- Do not use AWT. It is not supported on all platforms;
- Nbt tags are UpperCamelCase; when creating new tags follow that rule;
- Getters-setters, are, in fact, rarely needed; think about avoiding them when creating.
- [HIGH] Check that I do
- [HIGH] * Not saving current palette selection and pixel buffer in Easel Entity;
- [HIGH] ? Central piece of iron frame actually has no model (except back which it lacks for some reason);
- [MED] If painting has some problems, just remove it instead of crashing or throwing errors (i.e. requesting non-existent canvas);
- [HIGH] When dropping painting, if cannot be loaded, just drop frame (gallery workaround);
- [HIGH] Configuration file for texture size;
- [MED] Reduce saving and sending format to write RGB data instead of RGBA;
- [MED] Make sure that no one can edit canvas unless they're standing in front of the easel;
- [MED] Make sure bucket tool has decent performance;
- [MED] Add data format validation;
- [MED] Use specific light levels for every partial canvas (or not, worth trying at least);
- [MED] It is said that capability (getCapability) should be cached by modders, we may need to do that here: Helper#getWorldCanvasTracker()
- [HIGH] I don't like how different classes of canvas data created, would be nice to invent something better;
- [HIGH] ? Check that nothing breaks if player tries to draw to not loaded canvas;
- [LOW] Looks like if color in a palette somehow getting wrong value, it's unfixable with new color due to alpha channel: maybe we can set alpha to 255 explicitly when picking a color in order to remove potential problem;
- [LOW] Trying to unload non-existent canvases sometimes;
- [LOW] Remove network getters/setters: they're useless, and actually looks like a bad pattern (
public final
); - [LOW] TIL LinkedLists are bad actually.
- Moderation table;
- Pencil color jitter;
- Show canvas in hands like map;
- Texture dispatcher which will prevent not only client request canvases too quick but server to sync canvases too frequent;
- Think about creating own atlas map with loaded paintings.
- Kubelka-Munk model for color blending? See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1351442/is-there-an-algorithm-for-color-mixing-that-works-like-mixing-real-colors
- Floyd–Steinberg dithering filter https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Floyd%E2%80%93Steinberg_dithering