. It’s a start though
#[derive(Default, Serialize)]
pub struct Model {
// preferences UI
theme: Theme,
text_size: TextSize,
browser: Browser,
open_method: OpeningMethod,
refresh_interval: RefreshInterval,
// accounts: Vec<Account>, // will contain subscriptions in a future version
// nain UI
// "specials"
unread_count: u16,
starred_count: u16, // isUnread && isStarred
entry_read: ReadStatus,
entry_star: StarStatus,
feed_url: String,
// subscriptions,
subscriptions: Subscriptions,
subscription_folder: SubscriptionFolder, // root or folder
// left column
feed_view: FeedView, // Smart View = today | all unread | starred | folder | feed
// for any account,
account_name: String, // extrapolated from account
feeds: Vec<Feed>,
feed_name: String,
// middle column
entries_title: String, // folder or feed
entries: Vec<Entry>,
entry_title: String,
entry_line: String, // whatever fits from content 1st line
entry_date: Date, // dd mm yyyy
// right column
content: Option<Content>,
- This needs some more love and thinking. It’s a start though
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ViewModel {
// preferences UI
pub theme: Theme,
pub text_size: TextSize,
pub use_browser: Browser,
pub open_method: OpeningMethod,
pub refresh_interval: RefreshInterval,
// accounts: Vec<Account>, // contains subscriptions in the future
// nain UI
// "specials"
pub subscriptions: OPML,
pub unread_count: u16,
pub starred_count: u16,
pub entry_read: ReadStatus,
pub entry_star: StarStatus,
pub feed_url: String,
// left column
pub feed_view: FeedView, // Smart View: today | all unread | starred,
// for any account,
pub account_name: String, // extrapolated from account
pub feed_store: FeedStore, // root or folder
pub feed_name: String, // extrapolated from feed
// middle column
pub entries_title: String, // folder or feed
pub entries: Vec<Entry>,
pub entry_title: String,
pub entry_line: String, // whatever fits from content 1st line
pub entry_date: StarStatus, // dd mm yyyy
// right column
pub content: Option<Content>,
// modals
// subscribe modal
pub feed_url: String,
pub feed_name: String,
pub feed_store: FeedStore,
// delete feed/folder <T> modal
pub app_logo: Image,
pub del_title: String,
pub del_what: String, // either feed_name or feed_store
pub button_action: ,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Preferences {
theme: Theme,
text_size: TextSize,
browser: Browser,
open_method: OpeningMethod,
refresh_interval: RefreshInterval,
// accounts: Vec<Account>, // will contain subscriptions in a future version
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Theme {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TextSize {
Small { desc: &str, size: u8 },
Medium { desc: &str, size: u8 },
Large { desc: &str, size: u8 },
ExtraLarge { desc: &str, size: u8 },
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Browser {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum OpeningMethod {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RefreshInterval {
MinFifteen { desc: &str, time: u8 },
MinThirthy { desc: &str, time: u8 },
HoursOne { desc: &str, time: u8 },
HoursTwo { desc: &str, time: u8 },
HoursFour { desc: &str, time: u8 },
HoursEight { desc: &str, time: u8 },
- Do I need a crate here? Does Crux provide native integration?
- https://rclone.org is interesting
- Likely needing to code my own Capability for this one?
- Probably best left for a future version?
I don’t think you need a crate here nor create a Capability. You can implement all inside the crux app and probably the only use crux_http and crux_kv (key value store) capabilities. You will use crux_http to communicate to the account clouds and probably the crux_kv to store the tokens locally. There are already examples on how to implement the crux_http on Android, iOS and the Web, but, I don’t remember seeing any of the crux_kv shell implementations.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Account {
acct: AccountType,
subs: Subscriptions,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AccountType {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AccountLocal {
Local { name: String, auth: bool },
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AccountNative {
// how do I check for Auth? impl? Capabilities?
Apple { name: String, auth: bool },
Google { name: String, auth: bool },
Microsoft { name: String, auth: bool },
Canonical { name: String, auth: bool },
// more?
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AccountCloud {
// https://rclone.org
Dropbox { name: String, auth: bool },
// more
- crate: https://crates.io/crates/opml
- http://opml.org/spec2.opml
- http://outlinerhowto.opml.org
- OPML crate to deal with subscriptions and outlines:
ImportSubscriptions(OpmlFile), ExportSubscriptions(OpmlName), AddNewFolder(FolderName), DeleteFolder(FolderName), RenameFolder(OldName, NewName), AddNewSubscription(Option<FolderName>, SubscriptionName, SubscriptionURL), DeleteSubscription(Option<FolderName>, SubscriptionName), RenameSubscription(Option<FolderName>, OldName, NewName), MoveSubscriptionToFolder(Subscription, OldFolder, NewFolder),
<!-- Example OPML -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- OPML generated by Crab News -->
<opml version="2.0">
<dateCreated>Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:11:52 GMT</dateCreated>
<ownerName>Crab News</ownerName>
<!-- this is an UNGROUPED root level subscription -->
<outline text="Feed Name" title="Feed Name" description="" type="rss" version="RSS" htmlUrl="https://example.com/" xmlUrl="https://example.com/atom.xml"/>
<!-- this is a GROUPED 1st level folder subscription -->
<outline text="Group Name" title="Group Name">
<outline text="Feed Name" title="Feed Name" description="" type="rss" version="RSS" htmlUrl="https://example.com/" xmlUrl="https://example.com/rss.xml"/>
- crate: https://crates.io/crates/rss to deal with RSS crate: https://crates.io/crates/atom_syndication to deal with Atom
- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4287
- https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html
- https://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification
This crate is to deal with feeds data after subscribtions. The main UI would deal with all data to display “news” in the entry and content columns.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ReadStatus {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StarStatus {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FeedView {
- all the events to start coding, more later?
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Event {
// ANCHOR: Preferences UI
// General panel
// Account panel
// ANCHOR_END: Preferences UI
// ANCHOR: Menu
// Shell thingiemageebs better done in UI?
// File // mostly system related
// Edit // mostly system related
// View
SortEntriesBy, // newest | oldest
HideRead // entries | feeds
HideUIItem // sidebar | toolbar
// Go
// Article -> SEE Entries
// ANCHOR_END: Mmenu
// ANCHOR: Main UI
// Subscriptions live in struct Account {}
ImportSubscriptions, // shows up in Menu -> File
ExportSubscriptions, // shows up in Menu -> File
// FeedStore -> root + 1st level folder. no more
AddNewFolder, // shows up in Menu -> File
// FeedView -> today | all unread | starred | folder | feed
// Feeds
// TO ADD AN OUTLINE TO ROOT USE https://docs.rs/opml/1.1.6/opml/struct.OPML.html#method.add_feed
// TO ADD AN OUTLINE TO FOLDER USE https://docs.rs/opml/1.1.6/opml/struct.Outline.html#method.add_feed
RefreshFeeds, // shows up in Menu -> File
AddNewFeed, // account | root | folder // shows up in Menu -> File
MoveFeedToFolder, // location -> root | folder
// Entries
MarkEntryAsRead, // shows up in Menu -> Article
MarkEntryAsUnread, // shows up in Menu -> Article
MarkAllEntriesAsRead, // shows up in Menu -> Article
MarkAllEntriesAsUnread, // shows up in Menu -> Article
MarkEntryAsStarred, // shows up in Menu -> Article
MarkEntryAsUnstarred, // shows up in Menu -> Article
OpenEntryInBrowser, // shows up in Menu -> Article
// Content has no Events associated but system ones
Fetch(crux_http::Result<crux_http::Response<Feed>, Box<dyn Error>>),
- Almost all data eventually goes into the db. adding as I go.
- crate: https://crates.io/crates/surrealdb
- embed: https://surrealdb.com/docs/surrealdb/embedding/rust