project your_project_id "Dave life" 2022-01-01 +10y {
# timingresolution needs to be the first line
timingresolution 2h
# Set the default time zone for the project. If not specified, UTC
# is used.
timezone "America/Edmonton"
# Hide the clock time. Only show the date.
timeformat "%Y-%m-%d"
#workinghours mon-fri 6:00 - 8:00, 16:00 - 17:00, 18:00 - 20:00
# Setting to noon, since I paint on Sundays and efficiency drops on Saturday
#workinghours sat, sun 9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00, 18:00 - 20:00
# vacation hours til the 3rd
# Default # of hours in a day is 8
dailyworkinghours 4
outputdir "output"
task "thing" {
limits {
dailymax 2h { resources dev }
# projectstart is a builtin macro
start ${projectstart}
journalentry 2022-01-01 "project update"
task wduedate "due date" {
start ${projectstart}
end %{2022-2-28 - 2w}
include "other_file.tji"
# Gantt chart for next 4 weeks
taskreport overview "" {
end %{${now} + 4w}
columns name, start, end, effort,
chart { scale day }
# %a - abbreviated workday
timeformat "%a %Y-%m-%d"
loadunit days
hideresource 1
# Create an iCalendar file with the next 4 weeks of items
icalreport ical "ical" {
end %{${today} + 4w}
hidetask ~(isleaf())
hideresource 1
# List tasks
task list
# Add a task
task add Creating a task
# Add a task to a project
task add project:foo Creating a task
# Add a tag
task $ID modify +mytag
# Add a priority tag
task $ID +next
# Show tasks finished in the last week
task end.after:today-1wk completed
# Mark a task done
task done $ID
# List contexts
task context list
# Define context
task context define work +office or +work
# Show current context
task context show
# Clear context
task context none
key | desc |
a | add a task |
A | annotate a task |
b | start/stop task |
d | task done |
D | delete a task |
e | edit a task |
P | task priority |
p | task project |
T | task tags |
tag | desc |
@autodone(bool) | whether the item automatically completes itself when its children are complete (true) or not (false). Named to match @done. |
@tags(string1, string2) | the tags to assign |
@defer(date) | defer until date, e.g. 2016-04-19 5pm or next Thursday -3d |
@done(date) | completed on date |
@due(date) | due on date |
@estimate(time span) | time estimate, e.g. 2h for 2 hours or 3w for 3 weeks. |
@flagged | present when an item is flagged |
@parallel(bool) | whether children are parallel (true) or sequential (false) |
@repeat-method(method) | the repeat method: fixed, start-after-completion, or due-after-completion |
@repeat-rule(rule) | an ICS repeat rule (see RFC244557), e.g. FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1 |
# Search for unresolved tickets with label foo
resolution=unresolved and labels=foo
# Ticket is unassigned
assignee is EMPTY
- Advanced search queries
- Affected version
- Assignee
- Attachments
- Comment
- Component
- Created
- Creator
- Description
- Due
- Epic link
- Filter
- Fix version
- Issue key
- Labels
- Last viewed
- Priority
- Project
- Reporter
- Resolved
- Sprint
- Status
- Summary
- Text
- Time spent
- Voter
- Watcher
Start with the principles, and then look at the practices
Keep each speaker to a very limited question set.
- What did you accomplish since the last meeting?
- What are you currently working on?
- What are you blocked by?
- What do you need from the rest of the team?
- A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development: How HP Transformed LaserJet FutureSmart Firmware by Mike Young, Gary Gruver, Pat Fulghum
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"${TASK_ITEM}
Initiation - where do you want to go?
- Why is this project important?
- What does the project entail?
- What are the goals?
- Who/what resources needs to be committed?
- What does success look like?
Planning - how do we do this?
- Figure out the task order
- Break the tasks down
- Figure out the costs
- Identify risks
- Make a schedule
Monitoring and Control
- Review the progress regularly
- Get signoff that everything is done
- Hand over everything
- Do a retrospective