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File metadata and controls

313 lines (261 loc) · 11.7 KB

Expected Formats of Metadata

The tool can simultaneously display synchronized metadata from video-description (VD), text annotations and video action recognition from model inference. Each metadata file have different expected format aligned with their original definition, as presented in following sub-sections.

All of these files are employed to generate a merged file if requested.

Video-description Metadata (VD)

Following is the expected format of the original video-description JSON metadata

See also:

  • Source code: FAR-VVD/data-extraction
  • Data samples: /misc/data23-bs/FAR-VVD/nobackup
    (see reference metadata_files.json that lists paths to every corresponding video metadata.json file)

Multiple additional fields from the exhaustive format are not presented below for simplicity. Required fields from the metadata_files part are either the series or the films related items, depending on whether the old or new vd_files_format is employed. The parser will detect which one according to available fields and handle each case. All fields of both format are presented below for reference, but there should only be one of the two in real metadata files.

Following the top-level metadata, either the augmented_vd_metadata or the standard_vd_metadata are looked for. The extended one is selected first if available, and falls back to the standard one otherwise. Both formats are identical, and are therefore only represented once below.

For each video-description entry, the mandatory fields are start_ms, end_ms and vd. Other elements are not currently employed. The extracted timestamps are mapped against corresponding ones of metadata files from next sections.

  "version": "0.0.1",
  "date_generated": "2020-02-22 02:27:53.305967",
  "vd_files_format": "old|new",
  "metadata_files": {
    "serie_name": "Dans une galaxie",
    "serie_export_path": "/mnt/m/data23-bs/FAR-VVD/nobackup/Export/OPHQ/Dans_une_Galaxie_Pres_de_Chez_Vous/Disque1/Episode14",
    "serie_production_path": "/mnt/m/data23-bs/FAR-VVD/nobackup/Production/OPHQ/Dans une Galaxie/DGPCV_14",
    "serie_collection_name": "OPHQ",
    "serie_episode_number": 14,
    "film_export_path": "/mnt/m/data23-bs/FAR-VVD/nobackup/Export/BAnQ",
    "film_production_path": "/mnt/m/data23-bs/FAR-VVD/nobackup/Production/BAnQ",
    "film_export_subpath": "15Fevrier1839",
    "film_production_subpath": "15Fevrier1839/15Fevrier183920160119",
    "film_collection_name": "BAnQ",
    "video_file": "../../../../../Data/OPHQ/Data/Dans_une_Galaxie_Près_de_Chez_Vous/DGPCV_Ep14.avi"
  "standard_vd_metadata": [],
  "augmented_vd_metadata": [
      "vd": "Veuillez noter que la traduction des dialogues anglais sera donnée en vidéodescription augmentée.",
      "video": "../../../../../Production/BAnQ/15Fevrier1839/15Fevrier183920160119/Video/Title_1.mp4",
      "actors": [],
      "scenes": [],
      "duration_ms": 5264,
      "start_ms": 0,
      "end_ms": 5264,
      "start": "T00:00:00",
      "end": "T00:00:05.264000"

Video Action Recognition Inference Metadata (VI)

Following is the expected format of the action recognition predictions inferred from video

See also:

The only mandatory field is predictions, and more specifically, the start, end, classes and scores entries for each of those list items. Each segment timestamps are converted to be matched against other metadata files.

  "command": "<command>",
  "model": "<model_name>",
  "sample_count": <sample_count>,
  "predictions": [
      "segment": "<video>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "start": <seconds-time-start>,
      "end": <seconds-time-end>,
      "part": "<segment>/<sample_count>",
      "classes": [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" ],
      "scores": [ 0.60, 0.20, 0.10, 0.03, 0.02 ]

Text Annotation Metadata (TA)

Following are the expected formats from text annotation metadata JSON files.

See also:

  • Source code: FAR-VVD/Annotation-VD
  • Data samples: /misc/data23-bs/FAR-VVD/DATA_TEXTE
    (sub-directory TEXT_INFERENCE_ALL for latest, older in order sibling locations)

Different formats are presented to keep track of their evolution over time.
They should still all work interchangeably, but latest one would usually offer more metadata contents.

V1 - Original Annotations

  "name": "<identification-name>",
  "data": [
      "vd": "<video-description>",
      "annotations": [
            "lemme": "vaisseau_spatial",
            "POS": "NOUN_ADJ",
            "type": "Sujet-Objet"
      "TS": [

The data contains any amount of annotations metadata, for which timestamps under TS and annotations must always be provided. The vd fields are not directly employed, unless no original VD metadata.json file is given, as they duplicate this information.

The annotations can have any amount of 2D-list, where first dimension represents some sentence, and the second represent the annotated lemmes within each sentence. Because no explicit sentence is provided here, the merge operation generates them as good as possible using heuristics. Each annotation is used to generate the words list in the merged result.

Timestamps TS of a given annotation are mapped with start/end time and converted appropriately to match them against equivalent timestamps of other metadata files.

V2 - Sentence Annotations

  "name": "<identification-name>",
  "data": [
      "vd": "<video-description>",
      "annotations": [
          "sentence": "",
          "annot_sentence": [
              "POS": "",
              "lemme": "",
              "type": ""
      "TS": [

This format modified the previous 2D-list to employ a list of objects instead, each containing the original annotation format under the field annot_sentence.

Additionally, the pre-processed sentence field is provided, but sometimes the amount of provided entries does not correspond to the detected number of sentences within the vd. Heuristics of the previous V1 version are therefore still processed to display (debug) and differences encountered. The provided senttence are preserved regardless of mismatches.

V3 - Precise Annotations

  "name": "<identification-name>",
  "data": [
      "vd": "<video-description>",
      "TS": [],
      "sentence": "...",
      "annot": [ [ {} ] ],
      "annotations": [ {} ],
      "annot_precises": [
          "TS": [
          "token": [
          "lemme": [
          "offset": [
            "0 13",
            "13 14"
          "pos": [
          "iob": [

This new version provides all previous version formats simultaneously.

The vd, TS and sentence are identical to previous definitions, but sentence always provided. Therefore, heuristics are not applied anymore to generate them.

The annot corresponds to the 2D-list of V1. The annotations instead correspond to the format of V2. Both are simplified in the above example to make it more concise and focus on new elements.

The annot_precises field provides a list of objects similar to annotatons, where each item is a sentence from the vd. For each of those sentences, additional metadata with more explicit information about every annotated token is provided.

Corresponding indices of each token refer to the same elements in other lists. For example, index 0 of token indicates the word Avertissement, which refers to the lemme of index 0 avertissement, located at offset characters (start: 0, end: 13, string separated by single space) within the sentence. The Part-Of-Speech (pos) and Inside-Outside-Beginning (iob) information relative to the sentence entity for the token are also available.

V4 - Precise Annotations (as Annotations)

In more recent cases, the field annotations is provided directly in place of annot_precises. The format under it is exactly the same as annot_precises of V3, but due to possible parsing confusion with annotations from V2, the sub-field annot_sentence is looked for explicitly to distinguish between them.

If the field annot_sentence is present, V2 parsing is employed. Otherwise, parsing proceeds using V3, applying all usual formatting rules.

Text Inference Metadata (TI)

This file is expected to be provided in TSV format.

It is intended to provide action mapping strategies between different types of lexical resources, embeddings generation methods and reference gold standard definitions, against the original VD action.

The format is presented below.

<timestamp>    action    <mapping-strategy-1>    <mapping-strategy-2>    [...]    gold    [prox]
T<ts>;T<te>    verb      action-1;action-2       (- | _ | '')                     verb    (- | <int>)

The first line is the header that indicates the name of each mapping strategy. The timestamp name is ignored, but assumed to be placed in the first column. Any number of mapping strategy can be defined. The gold standard is expected as the last one. Optionally, the prox (proximity) can also be provided after the gold standard.

For each line, the first column is the start and end timestamps of the entry (ISO times prefixed by T). They must be concatenated by ;. Following is the single action for which mappings are generated for. For each following mapping strategy, any amount of action mapping values separated by ; can be provided.

Items annotated by either a single -, _ or a blank entry will be assumed as no action mapping to be provided for that case. Those unavailable mappings will be replaced by null during the merging strategy.

The gold standard should be a single mapping value (no ; concatenated values). It can again be -, _ or an empty string when not provided. For schema consistency, the merged result will still indicate the gold standard as a list of actions in the mapping, but that list will always be composed of a single string if gold was provided, or a single null entry otherwise.

Finally, the prox field can be provided last. If missing, it is simply ignored. Otherwise, the value should be either a single value formed of either -, _ or empty string (eg: when gold is also undefined) or an integer expected to represent the proximity of the key action against the mappings. Integers are preserved as is, while any other values are replaced by 0 during the parsing and merging strategy.