diff --git a/app/Ownership/OwnershipRequestHandlerServiceProvider.php b/app/Ownership/OwnershipRequestHandlerServiceProvider.php
index f7aba4a07e..dbed2e4757 100644
--- a/app/Ownership/OwnershipRequestHandlerServiceProvider.php
+++ b/app/Ownership/OwnershipRequestHandlerServiceProvider.php
@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ public function register(): void
             fn () => new GetOwnershipRequestHandler(
-                $container->get(OwnershipServiceProvider::OWNERSHIP_JSONLD_REPOSITORY)
+                $container->get(OwnershipServiceProvider::OWNERSHIP_JSONLD_REPOSITORY),
+                $container->get(CurrentUser::class),
+                $container->get(OwnershipStatusGuard::class)
diff --git a/features/ownership/get.feature b/features/ownership/get.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..831ca3d4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/ownership/get.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Feature: Test getting a single ownership by ID
+  Background:
+    Given I am using the UDB3 base URL
+    And I am using an UiTID v1 API key of consumer "uitdatabank"
+    And I am authorized as JWT provider v1 user "centraal_beheerder"
+    And I send and accept "application/json"
+  Scenario: Get the ownership as an admin
+    Given I create a minimal organizer and save the "id" as "organizerId"
+    And I request ownership for "auth0|64089494e980aedd96740212" on the organizer with organizerId "%{organizerId}" and save the "id" as "ownershipId"
+    When I send a GET request to '/ownerships/%{ownershipId}'
+    Then the response status should be 200
+    And the JSON response at id should be "%{ownershipId}"
+    And the JSON response at ownerId should be "auth0|64089494e980aedd96740212"
+    And the JSON response at itemId should be "%{organizerId}"
+    And the JSON response at state should be "requested"
+    And the JSON response at itemType should be "organizer"
+    And the JSON response at requesterId should be "7a583ed3-cbc1-481d-93b1-d80fff0174dd"
+    And the JSON response at ownerEmail should be "dev+e2etest@publiq.be"
+  Scenario: Get the ownership as owner
+    Given I create a minimal organizer and save the "id" as "organizerId"
+    And I request ownership for "auth0|64089494e980aedd96740212" on the organizer with organizerId "%{organizerId}" and save the "id" as "ownershipId"
+    When I am authorized as JWT provider v2 user "dev_e2e_test"
+    And I send a GET request to '/ownerships/%{ownershipId}'
+    Then the response status should be 200
+    And the JSON response at id should be "%{ownershipId}"
+    And the JSON response at ownerId should be "auth0|64089494e980aedd96740212"
+    And the JSON response at itemId should be "%{organizerId}"
+    And the JSON response at state should be "requested"
+    And the JSON response at itemType should be "organizer"
+    And the JSON response at requesterId should be "7a583ed3-cbc1-481d-93b1-d80fff0174dd"
+    And the JSON response at ownerEmail should be "dev+e2etest@publiq.be"
+  Scenario: Not allowed to get the ownership as an unrelated user
+    Given I create a minimal organizer and save the "id" as "organizerId"
+    And I request ownership for "auth0|64089494e980aedd96740212" on the organizer with organizerId "%{organizerId}" and save the "id" as "ownershipId"
+    When I am authorized as JWT provider v2 user "invoerder"
+    And I send a GET request to '/ownerships/%{ownershipId}'
+    Then the response status should be 403
+    And the JSON response should be:
+    """
+    {
+      "type": "https://api.publiq.be/probs/auth/forbidden",
+      "title": "Forbidden",
+      "status": 403,
+      "detail": "You are not allowed to get this ownership"
+    }
+    """
+  Scenario: Get an unexisting ownership
+    When I send a GET request to '/ownerships/a0a9f9c0-84b5-471b-869e-c2c692217cc0'
+    Then the response status should be 404
+    And the JSON response should be:
+    """
+    {
+      "type": "https://api.publiq.be/probs/url/not-found",
+      "title": "Not Found",
+      "status": 404,
+      "detail": "The Ownership with id \"a0a9f9c0-84b5-471b-869e-c2c692217cc0\" was not found."
+    }
+    """
diff --git a/src/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandler.php b/src/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandler.php
index ab66566ecb..f95e503152 100644
--- a/src/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandler.php
+++ b/src/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandler.php
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\Http\Response\JsonLdResponse;
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\ReadModel\DocumentDoesNotExist;
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\ReadModel\DocumentRepository;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\User\CurrentUser;
 use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
 use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
 use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
@@ -16,10 +17,17 @@
 final class GetOwnershipRequestHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
     private DocumentRepository $ownershipRepository;
+    private CurrentUser $currentUser;
+    private OwnershipStatusGuard $ownershipStatusGuard;
-    public function __construct(DocumentRepository $ownershipRepository)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        DocumentRepository $ownershipRepository,
+        CurrentUser $currentUser,
+        OwnershipStatusGuard $ownershipStatusGuard
+    ) {
         $this->ownershipRepository = $ownershipRepository;
+        $this->currentUser = $currentUser;
+        $this->ownershipStatusGuard = $ownershipStatusGuard;
     public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
@@ -27,6 +35,8 @@ public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
         $routeParameters = new RouteParameters($request);
         $ownershipId = $routeParameters->getOwnershipId();
+        $this->ownershipStatusGuard->isAllowedToGet($ownershipId, $this->currentUser);
         try {
             return new JsonLdResponse(
diff --git a/src/Http/Ownership/OwnershipStatusGuard.php b/src/Http/Ownership/OwnershipStatusGuard.php
index 71e725bb10..27ef066936 100644
--- a/src/Http/Ownership/OwnershipStatusGuard.php
+++ b/src/Http/Ownership/OwnershipStatusGuard.php
@@ -25,6 +25,34 @@ public function __construct(
         $this->permissionVoter = $permissionVoter;
+    public function isAllowedToGet(string $ownershipId, CurrentUser $currentUser): void
+    {
+        try {
+            $ownership = $this->ownershipSearchRepository->getById($ownershipId);
+        } catch (OwnershipItemNotFound $exception) {
+            throw ApiProblem::ownershipNotFound($ownershipId);
+        }
+        if ($currentUser->isGodUser()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $isOwner = $this->permissionVoter->isAllowed(
+            Permission::organisatiesBewerken(),
+            $ownership->getItemId(),
+            $currentUser->getId()
+        );
+        if ($isOwner) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if ($ownership->getOwnerId() === $currentUser->getId()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        throw ApiProblem::forbidden('You are not allowed to get this ownership');
+    }
     public function isAllowedToRequest(string $itemId, string $requesterId, CurrentUser $currentUser): void
         $isOwner = $this->permissionVoter->isAllowed(
@@ -73,7 +101,7 @@ private function isAllowedToUpdateOwnership(OwnershipItem $ownership, CurrentUse
         return $this->permissionVoter->isAllowed(
-            Permission::organisatiesBeheren(),
+            Permission::organisatiesBewerken(),
diff --git a/tests/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandlerTest.php b/tests/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandlerTest.php
index f44d69afec..631766c245 100644
--- a/tests/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandlerTest.php
+++ b/tests/Http/Ownership/GetOwnershipRequestHandlerTest.php
@@ -8,8 +8,15 @@
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\Http\ApiProblem\AssertApiProblemTrait;
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\Http\Request\Psr7RequestBuilder;
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\Json;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\Ownership\OwnershipState;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\Ownership\Repositories\OwnershipItem;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\Ownership\Repositories\OwnershipItemNotFound;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\Ownership\Repositories\Search\OwnershipSearchRepository;
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\ReadModel\InMemoryDocumentRepository;
 use CultuurNet\UDB3\ReadModel\JsonDocument;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\Security\Permission\PermissionVoter;
+use CultuurNet\UDB3\User\CurrentUser;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
 use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
 class GetOwnershipRequestHandlerTest extends TestCase
@@ -18,13 +25,30 @@ class GetOwnershipRequestHandlerTest extends TestCase
     private InMemoryDocumentRepository $ownershipRepository;
+    /** @var OwnershipSearchRepository&MockObject */
+    private $ownerShipSearchRepository;
+    /** @var PermissionVoter&MockObject */
+    private $permissionVoter;
     private GetOwnershipRequestHandler $getOwnershipRequestHandler;
     protected function setUp(): void
         $this->ownershipRepository = new InMemoryDocumentRepository();
-        $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler = new GetOwnershipRequestHandler($this->ownershipRepository);
+        $this->ownerShipSearchRepository = $this->createMock(OwnershipSearchRepository::class);
+        $this->permissionVoter = $this->createMock(PermissionVoter::class);
+        $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler = new GetOwnershipRequestHandler(
+            $this->ownershipRepository,
+            new CurrentUser('auth0|63e22626e39a8ca1264bd29b'),
+            new OwnershipStatusGuard(
+                $this->ownerShipSearchRepository,
+                $this->permissionVoter
+            )
+        );
@@ -32,21 +56,46 @@ protected function setUp(): void
      * @test
-    public function it_handles_getting_an_ownership(): void
+    public function it_handles_getting_an_ownership_as_owner(): void
+        CurrentUser::configureGodUserIds([]);
         $ownershipId = 'e6e1f3a0-3e5e-4b3e-8e3e-3f3e3e3e3e3e';
+        $this->givenItFindsAnOwnershipForUser($ownershipId, 'auth0|63e22626e39a8ca1264bd29b');
+        $body = $this->givenThereIsAnOwnershipDocument($ownershipId);
+        $this->permissionVoter->expects($this->once())
+            ->method('isAllowed')
+            ->willReturn(false);
         $getOwnershipRequest = (new Psr7RequestBuilder())
             ->withRouteParameter('ownershipId', $ownershipId)
+        $response = $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler->handle($getOwnershipRequest);
-        $body = Json::encode([
-            'id' => 'e6e1f3a0-3e5e-4b3e-8e3e-3f3e3e3e3e3e',
-            'itemId' => '9e68dafc-01d8-4c1c-9612-599c918b981d',
-        ]);
+        $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
+        $this->assertEquals($body, $response->getBody()->getContents());
+    }
-        $this->ownershipRepository->save(new JsonDocument($ownershipId, $body));
+    /**
+     * @test
+     */
+    public function it_handles_getting_an_ownership_as_admin(): void
+    {
+        CurrentUser::configureGodUserIds(['auth0|63e22626e39a8ca1264bd29b']);
+        $ownershipId = 'e6e1f3a0-3e5e-4b3e-8e3e-3f3e3e3e3e3e';
+        $this->givenItFindsAnOwnershipForUser($ownershipId, 'auth0|63e22626e39a8ca1264bd29b');
+        $body = $this->givenThereIsAnOwnershipDocument($ownershipId);
+        $this->permissionVoter->expects($this->never())
+            ->method('isAllowed');
+        $getOwnershipRequest = (new Psr7RequestBuilder())
+            ->withRouteParameter('ownershipId', $ownershipId)
+            ->build('GET');
         $response = $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler->handle($getOwnershipRequest);
         $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
@@ -56,17 +105,95 @@ public function it_handles_getting_an_ownership(): void
      * @test
-    public function it_throws_an_api_problem_when_ownership_is_not_found(): void
+    public function it_handles_getting_an_ownership_with_permission(): void
+    {
+        CurrentUser::configureGodUserIds([]);
+        $ownershipId = 'e6e1f3a0-3e5e-4b3e-8e3e-3f3e3e3e3e3e';
+        $this->givenItFindsAnOwnershipForUser($ownershipId, 'auth0|for_another_user');
+        $body = $this->givenThereIsAnOwnershipDocument($ownershipId);
+        $this->permissionVoter->expects($this->once())
+            ->method('isAllowed')
+            ->willReturn(true);
+        $getOwnershipRequest = (new Psr7RequestBuilder())
+            ->withRouteParameter('ownershipId', $ownershipId)
+            ->build('GET');
+        $response = $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler->handle($getOwnershipRequest);
+        $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
+        $this->assertEquals($body, $response->getBody()->getContents());
+    }
+    /**
+     * @test
+     */
+    public function it_forbids_getting_an_ownership_without_permission(): void
+        CurrentUser::configureGodUserIds([]);
         $ownershipId = 'e6e1f3a0-3e5e-4b3e-8e3e-3f3e3e3e3e3e';
+        $this->givenItFindsAnOwnershipForUser($ownershipId, 'auth0|for_another_user');
+        $this->permissionVoter->expects($this->once())
+            ->method('isAllowed')
+            ->willReturn(false);
+        $this->givenThereIsAnOwnershipDocument($ownershipId);
         $getOwnershipRequest = (new Psr7RequestBuilder())
             ->withRouteParameter('ownershipId', $ownershipId)
+        $this->assertCallableThrowsApiProblem(
+            ApiProblem::forbidden('You are not allowed to get this ownership'),
+            fn () => $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler->handle($getOwnershipRequest)
+        );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @test
+     */
+    public function it_throws_an_api_problem_when_ownership_is_not_found(): void
+    {
+        $ownershipId = 'e6e1f3a0-3e5e-4b3e-8e3e-3f3e3e3e3e3e';
+        $this->ownerShipSearchRepository->expects($this->once())
+            ->method('getById')
+            ->willThrowException(OwnershipItemNotFound::byId($ownershipId));
+        $getOwnershipRequest = (new Psr7RequestBuilder())
+            ->withRouteParameter('ownershipId', $ownershipId)
+            ->build('GET');
             fn () => $this->getOwnershipRequestHandler->handle($getOwnershipRequest)
+    private function givenItFindsAnOwnershipForUser(string $ownershipId, string $userId): void
+    {
+        $this->ownerShipSearchRepository->expects($this->once())
+            ->method('getById')
+            ->willReturn(new OwnershipItem(
+                $ownershipId,
+                '9e68dafc-01d8-4c1c-9612-599c918b981d',
+                'organizer',
+                $userId,
+                OwnershipState::requested()->toString()
+            ));
+    }
+    private function givenThereIsAnOwnershipDocument(string $ownershipId): string
+    {
+        $body = Json::encode([
+            'id' => $ownershipId,
+            'itemId' => '9e68dafc-01d8-4c1c-9612-599c918b981d',
+        ]);
+        $this->ownershipRepository->save(new JsonDocument($ownershipId, $body));
+        return $body;
+    }