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File metadata and controls

902 lines (816 loc) · 61 KB


Craft Pro provides an autogenerated GraphQL API for your content, which you can query to pull your content into separate applications, such as single-page apps (SPAs) or static site generators.


An example query and response

Query payload

  entries (section: "news", limit: 2, orderBy: "dateCreated DESC") {
    dateCreated @formatDateTime (format: "Y-m-d")
    children {
    ... on news_article_Entry {
      featuredImage {
        url @transform (width: 300, immediately: true)

The response

  "data": {
    "entries": [
        "dateCreated": "2019-08-21",
        "title": "An important news item",
        "children": [],
        "shortDescription": "<p>This is how we roll these days.</p>",
        "featuredImage": [
            "url": "/assets/site/_300xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/glasses.jpg"
        "dateCreated": "2019-07-02",
        "title": "Dolorem ea eveniet alias",
        "children": [
            "title": "Child entry"
            "title": "This is also a child entry"
        "shortDescription": "Et omnis explicabo iusto eum nobis. Consequatur debitis architecto est exercitationem vitae velit repellendus. Aut consequatur maiores error ducimus ea et. Rem ipsa asperiores eius quas et omnis. Veniam quasi qui repellendus dignissimos et necessitatibus. Aut a illo tempora.",
        "featuredImage": []

Getting Started

Before you begin, make sure that you’re running Craft Pro 3.3 or later and the enableGql setting has not been set to false.

Create Your API Endpoint

The first step to adding a GraphQL API to your project is to set up a public endpoint for it.

To do that, create a URL rule from config/routes.php that points to the graphql/api controller action. For example, the following URL rule would cause /api requests to route to the GraphQL API:

return [
    'api' => 'graphql/api',
    // ...

You can verify that your endpoint is configured correctly, try sending a {ping} query to it.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" -d '{ping}' http://my-project.test/api

(Replace http://my-project.test/api with the actual URL to your endpoint.)

If that comes back with the following JSON response, then your GraphQL API is up and running!


Define Your Schemas

Once you’ve created a GraphQL API endpoint, you need to tell Craft which content should be available from it. (No content is available by default.) You do that by defining a Schema.

Craft has two types of schemas:

  • The Public Schema defines which content should be available publicly.
  • You can also define multiple private schemas, which each have their own secret Access Token.

You can manage your schemas from the control panel, at GraphQL → Schemas. In addition to defining the scope of each schema, you can also give them expiration dates, or disable them.

::: tip When performing a GraphQL API request, the schema will be determined automatically based on the token that is supplied (if any). See below to learn how to do that. :::

Sending API Requests

Using the GraphiQL IDE

The easiest way to start exploring your GraphQL API is with the built-in GraphiQL IDE, which is available in the control panel from GraphQL → Explore.

The built-in GraphiQL IDE

Using Another IDE

Additional GraphQL IDEs are available as well:

::: tip When you are initially exploring the API, make sure that Dev Mode is enabled so the IDE can be informed about the entire schema available to it. :::

Sending Requests Manually

The GraphQL API can be queried in three ways:

  • Using a GET request, with the GraphQL query defined by a query parameter:
    curl \
      --data-urlencode "query={ping}" \
    # or
    curl http://craft32.test/api?query=%7Bping%7D
  • Using a POST request with an application/json content type, with the GraphQL query defined by a query key:
    curl \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"query":"{ping}"}' \
  • Using a POST request with an application/graphql content type, with the GraphQL query defined by the raw request body:
    curl \
      -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" \
      -d '{ping}' \

Specifying Variables

If you need to specify any variables along with your query, then you must send request as a POST request with an application/json content type, and include a variables key in the JSON body alongside query.

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "query": "query($id:[Int]) { entries(id: $id) { id, title } }",
        "variables": { "id": [1, 2, 3] }
      }' \

Querying a Private Schema

The Public Schema will be used by default. To query against a different schema, pass its Access Token using an Authorization header.

curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" \
  -d '{entries{id}}' \


All query results are cached, so that repeated queries can yield results faster. The GraphQL result cache does not have a sophisticated ruleset on invalidating the cache - if the site's content or structure changes, the entire cache is invalidated.

Craft has GraphQL result caching enabled by default, but it can be disabled with the enableGraphQlCaching config setting.

Interface Implementation

A defined type exists for each specific interface implementation. For example, if a “News” section has “Article” and “Editorial” entry types, in addition to the EntryInterface interface type, two additional types would be defined the GraphQL schema, if the token used allows it: news_article_Entry and news_editorial_Entry types.

Query Reference

::: tip The actual API features will depend on what your schema allows. :::

The assets query

This query is used to query for assets.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
volumeId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the volumes the assets belong to, per the volumes’ IDs.
volume [String] Narrows the query results based on the volumes the assets belong to, per the volumes’ handles.
folderId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the folders the assets belong to, per the folders’ IDs.
filename [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ filenames.
kind [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ file kinds.
height [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ image heights.
width [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ image widths.
size [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ file sizes (in bytes).
dateModified String Narrows the query results based on the assets’ files’ last-modified dates.
includeSubfolders Boolean Broadens the query results to include assets from any of the subfolders of the folder specified by folderId.
withTransforms [String] A list of transform handles to preload.

The asset query

This query is used to query for a single asset.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
volumeId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the volumes the assets belong to, per the volumes’ IDs.
volume [String] Narrows the query results based on the volumes the assets belong to, per the volumes’ handles.
folderId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the folders the assets belong to, per the folders’ IDs.
filename [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ filenames.
kind [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ file kinds.
height [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ image heights.
width [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ image widths.
size [String] Narrows the query results based on the assets’ file sizes (in bytes).
dateModified String Narrows the query results based on the assets’ files’ last-modified dates.
includeSubfolders Boolean Broadens the query results to include assets from any of the subfolders of the folder specified by folderId.
withTransforms [String] A list of transform handles to preload.

The entries query

This query is used to query for entries.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
withStructure Boolean Explicitly determines whether the query should join in the structure data.
structureId Int Determines which structure data should be joined into the query.
level Int Narrows the query results based on the elements’ level within the structure.
hasDescendants Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements have any descendants.
ancestorOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are ancestors of another element.
ancestorDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by ancestorOf.
descendantOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are descendants of another element.
descendantDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by descendantOf.
leaves Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are “leaves” (element with no descendants).
nextSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately after another element.
prevSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately before another element.
positionedAfter Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned after another element.
positionedBefore Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned before another element.
editable Boolean Whether to only return entries that the user has permission to edit.
section [String] Narrows the query results based on the section handles the entries belong to.
sectionId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the sections the entries belong to, per the sections’ IDs.
type [String] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ entry type handles.
typeId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ entry types, per the types’ IDs.
authorId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ authors.
authorGroup [String] Narrows the query results based on the user group the entries’ authors belong to.
authorGroupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the user group the entries’ authors belong to, per the groups’ IDs.
postDate [String] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ post dates.
before String Narrows the query results to only entries that were posted before a certain date.
after String Narrows the query results to only entries that were posted on or after a certain date.
expiryDate [String] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ expiry dates.

The entry query

This query is used to query for a single entry.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
withStructure Boolean Explicitly determines whether the query should join in the structure data.
structureId Int Determines which structure data should be joined into the query.
level Int Narrows the query results based on the elements’ level within the structure.
hasDescendants Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements have any descendants.
ancestorOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are ancestors of another element.
ancestorDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by ancestorOf.
descendantOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are descendants of another element.
descendantDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by descendantOf.
leaves Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are “leaves” (element with no descendants).
nextSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately after another element.
prevSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately before another element.
positionedAfter Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned after another element.
positionedBefore Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned before another element.
editable Boolean Whether to only return entries that the user has permission to edit.
section [String] Narrows the query results based on the section handles the entries belong to.
sectionId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the sections the entries belong to, per the sections’ IDs.
type [String] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ entry type handles.
typeId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ entry types, per the types’ IDs.
authorId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ authors.
authorGroup [String] Narrows the query results based on the user group the entries’ authors belong to.
authorGroupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the user group the entries’ authors belong to, per the groups’ IDs.
postDate [String] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ post dates.
before String Narrows the query results to only entries that were posted before a certain date.
after String Narrows the query results to only entries that were posted on or after a certain date.
expiryDate [String] Narrows the query results based on the entries’ expiry dates.

The globalSets query

This query is used to query for global sets.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
handle [String] Narrows the query results based on the global sets’ handles.

The globalSet query

This query is used to query for a single global set.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
handle [String] Narrows the query results based on the global sets’ handles.

The users query

This query is used to query for users.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
email [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ email addresses.
username [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ usernames.
firstName [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ first names.
lastName [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ last names.
groupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the user group the users belong to, per the groups’ IDs.
group [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the user group the users belong to.

The user query

This query is used to query for a single user.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
email [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ email addresses.
username [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ usernames.
firstName [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ first names.
lastName [String] Narrows the query results based on the users’ last names.
groupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the user group the users belong to, per the groups’ IDs.
group [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the user group the users belong to.

The tags query

This query is used to query for tags.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
group [String] Narrows the query results based on the tag groups the tags belong to per the group’s handles.
groupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the tag groups the tags belong to, per the groups’ IDs.

The tag query

This query is used to query for a single tag.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
group [String] Narrows the query results based on the tag groups the tags belong to per the group’s handles.
groupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the tag groups the tags belong to, per the groups’ IDs.

The categories query

This query is used to query for categories.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
withStructure Boolean Explicitly determines whether the query should join in the structure data.
structureId Int Determines which structure data should be joined into the query.
level Int Narrows the query results based on the elements’ level within the structure.
hasDescendants Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements have any descendants.
ancestorOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are ancestors of another element.
ancestorDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by ancestorOf.
descendantOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are descendants of another element.
descendantDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by descendantOf.
leaves Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are “leaves” (element with no descendants).
nextSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately after another element.
prevSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately before another element.
positionedAfter Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned after another element.
positionedBefore Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned before another element.
editable Boolean Whether to only return categories that the user has permission to edit.
group [String] Narrows the query results based on the category groups the categories belong to per the group’s handles.
groupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the category groups the categories belong to, per the groups’ IDs.

The category query

This query is used to query for a single category.

Argument Type Description
id [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ IDs.
uid [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ UIDs.
status [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ statuses.
archived Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been archived.
trashed Boolean Narrows the query results to only elements that have been soft-deleted.
site [String] Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
siteId String Determines which site(s) the elements should be queried in. Defaults to the current (requested) site.
unique Boolean Determines whether only elements with unique IDs should be returned by the query.
enabledForSite Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are enabled in the site they’re being queried in, per the site argument.
title [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ titles.
slug [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ slugs.
uri [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ URIs.
search String Narrows the query results to only elements that match a search query.
relatedTo [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to any of the provided element IDs. This argument is ignored, if relatedToAll is also used.
relatedToAll [Int] Narrows the query results to elements that relate to all of the provided element IDs. Using this argument will cause relatedTo argument to be ignored.
ref [String] Narrows the query results based on a reference string.
fixedOrder Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in the order specified by the id argument.
inReverse Boolean Causes the query results to be returned in reverse order.
dateCreated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ creation dates.
dateUpdated [String] Narrows the query results based on the elements’ last-updated dates.
offset Int Sets the offset for paginated results.
limit Int Sets the limit for paginated results.
orderBy String Sets the field the returned elements should be ordered by
withStructure Boolean Explicitly determines whether the query should join in the structure data.
structureId Int Determines which structure data should be joined into the query.
level Int Narrows the query results based on the elements’ level within the structure.
hasDescendants Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements have any descendants.
ancestorOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are ancestors of another element.
ancestorDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by ancestorOf.
descendantOf Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are descendants of another element.
descendantDist Int Narrows the query results to only elements that are up to a certain distance away from the element specified by descendantOf.
leaves Boolean Narrows the query results based on whether the elements are “leaves” (element with no descendants).
nextSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately after another element.
prevSiblingOf Int Narrows the query results to only the entry that comes immediately before another element.
positionedAfter Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned after another element.
positionedBefore Int Narrows the query results to only entries that are positioned before another element.
editable Boolean Whether to only return categories that the user has permission to edit.
group [String] Narrows the query results based on the category groups the categories belong to per the group’s handles.
groupId [QueryArgument] Narrows the query results based on the category groups the categories belong to, per the groups’ IDs.

List of available directives

Directives are not regulated by permissions and they affect how the returned data is displayed.

The formatDateTime directive

This directive allows for formatting any date to the desired format. It can be applied to all fields, but changes anything only when applied to a DateTime field.

Argument Type Description
format String This specifies the format to use. It defaults to the Atom date time format.
timezone String The full name of the timezone, defaults to UTC. (E.g., America/New_York)

The transform directive

This directive is used to return a URL for an asset tranform. It accepts the same arguments you would use for a transform in Craft and adds the immediately argument.

Argument Type Description
handle String The handle of the named transform to use.
transform String The handle of the named transform to use.
width Int Width for the generated transform
height Int Height for the generated transform
mode String The mode to use for the generated transform.
position String The position to use when cropping, if no focal point specified.
interlace String The interlace mode to use for the transform
quality Int The quality of the transform
format String The format to use for the transform
immediately Boolean Whether the transform should be generated immediately or only when the image is requested used the generated URL

The markdown directive

Parses the passed field value as Markdown.

Argument Type Description
flavor String The “flavor” of Markdown the input should be interpreted with. Accepts the same arguments as yii\helpers\Markdown::process().
inlineOnly Boolean Whether to only parse inline elements, omitting any <p> tags.

Pre-defined interfaces

Craft defines several interfaces to be implemented by the different GraphQL types.

The AssetInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all assets.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
volumeId Int The ID of the volume that the asset belongs to.
folderId Int The ID of the folder that the asset belongs to.
filename String The filename of the asset file.
extension String The file extension for the asset file.
hasFocalPoint Boolean Whether a user-defined focal point is set on the asset.
focalPoint [Float] The focal point represented as an array with x and y keys, or null if it's not an image.
kind String The file kind.
size String The file size in bytes.
height Int The height in pixels or null if it's not an image.
width Int The width in pixels or null if it's not an image.
img String An <img> tag based on this asset.
url String The full URL of the asset. This field accepts the same fields as the transform directive.
mimeType String The file’s MIME type, if it can be determined.
path String The asset's path in the volume.
dateModified DateTime The date the asset file was last modified.

The EntryInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all entries.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
lft Int The element’s left position within its structure.
rgt Int The element’s right position within its structure.
level Int The element’s level within its structure
root Int The element’s structure’s root ID
structureId Int The element’s structure ID.
sectionId Int The ID of the section that contains the entry.
sectionHandle String The handle of the section that contains the entry.
typeId Int The ID of the entry type that contains the entry.
typeHandle String The handle of the entry type that contains the entry.
postDate DateTime The entry's post date.
expiryDate DateTime The expiry date of the entry.
children [EntryInterface] The entry’s children, if the section is a structure. Accepts the same arguments as the entries query.
parent EntryInterface The entry’s parent, if the section is a structure.
url String The element’s full URL

The GlobalSetInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all global sets.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
name String The name of the global set.
handle String The handle of the global set.

The MatrixBlockInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all matrix blocks.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
fieldId Int The ID of the field that owns the matrix block.
ownerId Int The ID of the element that owns the matrix block.
typeId Int The ID of the matrix block's type.
typeHandle String The handle of the matrix block's type.
sortOrder Int The sort order of the matrix block within the owner element field.

The UserInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all users.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
photo AssetInterface The user's photo.
friendlyName String The user's first name or username.
fullName String The user's full name.
name String The user's full name or username.
preferences String The user’s preferences.
preferredLanguage String The user’s preferred language.
username String The username.
firstName String The user's first name.
lastName String The user's last name.
email String The user's email.

The CategoryInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all categories.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
lft Int The element’s left position within its structure.
rgt Int The element’s right position within its structure.
level Int The element’s level within its structure
root Int The element’s structure’s root ID
structureId Int The element’s structure ID.
groupId Int The ID of the group that contains the category.
groupHandle String The handle of the group that contains the category.
children [CategoryInterface] The category’s children.
parent CategoryInterface The category’s parent.
url String The element’s full URL

The TagInterface interface

This is the interface implemented by all tags.

Field Type Description
id ID The id of the entity
uid String The uid of the entity
_count Int Return a number of related elements for a field.
title String The element’s title.
slug String The element’s slug.
uri String The element’s URI.
enabled Boolean Whether the element is enabled or not.
archived Boolean Whether the element is archived or not.
siteId Int The ID of the site the element is associated with.
searchScore String The element’s search score, if the search parameter was used when querying for the element.
trashed Boolean Whether the element has been soft-deleted or not.
status String The element's status.
dateCreated DateTime The date the element was created.
dateUpdated DateTime The date the element was last updated.
groupId Int The ID of the group that contains the tag.
groupHandle String The handle of the group that contains the tag.