🚀 I'm rebooting this project!
I'm currently working on a new version of this project with a new design and new features. I will be building the new app with Next.js and Tailwind CSS (maybe). The new version will solve some of the major pain points of the current version, such as:
- a "nearby" feature where you can search for taxis near you
- a "search" feature where you can search for taxis near a specific location
Additionally, I might add a "heatmap" feature to the map to show the density of taxis in a specific area - this will be useful for people who want to know where the most taxis are located.
I will be posting updates on my progress on my Twitter, so follow me there if you want to stay updated!
🚕 Visualize Singapore taxi locations using real-time taxi availability data from data.gov.sg. Submission to STEMist Hacks 2022.
The issue is simple: Trying to find a taxi near you. We all had that time when we were looking for a taxi near our home, but we couldn't find one. In this project, I wanted to address this issue with a solution that is easy to use and has a simple interface.
Singapore, taxified is a website that visualizes Singapore taxi locations using real-time taxi availability data from data.gov.sg. It gets the data from data.gov.sg and visualizes it using a map using the Leaflet.js library.
I used the Leaflet.js library to build the map. I used the data.gov.sg API and axios to get the data. The website is built using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The first challenge I ran into was getting the data from data.gov.sg using axios: The API was a bit tricky to use, and I spent a lot of time testing the code.
Another challenge I ran into was getting the data to be displayed on the map. I had to make sure that the data I got was in the correct format so it can be parsed by the Leaflet.js library later. However, I managed to get the data to be displayed on the map, and I even modified the marker to be a custom taxi icon.
I am proud of how I built the website and how I was able to get the data from data.gov.sg and display it on the map. Additionally, I also added a custom marker to the map to represent the taxi.
I learned how to use the Leaflet.js library to build the map and how to use the data.gov.sg API and axios to get the data.
I'm planning to add more features to the website. For example, I want to add a search bar to the map so that I can search for a taxi near me. I also want to add a feature to the map that shows the number of taxis available at a specific location.