Releases: cuba-platform/yarg
Release notes
Java 8 is required
Console runner has been extracted to a separate yarg-console module
Updated dependencies for yarg-core:
commons-lang3, version: 3.4 commons-io, version: 2.4 org.apache.xmlgraphics, version: 2.1 docx4j, version: 3.3.5 docx4j-ImportXHTML, version: 3.3.4 docx4j-export-fo, version: 3.3.4 flying-saucer-core, version: 9.1.5 flying-saucer-pdf, version: 9.1.5 batik-bridge, batik-svggen, batik-awt-util, batik-css version: 1.8
Removed dependencies from yarg-core:
commons-cli commons-dbcp slf4j-log4j12 guava
Application distr v1.0.70
URLs supported in DOCX
Added samples for JsonLoader
Inlining images to XLSX fixed
SQL scripts preprocessing as GString added
"Control tables" supported in DOCX
XLSX Formulas in long columns (AA, AB, etc) fixed
Application distr v1.0.58
HTML content handling fixed in DOCX templates
Styles application fixed in DOCX templates
Aliases in table headers supported in DOCX templates
Input parameters supported in JSON loader
Application distr v1.0.54
Exstensibility features
Support of Java6
Excel macroses fix
Application distr v1.0.52
Allow to build on Java8
XLSX formulas bugs fixed
XLSX empty cells bugs fixed
HTML content inliner bugs fixed
Tests reorganized
Integration tests added
Application distr v1.0.51
Application distr v1.0.45