- 🔲 angular v20 support
- 🔲 2FA authentication
- 🔲 simple online payments
- 🔲 angular v19 support
- 🔲 2FA authentication keycloak
- 🔲 simple online payments
- 🔲 fast/stable packeges installer solution
- 🔲 organization build based on standalone (single process with multiple entrypoints build)
- 🔲 organization multi window electron app
- 🔲 cloud build: electron, cli, lib, vscode
- ✅ angular v18 support
- ✅ firedev -> taon (rebranding)
- 🔲 docs for new framework api
- ✅ docs update for new cli
- 🔲 docs examples for better understranding
- 🔲 relaltime development FE/BE and BE/BE
- 🔲 basic authentication
- 🔲 excellent isomorphic development programmer experience
- 🔲 simple CD/CI develop/build/deploy process
- 🔲 local release electron, cli, vscode ext.
- 🔲 script installation for server (curl -o- https://taon.dev/install-on-server-script.sh | bash)
- 🔲 release standalone package as @organization/package
< skipped >
- ✅ angular v16 support
- ✅ global packages container isomorphic library build
- ✅ normal and websql app build
- ✅ release/build/deploy websql or normal app to github pages
- ✅ electron app build
- ✅ prettier, eslint
- ✅ taon git commands
- ✅ global sources linked inside import src/
- ✅ auto impors fix from 'isomorphic-lib/lib' to 'isomorphic-lib/src'