- Minimum communication features
- Client (N instances)
- string checkMessage()
- bool(?) sendMessage(remoteId, message)
- Attributes
- string id
- dictionary chatList
- Server (1 instance)
- bool receiveMessage (senderId, receiverId, message)
- string getMessage (id)
- Attributes
- dictionary list (?) pendingMessage
- Client (N instances)
- Server
- Listen for messages from clients
- Print client Id and message
- Cliente
- Try to exchange message between processes
- Try to exchange messages in a network
- JV: Add a command to show the available methods in the class
Check if RPC and RMI in Python 3 are the same thing
Check features and differences between:
- xmlrpc
- Pyro 2, 3, 4, 5
- Dopy
Show what was discovered
- Client
- Set unique id for each client
- Directed message
- Optional: multicast message
- Optional: broadcast message
- Server
- Return json
- Set timestamp in each message
- Establish some system of online status
- Establish simple permanence system (such as pickle, txt... In some multiplataform folder. maybe /temp for now.)
- Decide how to approach library importation
- JV: Check if the created id is not already in use
- JV: Or use something like '92c1290f512e20e1b13888fdd504a238d5'
- JV: Retry request message
- JV: Duplicate filtering (?)
- JV: Retransmission of results
- JV Self: Check if the exchanged data is an object