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iostat-tool Docker environment

This documentation provides a guideline how to use the iostat-tool in a Docker container.

Build Docker container

It's just a one liner to create the Docker image:

docker build --no-cache --force-rm --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) -t iostat-tool:latest -f Dockerfile .

Use prebuild container from Docker-Hub

There also exists a prebuild Docker container which can be pulled with

docker pull d4nji/iostat-tool:latest

The internal user is called cli and has the UID 1024. If you use this container please make sure to either run with the same UID or root by using docker run -u root. Another possible way is to change out-folder permission to be read and writable by anyone (chmod -R a+rw out).

Run Docker container

After you build the container you can just execute the container to see the command information:

docker run -it iostat-tool:latest

Please see a more advanced real life example shown here:

docker run -it -v $PWD/out:/home/cli/out iostat-tool:latest --disks sda --iostat-date-format '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S' --iostat-date-pattern '(?P<date>^\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{4}\s*\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s*)' --data /home/cli/out/iostat.log --fig-output /home/cli/out/iostat.png plot --subplots io_rqm iops io_transfer %util areq-sz aqu-sz await

This will mount the folder out to /home/cli/out in the container which contains an iostat.log file. Additionally, we use the --disks to select sda for extraction. As the date in the iostat.log has another format we change it with --iostat-date-format and --iostat-date-pattern to suit our needs. Now we point to the iostat.log location with --data and use --fig-output and point to the mounted out folder so we can read the graphed result on the host machine afterwards. In the end we choose plot for graphing and --subplots for a selection of the data we want to visualize.