Thank you for using BERL, and for taking the time to contribute!
The following is a set of guidelines to ensure seamless integration of your modules into BERL.
Each algorithm is expected to be contained in a directory named after itself.
As an example, adding an algorithm called NAME from the NAMEPACKAGE package will require a NAME
directory in algorithms containing:
This file should include:
- A Cambrian.Evolution creation function
function BERL_NAME(cfg::Dict, fitness::Function)::Cambrian.Evolution
The fitness
function passed as parameter has the signature fitness(indiv::Cambrian.Individual)::Array{Float64}
- A process function for the Cambrian.AbstractIndividual used in this algorithm
function process(i::NAMEInd, X)
NAMEPACKAGE.process(i, X)
- A line adding the creation function to the global algorithms dictionary
- An export of the main parts
export BERL_NAME, process
A YAML configuration file should be included for each benchmark environment, bearing the name of the environment as defined in the global environments dictionary.
The default get_config
function is the one implemented by the CartesianGeneticProgramming package. If another one should be used, please modify the start_berl
function to add an elseif
condition on your algorithm's name as algo_name
The list of algorithms used in the build is available as algs
at BERL.jl. Please add the name of your algorithm as defined in the directory name.
To add it to the main run parameters, add a line
NAME: false
to the YAML config file, with the name used before. Setting it to false
avoids adding it to every test by default.
The CGP and NEAT directories can be used as examples of integrating an external package to BERL.jl.
The BERL benchmarks are defined as classes inheriting from the abstract type BERLenv
. Each environment is expected to implement a few blocks, here demonstrated with XorEnv
. These blocks should be in a Julia file named after the environment, in the environments directory. Along with any code needed to make the environment run, the following is necessary for the integration into BERL:
Inherits from BERLenv.
Contains the environment name, an array for memory, and custom data depending on the environment needs.
mutable struct XorEnv <: BERLenv
memory::Array # Array of storable data
Sets up the environment and configures the config dictionary passed as argument to fit the problem.
Returns the environment object.
function XorEnv(cfg::Dict)::XorEnv
X, y = xor_dataset(2, 100)
XorEnv("Random", [], X, y)
Computes fitnesses from a Cambrian Individual and the environment defined earlier.
Returns the list of fitnesses.
function fitness(indiv::Cambrian.Individual, env::XorEnv)
y_pred = []
for x in env.X
push!(y_pred, process(indiv, x))
[sum(log_fitness.(env.y, y_pred)) / length(env.X)]
This is later used to defined the function passed to the algorithm to create the Evolution:
fit::Function = i::Cambrian.Individual -> fitness(i, env)
Sets up the env for the next generation using the config dictionary set up earlier.
This function is called after every Cambrian step!
in the custom run!
defined for BERL here.
function new_gen!(env::XorEnv, cfg::Dict=nothing)
env.X, env.y = xor_dataset(2, 100) # Generate new data
- A line adding the environment class to the global environments dictionary
- An export of the main parts
export XorEnv, fitness, new_gen!
The list of environments used in the build is available as envs
at BERL.jl. Please add the name of your environment as defined in the name of the Julia file.
To add it to the main run parameters, add a line
xor: false
to the YAML config file, with the name used before. Setting it to false
avoids adding it to every test by default.