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Easy Cronjob and Job workload visualization and monitoring in kubernetes

| Documentation & screenshots | helm chart |

Monitor and view your cronjobs/job activity. Use the exported prometheus metrics to get alerts when your cronjob fails, takes longer than expected or does not start when it should.

  • Get an overview of your cronjobs running in a namespace
  • See which cronjobs run more often
  • Get a quick glimpse of a cronjob, job or pod configuration via the UI
  • Use the exported prometheus metrics:
    • Total registered cronjobs
    • Total completed cronjobs
    • Total cronjobs failures
    • Amount of current running cronjobs
    • Total completions of a cronjobs
    • Current duration of a running cronjob
    • Total failures of a cronjob
  • Familiar UI, based on the open source Primer framework by github.

HELM Chart

helm repo add sk8l
helm repo update

helm search repo sk8l

helm upgrade --install [RELEASE_NAME] sk8l/sk8l \
--namespace sk8l \
--create-namespace=true \
--set[NAMESPACE] \



The commmunication between apps is encrypted.

To manually configure TLS, first create/retrieve a key & certificate pair. Then create TLS secrets in the namespace:

kubectl create secret tls -n NAMESPACE sk8l-server-cert-secret --cert=path/to/tls.cert --key=path/to/tls.key
kubectl create secret tls -n NAMESPACE sk8l-ca-root-cert-secret --cert=ca-cert.pem --key=ca-key.pem

Supported Kubernetes versions

The Kubernetes community releases minor versions roughly every three months. These are the versions currently supported and tested against.

Version Tested Version
v1.29 v1.29.2
v1.28 v1.28.7
v1.27 v1.27.11
v1.26 v1.26.14

Prometheus metrics

sk8l collects and publishes aggregated metrics for all the configured cronjobs on a namespace and also metrics per each single cronjob.

Name Description
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_registered_cronjobs_total Total registered cronjobs
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_completed_cronjobs_total Total completed cronjobs
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_failing_cronjobs_total Total cronjobs failures
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_running_cronjobs_total Amount of current running cronjobs
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_[CRONJOB_NAME]_completion_total Total completions of a cronjobs
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_[CRONJOB_NAME]_duration_seconds Current duration of a running cronjob
sk8l_[NAMESPACE]_[CRONJOB_NAME]_failure_total Total failures of a cronjob

Grafana Dashboard

sk8l can generate an annotations json configuration based on the current configured cronjobs on kubernetes that can be copy/pasted and imported into Grafana to create a dashboard.