1.8.2 (2024-02-29)
- add the righ description for the community reward (f3b8420)
- display challenges when the challenges are greater than 1 (b7b180a)
1.8.1 (2024-02-12)
- fix the height only for tablet and big screens (d0b024b)
- refresh challenge and submission page after locale change (af6b6fe)
- use md breakpoint instead of the sm for tablet to cover the gap (31f222c)
1.8.0 (2024-01-23)
- adapt to the new isHachathin property from the backend (318ce30)
- add banner for logging in (5558c26)
- add branch name check (9701469)
- add certificate icon (5dd50a2)
- add challenge reward hackaton (1fece5d)
- add error handling when the user reject the message (51b96d0)
- add hackathon passing score (3a313d5)
- add isHackathon property on the challenge object after fetching (6686ada)
- add limit for the team from the backend (0c3c7f0)
- add link for discord (751e73a)
- add link for discord (d46feba)
- add loader for bounties fetching (774c351)
- add necessary libraries for wallet connect (2a43ce2)
- add rust ceritificate image and change the name for the typescript smart contract (e123edd)
- add showModal state (b9b507f)
- add sui community icon (cb0ab13)
- add SUI token icon (38faf0c)
- add tag of hackathon on hackaton challenge (eaf735d)
- add the disconnect when setting the address (fe372ba)
- add the hachathon tag on the challenge card on the community slug (3eed0f2)
- add TODO comment and fix redirect (1757b12)
- add translations to the newly added section (1fb50f5)
- add unreviwed submissions (9ff2d52)
- add vertical alignment to nav-items in the Navbar (9845bd8)
- Apply dacade's signature string and project id for finalization (bb1a449)
- change address using wallet connect (af982ac)
- change the testimonials text (c14caac)
- check hackaton type (bce9371)
- convert store variable to function (140665e)
- display challenge card on last learning module (b76c513)
- display challenge passing score (01c5351)
- display challenge reward in a string (a0737c4)
- display learning module title on communityNavigation (7a376ec)
- display right reward wording for none hackathon challenge (9794b1d)
- display submissionPoints (34c1672)
- display the submission form when the team has minimum one member (7e66aca)
- enable google translations on users request (4d641f8)
- fix mobile design for passing score (6732a3e)
- implement the loader when rejecting invites (8c8a6d2)
- include icp wallet address valiadations (f881dfa)
- itengrate the walletConnect package when minting (56eafa3)
- move scoreboard scort to the filter action (722e559)
- re-add the line on end to remove changes in yarn lock (68bbc8d)
- redirect in server side props (e3cd92c)
- remove spaces on end to remove changes in yarn lock (c998da7)
- remove the unnecesary green background on bestsumbission card (41d177a)
- reshowedi editaddress when user cancels modal, add metamask extension and adjust styles (5e61c4c)
- stop propagation for when the user is accepting invites from the notification area (e6f8694)
- turn total reward value to a number (255b981)
- turn total reward value to a number (bd27e49)
- update the correct icp regex (cc19f35)
- use existing yarn to reduce changed files (4a38fb5)
- wrap the AE token too (9990a3c)
- add default language in case there is none (c64bbcd)
- add github icon (a53b026)
- add LanguageList component on mobile (5643d5d)
- add the challengeType where the header is called (8e3f6a9)
- add the locale in the redirect URL (79a8763)
- add the right ethereun icon (f36a2c2)
- adjust the stages of the lifecycle (387b1e8)
- align logo and navigation links on the same line (f16dd6d)
- avatar endpoint not ready - implemented name initials instead (d1a747c)
- back button not working on the submission page (1765f8e)
- build error of Property 'children' is missing in type 'ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>' but required in type 'ReactPortal' (830803d)
- build issue on unused variables (4896ab8)
- change blockchain name (64e932b)
- change package-lock.json and yarn.lock (87e0d78)
- change the number to fetch more referrals to be 10 instead of 30 (a504cd3)
- change the way things was implement on the hackathon (1264a5a)
- checking if the type is not null (2318959)
- clean up git cache (13e618a)
- create alpha beta and candidate release (cf992fc)
- disable double verification workflow (fe41983)
- disconnect the modal and open the modal when there is an arleady connection (a76fb1f)
- display evaluations on pop-up submission (5a070c8)
- display of the card (debe85e)
- display reward total for challenge reward card (82535c9)
- display the submissions length (8430dac)
- feedback form visisibility (39492c9)
- fetch submission in the server side (b626e8b)
- fix alignmentof the chevron right also on the navigations (0220239)
- fix the placement of the icon (20df7eb)
- fixing different UI issues (09586fb)
- handle bad urls for community request (c364e4e)
- handle bounties error (d1eef0e)
- handle the challangs request error (b6a6a79)
- hide an address for DAC coins in the profile dropdown (265f44f)
- hide the submission form when its past deadline (4ac4dac)
- icon issue on mobile (30204e1)
- implement how achievement cards will expand (d80cde6)
- improve the error message (6f1702c)
- install husky in the prepare command (1cbeaa7)
- issues with the edit address modal (514153b)
- load profile in profile/community_slug page (e3c02ac)
- localePath parsing (d2fd80b)
- merge conflict (a533625)
- merge conflict (2859777)
- move fetching submissions implementation in the submission popup (049741c)
- objective list responsiveness (31a4ff0)
- PARSE_ERROR when fetching the user profile (0563447)
- place well the arrow icon on feedbacks (6f78ceb)
- prevent multiple submission of feedback when user clicks more than once (3b03e66)
- Prevent need for sumbitting twice (8c3e7c2)
- redirect bad urls to not found (578c7ac)
- redirect to the submission when slug is fetched (6d7dff3)
- referral alignment on small screen (f709026)
- refining the responsiveness (5568fad)
- Remove {{count}} on the reward card in Bulgarian translations (6149efd)
- remove beta add prelease for stage release (4e6175f)
- remove double challenge request (94ab04e)
- remove fetchSubmission in useEffect (09728fb)
- remove github link condition on blockchain submission (7f730b0)
- remove invalid css value (b03c341)
- remove learning modules list in the challenge header (bbefe48)
- remove redundant tailwindcss classes (66cbe49)
- remove the link to the CONTRIBUTING (9cf404b)
- remove the maximum length (5efee40)
- remove the maxlength on the submission input (4aaa124)
- remove the width on large screen (31aeaba)
- remove unnecessary borders (c499568)
- remove ws package (e9061aa)
- rename candidate release to pre release (2f7ce7f)
- rename the prop to isHackathon (61b98bc)
- resolve merge conflicts (19007cc)
- show coin tokens on macbook safari (eb19adc)
- show the KYC vertify button only when viewing own profile (309f1b8)
- show verify button when discord is connected (9f7b6f6)
- simply selecting a text on a submission triggers the popup (0484036)
- the accordion display (e4ba3af)
- the alignment of the chevron right on the bounties navigation (2e5386a)
- the arrow issue on mobile (7bfaf9f)
- the build issues (9766035)
- the certificate icon missing (ea479cb)
- the closing icon on the cooking bar notification (244c1f0)
- the expand of the achievement cards (39400bc)
- the icon display (16bbf72)
- the inconsistencies (c2e8193)
- the placement of arrow down (f27e76f)
- the profile design (debc639)
- trancate the icp address (492932e)
- Uncollapse per default learning info in challenge (749f0cf)
- unlock scroll after switching language on mobile (8623491)
- update channel name and team creation description (39fb85a)
- update the community color state (822286b)
- update the readme (6e8e95d)
- update the reward message for hackathon (627cb1d)
- use isHackathon property from the challenge object (62faebb)
- user loader on profile when there is no data (8f801b9)
1.5.0 (2024-01-18)
- add branch name check (9701469)
- improve the error message (6f1702c)
- install husky in the prepare command (1cbeaa7)
- load profile in profile/community_slug page (e3c02ac)
- referral alignment on small screen (f709026)
- remove the link to the CONTRIBUTING (9cf404b)
- update the readme (6e8e95d)
- update the reward message for hackathon (627cb1d)
1.4.0 (2024-01-12)
- display of the card (debe85e)
- feedback form visisibility (39492c9)
- objective list responsiveness (31a4ff0)
1.3.1 (2023-12-20)
- add default language in case there is none (c64bbcd)
1.3.0 (2023-12-19)
- add showModal state (b9b507f)
1.2.2 (2023-12-18)
- hide the submission form when its past deadline (4ac4dac)
1.2.1 (2023-12-08)
- remove learning modules list in the challenge header (bbefe48)
1.2.0 (2023-12-08)
- display the submission form when the team has minimum one member (7e66aca)
1.1.0 (2023-12-08)
- adapt to the new isHachathin property from the backend (318ce30)
- add isHackathon property on the challenge object after fetching (6686ada)
- add tag of hackathon on hackaton challenge (eaf735d)
- add the hachathon tag on the challenge card on the community slug (3eed0f2)
- stop propagation for when the user is accepting invites from the notification area (e6f8694)
- add the challengeType where the header is called (8e3f6a9)
- change the way things was implement on the hackathon (1264a5a)
- checking if the type is not null (2318959)
- rename the prop to isHackathon (61b98bc)
- use isHackathon property from the challenge object (62faebb)
- add card at the end of the learning modules (ffff37f)
- add card at the end of the learning modules to take challenge (5ae8af4)
- add disconnec wallet (d34b838)
- add error handling (24d02c4)
- add error handling when the user reject the message (51b96d0)
- add link for discord (751e73a)
- add link for discord (d46feba)
- add loader for bounties fetching (774c351)
- add loading animation to navbar while authState changes (dba8853)
- add margin to summary tag in markdown content (3914350)
- add margin top to the first h1 tag in markdown (426a757)
- add margin-top to all h1 headings with translation-box class (305e76e)
- add max-width on bounty submission display name (6538525)
- add necessary libraries for wallet connect (2a43ce2)
- add NFT certificate to all celo reward cards (dbf01eb)
- add optional chaining for bounty and referral color (fb31f1e)
- add redirects from old course links (cccdd0a)
- add rehype plugins to enable html to markdown (ec8d0bb)
- add rust ceritificate image and change the name for the typescript smart contract (e123edd)
- add the disconnect when setting the address (fe372ba)
- add the edit address (cc78ea6)
- add TODO comment and fix redirect (1757b12)
- add translations (1b955b6)
- add translations to the newly added section (1fb50f5)
- add unLockPageScroll on router change custom hook (b3d9e62)
- add unreviwed submissions (9ff2d52)
- add update the address using metamask (58d8066)
- add username prop to DiscordConnect on profile/[username] page (ab80269)
- add vertical alignment to nav-items in the Navbar (9845bd8)
- also update team.teamInvites to team.invites (e07bebc)
- applied changes. (752ae7e)
- apply markdown for submissions (b1bd1d7)
- Apply dacade's signature string and project id for finalization (bb1a449)
- change address using wallet connect (af982ac)
- change challenge certificate from NFT Certificate to Certificate (2ca9182)
- change submission limit count to 1000 (05858b5)
- change the testimonials text (c14caac)
- combine team profiles avatar and team members names (ca2e90e)
- convert store variable to function (140665e)
- decrease h1 tag fontsize (318febf)
- display challenge card on last learning module (b76c513)
- display challenge passing score (01c5351)
- display learning module title on communityNavigation (7a376ec)
- display message when feedback is no longer available (ba204cb)
- display reward in ChallengeCard (e8936c3)
- enable google translations on users request (4d641f8)
- fetch all submissions more than once (8394b3d)
- fix mobile design for passing score (6732a3e)
- fixed the scolling issue. (e00c205)
- implement useMultiSelector hook (c048025)
- include icp wallet address valiadations (f881dfa)
- itengrate the walletConnect package when minting (56eafa3)
- listen to router.event.off on component amount (24483bb)
- make fetching of the profile/community dispay contents even after a refresh (90527cc)
- re-add the line on end to remove changes in yarn lock (68bbc8d)
- redirect in server side props (e3cd92c)
- refetch the team after every team modification (4c299c1)
- remove spaces on end to remove changes in yarn lock (c998da7)
- reshowedi editaddress when user cancels modal, add metamask extension and adjust styles (5e61c4c)
- set baseQuery accept-language header if none is already set (b44a83a)
- turn total reward value to a number (255b981)
- turn total reward value to a number (bd27e49)
- update the correct icp regex (cc19f35)
- update the stats (b813dc2)
- use existing yarn to reduce changed files (4a38fb5)
- add background cover color for celo community colors (23c91b9)
- add bet-submission to the request made when fetching a challenge (973ced7)
- add github icon (a53b026)
- add LanguageList component on mobile (5643d5d)
- add missing translation on the minting modal (fa6053f)
- add missings assets from vue version (b298827)
- add redirect link to submission (1750ae6)
- add the locale in the redirect URL (79a8763)
- add the right ethereun icon (f36a2c2)
- add userProfile and translations in promise.all (931baf1)
- adjust the size of the submission button (68a4204)
- adjust the stages of the lifecycle (387b1e8)
- adjust the submission line and space (5ac7614)
- align logo and navigation links on the same line (f16dd6d)
- allow re-fetch of referrals when we have more (610490b)
- avoid refreshing the page when user closes submission popup (69b45d0)
- back button not working on the submission page (1765f8e)
- block scrolling when the popup is open (b1b73f4)
- build error of Property 'children' is missing in type 'ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>' but required in type 'ReactPortal' (830803d)
- build issue on unused variables (4896ab8)
- change blockchain name (64e932b)
- change package-lock.json and yarn.lock (87e0d78)
- change the number to fetch more referrals to be 10 instead of 30 (a504cd3)
- change the request to client (164a146)
- check the verification before cashout (669a3d7)
- clean up git cache (13e618a)
- create alpha beta and candidate release (cf992fc)
- disable double verification workflow (fe41983)
- disconnect the modal and open the modal when there is an arleady connection (a76fb1f)
- display evaluations on pop-up submission (5a070c8)
- display feedbacks after fetching (fa6521a)
- display only the submission which are not evaluated (f016c64)
- display page not found on the wrong profile url path (219f4fa)
- display reward total for challenge reward card (82535c9)
- display submissions number on the community (9551425)
- display the names of feedback givers and fix profile image (93c0116)
- display the submissions length (8430dac)
- enable infinite scroll of referrals (7d32882)
- enable refetchOnMountOrArgChange (729baec)
- fetch more submissions using infinite srcoll (3b0ab55)
- fetch submission in the server side (b626e8b)
- fetch user on login success (778eed4)
- fix the achievement not rendering page (c14ad80)
- fix the placement of the icon (20df7eb)
- fixing different UI issues (09586fb)
- handle bad urls for community request (c364e4e)
- handle bounties error (d1eef0e)
- handle the challangs request error (b6a6a79)
- hide an address for DAC coins in the profile dropdown (265f44f)
- hide the loader component that is always visisble on an sumbission popup (e1176b3)
- hotfix a build error caused by importing enum (7cd0abd)
- icon issue on mobile (30204e1)
- implement how achievement cards will expand (d80cde6)
- increase the size of icon (747d9a7)
- issues with the edit address modal (514153b)
- localePath parsing (d2fd80b)
- make team avatar profile character visible (2580340)
- mark notifications unread notification read when one clicks the bell (914abe9)
- merge conflict (a533625)
- merge conflict (2859777)
- move fetching submissions implementation in the submission popup (049741c)
- navigate to the submissions_id page when the user refreshes when we have the submission id popup (cc837f5)
- PARSE_ERROR when fetching the user profile (0563447)
- place well the arrow icon on feedbacks (6f78ceb)
- prevent multiple submission of feedback when user clicks more than once (3b03e66)
- Prevent need for sumbitting twice (8c3e7c2)
- query the auth token from localStorage (d87fdb8)
- redirect bad urls to not found (578c7ac)
- redirect to the submission when slug is fetched (6d7dff3)
- refining the responsiveness (5568fad)
- Remove {{count}} on the reward card in Bulgarian translations (6149efd)
- remove beta add prelease for stage release (4e6175f)
- remove commented codes (179f62d)
- remove duplicated slashes on the link (9c5ea7a)
- remove fetchSubmission in useEffect (09728fb)
- remove github link condition on blockchain submission (7f730b0)
- remove hydration error on profile/community page (b20abce)
- remove redundant tailwindcss classes (66cbe49)
- remove the last unused import (b37126a)
- remove the maximum length (5efee40)
- remove the maxlength on the submission input (4aaa124)
- remove the vanishing of the profile community contents when we refresh (7267928)
- remove the width on large screen (31aeaba)
- remove unnecessary borders (c499568)
- remove unused redux state causing useSelector warning (96016dc)
- remove verification to the team profile (99686f7)
- remove ws package (e9061aa)
- rename candidate release to pre release (2f7ce7f)
- resolve Abort fetching component for route error (3357a0b)
- resolve build error (fb4bff7)
- resolve build error (50a2f59)
- resolve build error (22d6fe4)
- resolve build error (ba73fb6)
- resolve build error (2d506fa)
- resolve build error (ef079b4)
- resolve merge conflicts (4be967b)
- resolve merge conflicts (7b919da)
- separate submissions and remove markdown (7b0f62e)
- signle submission copied links to redirect to [submission_id] page (7926b07)
- simply selecting a text on a submission triggers the popup (0484036)
- the accordion display (e4ba3af)
- the arrow issue on mobile (7bfaf9f)
- the build issues (9766035)
- the certificate icon missing (ea479cb)
- the closing icon on the cooking bar notification (244c1f0)
- the expand of the achievement cards (39400bc)
- the fix the close and opeing of the edit wallet modal (cd05348)
- the icon display (16bbf72)
- the inconsistencies (c2e8193)
- the issue of the verification icon (8d29ab2)
- the placement of arrow down (f27e76f)
- the profile design (debc639)
- the width's of the wallet (7c4d051)
- trancate the icp address (492932e)
- Uncollapse per default learning info in challenge (749f0cf)
- unlock scroll after switching language on mobile (8623491)
- update the community color state (822286b)
- use InfiniteScroll to divide submissions (5754370)