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File metadata and controls

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1486 lines (1301 loc) · 55.5 KB

sfpegActionBarCmp Component


The sfpegActionBarCmp component displays a button/menu bar component enabling to trigger a wide variety of actions, integrated within the various components of the SF PEG LIST package but also available for standalone use in Lightning pages.

The following snapshot displays a standalone button bar example combining actions and menu items.

Action bar!

It offers a wide range of actions, from basic navigation requests (e.g. to open a related record) to more complex ones (such as mass actions with form popup user interaction).

The underlying sfpegAction__mdt custom metadata is also used in other SF PEG LIST package components to define row level actions, in which case its display properties become irrelevant.

Component Configuration

Global Layout

The action bar basically consists in a single list of buttons and menus (within a lightning-button-group container).

  • A button contains a single action configuration
  • A menu contains a drop-down list of multiple action configuration items.

Standlone Action Bar Example!

Display of a sfpegActionBarCmp component within a page (with 1 button followed by 2 menus).

App Builder Configuration

In the App Builder, the configuration of the sfpegActionBarCmp component basically consists in selecting one of the available sfpegAction__mdt custom metadata record containing the details of the buttons and menus to display.

Standalone Action Bar Configuration

Additional properties enable to control the CSS of the wrapping div, manage number of displayed actions (before overflow in menu at the end) and activate debug mode.

Only sfpegAction__mdt custom metadata records applicable to the page scope may be selected in the dropdown displayed for the Action configuration property (see configuration principles in SF PEG LIST introduction).

Action Bar Alignment

Via the CSS Class parameter (barClass field), it is possible to control the background if the component and the position of the lightning-button-group. It is set to slds-theme_shade slds-grid slds-grid_align-end by default but may easily be overriden (by replacing last class by slds-grid_align-start to align left or slds-grid_align-center for center).

Action Bar Content Overflow (and Responsiveness)

In a standalone sfpegActionBarCmp, the width of the component is constrained and the overflow happens automatically upon initial rendering of the page. Only the actually visible actions are taken into account. Menus are automatically converted to menu entries with dividers and subheaders.

Action Bar with no oveflow
Action Bar with no Overflow

Action Bar with oveflow
Same Action Bar with Overflow applied

When used as header actions to lightning-card components components, there is no width constraint. Via the Max. #Actions parameter (maxSize field), it is howver possible to set the max number of actions displayed in the bar before the overflow is applied. It has therefore been added as configuration parameter to multiple other components (e.g. sfpegCardCmp and sfpegListCmp) to manually control the set of displayed actions (no automatic responsive behaviour).

Metadata Configuration

The sfpegAction__mdt custom metadata provides most of the configuration of the sfpegActionBarCmp components (buttons & menus in an action bar, with underlying actions triggered). Its most important property is Actions which provides all the required information to properly display and execute a set of actions.

Context merge is systematically applied upon load/refresh (see sfpegMergeUtl component) to adapt the set of actions to the display environment.

Standalone Action Bar Metadata

The Do Evaluation? boolean checkbox enables to trigger an explicit evaluation of the hidden or disabled properties on the different action elements (see dynamic action activation section).

Base Action Configuration

Hereafter is a typical configuration for a standalone mix of buttons and menus, containing first a menu with 3 options leading to a report, a dashboard and a folder, then 2 buttons to create Accounts via a Flow (launched within the addressable sfpegFlowEmbed_CMP Aura component) or via a standard creation page.

        "label": "Monitoring",
        "name": "monitoringMenu",
        "variant": "base",
        "type": "menu",
        "items": [
                "label": "Activities",
                "iconName": "utility:reminder",
                "action": {
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "params": {
                        "type": "standard__recordPage",
                        "attributes": {
                            "recordId": "{{{RPT.ActivityMonitoringReport}}}",
                            "objectApiName": "Report",
                            "actionName": "view"
                "label": "Leads & Opportunities",
                "iconName": "utility:high_velocity_sales",
                "action": {
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "params": {
                        "type": "standard__recordPage",
                        "attributes": {
                            "recordId": "{{{DBD.LeadOpportunityDashboard}}}",
                            "objectApiName": "Dashboard",
                            "actionName": "view"
                "label": "Others",
                "iconName": "utility:open_folder",
                "action": {
                    "type": "navigation",
                    "params": {
                        "type": "standard__recordPage",
                        "attributes": {
                            "recordId": "{{{FLD.MonitoringFolder}}}",
                            "objectApiName": "Folder",
                            "actionName": "view"
        "label": "New Business",
        "iconName": "utility:new",
        "variant": "base",
        "action": {
            "type": "navigation",
            "params": {
                "type": "standard__component",
                "attributes": {
                    "componentName": "c__sfpegFlowEmbed_CMP"
                "state": {
                    "c__flow": "CreateBusinessAccount",
                    "c__recordId": "null",
                    "c__target": "NewAccountId",
                    "c__label": "Business Creation"
        "label": "New Individual",
        "iconName": "utility:new",
        "variant": "brand",
        "action": {
            "type": "navigation",
            "params": {
                "type": "standard__objectPage",
                "attributes": {
                    "objectApiName": "Account",
                    "actionName": "new"
                "state": {
                    "defaultFieldValues": "Agency__c={{{USR.MainAgency__c}}},Status__c=Prospect",
                    "nooverride": "1",
                    "recordTypeId": "{{{RT.Account.Individual}}}"

For buttons, at least iconName or label should be specified, whereas for menu items, label is mandatory and iconName optional.

Multiple other display properties are available:

At last, there is a main action property for each button or menu item, which enabless to specify the actual action to be executed when clicking/selecting the item (see below for available action types), the action being chosen among a set of possible action types described hereafter.

Dynamic Action Activation (hidden and disabled Properties)

It is also possible to dynamically hide or disable buttons and menu items via

  • their hidden property, to completely hide (or display) them
  • their disabled property, to simply disable (or activate) them

By default, they are assumed to be false (i.e. showing and actiating the action item) but simple boolean values may be used to let them become dynamic, e.g. leveraging record boolean fields or current user’s custom permissions (via the dedicated PERM and NPERM merge tokens, see sfpegMergeUtl) as in the following example.

        "name":"info", "label":"Info (if record not hidden)",
                "title":"FYI {{{USR.Name}}}!",
                "message":"This is an information message on {{{RCD.Name}}}.",
                "name":"warn", "label":"Warn (if permission)",
                        "title":"Warn {{{USR.Name}}}!",
                        "message":"This is a warning message on {{{RCD.Name}}}.",
                "name":"error", "label":"Error (if no permission)",
                        "title":"Failure for {{{USR.Name}}}!",
                        "message":"This is an error message on {{{RCD.Name}}}.",

By default, hidden and disabled properties are assumed to be directly of boolean type (component rendering will fail otherwise). However, when selecting Do Evaluation? in the sfpegAction custom metadata configuration, it becomes possible to define more complex conditions as a string property instead (thus reducing the need for custom formula fields), e.g. combining the need for a custom permission and the record ownership as in the following example.

"hidden":"{{{NPERM.TST_Perm}}} || '{{{RCD.OwnerId}}}' != '{{{GEN.userId}}}'"

Note: Beware to leverage fields that are safe in your conditions, as a possibly unsecure Javascript eval() statement is executed for each string hidden and disabled property.

Action Chaining (next Property)

It is possible to chain multiple actions one aftrer the other for a menu / button entry.

It may be done at action level, the second action being systematically launched once the first has been launched (not necessarily executed).

        "next": {
            "type": "_ACTION_2_",
            "params": {

It may be specified within the action params property, in which case the second action is triggered only if the first action completes successfully. Such a mechanism is supported by most action types, i.e. those able to detect a successful completion (e.g. not the navigation ones).

            "next": {
                "type": "_ACTION_2_",
                "params": {

Note: For some actions (e.g. for Apex types), it is possible to trigger a specific action upon processing error, leveraging the error property similarly to the next one. In such a case, no error toast is raised. This should be still considered a beta feature for very specific use cases (e.g. trigger a flow when an Apex validation logic fails vs update record status via LDS if OK).

Available Action Types

navigation Action Type

The navigation action type enables to trigger the navigation to a page reference leveraging the standard lightning-navigation base LWC component (e.g. to open a standard record creation/edit/view page).

The example below enables to open a report

    "name":"ReportXXX", "iconName":"utility:metrics", "label":"{{{LBL.TST_ReportXXX}}}",
    "action": {
        "params": {
            "type": "standard__recordPage",
            "attributes": {

open and edit Action Types

Both action types are actually shortcuts for usual navigation one.

  • open is a shortcut to simplify the opening of a record (for the selected row in a list)
    "name":"open", "label":"Open","iconName":"utility:open",
  • edit is a shortcut to open the standard edit popup of a record (for the current page record in header /standalone use case or the selected row in a list).

openURL Action Type

The openURL action type enables to force the opening of a Web page in a different browser tab (via a javascript call instead of the Lightning navigation service).

  • url is the main property to define with the target URL to use
  • some URL rework directives are available (e.g. SUBSTR()) but still pending actual large scale use cases to be officially supported (and documented).

Note: See also Apex List Retrieval and OpenURL Action with Rework for an example with the SUBSTR() URL rework directive.

showDetails Action Type

The showDetails action type enables to open a read-only popup presenting details about a record.
ShowDetails Action Popup Example

It is a solution to easily replace the record summary on hover for standard lookup fields in standard list components.

The action should be configured as follows:

  • title and message for the popup header
  • size (standard, small, medium or large) property enables to control the width of the popup
  • columns to indicate how many fields should be displayed per row
  • fields to list the fields to display (with their value, type and label)
            "title":"Interaction pour {{{ROW.Code_Campagne}}}",
            "message":"Détail de l'interaction",
                {"label":"Type de Canal","value":"{{{ROW.TypeCanal}}}"},

Note: this example is used as a row action in a sfpegListCmp component to present information fetched by the query but not displayed in the layout.

By default, a single Close button is displayed to close the popup. Leveraging the action chaining mechanism (via the nextproperty), it is possible to:

  • execute an action each time the popup closes or
  • display a second button with a configurable label to execute this action (the close button simply closing the popup) This enables e.g. to redirect the User to the displayed record page, as with the following configuration. The label of the second button displayed comes then from the labelproperty in the next configuration.
    "label": "See Owner",
    "name": "SeeOwner",
    "action": {
        "type": "showDetails",
        "params": {
            "title":"Owner of {{{RCD.Name}}}",
            "message":"Detailed information about {{{RCD.Owner.Name}}}",
            "next": {
                "type": "navigation",
                "label":"See more",
                "params": {
                    "type": "standard__recordPage",
                    "attributes": {
                        "recordId": "{{{RCD.OwnerId}}}",
                        "objectApiName": "User",
                        "actionName": "view"

Note: Beware that, if no labelis set on the nextconfiguration, this action is systematically executed upon closing of the popup.

LDS and DML Action Types

Two Action Types are available to execute direct record operation (create, update, delete), either via the Ligthning Data Service (LDS, preferrable) or via direct database operation (DML, for non LDS supported objects). A confirmation popup is usually displayed to the user before executing the operation.

  • LDS to trigger a single record direct create/update/delete via the Lightning Data Service
    • title and message properties enable to set the corresponding text elements in the top part of the displayed user confimation popup (default values being applied otherwise, see sfpegActionDefault... custom labels).
    • bypassConfirm boolean property enable to bypass the confirmation step
    • params property should define the type of the LDS action to execute (create, update or delete) and provide the parameters to be provided to the corresponding uiRecordApi primitive, i.e. create, update or delete.
    • Hereafter are 3 possible examples.
    "name": "newRelated", "label": "Add new Item", "iconName": "utility:add",
    "action": {
        "type": "LDS",
        "params": {
            "type": "create",
            "title": "Adding a Child record",
            "params": {
                "apiName": "TST_ChildObject__c",
                "fields": {
                    "Name": "New TEST",
                    "ParentL__c": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}",
    "name": "activate", "label": "Activate Relation", "iconName": "utility:edit",
    "action": {
        "type": "LDS",
        "params": {
            "type": "update",
            "title": "Updating Row State",
            "message": "Please confirm.",
            "params": {
                "fields": {
                    "Id": "{{{ROW.Id}}}",
    "name": "delete", "label": "Remove Relation", "iconName": "utility:delete",
    "action": {
        "type": "LDS",
        "params": {
            "type": "delete",
            "title": "Deleting Record",
            "message": "Please confirm.",
            "params": "{{{ROW.Id}}}"
  • DML to trigger a DML operation (insert, update, delete) via a dedicated Apex controller instead.
    • The DML operation is designed to possibly work on multiple records (see mass actions hereafter) therefore the “records” property should be configured with a list containing the single record to update.
    "name": "clone", "label": "Clone",
    "action": {
        "type": "DML",
        "params": {
            "title": "Clone Task",
            "bypassConfirm": true,
            "params": {
                "operation": "insert",
                "records": [{
                    "sobjectType": "Task",
                    "Subject": "{{{ROW.Name}}}",
                    "Status": "Open",
                    "WhatId": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}"
    "name": "close", "label":"Close",
    "action": {
        "type": "DML",
        "params": {
            "title": "Close the Task",
            "message": "Please confirm the closing",
                "operation": "update",
                "records": [{
                    "Id": "{{{ROW.Id}}}",
                    "ObjectApiName": "Task",
                    "Status": "Done"
    "name": "delete", "label": "Delete", 
    "action": {
        "type": "DML",
        "params": {
            "title": "Delete Task",
            "message": "Please confirm the deletion",
            "params": {
                "operation": "delete",
                "records": [{
                    "Id": "{{{ROW.Id}}}"

Form Action Types (ldsForm and dmlForm)

Two Action Types are available to execute record operation (create, update) via a popup form, either via the Lightning Data Service (LDS, preferrable) or via direct database operation (DML, for non LDS supported objects).

Standalone Action Bar Configuration!

  • ldsForm opens a popup to create / edit a record leveraging the standard lightning-record-edit-form base component (updates being then made via LDS)
    • title and message properties enable to set the corresponding text elements in the top part of the displayed form popup (default values being applied otherwise, see sfpegActionDefault... custom labels).
    • size (standard, small, medium or large) property enables to control the width of the popup (standard being default)
    • height (auto, small, medium or large) property enables to control the mininmal height of the popup, e.g. to ensure that picklist dropdown are properly accessible (autobeing default)
    • columns property defines how many fields are displayed per line in the popup form,
    • record property enables to set contextual elements for the form,
      • Id, RecordTypeId and ObjectApiName sub-properties are a must to initialize the appropriate form
      • edit vs create mode is automatically derived from the presence of the Id sub-property
      • Other sub-properties may be used to set default values for the form fields (according to their API names)
    • fields property enables to list the set of fields to be displayed in the popup form and consists in a list of form field definitions
      • each form field definition needs a name containing the API name of the field to be displayed
      • display properties may be tuned to set the field as disabled, required or hidden.
      • Only the fields explicitely mentioned in this list are submitted by the form.
    "name": "editUser",
    "label": "Edit User",
    "action": {
        "type": "ldsForm",
        "params": {
            "title": "User Record Update",
            "message": "Please fill in missing elements",
            "columns": 2,
            "record": {
                "Id": "{{{GEN.userId}}}",
                "ObjectApiName": "User",
                "Title": "Test",
                "Sphere__c": "Compte Principal",
                "Department": "TEST"
            "fields": [
                { "name": "LastName", "disabled": true },
                { "name": "Title", "required": true },
                { "name": "Sphere__c" },
                { "name": "Department", "hidden": true }
  • dmlForm implements the same behaviour but enables to execute the update via a DML call (useful for object types not supported by LDS, such as Task & Event)
    • In such a case, the popup form works with the formRecord and formFields instead of record and fields and the LDS standard submission is replaced by a DML on the record.
    • All output form field values are applied on the record before the DML (with the same API name unless a fieldMapping JSON object property is provided ({ "formFieldName": "recordFieldName",....}).
    • In the example below, a TST_TaskProxy__c custom object has been created with a single Reason__c field leveraging the same API name & picklist global value set as the Reason__c field configured on the Task object (as the Task object is not supported by the LDS).
    "name": "close", "label": "Close",
    "action": {
        "type": "dmlForm",
        "params": {
            "title": "Closing the Task",
            "message": "Please select a task close reason.",
            "record": {
                "ObjectApiName": "Task",
                "Id": "{{{ROW.Id}}}",
                "Status": "Cancelled"
            "formRecord": { "ObjectApiName": "TST_TaskProxy__c" },
            "formFields": [{ "name": "Reason__c", "required": true }]
  • upload : enables to upload one or multiple files as related to a record (useful to upload files for records displayed in a list or display an upload action on a custom file list), leveraging the standard lightning-file-upload component in a popup. Various properties are available to customise the experience:
    • title, main message and size (standard, small, medium or large) of the popup
    • label displayed in the upload component (above the buttons)
    • recordId providing the Salesforce ID of the record to which the uploaded files should be related
    • formats of the files allowed (as a JSON array of file extensions, e.g. ['.pdf','.gif'])
    • allowMultiple to be set to true to be able to load more than one file (false by default).
    "name": "file",
    "label": "File",
    "iconName": "utility:upload",
    "action": {
        "type": "upload",
        "params": {
            "title": "Upload PDF files",
            "label": "Multiple files possible",
            "recordId": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}",
            "formats": [".pdf"],
            "allowMultiple": true
  • apexForm : PLANNED
    • Same behaviour as the ldsForm but with the ability to fetch/update data via Apex calls instead of LDS (e.g. to perform callouts to external systems).

Note: Whenever a error occurs, the error message provided is automatically displayed in an error toast popup.

Mass Action Types (massForm and massDML)

Two Action Types are available to execute operations (create, update, delete) on a selection of records, either directly or via a first popup form.

They are not available for standalone sfpegActionBarCmp usage but only when a parent Lightning component, such as sfpegListCmp provides a list of (selected) records.

  • massForm opens an edit form in a popup leveraging the standard lightning-record-edit-form base component and apply the corresponding changes via a mass DML update on the list of record provided by a parent component.
    • e.g. the sfpegListCmp provides the set of selected records as input (when selection is enabled on this component)
    • The configuration is similar to the ldsForm action, the main difference being that the output of the LDS form displayed is cloned and applied to all records selected.
    • The removeRT flag enables to avoid applying to the selected records the Record Type defined in the “record” property (which may be useful to control picklist values in the displayed form)
    "name": "closeForm", "label": "Close", "iconName": "utility:close",
    "action": {
        "type": "massForm",
        "params": {
            "title": "Close the Actions",
            "message": "Please fill in the following information",
            "removeRT": true,
            "columns": 2,
            "record": {
                "ObjectApiName": "TST_Action__c",
                "RecordTypeId": "RT.TST_Action__c.RT1",
                "Done__c": true
            "fields": [
                { "name": "Reason__c", "required": true},
                { "name": "Done__c", "disabled": true }
            "next": {
                "type": "done",
                "params": {
                    "type": "refresh"
  • massDML to execute a predefined mass operation via DML (update or delete) on the selected records
    • A confirmation popup is displayed, the header title and message of which may be customised by dedicated properties.
    • The bypassConfirm property enables to bypass this ste and directly execute the DML.
    • For the update operation, the record property must be defined with the set of field values to be applied on all the selected records. The generated DML contains clones of this JSON object with the Id property set from the value available on each selected record.
    "name": "close", "label": "Close", "iconName": "utility:close",
    "action": {
        "type": "massDML",
        "params": {
            "operation": "update",
            "title": "Close the Tasks",
            "message": "Please confirm the closing of the selected tasks",
            "record": {
                "Status": "Completed"
            "next": {
                "type": "done",
                "params": {
                    "type": "refresh"
    "name": "delete", "label": "Delete", "iconName": "utility:delete",
    "action": {
        "type": "massDML",
        "params": {
            "operation": "delete",
            "title": "Delete the Tasks",
            "message": "Please confirm the deletion of the selected Tasks",
            "next": {
                "type": "done",
                "params": {
                    "type": "refresh"
  • massApex : PLANNED
    • Same behaviour as the massDML but with the ability to call an Apex logic instead of simple DMLs.

Note: Whenever a error occurs, the error message provided is automatically displayed in an error toast popup.

Record Data LDS Reload Type (reload)

The reload action type enables to trigger a LDS reload of a single record

  • This is typically useful to refresh the LDS cache data of a record modified via Apex or DML (via the next property) or to the content of a list after an insertion.
  • It relies on the standard getRecordNotifyChange method.
  "name": "Assign2me", "label": "Assign2me",
    "action": {
      "type": "DML",
      "params": {
        "title": "Please confirm update",
        "message": "Assigning current record to current User",
        "params": {
          "operation": "update",
          "records": [{
            "ObjectApiName": "{{{GEN.objectApiName}}}",
            "Id": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}",
            "OwnerId": "{{{GEN.userId}}}"
       "next": {

Parent Action Trigger Type (done)

The done action type enables to trigger an action on a parent component.

  • This is typically used to trigger a refresh on the parent component once another operation has been executed (e.g. refresh of the sfpegListCmp displayed records after a record creation/update/deletion)
  • Such a behaviour is usually specified within the next property of an action.
  • In the example below, the refresh action type is actually provided by the sfpegListCmp parent component containing the action bar.
    "next": {
        "type": "done",
        "params": {
            "type": "refresh"

toast Action Type

The toast action type enables to display a simple toast message, e.g. once another operation is complete (e.g. as part of a next action property). * It relies on the standard platform-show-toast-event event.

    "next": {
        "type": "toast",
        "params": {
            "title": "Operation Success",
            "message": "Your new record was properly created.",
            "variant": "success"

Custom apex Action Type

The apex action type enables to execute any operation implemented in a custom Apex class.

  • This Apex class should implement the sfpegAction_SVC virtual class.
  • The params are then provided as input to the configured Apex class.
    "name": "apexAction", "label": "apexAction",
    "action": {
        "type": "apex",
        "params": {
            "name": "TST_UserAction_SVC",
            "params": {
                "Id": "{{{GEN.userId}}}"

There is also a way to group various logic within a single Apex class, in which case a “method” parameter can be specified after the class name.

    "name": "apexMethod", "label": "apexMethod",
    "action": {
        "type": "apex",
        "params": {
            "name": "TST_UserAction_SVC.TestMethod",
            "params": {
                "Id": "{{{GEN.userId}}}"

Note: Whenever a error occurs, the error message provided is automatically displayed in an error toast popup. Raising a custom Apex Exception then enables to provide tailored error messages to the end-users.

Notification Action Types (utility, action and notify)

Three Action Types are available to relay actions to other components leveraging the the Lightning Message Service in default scope.

  • utility enables to notify the sfpegActionHandlerCmp utility bar component and let it execute an operation.
    • This is typically useful when navigating to a record when wishing to enforce the console tab configuration instead of the default console behaviour (opens target in a subtab of current main tab)
    • It also enables to trigger some specific console related actions implemented only in the sfpegActionUtilityCmp Aura component (embedding a sfpegActionHandlerCmp component instance).
    • It relies on the sfpegAction message channel
    "name": "reportXXX",
    "iconName":"utility:metrics", "label":"{{{LBL.TST_ReportXXX}}}",
    "action": {
        "type": "utility",
        "params": {
            "params": {
                "type": "standard__recordPage",
                "attributes": {
  • action enables to notify any external LWC components in the same tab with any parameters required, enabling to trigger any custom browser side LWC logic via the sfActionBarCmp component.

    • this may be helpful to e.g. display a complex custom form popup.
    • It relies on the sfpegCustomAction message channel, on which the custom LWC component should register.
  • notify enables to notify sfActionBarCmp component instances to execute an action.

    • This is typically used to ask other LWC components embedding the sfActionBarCmp component to refresh themselves once an action has been executed.
    • It relies on the sfpegCustomNotification message channel and leverages the Notification Channels attribute of the metadata record.
    • the target components need to set the Notification Channel fields of the sfpegAction records they use (for the sfpegActionBarCmp components they embed)
    • e.g. the following example triggers a refresh action on all sfpegListCmp instances having their sfpegAction header actions configuration record set to listen to the RefreshList channel.
  "label": "Refresh", "name": "refresh",
  "action": {
    "type": "notify",
    "channel": "RefreshList",
    "params": {
      "type": "done",
      "params": {
        "type": "refresh"

The Notification Channels attribute of a sfpegAction custom metadata record defines which channels the sfpegActionBarCmp components using it should be listening to.

  • It should be be set only if notify action types are used and have to be handled by the corresponding sfpegActionCmp component instances.
  • If set, it filters the actions actually executed by the sfpegActionBarCmp component instances, these instances then registering to these events.
  • It is a JSON list of strings containing the labels of the channels used within sfpegCustomNotification message channel events.
  • e.g. for an action header bar, the following text should be provided to register to the custom RefreshList channel

Action Notification Registration!

Please refer to sfpegActionUtilityCmp to see an example combining a flow popup triggering via a utility action type followed by a notify one to refresh the originating sfpegListCmp component.

clipboard Action Type

The clipboard action type enables to copy a preconfigured string to the user clipboard, enabling to paste it in other applications (or emails).

The params property should be a standard text string providing the content to be written in the user clipboard.

Typical use cases are to copy a record name or a link to a given record to be pasted in an email or message.

    "label": "Clip Name",
    "name": "ClipName",
    "action": {
        "type": "clipboard",
        "params": "{{{RCD.Name}}}"
    "label": "Clip URL",
    "name": "ClipUrl",
    "action": {
        "type": "clipboard",
        "params": "{{{GEN.baseUrl}}}/lightning/r/{{{GEN.objectApiName}}}/{{{GEN.recordId}}}/view"

Action Types from Other Components (Flow Popup, Aura Application Event, List Refresh, List Filter...)

Other action types (or triggering contexts) are available from other components via various triggering mechanisms:

Configuration Examples

Flow Action Launch (leveraging the PEG_FlowEmbed_CMP addressable component, see FLW package)

Flow Tab Open Action!

In this example, a sfpegListCmp component is used to display a set of promoted ongoing Tasks related to the current record and directly, from a drop-down menu,

  • open a Flow in a new tab to execute the Flow corresponding to the displayed Task
  • trigger a dmlForm action to set a close reason before closing the task.

The configuration of the action to open the Flow is provided hereafter.

    "name": "Action", 
    "label": "Action", "iconName": "utility:success",
    "action": {
        "type": "navigation",
        "params": {
            "type": "standard__component",
            "attributes": { "componentName": "c__PEG_FlowEmbed_CMP" },
            "state": {
                "c__flow": "{{{ROW.TECH_Processus__c}}}",
                "c__recordId": "{{{ROW.Id}}}",
                "c__target": "recordId",
                "c__label": "Execution de tâche"

FYI, the configuration of the “close” action is the following:

    "name": "abandon",
    "action": {
        "type": "dmlForm",
        "params": {
            "title": "Abandon de tâche NBA",
            "message": "Veuillez sélectionner un motif de clôture.",
            "formRecord": { "ObjectApiName": "TECH_TaskProxy__c" },
            "formFields": [{ "name": "Motif__c", "required": true }],
            "record": {
                "ObjectApiName": "Task",
                "Id": "{{{ROW.Id}}}",
                "Status": "Annulée"
            "next": { "type": "done", "params": { "type": "refresh" } }

Custom Action Notification Implementation

In order to send a custom action notification to an external custom LWC component via a dedicated TEST_CHANNEL channel, the following action configuration may be used.

    "label": "Remote Action",
    "name": "RemoteAction",
    "action": {
        "type": "action",
        "channel": "TEST_CHANNEL",
        "params": {
            "param1": "Hello",
            "param2": "World"

In the custom LWC component, the following code should be used to subscribe to the action notifications and handle messages sent on the TEST_CHANNEL channel.

  • In the javascripts imports
// To notify the utility bar handler if required
import {
} from 'lightning/messageService';
import sfpegCustomAction from '@salesforce/messageChannel/sfpegCustomAction__c';
  • In the class definition
    // Notification handling
    subscription = null;

    // Component Initialization
    connectedCallback() {
    disconnectedCallback() {

    // Handler for message received by component
    handleMessage(message) {
        if (( && ( == "TEST_CHANNEL")) {
            console.log('handleMessage: processing TEST_CHANNEL message');
        else {
            console.log('handleMessage: ignoring message on channel',;

    // Notification subscription 
    // Encapsulate logic for Lightning message service subscribe and unsubsubscribe
    subscribeToMessageChannel() {
        if (!this.subscription) {
            this.subscription = subscribe(
                (message) => this.handleMessage(message));

    unsubscribeToMessageChannel() {
        this.subscription = null;

Please refer to the Lightning Message Service for more technical details.

It is then also possible to propagate the received event to an Aura parent component via a simple custom event dispatch, as between the sfpegActionHandlerCmp (LWC) and the sfpegActiuonUtilityCmp (Aura) utility components.

  • in the child LWC even handling
let doneEvent = new CustomEvent('done', {
    "detail": message.action});
  • in the parent HTML

Similarly, it is also possible to generate back a custom notify notification back to the different sfpegActionBarCmp components having registered to the a TEST_FEEDBACK channel.

  • In the javascripts imports, include also the publish action and the sfpegCustomNotification message channel
// To notify the utility bar handler if required
import {
} from 'lightning/messageService';
import sfpegCustomAction from '@salesforce/messageChannel/sfpegCustomAction__c';
import sfpegCustomNotification from '@salesforce/messageChannel/sfpegCustomNotification__c';
  • In the class definition, simply publish a sfpegCustomNotification message
let actionNotif = {
    'channel': "TEST_FEEDBACK",
    'action': {
        "params":{"title":"Notified Back!"}
publish(this.messageContext, sfpegCustomNotification, actionNotif);

Dynamic Rendering for Next Action

Leveraging the dynamic action activation feature, it is possible to implement a next button to move ahead in a process controlled by a picklist field.

By activating the global Do Evaluation? parameter and carefully setting the hidden disabled properties of each individual action, it is possible to trigger a picklist field value change via LDS depending on the process stage and let it become active only when certain conditions are met.

  • Before executing the stage actions, the Next button remains inactive

Dynamic Next Buttons (inactive)

  • After executing them, it becomes active and enables a LDS update on the current record towards the next stage value

Dynamic Next Buttons (active)

The button label remains the same at all stages but its name and action change, only one of each being displayed at each stage. A possible configuration is:

        "name": "go2selection",
        "label": "Suivant",
        "iconName": "utility:chevronright",
        "hidden": "'{{{RCD.Stage__c}}}' != 'CHANNEL'",
        "disabled": "'{{{RCD.SelectedChannels__c}}}' == ''",
        "action": {
            "type": "LDS",
            "params": {
                "type": "update",
                "bypassConfirm": true,
                "params": {
                    "fields": {
                        "Id": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}",
                        "Stage__c": "TARGET"
        "name": "go2personnalisation",
        "label": "Suivant",
        "iconName": "utility:chevronright",
        "hidden": "'{{{RCD.Stage__c}}}' != 'TARGET'",
        "disabled": "{{{RCD.TargetNumber__c}}} == 0",
        "action": {
            "type": "LDS",
            "params": {
                "type": "update",
                "bypassConfirm": true,
                "params": {
                    "fields": {
                        "Id": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}",
                        "Stage__c": "CUSTOMIZE"
        "name": "go2synthèse",
        "label": "Suivant",
        "iconName": "utility:chevronright",
        "hidden": "'{{{RCD.Stage__c}}}' != 'CUSTOMIZE'",
        "action": {
            "type": "LDS",
            "params": {
                "type": "update",
                "bypassConfirm": true,
                "params": {
                    "fields": {
                        "Id": "{{{GEN.recordId}}}",
                        "Stage__c": "SEND"


  • The same may be done for a Previous action (combined in the same sfpegCard__mdt record).
  • These buttons may be combined with dynamic process validation messages (see sfpegMessageListCmp) to notify users about missing information.

Reload and Refresh Action Chaining

As mentioned in the Configuration section, it is possible to leverage next properties to execute a chain of actions. In the following example, a delete DML mass action is first triggered on a record selection provided by the parent component (e.g. sfpegListCmp) and then 2 successive actions happen:

  • LDS reload of the page record (e.g. to refresh rollup sumary fields)
  • refresh of the parent component (e.g. to reload a custom related list)
        "label": "Supprimer",
        "iconName": "utility:delete",
        "name": "delete",
        "action": {
            "type": "massDML",
            "title": "Suppression des membres de campagnes",
            "message": "Confirmer la suppression",
            "params": {
                "operation": "delete",
                "next": {
                    "next": {
                        "type": "done",
                        "params": {
                            "type": "refresh"

ActionBar Contextualisation

It is possible to leverage the parentContext parameter of the component to implement custom contextualisation of the action list. All data provided in this property get then automatically available as CTX merge tokens in the action configuration metadata.

For example, the following toast action leverages the CTX.label token.

    "label":"Context Data",
        "type": "toast",
        "params": {
            "title": "Test Message",
            "message": "Selected context is {{{CTX.label}}}."

Data for this token has to be provided by theh parent component (here and example of Aura embedding).

    parentContext="{!v.context}" />

Data must be a simple JSON record containing the field names included as the CTX tokens in the configuration.

    "label":  "TEST LABEL"

Note: The handleAction controller method enables to handle custom actions configured as done ones.

Hidden Mode Usage

Multiple components (e.g. sfpegMessageListCmp or sfpegListCmp) use the sfpegActionBarCmp in hidden mode to execute the action logic, while displaying buttons or menus in a specific way (in messages, data-table rows, tiles).

For these components, a specific isHidden boolean parameter is available at the component interface to skip HTML rendering logic of the sfpegActionBarCmp component and optimise performances. They may also apply the slds-hide SLDS class to ensure no HTML overhead is applied.

    bar-class= "slds-hide"

They can later invoke action execution on the instantiated sfpegActionBarCmp component by:

  • finding the component
let rowActionBar = this.template.querySelector('c-sfpeg-action-bar-cmp[data-my-id=rowActions]');
  • invoking one of the available methods:
    • executeAction when the parent component has already all the details of the action tpo execute (e.g. when handling a next action after a done one)
    • executeBarAction when the parent wishes to trigger one of the actions defined in the action bar configuration (by the name defined in the metadata configuration)

Special Feature for Lookup Filter Handling

In record creation forms, there is currently a limitation in the standard lightning-input-field components concerning the lookup filters (they are ignored). This is especially applicable to ldsForm, DmlForm and massForm actions.

As a workaround, a specific dataSource property is proposed when configuring lookup fields for the forms in order to limit the set of records to choose from.

In such a case, the standard lookup input is replaced by a combobox, the set of values of which is fetched through a standard sfpegListCmp component.

Hereafter, the dataSourceproperty is specified for the ProxyOwner__c input field (also a work-around to be able to change the OwnerId of the record in Apex trigger).

    "name": "changeOwner", "label": "Change Owner",
    "action": {
        "type": "massForm",
        "params": {
            "title": "Change the Owner",
            "message": "Please fill in the following information",
            "removeRT": true,
            "columns": 1,
            "record": {
                "ObjectApiName": "{{{GEN.objectApiName}}}"
            "fields": [
                { "name": "ProxyOwner__c", "dataSource": "AllowedOwnersList" }
        "next": {
            "type": "done",
            "params": {
                "type": "refresh"

The referenced sfpegList metadata record AllowedOwnersList needs simply to return the Id and the Name of the User records to choose from.

  • Query Input: {"AGENCY":"{{{RCD.Branch__c}}}"}
  • Query Template: select Name, Id from User where (Branch__c like '%{{{AGENCY}}}%')
  • Display Configuration: { "keyField":"Id", "columns": [{"label":"Name", "fieldName": "Name"}]}

Beware to keep the list short to fit into a small combobox!

Technical Details

The sfpegActionBarCmp heavily relies on the following components:

  • the standard lightning-navigation service for navigation actions
  • the standard platform-show-toast-event for toast actions or error notifications
  • the standard Lightning Data Service (see uiRecordApi) for LDS operations
  • the sfpegAction_CTL Apex controller for Apex actions and DML executions
  • the sfpegPopupDsp component for confirmation, record form or spinner popup display
  • the sfpegMergeUtl component for action configuration contextualisation