Releases: crossplane-contrib/provider-upjet-aws
What's Changed
- Add configuration for ses (14),shield (3),signer (2),simpledb (1) groups by @dverveiko in #382
- Configured transfer(2) group resources by @dverveiko in #387
- Add imagebuilder(6), inspector(3) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #385
- Add ses(13), signer(2), simpledb(1) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #399
- Moving networkfirewall(2), networkmanager(9) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #401
- Add configuration of s3(1), s3control(4), transfer(1), Wafregional(2)… by @dverveiko in #405
- Adding aws_redshift_cluster, aws_redshift_event_subscription, aws_redshift_parameter_group, aws_redshift_scheduled_action, aws_redshift_snapshot_schedule, aws_redshift_snapshot_schedule_association, aws_redshift_subnet_groupto v1beta1 by @mykolalosev in #406
- Add configuretion for elasticbeanstalk(2), imagebuilder(1) by @dverveiko in #403
- Moving waf(11), wafregional(10) resources to v1beta1 version by @MyzaTaras in #397
- Moving guardduty (3) resources to v1beta1 version by @MyzaTaras in #381
- Moving swf(1), timestreamwrite(2) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #418
- Moving fsx (2) resources to v1beta1 version: aws_fsx_ontap_file_system, aws_fsx_ontap_storage_virtual_machine by @svscheg in #417
- added aws_wafregional_xss_match_set, aws_wafv2_ip_set, aws_wafv2_rege… by @kdibrov in #422
- Add additional connection details for MQ (RabbitMQ) by @loafoe in #204
- Add missing SecurityGroup selectors to EFS MountTarget by @ytsarev in #420
Full Changelog: v0.25.0...v0.26.0
What's Changed
- Moving macie2 (6) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #334
- Added resource files for mediapackage group by @kdibrov in #336
- storagegateway: Configured 10 resources by @dverveiko in #330
- Moving mediaconvert (1) resource to v1beta1 version by @anastasiia-kvas in #341
- Moving mediastore (2) resources to the v1beta1 version by @MyzaTaras in #340
- Added 2 resouces from pinpoint group by @kdibrov in #351
- Moving route53recoveryreadiness (2) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #349
- Adding ssm (7) resources to v1beta1 version by @mykolalosev in #354
- Adding emr (1) resource to v1beta1 version by @mykolalosev in #350
- Moving servicequotas (1) resource to v1beta1 version by @anastasiia-kvas in #343
- Added 10 resources for sagemaker group by @kdibrov in #364
- Moving iot (11) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #365
- Moving elasticbeanstalk(2) resources to v1beta1 version by @anastasiia-kvas in #359
- Moving glacier (2) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #366
- Adding elbv2 (1) resource to v1beta1 version by @mykolalosev in #347
- Moving fsx (4) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #352
- Moving quicksight (2) resources to v1beta1 version by @anastasiia-kvas in #358
- Configure qldb group and add examples by @turkenf in #367
- Moving memorydb (5) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #369
- Location: Add 1 resource, Mskconnect: Add 3 resources by @dverveiko in #355
- Moving elb (7) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #371
- imagebuilder: added 6 resources, inspector: added 3 resources by @dverveiko in #360
- waf: Configured 11 resources; wafregional: Configured 10 resources by @dverveiko in #370
- ssoadmin: Configured 4 resources; swf: Configured 1 resource; synthet… by @dverveiko in #372
- Configure route53recoverycontrolconfig group and add examples by @turkenf in #373
- networkfirewall: Add 4 resources, networkmanager: Add 9 resources by @dverveiko in #345
- Moving rds (4) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #379
- Add store config scheme by @ezgidemirel in #380
Full Changelog: v0.24.0...v0.25.0
The v0.24.0
release adds 43 new managed resource to the provider and contains fixes for the kms.Alias
and the ec2.SecurityGroupRule
The provider's package is available as
, and please don't forget to check the provider's Upbound Marketplace documentation.
What's Changed
- Moving sns (3) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #271
- Moving grafana (1) 'aws_grafana_license_association' resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #268
- Configure 24 resources without testing by @sergenyalcin in #274
- Amend SecurityGroupRule late init fix by @ytsarev in #275
- fix kms alias name by @stevendborrelli in #277
- ec2: add aws_vpc_peering_connection_accepter, aws_vpc_peering_connection_options by @anastasiia-kvas in #281
- Moving directconnect (4) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #272
- Moving route53recoveryreadiness (2),s3control (3) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #285
- Moving dlm (1), dms (2), ds (1) resources to v1beta1 version by @mykolalosev in #270
- Configure some resources without testing by @sergenyalcin in #282
- Configure some resources without testing II by @sergenyalcin in #284
- Moving cloudwatchlogs (3) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #304
- keyspaces: add aws_keyspaces_keyspace, aws_keyspaces_table by @anastasiia-kvas in #303
- Add Upbound credential source and support provider identity by @hasheddan in #278
- SSM: configured 10 resources by @dverveiko in #306
- Configure some resources without testing III by @sergenyalcin in #286
- elastictranscoder: add aws_elastictranscoder_preset, aws_elastictranscoder_pipeline by @anastasiia-kvas in #324
- Moving lightsail (6) resources to v1beta version by @MyzaTaras in #326
- added 1 resource for securityhub group by @kdibrov in #302
- Added 6 resources to DirectConnect group for issue 216 by @kdibrov in #289
- Moving schemas (3) resources to v1beta1 version by @MyzaTaras in #331
- Adding dms (1) resource to v1beta1 version by @mykolalosev in #328
Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.0
What's Changed
- Add 6 aws appmesh services by @svscheg in #147
- Configure apprunner group, appstream group and add examples by @turkenf in #144
- Add Glue crawler, connection resources by @stevendborrelli in #159
- Delete by @jeanduplessis in #163
- Moving accessanalyzer (1),account (1), amplify (4) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #165
- Remove already configured resources from externalnamenottested.go by @ulucinar in #171
- Add a "Show diff" step to show diffs in case the make check-diff step fails by @ulucinar in #176
- Print coverage statistics by @ulucinar in #172
- Updates in the Quickstart Guide by @turkenh in #199
- Moving EC2 (2) resources to v1beta1 version#27 by @dverveiko in #153
- Issue 8 by @mykolalosev in #161
- Add untested configurations for the servicediscovery, servicecatalog, serverlessapplicationrepository, securityhub groups by @ulucinar in #187
- Moving detective devicefarm by @svscheg in #157
- Add organizations group APIs by @ulucinar in #195
- Configure appsync group and add examples by @turkenf in #175
- fix(client): include crossplane in useragent by @nabuskey in #160
- Issue 69 by @mykolalosev in #198
- Issue 188 by @mykolalosev in #214
- Issue 222 by @mykolalosev in #225
- Report CRD breaking API schema changes with a report-breaking-changes CI job by @ulucinar in #223
- Add workflow to triage community issues by @jeanduplessis in #226
- Fix late init of SecurityGroupRule with
self: true
by @ytsarev in #229 - issue-37 by @mykolalosev in #230
- Add additional connection details for RDS Cluster by @loafoe in #203
- Issue 30 by @dverveiko in #221
- Moving directconnect (5) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #227
- Moving appconfig appflow appintegrations by @svscheg in #210
- Use UPTEST_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS Github repo secret to enable cross-account resource uptesting by @ulucinar in #231
- Moving cloudtrail (2) resources to v1beta1 version by @dverveiko in #234
- added files for aws_default_security_group resource issue 183 by @kdibrov in #236
- Add aws_serverlessapplicationrepository_cloudformation_stack resource from serverlessapplicationrepository group by @steperchuk in #237
- Direct Connect: Add aws_dx_transit_virtual_interface resource by @dverveiko in #243
- Add PR triage workflow by @jeanduplessis in #244
- adding files for ec2 group transitgatewayconnectpeer by @kdibrov in #245
- DynamoDB: add aws_dynamodb_tag resource by @MyzaTaras in #249
- Add more untested configurations from the service_discovery, elasticache, ram , sns, ecs, grafana and gamelift groups by @ulucinar in #250
- Moving servicecatalog (11) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #240
- Move autoscaling (4), autoscalingplans (1) resources to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #260
- Add EventBridge Resources by @zeresius in #207
- Moving autoscaling (1) aws_autoscaling_group_tag resource to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #262
- Moving service (1) 'aws_service_discovery_service' resource to v1beta1 version by @steperchuk in #265
- Add manual-intervention annotation for necessary resources in EventBridge resources by @sergenyalcin in #267
- ec2: add aws_spot_fleet_request by @anastasiia-kvas in #263
- Configure UserGroup & UserInGroup resources from the cognitoidp group by @ulucinar in #266
New Contributors
- @nabuskey made their first contribution in #160
- @ytsarev made their first contribution in #229
- @loafoe made their first contribution in #203
- @kdibrov made their first contribution in #236
- @steperchuk made their first contribution in #237
- @MyzaTaras made their first contribution in #249
- @zeresius made their first contribution in #207
- @anastasiia-kvas made their first contribution in #263
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.23.0
What's Changed
- Add 6 aws appmesh services by @svscheg in #147
- Configure apprunner group, appstream group and add examples by @turkenf in #144
- Add Glue crawler, connection resources by @stevendborrelli in #159
- Delete by @jeanduplessis in #163
- Moving accessanalyzer (1),account (1), amplify (4) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #165
- Remove already configured resources from externalnamenottested.go by @ulucinar in #171
- Add a "Show diff" step to show diffs in case the make check-diff step fails by @ulucinar in #176
- Print coverage statistics by @ulucinar in #172
- Updates in the Quickstart Guide by @turkenh in #199
- Moving EC2 (2) resources to v1beta1 version#27 by @dverveiko in #153
- Issue 8 by @mykolalosev in #161
- Add untested configurations for the servicediscovery, servicecatalog, serverlessapplicationrepository, securityhub groups by @ulucinar in #187
- Moving detective devicefarm by @svscheg in #157
- Add organizations group APIs by @ulucinar in #195
- Configure appsync group and add examples by @turkenf in #175
- fix(client): include crossplane in useragent by @nabuskey in #160
- Issue 69 by @mykolalosev in #198
- Issue 188 by @mykolalosev in #214
- Issue 222 by @mykolalosev in #225
- Report CRD breaking API schema changes with a report-breaking-changes CI job by @ulucinar in #223
- Add workflow to triage community issues by @jeanduplessis in #226
- Fix late init of SecurityGroupRule with
self: true
by @ytsarev in #229 - issue-37 by @mykolalosev in #230
- Add additional connection details for RDS Cluster by @loafoe in #203
- Issue 30 by @dverveiko in #221
- Moving directconnect (5) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #227
- Moving appconfig appflow appintegrations by @svscheg in #210
New Contributors
- @nabuskey made their first contribution in #160
- @ytsarev made their first contribution in #229
- @loafoe made their first contribution in #203
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.22.0
What's Changed
- Add 6 aws appmesh services by @svscheg in #147
- Configure apprunner group, appstream group and add examples by @turkenf in #144
- Add Glue crawler, connection resources by @stevendborrelli in #159
- Delete by @jeanduplessis in #163
- Moving accessanalyzer (1),account (1), amplify (4) resources to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #165
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0
The v0.20.0
release contains new managed resources (we now ship 417 CRDs with provider-aws), fixes for some existing managed resources, and some minor documentation and example manifest fixes. Notably, the poll interval and the maximum concurrent reconcilers for provider-aws controllers are now configurable with the provider's command-line arguments and the default values have been tweaked according to our observations here. We also now produce a list of non-generated Terraform resources that exist in the Terraform provider but have not been generated in the official provider. This list can now be found in the artifacts of a CI
Github workflow run.
The provider's package is available as
, and please don't forget to check the provider's Upbound Marketplace documentation.
What's Changed
- Remove UXP requirement notice by @jeanduplessis in #128
- Configure connect group and add examples by @turkenf in #121
- Reuse Uptest workflow and standardize Makefile targets by @turkenh in #116
- Bump to latest uptest and build submodule by @turkenh in #129
- tested: aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter, aws_cloudwatch_log_resource… by @svscheg in #125
- Fix references to aws_kinesis_stream's arn field by @ulucinar in #114
- Moving appmesh (1) resource to v1beta1 version by @svscheg in #137
- Moving ec2 (17) resources to v1beta1 version #65 by @dverveiko in #130
- Fix Uptest timeout annotation by @ezgidemirel in #141
- Moving configservice (7) resources to v1beta1 version by @mykolalosev in #133
- Make not-generated Terraform resources CSV available as a Github workflow artifact by @ulucinar in #139
- Consume upjet commit 6de200a3a8b0ac77c5f9d122f93db26aacd61960 by @ulucinar in #145
- Fixes and Tweaks with Uptest related targets by @turkenh in #143
- Configurable maxConcurrentReconciles and pollInterval with sensible defaults by @turkenh in #140
- fix(asg): fix observed failed availability_zones / vpc_zone_identifier by @haarchri in #110
New Contributors
- @svscheg made their first contribution in #125
- @dverveiko made their first contribution in #130
- @ezgidemirel made their first contribution in #141
- @mykolalosev made their first contribution in #133
- @haarchri made their first contribution in #110
Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.20.0
- Glue SecurityConfiguration resource is added by @stevendborrelli
#103 - Codedeploy and Codepipeline groups are added by @turkenf. Welcome Fatih!