- 1.1.0 (b50d0a6)
- docs(changelog): update changelog (a1bd655)
- refactor(metrics): add statusCode to metrics key (77bb71a)
- refactor(metrics): allow custom typings to be installed and expose metrics (1815cc0)
- refactor(metrics): refine determination of metrics key (330d8c7)
- refactor(metrics): updates following code review (1ca5640)
- refactor(metrics): updates from code review (9c748a8)
- bug(metrics): correct Request.timers type and remove lodash (6603473)
- feat(metrics): add metrics logger (693abc9)
- feat(metrics): refactor to use LogFactory (29e974f)
- feat(metrics): refine implementation (8b421b7)
- 1.0.3 (58507ee)
- docs(changelog): update changelog (9ce724f)
- fix(typings): include typings in npm package (184840c)
- 1.0.2 (c076e06)
- add option for to prefix all keys (9b32a40)
- add postversion script to push version bump and tags to github (c7cd0bf)
- add pullquester config (d98e353)
- clean prefix (fc15ea9)
- docs(changelog): add changelog (d7b1710)
- docs(changelog): update changelog (71bad8d)
- 1.0.1 (a8b7318)
- 2 space indent on yml files (872e9e2)
- add gulp to run jasmine tests (d1424e4)
- add gulp watch (99c1e13)
- add metrics key builder tests (a66acc5)
- add travis config file (4d3c19b)
- add typescript as dev dependency (21c75ca)
- fail prepublish and build if typings fails (bb86560)
- fix tslint rules (46b22c3)
- handle creating a key when restify path is a regex (13615c8)
- ignore npm-debug.log (1defec3)
- Initial commit. (f21ef85)
- install typings locally (99a0ce5)
- make 'npm run test' fail when tests are failing (1cab46e)
- need to specify g++ compiler for node_js builds on v >4 (30d7e9c)
- update readme (66aeef2)
- update restify typings (de57734)