Note: The following lines are only ideas I had/have for the GreenDroid library. Writting everything here is a easy way for me not to forgot any idea and also a great opportunity for courageous people to help me improving GreenDroid. As a result, the following features may or may not be implemented in the future. GreenDroid users should not rely on their possible implementation.
Modify AsyncImageView and ImageLoader so that they both handle mdpi/hdpi/xhdpi images
- A great way to do it would be to look at the file extension. Let's say we have downloaded a file named image1.hdpi.jpg : we can consider it's an image for hdpi screens
Develop a powerful on-disk cache mecanism.
- This cache MUST be powerful, reliable and it has to work with as few memory as possible.
Develop a QuickActionInflater that inflates QuickActions from an XML file
- This is very similar to the MenuInflater
Make QuickActions "id-enabled" like ActionBarItems.
- Will help handling QuickActionItems click.