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File metadata and controls

699 lines (496 loc) · 21.1 KB



By default, the configuration file will be located in /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

The root path of weewx, WEEWX_ROOT, is essential, because this is where the rest of the configuration will be done.

# Root directory of the weewx data file hierarchy for this station.
WEEWX_ROOT = /home/weewx/

To test your configuration and generate debug information:

debug = 1


Import the key:

curl -sSf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/weewx.gpg --yes

In /etc/apt/sources.list.d/weewx.list:

deb [arch=all] buster main

Upgrading to v5 introduces lots a difference I haven't yet covered in this manual. For example, there is a unique tool named weectl, instead of wee_extension and others.

Currently, I have downgraded back to v4.10.2 until I have time to cope with the new changes:

sudo apt install weewx=4.10.2-1
sudo apt-mark hold weewx

In particular, pay attention to directories:

  • /etc/weewx
  • /etc/default/weewx
  • /usr/share/weewx
  • /home/weewx


Initial Station setup

In weewx.conf, you'll want to setup in the [Station] section:

  • location: description of the station location, like the name of your town
  • coordinates of your station: latitude = 41.1, longitude = 7.07611
  • altitude = 100, meter # Choose 'foot' or 'meter' for unit

The location, latitude, longitude, altitude will then be available in HTML templates as $station.location, $station.latitude, $station.longitude and $station.altitude.

  • station_url = to specify the beginning of the weather station's website. Specify the URL for your weather station's website:

  • stationc_type = xxx: this is an important parameter where you specify the driver for your weather station. E.g WMR200, or Interceptor. Your weewx.conf will then have a dedicated section for that driver.

To use Metric units:

    target_unit = METRIC    # Options are 'US', 'METRICWX', or 'METRIC'

To specify units to use for given labels, do that in weewx.conf Unit section. Do not do it in the skins (unless you have a reason to).

    # This section is for managing the selection and formatting of units.
    group_rain         = mm                 # Options are 'inch', 'cm', or '
    group_rainrate     = mm_per_hour        # Options are 'inch_per_hour', '
cm_per_hour', or 'mm_per_hour'
    group_speed        = km_per_hour        # Options are 'mile_per_hour', '

For time format, see [[TimeFormats]]

WMR200 stations

WMR200 weather stations are no longer natively supported. Their support has been shifted to [an extension)( Follow installation of this extension here

Basically, you'll get additional extension files, and then you'll need to add a [WMR200] section to weewx.conf:

    # This section is for the Oregon Scientific WMR200
    # The station model, e.g., WMR200, WMR200A, Radio Shack W200
    model = WMR200
    # The driver to use:
    driver = user.wmr200

    archive_interval = 300

    loop_interval = 2.5
    erase_archive = False
    sensor_status = True
    archive_threshold = 1512000
    archive_startup = 120
    user_pc_time = True

EcoWitt stations

Generating websites

Websites where you send weather data to are known as reports. You can set up several websites, choose what you want to send to each of those, have different templates etc.

In weewx.conf, you list all reports to generate in the [StdReport] section. Each report is a sub-section. A report is configured from its skin directory (SKIN_ROOT). When the report is generated, it is written to HTML_ROOT.

In the configuration below, we have 2 reports: Standard Report and External.

The standard report is defined in the default WEEWX_ROOT/skins/Standard (in particular by skin.conf), and the generated report will be generated in WEEWX_ROOT/public_html.

The external report is defined in WEEWX_ROOT/skins/External and is generated into WEEWX_ROOT/external_html. It uses bigger images.

    # This section specifies what reports, using which skins, to generate.
    # Where the skins reside, relative to WEEWX_ROOT:
    SKIN_ROOT = skins
    # Where the generated reports should go, relative to WEEWX_ROOT:
    HTML_ROOT = public_html
    # Each subsection represents a report you wish to run:
        # What skin this report should be based on:
        skin = Standard

	skin = External
	HTML_ROOT = external_html
	     image_width = 600
	     image_height = 360

Uploading pages via FTP

Uploading generated pages and images can be done via FTP, and this is yet another 'special' report.

        skin = Ftp
        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
        #user = replace with your username
        #password = replace with your password
        #server = replace with your server name, e.g,
        #path = replace with the destination directory (e.g., /weather)
        # If you wish to upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT
        # is set to above, then reset it here:
        #HTML_ROOT = public_html
        # Most FTP servers use port 21, but if yours is different, you can
        # change it here
        port = 21
        # Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode:
        passive = 1
        # How many times to try to transfer a file before giving up:
        max_tries = 2

        # Set to True for a secure FTP (SFTP) connection. Not all servers
        # support this.
        secure_ftp = False

Rsyncing directories

It is possible to rsync report directories from one host to another. For example, if you want to copy a weewx website to another host.

Typically, weewx daemon runs as root (unless this has been changed). You must then ensure that root is able to SSH to the host to Rsync to with a public key (see SSH authorized_keys and known_hosts).

        skin = Rsync
        # rsync'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another
        # report, much like the FTP report.
        server =
		path = /home/weewx/public_html
        user = weewx
        # Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server if
        delete = 0

Sending information remotely to AWEKAS, CWOP etc

Information can be sent to external websites that use RESTful protocols.

    # This section is for uploading data to sites using RESTful protocols.
        # To register this weather station, set this to True:
        register_this_station = False

To register the station on Weewx (optional)

Also, if your weather station is not published on websites such as AWEKAS, CWOP, you can disable those services:

  enable = false

Customized or Localized labels

        # Generic labels, keyed by an observation type.
        barometer      = Barometre
        dewpoint       = Point de rosee
        heatindex      = Humidex
        inHumidity     = Humidite interieur
        inTemp         = Temperature interieure
        outHumidity    = Humidite exterieure
        outTemp        = Temperature exterieure
        radiation      = Radiation
        rain           = Precipitations
        rainRate       = Taux de precipitation
        rxCheckPercent = ISS Signal Quality
        windDir        = Direction du vent
        windGust       = Rafales
        windGustDir    = Direction rafales
        windSpeed      = Vitesse du vent
        windchill      = Temperature ressentie
        windgustvec    = Vecteur rafales
        windvec        = Vecteur vent
        foot              = " pieds"

    # The labels to be used for the phases of the moon:
    moon_phases = Nouvelle, Premier croissant, Premier quartier, Gibbeuse croissante, Pleine, Gibbeuse decroissante, Dernier quartier, Dernier croissant

Humidex: computing it or getting it from the weather station?

Humidex can be read from the weather station if it provides it, or computed from temperature and humidty:

	heatindex = prefer_hardware

Skins (look of websites)

In skin.conf:

  radar_img =
  storm_img =
  radar_url =

In the skins, you'll also specify the HTML templates of files to generate. Those files should be located in the same directory as the skin.

        # Reports that show statistics "to date", such as day-to-date,
        # week-to-date, month-to-date, etc.
	    template = about.html.tmpl

	    template = almanac.html.tmpl

The templates understand a few conditions and loops:

#if $day.UV.has_data
#end if

#for $month in $year.months
    <td>$month.outTemp.avg ($month.outTemp.min - $month.outTemp.max)</td>
    <td>$month.inTemp.avg ($month.inTemp.min - $month.inTemp.max)</td>
#end for

To display particular values, you can use variables such as:

  • $current.inTemp
  • $day.outTemp.maxtime.format("%H:%M")
  • $yesterday.inTemp.avg
  • $span($hour_delta=24).rain.sum
  • $month($months_ago=1).rain.sum

To generate charts in a given skins, you specify it in the skin.conf section [ImageGenerator]


				yscale = 0, 16, 1
        x_label_format = %d
        bottom_label_format = %d-%b-%Y %X
        time_length = 604800    # == 7 days
        aggregate_type = avg
        aggregate_interval = 3600

Be sure to put the appropriate number of brackets :) This generates an image named as in the section, e.g dayuv.png or dayhumidity.png. The image can then be included in the HTML template:

<a href="dayuv.png"><img src="dayuv.png" alt="UV index" title="UV index" width="30%" />

To optimize uploads to an external website, some resources need not be copied at each upload. This is handled by the copy_once directive in skin.conf:

copy_once = backgrounds/*, weewx.css, mobile.css, favicon.ico, smartphone/i\
cons/*, smartphone/custom.js


To start / stop, use service weewx start or stop.

To generate a report: ./bin/wee_reports

To reload the configuration: service weewx reload

To test your configuration: sudo ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf

It is possible to configure 2 weather stations in parallel. To do so, duplicate the weewx script of /etc/init.d and have it read a different configuration. Then, start each service with its name like sudo systemctl start ecowitt.

Redirecting the logs

By default, weewx logs are in /var/log/syslog. To redirect to another location, create a file in /etc/rsyslog.d, for example weewxlog.conf.

:programname,isequal,"weewxd" /var/tmp/log/weewx.log
:programname,isequal,"weewxd" ~

You need to restart rsyslog: service rsyslog restart.

MQTT Subscribe

The MQTT Subscribe plugin retrieves MQTT messages and maps them to values of Weewx like extraTemp1.

Install in v4 with sudo ./wee_extension --install ~/

Add the service as a data service in weewx.conf

    # The following section specifies which services should be run and in what order.
    data_services = user.MQTTSubscribe.MQTTSubscribeService,

Configure the mapping in /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

    # This section is for the MQTTSubscribe service.
    # Turn the service on and off.
    # Default is: true
    # Only used by the service.
    enable = true
    # The MQTT server.
    # Default is localhost.
    # The port to connect to.
    # Default is 1883.
    port = 1883
        # Units for MQTT payloads without unit value.
        # Valid values: US, METRIC, METRICWX
        # Default is: US
        unit_system = METRIC
        use_topic_as_fieldname = true
            name = extraTemp1
            ignore = False
            contains_total = False
            conversion_type = float
            units = degree_C

Mastodon / Twitter

It's possible to have the weather station automatically toot values, but for Twitter this now requires a paid subscription to access Twitter APIs.

The installation/update/uninstall is expected to be done using wee_extension:

sudo ./wee_extension --install ~/weewx-twitter-0.12.tgz

Then, you need to configure weewx.conf and specify your API tokens:

Twitter config

    # This section is for uploading data to sites using RESTful protocols.
        app_key = to put here
        app_key_secret = to put here
        oauth_token = to put here
        oauth_token_secret = to put here
	format = {dateTime:%X} Temp: {outTemp:%.1f} C; Humidite: {outHumidity:%.1f}%; Pression: {barometer:%.1f} hPa; Pluie: {dayRain:%.1f} mm; Vent: {windSpeed:%.1f} km/h; Dir: {windDir:%03.0f}; {windGust:%03.0f}
	unit_system = METRIC
	post_interval = 3600 

Add twitter as a RESTful service:

    # This section configures the internal weewx engines.
    # It is for advanced customization.
    restful_services = weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry, weewx.restx.StdWunderground, weewx.restx.StdPWSweather, weewx.restx.StdCWOP, weewx.restx.StdWOW, weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS, user.twitter.Twitter

Modify the tweeting extension to tweet 3 times per day

In /usr/share/weewx/user/, modify to only send tweets at given time:

 ts = time.localtime()
        if (ts.tm_hour != 7 and ts.tm_hour != 14 and ts.tm_hour != 18):
            logdbg("This is not hour to tweet: %d" % ts.tm_hour)

Mastodon config

In weewx.conf

        # from your account under preferences/development/application
        key_access_token =  PUT YOURS
        server_url_mastodon = PUT YOURS
        # Mastodon will rate limit when excessive requests are made
        post_interval = 1000
    # The following section specifies which services should be run and in what order.
        restful_services = user.wxtoot.Toot

To post images, add the following:

image_directory = '/home/weewx/external_html'
images = daytempdew.png,dayrain.png,dayuv.png

The images must be in the same directory (/home/weewx/external_html). The image names are in images. They must be separated by a comma.

Do not put the following. It would be considered as a single filename!

images = 'daytempdew.png,dayrain.png,dayuv.png'

To post default messages to Mastodon, you can use the simple or full option.

format_choice = simple

For a more configurable layout, use template and specify where the populated template will be.

template_file = '/home/weewx/external_html/mastodon.txt'
format_choice = template

This means that my Weewx skin will generate /home/weewx/external_html/mastodon.txt. For this to happen, you need to configure your skin /home/weewx/skins/NAME/skin.conf:

			template = mastodon.txt.tmpl
			encoding = strict_ascii

mastodon.txt.tmpl is a template text file to be created in the skin directory. So, for example, in /home/weewx/skins/NAME/mastodon.txt.tmpl:

#errorCatcher Echo
## Template file for providing data to weewx-mastodon
## Tag information at...
Temperature: $current.outTemp (min: $day.outTemp.min, max: $day.outTemp.max)
Humidex   : $current.heatindex (min: $day.heatindex.min, max: $day.heatindex.max)
Humidite  : $current.outHumidity (min: $day.outHumidity.min, max: $day.outHumidity.max)
Pression  : $current.barometer
- Aujourd'hui: $day.rain.sum
- Annee: $year.rain.sum
- Direction: $current.windDir.ordinal_compass ($current.windDir deg)
- Vitesse: $current.windSpeed (moyenne), $current.windGust (rafale)
$current.dateTime.format("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M")

This is a template text file, so it understands \n, but it does not understand <br> (html).

Database tweaks

The database that holds data is archive/weewx.sdb (unless you changed the name in the configuration file). To retrieve the format of the archive database:

.schema archive
CREATE TABLE archive (`dateTime` INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, `usUnits` INTEGER NOT NULL, `interval` INTEGER NOT NULL, `barometer` REAL, `pressure` REAL, `altimeter` REAL, `inTemp` REAL, `outTemp` REAL, `inHumidity` REAL, `outHumidity` REAL, `windSpeed` REAL, `windDir` REAL, `windGust` REAL, `windGustDir` REAL, `rainRate` REAL, `rain` REAL, `dewpoint` REAL, `windchill` REAL, `heatindex` REAL, `ET` REAL, `radiation` REAL, `UV` REAL, `extraTemp1` REAL, `extraTemp2` REAL, `extraTemp3` REAL, `soilTemp1` REAL, `soilTemp2` REAL, `soilTemp3` REAL, `soilTemp4` REAL, `leafTemp1` REAL, `leafTemp2` REAL, `extraHumid1` REAL, `extraHumid2` REAL, `soilMoist1` REAL, `soilMoist2` REAL, `soilMoist3` REAL, `soilMoist4` REAL, `leafWet1` REAL, `leafWet2` REAL, `rxCheckPercent` REAL, `txBatteryStatus` REAL, `consBatteryVoltage` REAL, `hail` REAL, `hailRate` REAL, `heatingTemp` REAL, `heatingVoltage` REAL, `supplyVoltage` REAL, `referenceVoltage` REAL, `windBatteryStatus` REAL, `rainBatteryStatus` REAL, `outTempBatteryStatus` REAL, `inTempBatteryStatus` REAL);

sqlite> .schema archive_day_rain
CREATE TABLE archive_day_rain (dateTime INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, min REAL, mintime INTEGER, max REAL, maxtime INTEGER, sum REAL, count INTEGER, wsum REAL, sumtime INTEGER);

To show date time:

sqlite> select datetime(dateTime,'unixepoch', 'localtime'),... from archive where XYZ;

Fixing an incorrect value in the database:

  • view the database rows: select datetime(dateTime,'unixepoch', 'localtime'),... from archive where XYZ;
  • stop weewx: sudo service weewx stop
  • backup weewx.sdb (just in case, but safe!
  • update the rows as desired:
update archive set rain=0.02 where dateTime=XXX;

Note that the rain value is in cm. So, if you have 17.3 mm, you should set rain=1.73.

wee_database --drop-daily
wee_database --rebuild-daily

Rebuilding the daily summaries of an entire database case be quite long. So, if you just need to rebuild part of it, you can use --from and --to.

sudo wee_database --rebuild-daily --from=2024-03-02

  • If necessary, delete the NOAA for the affected month and year (in public_html/NOAA/)
  • The rows will rebuild correctly when weewx is restarted. If you don't want to wait, you can do it offline:
wee_database weewx.conf --backfill-daily
  • restart weewx: sudo service weewx start.

To add a new column, like extraHumid3:

  1. Stop weewx and backup the database
  2. wee_database --add-column=extraHumid3 --type=REAL
  3. Rebuild: wee_database --rebuild_daily --from=YYYY-MM-DD
  4. Restart weewx

On v5 weectl database add-column


User group

Viewing the interesting part of the logs (in /var/tmp/log for example): tail -f weewx.log | grep -v genLoop | grep -v Queuing

USB Connection

You must not use usbhid, so it needs to be blacklisted

In /etc/modprobe.d/wmr200.conf

options usbhid quirks=0x0fde:0xca01:0x4

Then restart modprobe:

sudo modprobe -r usbhid
sudo modprobe usbhid
$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 032: ID 0fde:ca01