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The heap structure

Given an order, the heap structure is a tree with the property:

The parent node preceeds its children

An order is a function from the cartesian product of the domain (D x D) to the order values (B,S,A: Before, Same, After):

order: D x D -> O

In the code Before == -1, Same == 0, After == 1

Heap Operations and their cost

Insert: O(log n)

FindPos: O(n)

RemoveFirst: O(log n)

RemovePos: O(log n)

Find next-of

Find the next. Use DSX (Data Structure X, DSX(top) is the biggest in DSX, DSX(top) costs O(1))

  1. FindPos(V) in O(log n), and its level L.
  2. For l=L; l>0; l-- do 2.0. replaced = 0; keep_asc=0; 2.1. for each n in NodeofLevel(l) do 2.1.1. if (n>V && DSX(top)>n)? { DSX_replaceTop(n); replaced=1} 2.1.2. if (n<V)? keep_asc=1; (in DSX is the smallest node bigger than V found so far, at level l, so, at level l-1 all nodes are bigger than their respective children, but not necessary bigger than some of the node visited in the level l (which is not a direct child). But if no node X is smaller than V, there is no parent P that is V < P < X, because P > X, and I am searching for P that is the first successor of V, so it is smaller than any X visited so far) 2.2. (replaced ==0 && keep_asc==0)? break;
  3. in DSX(top) is the smallest node bigger than V found so far, and there is nothing smaller in H that is bigger than V

And when the Next-of is at level>L? It must be looped for each level l>L also

  1. For (l=L+1; l< log n; l++) do 1.0. keep_desc = 0; 1.1. for each n in NodeofLevel(l) do 2.1.1. if (n>V && DSX(top)>n)? { DSX_replaceTop(n); replaced=1} 2.1.2. if (n>V)? keep_desc=1;

...Find next is too much complex to be supported by the heap data structure in a easy (and efficient) way.

Remove first

Everything follow the first, which is at level 0.

At level 1 there are 2 elements, say A and B, A << B or B << A?

In case A << B then each child of A can either << B or >> B, but every choise of them as sibling of B maintain the heap property The parent node preceeds its children

Which of the l*2 elements children is the best candidate to be promoted as parent? the first.

This procedure is heapify.

The fact that extract take the last element and put it to the first position, does not influence the complexity. In fact the last can be seen as a placeholder for which it is true that every node can before it: a place that must be occupied by the best candidate.

Tests and Benchmarks


The objective of visual reppresentation is to show the operations made during heap insertion, search, deletion, and so on.

So, every element should be reppresentable by a Box, every Box should have a Text caption inside, and maybe including some graphical sign or not-a-letter glyph to separate infos.

Each Box should be linked with other (say parents and/or children) by an Edge. An Edge is a line has a sourceBox and a targetBox. It should be possible to draw the Edge satisfying the requirement of "not passing through the Box.

To warrant this property, the drawing system must know where is the Box and where is the Edge, relative to each other.

For example:

  • is the Edge above the Box? then the line of the Edge is attached to the top line of the Box
  • is the Edge below the Box? then the line of the Edge is attached to the bottom line of the Box

Is there any other option? Nope. To estabilish the above property of 2 graphical elements it can be used Geometrical computing technics, or this could be defined by the domain itself. Let's say that an Edge is identified by its link from the parent Box, to the children Box, and let's say that the visualization of the tree goes from top to the bottom, parent to children.

So, easily the Edge is attached to the bottom of the parent Box (source), and to the top of the child Box (target).

Drawing an Edge translate to:

  • find the middle of the bottom of the Box of the origin
  • find the middle of the top of the Box of the target
  • draw a linking line

Who is responsible to provide "the middle of..."? Answer: The Box.

typedef struct {
        int x;
        int y;
} Point;

typedef struct {
   Point top_left;
   Point bot_right;
} NodeBox;

typedef struct {
  NodeBox *source;
  NodeBox *target;
} Arc;

Point box_get_source_lnk(Box *b) {}

Point box_get_target_lnk(Box *b) {}

And that's all about the tree.

The associated array

The heap is in fact stored into a regular array. This array should be reppresented near the tree.

The array is arranged vertically and is made of boxes containing the same infos as the box in the tree.


It should be possible to visualize animation during operation.

A swap animation is made of:

  • two element blinking to focus the attention to the action.
  • an element "moving around" while it is swapped (start swap)
  • an element "leaving the space" for the swapped element
  • an element "occuping the new made space"
  • an element "filling up the space left by another" (end swap)

An insertion animation is made of:

  • the new element appearing fading in and out 2 times and blinking (insertion is done at the bottom of the tree)
  • the associated Arc behave the same, in concert

A lookup is made of a traverse of the tree, so the traverse is made of:

  • blinking elements in a level
  • at a given time select the bounding elements (clear up the algos)

A deletion is made of:

  • lookup animation
  • blinking box of the element found
  • remove of the element
  • blinking of the two candidates for the position
  • selected candidate moving to fill the vacant position

Data structure <-> animation callback

This is done by adding a pointer to a function that update the animation.

The heap data structure has a pointer to func, that, when not NULL, is called with parameters:

  • char *cmd, index index, pos, ...


Arranging a tree structure

To arrange the tree structure that reppresente the heap there are info that can be used:

  1. number of nodes
  2. levels of the tree
  3. nr of elements for each level of the tree.

Nr of nodes (1.) is required, while 2. and 3. can be derived.

The procedure arrange_tree(data, n) has a reference to data, it does not require methods from the heap:

  1. calc the height (nr of levels) by counting required number of n shift to right to reach 0 (it is log n + 1)
  2. calc the weight by multiply 2 * levels (calculated in 1.)
  3. repeat for each level: arrange_level(i);

arrange_level(i, center):

  1. far_from_center = (weight - 2^l) / 2 ;
  2. for (x=i*2+1; x<(i+1)*2; x++) do
  3. _ draw_box(i)
  4. _ if (i>0) arc_to_upper(x, x/2)

producing wasm

first error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/emscripten/", line 3947, in <module>

it does not like command line argument. (nobody love arguments, ok)

(somewhere at the end):

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/share/emscripten/cache/ports'
make: *** [Makefile:18: visualizer-wasm.o] Error 1

look at emscripten-core/emscripten#11313

You can also set EM_CONFIG=$HOME/.emscripten to solve this issue.


export EM_CONFIG=$HOME/.emscripten

emcc -c visualizer-wasm.c -o visualizer-wasm.o -s USE_SDL=2
emcc: error: clang executable not found at `/usr/bin/clang`
make: *** [Makefile:18: visualizer-wasm.o] Error 1

(... I had to do some guess work here, then)

~/.emscripten should contain something like

LLVM_ROOT = "/usr/lib/llvm-14/bin"
BINARYEN_ROOT = "/usr/bin"
NODE_JS= "/usr/bin/nodejs"


$ emcc --show-ports

is the power tool for emcc, it lists all ports available, so I can specify

document code
