Uptown CSS is a semantic toolkit designed to help developers build fully-responsive apps for Shopify's eCommerce platform. This repo is a fork of the original Uptown CSS project to allow the project to be installed via a package manager.
You can use this project 2 different ways. Firstly via a package manager like NPM or Yarn. Simply: npm install danlake/UptownCSS#master
or yarn add https://github.com/danlake/UptownCSS
within you project and import the master uptown scss file @import '~uptown-css/styles/uptown';
Alternatively, you can simply add the stylesheet to your project and begin writing the HTML for your app: .
Visit http://www.uptowncss.com for complete documentation and examples
Code and documentation copyright 2017 ShopPad Inc. Code released under the MIT License.