The credentials for your Sonatype OSSRH account need to be stored somewhere safe (e.g. NOT in the repository).
Common convention is a /.sbt/1.0/sonatype.sbt or (/.sbt/.credentials) file with the following:
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
"<your username>",
"<your password>")
If not done already, generate a key and upload it to a keyserver.
$ gpg --gen-key
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
$ gpg --keyserver --send-keys 2BE.......E804D85663F
Release the client is done using the following three steps:
1. Release Code
2. Publish Artifacts
3. Releese Artifacts
To release and publish a version to oss.sonatype for both scala 2.12 and scala 2.13 run:
sbt release
It's likely that after pushing all artifacts to the online repository you'll see an error complaining that the tag already exists. That's ok.
To only publish a certain version after f.e. the tags has been build, but your PGP was not correctly unlocked you can run
sbt publishSigned
If you want to publish only a single SCALA version, use sbt ++3.3.1 publishSigned
To close and release the staging repository on Sonatype you can either go to the web interface or use
sbt sonatypeRelease
If something goes wrong and you want to cleanup/rollback, use sbt sonatypeDropAll
You can verify if all has been published correctly by visiting the following url:;quick~clickhouse%20crobox