- fixed arithmetic error in to_degree_fahrenheit() method of ThermodynamicTemperature quantity
- Réaumur temperature scale for ThermodynamicTemperature and TemperatureInterval: DEGREE_REAUMUR unit of measure, with corresponding methods for ThermodynamicTemperature: to_degree_reaumur() and from_degree_reaumur()
- tests covering conversion between Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, and Réaumur temperature scales
- new quantity: MagneticReluctance [L⁻²⋅M⁻¹⋅T²⋅I²]
- new QuantityGeneric method: si_uom_string, that returns String with corresponding unit of measure formula:
#![feature(generic_const_exprs)] use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::LuminousEfficacy; let l = LuminousEfficacy::new(1.0); assert_eq!(l.si_uom_str(), "m⁻²⋅kg⁻¹⋅s³⋅cd⋅sr"); assert_eq!(l.powi::<5>().si_uom_str(),"m⁻¹⁰⋅kg⁻⁵⋅s¹⁵⋅cd⁵⋅sr⁵");
- new quantities: ThermalResistance and ThermalConductance
feature enable by default, disabledefault-features
to buildno_std
- new quantities: SpecificEntropy and ThermalInsulance
- rust_decimal dependency version upgrade to 1.36
- new quantities: Compressibility and ReciprocalTemperature
- Updated CODATA 2022 Physical Constants
- Fixed broken
feature - Initial support for Decimal storage type
- QuantityGeneric implements DivAssign and MulAssign traits for Storage:
use dimensional_quantity::si::isq::f64::quantities::{Volume};
let mut v1 = Volume::new(1.0);
v1 *= 10.0;
assert_eq!(v1, Volume::new(10.0));
and Ratio:
use dimensional_quantity::si::isq::f64::quantities::{Volume,Ratio};
let mut v1 = Volume::new(1.0);
let r = Ratio::new(10.0);
v1 *= r;
assert_eq!(v1, Volume::new(10.0));
- Div trait implemented for f32 and f64
- From trait implemented for Ratio (dimensionless quantity)
- From trait implemented for f32 and f64
- PartialOrd and Ord traits derived for Quantity
- New ThermalPressureCoefficient quantity
- Update
- Breaking change in ISQ-extended system: SolidAngle is now a basic unit of measure
- num_traits::Zero trait implemented for QuantityGeneric
- Serde support with "use_serde" feature
- New QuantityGeneric methods: zero() creates generic quantity with zero value, into_number() converts Ratio into underlying storage
- New MolarFlow quantity
- Removed std dependencies. Crate is now no_std
- New SI metric prefixes: QUETTA (10^30), RONNA (10^27), RONTO (19^-27), QUECTO (10^-30)
- Implemented += and -= operators for SI-extended and SI-isq systems.
- Square root (sqrt) and cubic root (cbrt) implemented for SI-extended and SI-isq systems.