diff --git a/database/liquidity.go b/database/liquidity.go
index dc17bcf..c65197d 100644
--- a/database/liquidity.go
+++ b/database/liquidity.go
@@ -34,16 +34,18 @@ VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`
 func (db *CyberDb) SaveSwap(
 	address string,
 	poolID uint64,
+	orderPrice sdk.Dec,
 	swapPrice sdk.Dec,
 	exchangedOfferCoin sdk.Coin,
 	exchangedDemandCoin sdk.Coin,
 	exchangedOfferCoinFee sdk.Coin,
 	exchangedDemandCoinFee sdk.Coin,
 	height int64,
+	timestamp time.Time,
 ) error {
 	stmt := `
-INSERT INTO swaps (pool_id, address, swap_price, exchanged_offer_coin, exchanged_demand_coin, exchanged_offer_coin_fee, exchanged_demand_coin_fee, height) 
-VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8)`
+INSERT INTO swaps (pool_id, address, order_price, swap_price, exchanged_offer_coin, exchanged_demand_coin, exchanged_offer_coin_fee, exchanged_demand_coin_fee, height, timestamp) 
+VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)`
 	exchangedOfferCoinDb := bddbtypes.DbCoin{Amount: exchangedOfferCoin.Amount.String(), Denom: exchangedOfferCoin.Denom}
 	exchangedOfferCoinValue, err := exchangedOfferCoinDb.Value()
 	if err != nil {
@@ -68,12 +70,49 @@ VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8)`
+		orderPrice.String(),
+		timestamp,
+	)
+	return err
+func (db *CyberDb) SaveFailedSwap(
+	address string,
+	poolID uint64,
+	orderPrice sdk.Dec,
+	exchangedOfferCoin sdk.Coin,
+	remainingOfferCoin sdk.Coin,
+	height int64,
+	timestamp time.Time,
+) error {
+	stmt := `
+INSERT INTO failed_swaps (pool_id, address, order_price, exchanged_offer_coin, remaining_offer_coin, height, timestamp) 
+VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)`
+	exchangedOfferCoinDb := bddbtypes.DbCoin{Amount: exchangedOfferCoin.Amount.String(), Denom: exchangedOfferCoin.Denom}
+	exchangedOfferCoinValue, err := exchangedOfferCoinDb.Value()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("error while converting coin to dbcoin: %s", err)
+	}
+	exchangedDemandCoinDb := bddbtypes.DbCoin{Amount: remainingOfferCoin.Amount.String(), Denom: remainingOfferCoin.Denom}
+	exchangedDemandCoinValue, err := exchangedDemandCoinDb.Value()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("error while converting coin to dbcoin: %s", err)
+	}
+	_, err = db.Sql.Exec(
+		stmt,
+		poolID,
+		address,
+		orderPrice.String(),
+		exchangedOfferCoinValue,
+		exchangedDemandCoinValue,
+		height,
+		timestamp,
 	return err
diff --git a/database/schema/08-liquidity.sql b/database/schema/08-liquidity.sql
index 31e0466..ef17fe3 100644
--- a/database/schema/08-liquidity.sql
+++ b/database/schema/08-liquidity.sql
@@ -1,28 +1,43 @@
     pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+    pool_name                   TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    address                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    a_denom                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    b_denom                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    pool_denom                  TEXT   NOT NULL
+    id                          SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES pools (pool_id),
     address                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    order_price                 TEXT   NOT NULL,
     swap_price                  TEXT   NOT NULL,
     exchanged_offer_coin        COIN   NOT NULL,
     exchanged_demand_coin       COIN   NOT NULL,
     exchanged_offer_coin_fee    COIN   NOT NULL,
     exchanged_demand_coin_fee   COIN   NOT NULL,
-    height                      BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES block (height)
+    height                      BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES block (height),
+    timestamp                   TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE failed_swaps
-    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
-    pool_name                   TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    id                          SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
+    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES pools (pool_id),
     address                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
-    a_denom                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
-    b_denom                     TEXT   NOT NULL,
-    pool_denom                  TEXT   NOT NULL
+    order_price                 TEXT   NOT NULL,
+    exchanged_offer_coin        COIN   NOT NULL,
+    remaining_offer_coin        COIN   NOT NULL,
+    height                      BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES block (height),
+    timestamp                   TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL
 CREATE TABLE pools_volumes
-    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL,
+    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES pools (pool_id),
     volume_a                    BIGINT NOT NULL,
     volume_b                    BIGINT NOT NULL,
     fee_a                       BIGINT NOT NULL,
@@ -32,7 +47,7 @@ CREATE TABLE pools_volumes
 CREATE TABLE pools_liquidity
-    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL,
+    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES pools (pool_id),
     liquidity_a                 BIGINT NOT NULL,
     liquidity_b                 BIGINT NOT NULL,
     timestamp                   TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL
@@ -40,7 +55,7 @@ CREATE TABLE pools_liquidity
 CREATE TABLE pools_rates
-    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL,
+    pool_id                     BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES pools (pool_id),
     rate                        TEXT   NOT NULL,
     timestamp                   TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/liquidity/handle_block.go b/modules/liquidity/handle_block.go
index 9390ee8..62426dd 100644
--- a/modules/liquidity/handle_block.go
+++ b/modules/liquidity/handle_block.go
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package liquidity
 import (
 	sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
-	dbtypes "github.com/cybercongress/cyberindex/database"
 	liquiditytypes "github.com/tendermint/liquidity/x/liquidity/types"
@@ -26,8 +25,9 @@ func (m *Module) executePoolBatches(height int64, endBlockEvents []abcitypes.Eve
 		attrs := eventAttrsFromEvent(event)
 		status, err := attrs.SwapStatus()
 		if err != nil {
-			return err
+			continue
 		if status {
 			addr, err := attrs.SwapRequesterAddr()
 			if err != nil {
@@ -43,24 +43,44 @@ func (m *Module) executePoolBatches(height int64, endBlockEvents []abcitypes.Eve
 				return err
+			orderPrice, err := attrs.OrderPrice()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
 			exchangedOfferCoin, err := attrs.CoinAttrs(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueOfferCoinDenom, liquiditytypes.AttributeValueExchangedOfferCoinAmount)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
 			exchangedDemandCoin, err := attrs.CoinAttrs(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueDemandCoinDenom, liquiditytypes.AttributeValueExchangedDemandCoinAmount)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
 			exchangedOfferCoinFee, err := attrs.CoinAttrs(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueOfferCoinDenom, liquiditytypes.AttributeValueOfferCoinFeeAmount)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
 			feeDec, err := attrs.DecCoinAttrs(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueDemandCoinDenom, liquiditytypes.AttributeValueExchangedCoinFeeAmount)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
 			exchangedDemandCoinFee := sdk.NewCoin(feeDec.Denom, feeDec.Amount.Ceil().TruncateInt())
 			err = m.db.SaveSwap(
+				orderPrice,
+				timestamp,
 			if err != nil {
 				fmt.Errorf("error while saving swap: %s", err)
+				panic(err)
 			poolsRateMap[poolID] = swapPrice
@@ -89,7 +109,9 @@ func (m *Module) executePoolBatches(height int64, endBlockEvents []abcitypes.Eve
 				if err != nil {
-					fmt.Errorf("error while saving volume: %s", err)
+					log.Error().Str("module", "liquidity").Err(fmt.Errorf("error while saving volume: %s", err))
+					// TODO fails of pool 20 (ibc/4B322204B4F59D770680FE4D7A565DDC3F37BFF035474B717476C66A4F83DD72 - decimal 18)
+					//panic(err)
@@ -101,6 +123,7 @@ func (m *Module) executePoolBatches(height int64, endBlockEvents []abcitypes.Eve
 				if err != nil {
 					fmt.Errorf("error while saving rate: %s", err)
+					panic(err)
@@ -108,39 +131,15 @@ func (m *Module) executePoolBatches(height int64, endBlockEvents []abcitypes.Eve
 				// return err nil if not found and default pool row, later will panic on error
 				pool, err := m.db.GetPoolInfo(poolID)
 				if err == nil {
-					// if we sync from non zero and parse current block
-					// than save pool not from message but with query from application state
-					if len(pool.Address) == 0 {
-						poolState, err := m.keeper.GetPool(poolID, height)
-						if err != nil {
-							panic(err)
-						}
-						pool = dbtypes.PoolRow{
-							PoolId:    int64(poolState.Id),
-							PoolName:  poolState.Name(),
-							Address:   poolState.ReserveAccountAddress,
-							ADenom:    poolState.ReserveCoinDenoms[0],
-							BDenom:    poolState.ReserveCoinDenoms[1],
-							PoolDenom: poolState.PoolCoinDenom,
-						}
-						err = m.db.SavePool(
-							poolState.Id,
-							poolState.ReserveAccountAddress,
-							poolState.Name(),
-							poolState.ReserveCoinDenoms[0],
-							poolState.ReserveCoinDenoms[1],
-							poolState.PoolCoinDenom,
-						)
-						if err != nil {
-							panic(err)
-						}
-					}
+					// NOTE - already updated as transacted, but check the flow anyway
 					err := m.bankModule.RefreshBalances(height, []string{pool.Address})
 					if err != nil {
+						//error while storing up-to-date balances: error while storing up-to-date balances: pq: insert or update on table "account_balance" violates foreign key constraint "account_balance_address_fkey"
 						log.Debug().Str("module", "liquidity").Err(err)
+						//panic(err)
-					// if not in db that query application state
+					// NOTE if not in db than query application state
 					poolBalances, err := m.db.GetAccountBalance(pool.Address)
 					if len(poolBalances) == 0 {
 						balances, err := m.bankModule.GetBalances([]string{pool.Address}, height)
@@ -166,13 +165,52 @@ func (m *Module) executePoolBatches(height int64, endBlockEvents []abcitypes.Eve
 					log.Debug().Str("module", "liquidity").Err(err)
+		} else {
+			fmt.Errorf("error while saving swap: %s", "FAILED_SWAP")
+			addr, err := attrs.SwapRequesterAddr()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			poolID, err := attrs.PoolID()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			orderPrice, err := attrs.OrderPrice()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			exchangedOfferCoin, err := attrs.CoinAttrs(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueOfferCoinDenom, liquiditytypes.AttributeValueExchangedOfferCoinAmount)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
+			remainingOfferCoin, err := attrs.CoinAttrs(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueOfferCoinDenom, liquiditytypes.AttributeValueRemainingOfferCoinAmount)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
+			err = m.db.SaveFailedSwap(
+				addr,
+				poolID,
+				orderPrice,
+				exchangedOfferCoin,
+				remainingOfferCoin,
+				height,
+				timestamp,
+			)
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Errorf("error while saving swap: %s", err)
+				panic(err)
+			}
 	return nil
-// not used, refactor
+// not used, to delete before merge
 func (m *Module) executePoolCreations(height int64, beginBlockEvents []abcitypes.Event, timestamp time.Time) error {
 	events := types.FindEventsByType(beginBlockEvents, liquiditytypes.EventTypeCreatePool)
 	for _, event := range events {
@@ -311,6 +349,18 @@ func (attrs EventAttributes) SwapPrice() (sdk.Dec, error) {
 	return d, nil
+func (attrs EventAttributes) OrderPrice() (sdk.Dec, error) {
+	v, err := attrs.Attr(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueOrderPrice)
+	if err != nil {
+		return sdk.Dec{}, err
+	}
+	d, err := sdk.NewDecFromStr(v)
+	if err != nil {
+		return sdk.Dec{}, fmt.Errorf("parse swap price: %w", err)
+	}
+	return d, nil
 func (attrs EventAttributes) CoinAttrs(denomKey, amountKey string) (sdk.Coin, error) {
 	denom, err := attrs.Attr(denomKey)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -383,7 +433,6 @@ func (attrs EventAttributes) ReserveAccount() (string, error) {
 	return v, nil
-//sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeValueDepositCoins, msg.DepositCoins.String()),
 func (attrs EventAttributes) PoolDepositCoins() ([]sdk.Coin, error) {
 	v, err := attrs.Attr(liquiditytypes.AttributeValueDepositCoins)
 	coins := strings.Split(v, ",")
diff --git a/modules/liquidity/handle_periodic_operations.go b/modules/liquidity/handle_periodic_operations.go
index ad722ed..202c525 100644
--- a/modules/liquidity/handle_periodic_operations.go
+++ b/modules/liquidity/handle_periodic_operations.go
@@ -1,13 +1,54 @@
 package liquidity
 import (
+	"github.com/cybercongress/cyberindex/database"
-// RegisterPeriodicOperations implements modules.Module
 func (m *Module) RegisterPeriodicOperations(scheduler *gocron.Scheduler) error {
 	log.Debug().Str("module", "liquidity").Msg("setting up periodic tasks")
 	return nil
+func (m *Module) RunAdditionalOperations() error {
+	log.Debug().Str("module", "liquidity").Msg("running additional operation")
+	err := m.syncPoolsInfo()
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Debug().Str("module", "liquidity").Err(err)
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (m *Module) syncPoolsInfo() error {
+	stmt := `SELECT * FROM pools`
+	var rows []database.PoolRow
+	err := m.db.Sqlx.Select(&rows, stmt)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	pools, err := m.keeper.GetAllPools(0)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if len(rows) != len(pools) {
+		for _, pool := range pools {
+			err := m.db.SavePool(
+				pool.Id,
+				pool.ReserveAccountAddress,
+				pool.Name(),
+				pool.ReserveCoinDenoms[0],
+				pool.ReserveCoinDenoms[1],
+				pool.PoolCoinDenom,
+			)
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Debug().Str("module", "liquidity").Err(err)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/modules/liquidity/module.go b/modules/liquidity/module.go
index 00156ca..fb832b6 100644
--- a/modules/liquidity/module.go
+++ b/modules/liquidity/module.go
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ import (
 var (
-	_ modules.Module        = &Module{}
-	_ modules.MessageModule = &Module{}
-	_ modules.BlockModule   = &Module{}
-	_ modules.PeriodicOperationsModule
+	_ modules.Module                     = &Module{}
+	_ modules.MessageModule              = &Module{}
+	_ modules.BlockModule                = &Module{}
+	_ modules.PeriodicOperationsModule   = &Module{}
+	_ modules.AdditionalOperationsModule = &Module{}
 type Module struct {
diff --git a/modules/liquidity/source/remote/source.go b/modules/liquidity/source/remote/source.go
index 0a9ef8d..a638b51 100644
--- a/modules/liquidity/source/remote/source.go
+++ b/modules/liquidity/source/remote/source.go
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@ func (s Source) GetPool(poolID uint64, height int64) (liquiditytypes.Pool, error
 	return res.Pool, nil
+func (s Source) GetAllPools(height int64) ([]liquiditytypes.Pool, error) {
+	header := GetHeightRequestHeader(height)
+	res, err := s.liquidityClient.LiquidityPools(s.Ctx, &liquiditytypes.QueryLiquidityPoolsRequest{}, header)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return res.Pools, err
 func GetHeightRequestHeader(height int64) grpc.CallOption {
 	header := metadata.New(map[string]string{
 		grpctypes.GRPCBlockHeightHeader: strconv.FormatInt(height, 10),
diff --git a/modules/liquidity/source/source.go b/modules/liquidity/source/source.go
index 34bcb87..bfb827c 100644
--- a/modules/liquidity/source/source.go
+++ b/modules/liquidity/source/source.go
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ import (
 type Source interface {
 	GetPool(poolID uint64, height int64) (types.Pool, error)
+	GetAllPools(height int64) ([]types.Pool, error)