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-%TCIDATA{LastRevised=Thursday, September 27, 2018 13:02:41}
+%TCIDATA{LastRevised=Wednesday, October 03, 2018 01:01:22}
@@ -124,26 +124,130 @@
-These notes are meant as a detailed introduction to the basic combinatorics
-that underlies the \textquotedblleft explicit\textquotedblright\ part of
-abstract algebra (i.e., the theory of determinants, and concrete families of
-polynomials). They cover permutations and determinants (from a combinatorial
-viewpoint -- no linear algebra is presumed), as well as some basic material on
-binomial coefficients and recurrent (Fibonacci-like) sequences. The reader is
-assumed to be proficient in high-school mathematics and low-level
-\textquotedblleft contest mathematics\textquotedblright, and mature enough to
-read combinatorial proofs.
-These notes were originally written for the PRIMES reading project I have
-mentored in 2015. The goal of the project was to become familiar with some
-fundamentals of algebra and combinatorics (particularly the ones needed to
-understand the literature on cluster algebras).
+These notes are a detailed introduction to some of the basic objects of
+combinatorics and algebra: binomial coefficients, permutations and
+determinants (from a combinatorial viewpoint -- no linear algebra is
+presumed). To a lesser extent, modular arithmetic and recurrent integer
+sequences are treated as well. The reader is assumed to be proficient in
+high-school mathematics and low-level \textquotedblleft contest
+mathematics\textquotedblright, and mature enough to understand rigorous
+mathematical proofs.
+One feature of these notes is their focus on rigorous and detailed proofs.
+Indeed, so extensive are the details that a reader with experience in
+mathematics will probably be able to skip whole paragraphs of proof without
+losing the thread. (As a consequence of this amount of detail, the notes
+contain far less material than might be expected from their length.) Rigorous
+proofs mean that (with some minor exceptions) no \textquotedblleft
+handwaving\textquotedblright\ is used; all relevant objects are defined in
+mathematical (usually set-theoretical) language, and are manipulated in
+logically well-defined ways. (In particular, some things that are commonly
+taken for granted in the literature -- e.g., the fact that the sum of $n$
+numbers is well-defined without specifying in what order they are being added
+-- are unpacked and proven in a rigorous way.)
+These notes are split into several chapters:
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.intro} collects some basic facts and notations that are
+used in later chapter. This chapter is \textbf{not} meant to be read first; it
+is best consulted when needed.
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.ind} is an in-depth look at mathematical induction (in
+various forms, including strong and two-sided induction) and several of its
+applications (including basic modular arithmetic, division with remainder,
+Bezout's theorem, some properties of recurrent sequences, the well-definedness
+of compositions of $n$ maps and sums of $n$ numbers, and various properties thereof).
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.binom} surveys binomial coefficients and their basic
+properties. Unlike most texts on combinatorics, our treatment of binomial
+coefficients leans to the algebraic side, relying mostly on computation and
+manipulations of sums; but some basics of counting are included.
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.recur} treats some more properties of Fibonacci-like
+sequences, including explicit formulas (\`{a} la Binet) for two-term
+recursions of the form $x_{n}=ax_{n-1}+bx_{n-2}$.
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.perm} is concerned with permutations of finite sets.
+The coverage is heavily influenced by the needs of the next chapter (on
+determinants); thus, a great role is played by transpositions and the
+inversions of a permutation.
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.det} is a comprehensive introduction to determinants of
+square matrices over a commutative ring\footnote{The notion of a commutative
+ring is defined (and illustrated with several examples) in Section
+\ref{sect.commring}, but I don't delve deeper into abstract algebra.}, from an
+elementary point of view. This is probably the most unique feature of these
+notes: I define determinants using Leibniz's formula (i.e., as sums over
+permutations) and prove all their properties (Laplace expansion in one or
+several rows; the Cauchy-Binet, Desnanot-Jacobi and Pl\"{u}cker identities;
+the Vandermonde and Cauchy determinants; and several more) from this vantage
+point, thus treating them as an elementary object unmoored from its
+linear-algebraic origins and applications. No use is made of modules (or
+vector spaces), exterior powers, eigenvalues, or of the \textquotedblleft
+universal coefficients\textquotedblright\ trick\footnote{This refers to the
+standard trick used for proving determinant identities (and other polynomial
+identities), in which the entries of a matrix are replaced by indeterminates
+and one then uses the \textquotedblleft genericity\textquotedblright\ of these
+indeterminates to (e.g.) invert the matrix.}. (This means that all proofs are
+done through combinatorics and manipulation of sums -- a rather restrictive
+requirement!) This is a conscious and (to a large extent) aesthetic choice on
+my part, and I do \textbf{not} consider it the best way to learn about
+determinants; but I do regard it as a road worth charting, and these notes are
+my attempt at doing so.
+The notes include numerous exercises of varying difficulty, many of them
+solved. The reader should treat exercises and theorems (and propositions,
+lemmas and corollaries) as interchangeable to some extent; it is perfectly
+reasonable to read the solution of an exercise, or conversely, to prove a
+theorem on their own instead of reading its proof.
+I have not meant these notes to be a textbook on any particular subject. For
+one thing, their does not map to any of the standard university courses, but
+rather straddles various subjects:
+\item Much of Chapter \ref{chp.binom} (on binomial coefficients) and Chapter
+\ref{chp.perm} (on permutations) is seen in a typical combinatorics class; but
+my focus is more on the algebraic side and not so much on the combinatorics.
+\item Chapter \ref{chp.det} studies determinants far beyond what a usual class
+on linear algebra would do; but it does not include any of the other topics of
+a linear algebra class (such as row reduction, vector spaces, linear maps,
+eigenvectors, tensors or bilinear forms).
+\item Being devoted to mathematical induction, Chapter \ref{chp.ind} appears
+to cover the same ground as a typical \textquotedblleft introduction to
+proofs\textquotedblright\ textbook or class (or at least one of its main
+topics). In reality, however, it complements rather than competes with most
+\textquotedblleft introduction to proofs\textquotedblright\ texts I have seen;
+the examples I give are (with a few exceptions) nonstandard, and the focus different.
+\item While the notions of rings and groups are defined in Chapter
+\ref{chp.det}, I cannot claim to really be doing any abstract algebra: I am
+merely working \textit{in} rings (i.e., working with matrices over rings),
+rather than working \textit{with} rings. Nevertheless, Chapter \ref{chp.det}
+might help familiarize the reader with these concepts, facilitating proper
+learning of abstract algebra later on.
+All in all, these notes are probably more useful as a repository of detailed
+proofs than as a textbook read cover-to-cover. Indeed, one of my motives in
+writing them was to have a reference for certain folklore results --
+particularly one that could convince people that said results do not require
+any advanced abstract algebra to prove.
+These notes began as worksheets for the PRIMES reading project I have mentored
+in 2015; they have since been greatly expanded with new material (some of it
+originally written for my combinatorics classes, some in response to
+\href{https://math.stackexchange.com/}{math.stackexchange} questions).
The notes are in flux, and probably have their share of misprints. I thank
-Anya Zhang and Karthik Karnik (the two students taking part in the project)
-for finding some errors! Thanks also to the PRIMES project at MIT, which gave
-the impetus for the writing of this notes; and to George Lusztig for the
-sponsorship of my mentoring position in this project.
+Anya Zhang and Karthik Karnik (the two students taking part in the 2015 PRIMES
+project) for finding some errors. Thanks also to the PRIMES project at MIT,
+which gave the impetus for the writing of this notes; and to George Lusztig
+for the sponsorship of my mentoring position in this project.
@@ -154,18 +258,18 @@ \subsection{Prerequisites}
\item has a good grasp on basic school-level mathematics (integers, rational
numbers, prime numbers, etc.);
-\item has some experience with proofs (mathematical induction, strong
-induction, proof by contradiction, the concept of \textquotedblleft
-WLOG\textquotedblright, etc.) and mathematical notation (functions,
-subscripts, cases, what it means for an object to be \textquotedblleft
-well-defined\textquotedblright, etc.)\footnote{A great introduction into these
-matters (and many others!) is the free book \cite{LeLeMe16} by Lehman,
-Leighton and Meyer. (\textbf{Practical note:} As of 2017, this book is still
-undergoing frequent revisions; thus, the version I am citing below might be
-outdated by the time you are reading this. I therefore suggest searching for
-possibly newer versions on the internet. Unfortunately, you will also find
-many older versions, often as the first google hits. Try searching for the
-title of the book along with the current year to find something up-to-date.)
+\item has some experience with proofs (mathematical induction, proof by
+contradiction, the concept of \textquotedblleft WLOG\textquotedblright, etc.)
+and mathematical notation (functions, subscripts, cases, what it means for an
+object to be \textquotedblleft well-defined\textquotedblright,
+etc.)\footnote{A great introduction into these matters (and many others!) is
+the free book \cite{LeLeMe16} by Lehman, Leighton and Meyer.
+(\textbf{Practical note:} As of 2017, this book is still undergoing frequent
+revisions; thus, the version I am citing below might be outdated by the time
+you are reading this. I therefore suggest searching for possibly newer
+versions on the internet. Unfortunately, you will also find many older
+versions, often as the first google hits. Try searching for the title of the
+book along with the current year to find something up-to-date.)
Another introduction to proofs and mathematical workmanship is Day's
\cite{Day-proofs} (but beware that the definition of polynomials in
@@ -174,18 +278,16 @@ \subsection{Prerequisites}
especially popular one is Velleman's \cite{Vellem06}.};
\item knows what a polynomial is (at least over $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Q}$)
-and how polynomials differ from polynomial functions\footnote{See Section
-\ref{sect.polynomials-emergency} below for a quick survey of what this means,
-and which sources to consult for the precise definitions.};
+and how polynomials differ from polynomial functions\footnote{This is used
+only in a few sections and exercises, so it is not an unalienable requirement.
+See Section \ref{sect.polynomials-emergency} below for a quick survey of
+polynomials, and which sources to consult for the precise definitions.};
-\item knows the basics of modular arithmetic (e.g., if $a\equiv
-b\operatorname{mod}n$ and $c\equiv d\operatorname{mod}n$, then $ac\equiv
-\item is familiar with the summation sign ($\sum$) and the product sign
-($\prod$) and knows how to transform them (e.g., interchanging summations, and
-substituting the index)\footnote{See Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}
-below for a quick overview of the notations that we will need.};
+\item is somewhat familiar with the summation sign ($\sum$) and the product
+sign ($\prod$) and knows how to transform them (e.g., interchanging
+summations, and substituting the index)\footnote{See Section
+\ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} below for a quick overview of the notations that
+we will need.};
\item has some familiarity with matrices (i.e., knows how to add and to
multiply them).
@@ -591,30 +693,32 @@ \subsection{\label{sect.jectivity}Injectivity, surjectivity, bijectivity}
Composition of maps is associative: If $X$, $Y$, $Z$ and $W$ are three sets,
and if $c:X\rightarrow Y$, $b:Y\rightarrow Z$ and $a:Z\rightarrow W$ are three
maps, then $\left( a\circ b\right) \circ c=a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) $.
+(This shall be proven in Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} below.)
-More generally, if $X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{k+1}$ are $k+1$ sets for some
-$k\in\mathbb{N}$, and if $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ is a map for each
-$i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $, then the composition $f_{k}\circ
-f_{k-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ of all $k$ maps $f_{1},f_{2},\ldots,f_{k}$ is a
+In Section \ref{sect.ind.gen-ass}, we shall prove a more general fact: If
+$X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{k+1}$ are $k+1$ sets for some $k\in\mathbb{N}$, and if
+$f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ is a map for each $i\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $, then the composition $f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\circ
+\cdots\circ f_{1}$ of all $k$ maps $f_{1},f_{2},\ldots,f_{k}$ is a
well-defined map from $X_{1}$ to $X_{k+1}$, which sends each element $x\in
X_{1}$ to $f_{k}\left( f_{k-1}\left( f_{k-2}\left( \cdots\left(
-f_{2}\left( f_{1}\left( x\right) \right) \right) \right) \right)
+f_{2}\left( f_{1}\left( x\right) \right) \right) \cdots\right) \right)
\right) $ (in other words, which transforms each element $x\in X_{1}$ by
first applying $f_{1}$, then applying $f_{2}$, then applying $f_{3}$, and so
on); this composition $f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ can also be
written as $f_{k}\circ\left( f_{k-1}\circ\left( f_{k-2}\circ\left(
-\cdots\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right) \right) \right) \right) $ or as
-$\left( \left( \left( \left( f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\right) \circ
-\cdots\right) \circ f_{3}\right) \circ f_{2}\right) \circ f_{1}$. An
+\cdots\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right) \cdots\right) \right) \right) $
+or as $\left( \left( \left( \cdots\left( f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\right)
+\circ\cdots\right) \circ f_{3}\right) \circ f_{2}\right) \circ f_{1}$. An
important particular case is when $k=0$; in this case, $f_{k}\circ
f_{k-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ is a composition of $0$ maps. It is defined to
be $\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X_{1}}$ (the identity map of the set $X_{1}%
$), and it is called the \textquotedblleft empty composition of maps
$X_{1}\rightarrow X_{1}$\textquotedblright. (The logic behind this definition
is that the composition $f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ should
-transform transforms each element $x\in X_{1}$ by first applying $f_{1}$, then
-applying $f_{2}$, then applying $f_{3}$, and so on; but for $k=0$, there are
-no maps to apply, and so $x$ just remains unchanged.)
+transform each element $x\in X_{1}$ by first applying $f_{1}$, then applying
+$f_{2}$, then applying $f_{3}$, and so on; but for $k=0$, there are no maps to
+apply, and so $x$ just remains unchanged.)
\subsection{\label{sect.sums-repetitorium}Sums and products: a synopsis}
@@ -663,7 +767,9 @@ \subsubsection{Definition of $\sum$}
value of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ to depend only on $S$ and on the $a_{s}$ (not on
some arbitrarily chosen $t\in S$). However, it is possible to prove that the
right hand side of (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}) is actually independent of $t$ (that
-is, any two choices of $t$ will lead to the same result).
+is, any two choices of $t$ will lead to the same result). See Section
+\ref{sect.ind.gen-com} below (and Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.wd}
+\textbf{(a)} in particular) for the proof of this fact.
@@ -783,6 +889,10 @@ \subsubsection{Definition of $\sum$}
summation\textquotedblright, and the second summation sign ($\sum_{t\in T}$)
is called the \textquotedblleft inner summation\textquotedblright.
+\item An expression of the form \textquotedblleft$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}%
+$\textquotedblright\ (where $S$ is a finite set) is called a \textit{finite
\item We have required the set $S$ to be finite when defining $\sum_{s\in
S}a_{s}$. Of course, this requirement was necessary for our definition, and
there is no way to make sense of infinite sums such as $\sum_{s\in\mathbb{Z}%
@@ -936,7 +1046,9 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
-(This is precisely the equality (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}).) This formula
+(This is precisely the equality (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}) (applied to $n=\left\vert
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert $), because $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert +1$.) This formula
(\ref{eq.sum.split-off}) allows us to \textquotedblleft split
off\textquotedblright\ an addend from a sum.
@@ -969,7 +1081,8 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\textquotedblleft sub-bunches\textquotedblright\ (one \textquotedblleft
sub-bunch\textquotedblright\ consisting of the $a_{s}$ for $s\in X$, and the
other consisting of the $a_{s}$ for $s\in Y$), then take the sum of each of
-these two sub-bunches, and finally add together the two sums.
+these two sub-bunches, and finally add together the two sums. For a rigorous
+proof of (\ref{eq.sum.split}), see Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.split2} below.
@@ -1035,6 +1148,7 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\sum_{s\in S}a=\left\vert S\right\vert \cdot a. \label{eq.sum.equal}%
+\footnote{This is easy to prove by induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert $.}
In other words, if all addends of a sum are equal to one and the same element
$a$, then the sum is just the number of its addends times $a$. In particular,%
@@ -1048,7 +1162,8 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
S}b_{s}. \label{eq.sum.linear1}%
+For a rigorous proof of this equality, see Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} below.
\textbf{Remark:} Of course, similar rules hold for other forms of summations:
If $\mathcal{A}\left( s\right) $ is a logical statement for each $s\in S$,
@@ -1071,6 +1186,9 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}. \label{eq.sum.linear2}%
+For a rigorous proof of this equality, see Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} below.
Again, similar rules hold for the other types of summation sign.
\item \underline{\textbf{Zeroes sum to zero:}} Let $S$ be a finite set. Then,%
@@ -1079,6 +1197,9 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
That is, any sum of zeroes is zero.
+For a rigorous proof of this equality, see Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)} below.
\textbf{Remark:} This applies even to infinite sums! Do not be fooled by the
infiniteness of a sum: There are no reasonable situations where an infinite
sum of zeroes is defined to be anything other than zero. The infinity does not
@@ -1087,11 +1208,12 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\item \underline{\textbf{Dropping zeroes:}} Let $S$ be a finite set. Let
$a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Let $T$ be a subset
of $S$ such that every $s\in T$ satisfies $a_{s}=0$. Then,%
-\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in S\setminus T}a_{s}.
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in S\setminus T}a_{s}. \label{eq.sum.drop0}%
(That is, any addends which are zero can be removed from a sum without
-changing the sum's value.)
+changing the sum's value.) See Corollary \ref{cor.ind.gen-com.drop0} below for
+a proof of (\ref{eq.sum.drop0}).
\item \underline{\textbf{Renaming the index:}} Let $S$ be a finite set. Let
$a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Then,%
@@ -1108,7 +1230,8 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
\sum_{t\in T}a_{t}=\sum_{s\in S}a_{f\left( s\right) }. \label{eq.sum.subs1}%
(The idea here is that the sum $\sum_{s\in S}a_{f\left( s\right) }$ contains
-the same addends as the sum $\sum_{t\in T}a_{t}$.)
+the same addends as the sum $\sum_{t\in T}a_{t}$.) A rigorous proof of
+(\ref{eq.sum.subs1}) can be found in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.subst1} below.
@@ -1319,7 +1442,9 @@ \subsubsection{Properties of $\sum$}
of all $a_{s}$ for $s\in S$. The right hand side is the same sum, but split in
a particular way: First, for each $w\in W$, we sum the $a_{s}$ for all $s\in
S$ satisfying $f\left( s\right) =w$, and then we take the sum of all these
-\textquotedblleft partial sums\textquotedblright.
+\textquotedblleft partial sums\textquotedblright. For a rigorous proof of
+(\ref{eq.sum.sheph}), see Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} (for the case
+when $W$ is finite) and Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph} (for the general case).
@@ -1904,7 +2029,9 @@ \subsubsection{Definition of $\prod$}
a_{s}. \label{eq.prod.def.1}%
As for $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$, this definition is not obviously legitimate, but
-it can be proven to be legitimate nevertheless.
+it can be proven to be legitimate nevertheless. (The proof is analogous to the
+proof for $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$; see Subsection \ref{subsect.ind.gen-com.prods}
+for details.)
@@ -2012,6 +2139,10 @@ \subsubsection{Definition of $\prod$}
should use whatever conventions make \textbf{you} safe from ambiguity; either
way, you should keep in mind that other authors make different choices.
+\item An expression of the form \textquotedblleft$\prod_{s\in S}a_{s}%
+$\textquotedblright\ (where $S$ is a finite set) is called a \textit{finite
\item We have required the set $S$ to be finite when defining $\prod_{s\in
S}a_{s}$. Such products are not generally defined when $S$ is infinite.
However, \textbf{some} infinite products can be made sense of. The simplest
@@ -2346,20 +2477,21 @@ \subsection{\label{sect.polynomials-emergency}Polynomials: a precise
As I have already mentioned in the above list of prerequisites, the notion of
-polynomials (in one and in several indeterminates) will be used in these
-notes. Most likely, the reader already has at least a vague understanding of
-this notion (e.g., from high school); this vague understanding is probably
-sufficient for reading most of these notes. But polynomials are one of the
-most important notions in algebra (if not to say in mathematics), and the
-reader will likely encounter them over and over; sooner or later, it will
-happen that the vague understanding is not sufficient and some subtleties do
-matter. For that reason, anyone serious about doing abstract algebra should
-know a complete and correct definition of polynomials and have some experience
-working with it. I shall not give a complete definition of the most general
-notion of polynomials in these notes, but I will comment on some of the
-subtleties and define an important special case (that of polynomials in one
-variable with rational coefficients) in the present section. A reader is
-probably best advised to skip this section on their first read.
+polynomials (in one and in several indeterminates) will be occasionally used
+in these notes. Most likely, the reader already has at least a vague
+understanding of this notion (e.g., from high school); this vague
+understanding is probably sufficient for reading most of these notes. But
+polynomials are one of the most important notions in algebra (if not to say in
+mathematics), and the reader will likely encounter them over and over; sooner
+or later, it will happen that the vague understanding is not sufficient and
+some subtleties do matter. For that reason, anyone serious about doing
+abstract algebra should know a complete and correct definition of polynomials
+and have some experience working with it. I shall not give a complete
+definition of the most general notion of polynomials in these notes, but I
+will comment on some of the subtleties and define an important special case
+(that of polynomials in one variable with rational coefficients) in the
+present section. A reader is probably best advised to skip this section on
+their first read.
It is not easy to find a good (formal and sufficiently general) treatment of
polynomials in textbooks. Various authors tend to skimp on subtleties and
@@ -2391,474 +2523,12885 @@ \subsection{\label{sect.polynomials-emergency}Polynomials: a precise
notion of a \textit{commutative ring}, which is not difficult but somewhat
abstract (I shall introduce it below in Section \ref{sect.commring}).
-Let me give a brief survey of the notion of univariate polynomials (i.e.,
-polynomials in one variable). I shall define them as sequences. For the sake
-of simplicity, I shall only talk of polynomials with rational coefficients.
-Similarly, one can define polynomials with integer coefficients, with real
-coefficients, or with complex coefficients; of course, one then has to replace
-each \textquotedblleft$\mathbb{Q}$\textquotedblright\ by a \textquotedblleft%
-$\mathbb{Z}$\textquotedblright, an \textquotedblleft$\mathbb{R}$%
-\textquotedblright\ or a \textquotedblleft$\mathbb{C}$\textquotedblright.
+Let me give a brief survey of the notion of univariate polynomials (i.e.,
+polynomials in one variable). I shall define them as sequences. For the sake
+of simplicity, I shall only talk of polynomials with rational coefficients.
+Similarly, one can define polynomials with integer coefficients, with real
+coefficients, or with complex coefficients; of course, one then has to replace
+each \textquotedblleft$\mathbb{Q}$\textquotedblright\ by a \textquotedblleft%
+$\mathbb{Z}$\textquotedblright, an \textquotedblleft$\mathbb{R}$%
+\textquotedblright\ or a \textquotedblleft$\mathbb{C}$\textquotedblright.
+The rough idea behind the definition of a polynomial is that a polynomial with
+rational coefficients should be a \textquotedblleft formal
+expression\textquotedblright\ which is built out of rational numbers, an
+\textquotedblleft indeterminate\textquotedblright\ $X$ as well as addition,
+subtraction and multiplication signs, such as $X^{4}-27X+\dfrac{3}{2}$ or
+$-X^{3}+2X+1$ or $\dfrac{1}{3}\left( X-3\right) \cdot X^{2}$ or
+$X^{4}+7X^{3}\left( X-2\right) $ or $-15$. We have not explicitly allowed
+powers, but we understand $X^{n}$ to mean the product $\underbrace{XX\cdots
+X}_{n\text{ times}}$ (or $1$ when $n=0$). Notice that division is not allowed,
+so we cannot get $\dfrac{X}{X+1}$ (but we can get $\dfrac{3}{2}X$, because
+$\dfrac{3}{2}$ is a rational number). Notice also that a polynomial can be a
+single rational number, since we never said that $X$ must necessarily be used;
+for instance, $-15$ and $0$ are polynomials.
+This is, of course, not a valid definition. One problem with it that it does
+not explain what a \textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright\ is.
+For starters, we want an expression that is well-defined -- i.e., into that we
+can substitute a rational number for $X$ and obtain a valid term. For example,
+$X-+\cdot5$ is not well-defined, so it does not fit our bill; neither is the
+\textquotedblleft empty expression\textquotedblright. Furthermore, when do we
+want two \textquotedblleft formal expressions\textquotedblright\ to be viewed
+as one and the same polynomial? Do we want to equate $X\left( X+2\right) $
+with $X^{2}+2X$ ? Do we want to equate $0X^{3}+2X+1$ with $2X+1$ ? The answer
+is \textquotedblleft yes\textquotedblright\ both times, but a general rule is
+not easy to give if we keep talking of \textquotedblleft formal
+We \textit{could} define two polynomials $p\left( X\right) $ and $q\left(
+X\right) $ to be equal if and only if, for every number $\alpha\in\mathbb{Q}%
+$, the values $p\left( \alpha\right) $ and $q\left( \alpha\right) $
+(obtained by substituting $\alpha$ for $X$ in $p$ and in $q$, respectively)
+are equal. This would be tantamount to treating polynomials as
+\textit{functions}: it would mean that we identify a polynomial $p\left(
+X\right) $ with the function $\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{Q},\ \alpha\mapsto
+p\left( \alpha\right) $. Such a definition would work well as long as we
+would do only rather basic things with it\footnote{And some authors, such as
+Axler in \cite[Chapter 4]{Axler}, do use this definition.}, but as soon as we
+would try to go deeper, we would encounter technical issues which would make
+it inadequate and painful\footnote{Here are the three most important among
+these issues:
+\item One of the strengths of polynomials is that we can evaluate them not
+only at numbers, but also at many other things, e.g., at square matrices:
+Evaluating the polynomial $X^{2}-3X$ at the square matrix $\left(
+1 & 3\\
+-1 & 2
+\right) $ gives $\left(
+1 & 3\\
+-1 & 2
+\right) ^{2}-3\left(
+1 & 3\\
+-1 & 2
+\right) =\left(
+-5 & 0\\
+0 & -5
+\right) $. However, a function must have a well-defined domain, and does not
+make sense outside of this domain. So, if the polynomial $X^{2}-3X$ is
+regarded as the function $\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{Q},\ \alpha
+\mapsto\alpha^{2}-3\alpha$, then it makes no sense to evaluate this polynomial
+at the matrix $\left(
+1 & 3\\
+-1 & 2
+\right) $, just because this matrix does not lie in the domain $\mathbb{Q}$
+of the function. We could, of course, extend the domain of the function to
+(say) the set of square matrices over $\mathbb{Q}$, but then we would still
+have the same problem with other things that we want to evaluate polynomials
+at. At some point we want to be able to evaluate polynomials at functions and
+at other polynomials, and if we would try to achieve this by extending the
+domain, we would have to do this over and over, because each time we extend
+the domain, we get even more polynomials to evaluate our polynomials at; thus,
+the definition would be eternally \textquotedblleft hunting its own
+tail\textquotedblright! (We could resolve this difficulty by defining
+polynomials as \textit{natural transformations} in the sense of category
+theory. I do not want to even go into this definition here, as it would take
+several pages to properly introduce. At this point, it is not worth the
+\item Let $p\left( X\right) $ be a polynomial with real coefficients. Then,
+it should be obvious that $p\left( X\right) $ can also be viewed as a
+polynomial with complex coefficients: For instance, if $p\left( X\right) $
+was defined as $3X+\dfrac{7}{2}X\left( X-1\right) $, then we can view the
+numbers $3$, $\dfrac{7}{2}$ and $-1$ appearing in its definition as complex
+numbers, and thus get a polynomial with complex coefficients. But wait! What
+if two polynomials $p\left( X\right) $ and $q\left( X\right) $ are equal
+when viewed as polynomials with real coefficients, but when viewed as
+polynomials with complex coefficients become distinct (because when we view
+them as polynomials with complex coefficients, their domains become extended,
+and a new complex $\alpha$ might perhaps no longer satisfy $p\left(
+\alpha\right) =q\left( \alpha\right) $ )? This does not actually happen,
+but ruling this out is not obvious if you regard polynomials as functions.
+\item (This requires some familiarity with finite fields:) Treating
+polynomials as functions works reasonably well for polynomials with integer,
+rational, real and complex coefficients (as long as one is not too demanding).
+But we will eventually want to consider polynomials with coefficients in any
+arbitrary commutative ring $\mathbb{K}$. An example for a commutative ring
+$\mathbb{K}$ is the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ with $p$ elements, where $p$
+is a prime. (This finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ is better known as the ring of
+integers modulo $p$.) If we define polynomials with coefficients in
+$\mathbb{F}_{p}$ as functions $\mathbb{F}_{p}\rightarrow\mathbb{F}_{p}$, then
+we really run into problems; for example, the polynomials $X$ and $X^{p}$ over
+this field become identical as functions!
+}. Also, if we equated polynomials with the functions they describe, then we
+would waste the word \textquotedblleft polynomial\textquotedblright\ on a
+concept (a function described by a polynomial) that already has a word for it
+(namely, \textit{polynomial function}).
+The preceding paragraphs should have convinced you that it is worth defining
+\textquotedblleft polynomials\textquotedblright\ in a way that, on the one
+hand, conveys the concept that they are more \textquotedblleft formal
+expressions\textquotedblright\ than \textquotedblleft
+functions\textquotedblright, but on the other hand, is less nebulous than
+\textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright. Here is one such definition:
+\label{def.polynomial-univar}\textbf{(a)} A \textit{univariate polynomial with
+rational coefficients} means a sequence $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
+,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}^{\infty}$ of elements of $\mathbb{Q}$ such that%
+\text{all but finitely many }k\in\mathbb{N}\text{ satisfy }p_{k}=0.
+Here, the phrase \textquotedblleft all but finitely many $k\in\mathbb{N}$
+satisfy $p_{k}=0$\textquotedblright\ means \textquotedblleft there exists some
+finite subset $J$ of $\mathbb{N}$ such that every $k\in\mathbb{N}\setminus J$
+satisfies $p_{k}=0$\textquotedblright. (See Definition \ref{def.allbutfin} for
+the general definition of \textquotedblleft all but finitely
+many\textquotedblright, and Section \ref{sect.infperm} for some practice with
+this concept.) More concretely, the condition
+(\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) can be rewritten as follows: The
+sequence $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) $ contains only zeroes from
+some point on (i.e., there exists some $N\in\mathbb{N}$ such that
+For the remainder of this definition, \textquotedblleft univariate polynomial
+with rational coefficients\textquotedblright\ will be abbreviated as
+\textquotedblleft polynomial\textquotedblright.
+For example, the sequences $\left( 0,0,0,\ldots\right) $, $\left(
+1,3,5,0,0,0,\ldots\right) $, $\left( 4,0,-\dfrac{2}{3},5,0,0,0,\ldots
+\right) $, $\left( 0,-1,\dfrac{1}{2},0,0,0,\ldots\right) $ (where the
+\textquotedblleft$\ldots$\textquotedblright\ stand for infinitely many zeroes)
+are polynomials, but the sequence $\left( 1,1,1,\ldots\right) $ (where the
+\textquotedblleft$\ldots$\textquotedblright\ stands for infinitely many $1$'s)
+is not (since it does not satisfy (\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite})).
+So we have defined a polynomial as an infinite sequence of rational numbers
+with a certain property. So far, this does not seem to reflect any intuition
+of polynomials as \textquotedblleft formal expressions\textquotedblright.
+However, we shall soon (namely, in Definition \ref{def.polynomial-univar}
+\textbf{(j)}) identify the polynomial $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
+,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}^{\infty}$ with the \textquotedblleft formal
+expression\textquotedblright\ $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ (this is an
+infinite sum, but due to (\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) all but its
+first few terms are $0$ and thus can be neglected). For instance, the
+polynomial $\left( 1,3,5,0,0,0,\ldots\right) $ will be identified with the
+\textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright\ $1+3X+5X^{2}%
++0X^{3}+0X^{4}+0X^{5}+\cdots=1+3X+5X^{2}$. Of course, we cannot do this
+identification right now, since we do not have a reasonable definition of $X$.
+\textbf{(b)} We let $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ denote the set of all
+univariate polynomials with rational coefficients. Given a polynomial
+$p=\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $,
+we denote the numbers $p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots$ as the \textit{coefficients}
+of $p$. More precisely, for every $i\in\mathbb{N}$, we shall refer to $p_{i}$
+as the $i$\textit{-th coefficient} of $p$. (Do not forget that we are counting
+from $0$ here: any polynomial \textquotedblleft begins\textquotedblright\ with
+its $0$-th coefficient.) The $0$-th coefficient of $p$ is also known as the
+\textit{constant term} of $p$.
+Instead of \textquotedblleft the $i$-th coefficient of $p$\textquotedblright,
+we often also say \textquotedblleft the \textit{coefficient before }$X^{i}%
+$\textit{ of }$p$\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft the
+\textit{coefficient of }$X^{i}$ \textit{in }$p$\textquotedblright.
+Thus, any polynomial $p\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is the sequence of its coefficients.
+\textbf{(c)} We denote the polynomial $\left( 0,0,0,\ldots\right)
+\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ by $\mathbf{0}$. We will also write $0$ for
+it when no confusion with the number $0$ is possible. The polynomial
+$\mathbf{0}$ is called the \textit{zero polynomial}. A polynomial
+$p\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is said to be \textit{nonzero} if
+\textbf{(d)} We denote the polynomial $\left( 1,0,0,0,\ldots\right)
+\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ by $\mathbf{1}$. We will also write $1$ for
+it when no confusion with the number $1$ is possible.
+\textbf{(e)} For any $\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}$, we denote the polynomial $\left(
+\lambda,0,0,0,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ by
+$\operatorname*{const}\lambda$. We call it the \textit{constant polynomial
+with value }$\lambda$. It is often useful to identify $\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}$
+with $\operatorname*{const}\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $. Notice
+that $\mathbf{0}=\operatorname*{const}0$ and $\mathbf{1}=\operatorname*{const}%
+\textbf{(f)} Now, let us define the sum, the difference and the product of two
+polynomials. Indeed, let $a=\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right)
+\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ and $b=\left( b_{0},b_{1},b_{2}%
+,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ be two polynomials. Then, we
+define three polynomials $a+b$, $a-b$ and $a\cdot b$ in $\mathbb{Q}\left[
+X\right] $ by%
+a+b & =\left( a_{0}+b_{0},a_{1}+b_{1},a_{2}+b_{2},\ldots\right) ;\\
+a-b & =\left( a_{0}-b_{0},a_{1}-b_{1},a_{2}-b_{2},\ldots\right) ;\\
+a\cdot b & =\left( c_{0},c_{1},c_{2},\ldots\right) ,
+c_{k}=\sum_{i=0}^{k}a_{i}b_{k-i}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }%
+We call $a+b$ the \textit{sum} of $a$ and $b$; we call $a-b$ the
+\textit{difference} of $a$ and $b$; we call $a\cdot b$ the \textit{product} of
+$a$ and $b$. We abbreviate $a\cdot b$ by $ab$.
+For example,%
+\left( 1,2,2,0,0,\ldots\right) +\left( 3,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) &
+=\left( 4,2,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) ;\\
+\left( 1,2,2,0,0,\ldots\right) -\left( 3,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) &
+=\left( -2,2,3,0,0,0,\ldots\right) ;\\
+\left( 1,2,2,0,0,\ldots\right) \cdot\left( 3,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) &
+=\left( 3,6,5,-2,-2,0,0,0,\ldots\right) .
+The definition of $a+b$ essentially says that \textquotedblleft polynomials
+are added coefficientwise\textquotedblright\ (i.e., in order to obtain the sum
+of two polynomials $a$ and $b$, it suffices to add each coefficient of $a$ to
+the corresponding coefficient of $b$). Similarly, the definition of $a-b$ says
+the same thing about subtraction. The definition of $a\cdot b$ is more
+surprising. However, it loses its mystique when we identify the polynomials
+$a$ and $b$ with the \textquotedblleft formal expressions\textquotedblright%
+\ $a_{0}+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ and $b_{0}+b_{1}X+b_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$
+(although, at this point, we do not know what these expressions really mean);
+indeed, it simply says that
+\left( a_{0}+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots\right) \left( b_{0}+b_{1}X+b_{2}%
+X^{2}+\cdots\right) =c_{0}+c_{1}X+c_{2}X^{2}+\cdots,
+where $c_{k}=\sum_{i=0}^{k}a_{i}b_{k-i}$ for every $k\in\mathbb{N}$. This is
+precisely what one would expect, because if you expand $\left( a_{0}%
++a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots\right) \left( b_{0}+b_{1}X+b_{2}X^{2}%
++\cdots\right) $ using the distributive law and collect equal powers of $X$,
+then you get precisely $c_{0}+c_{1}X+c_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$. Thus, the definition
+of $a\cdot b$ has been tailored to make the distributive law hold.
+(By the way, why is $a\cdot b$ a polynomial? That is, why does it satisfy
+(\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) ? The proof is easy, but we omit it.)
+Addition, subtraction and multiplication of polynomials satisfy some of the
+same rules as addition, subtraction and multiplication of numbers. For
+example, the commutative laws $a+b=b+a$ and $ab=ba$ are valid for polynomials
+just as they are for numbers; same holds for the associative laws $\left(
+a+b\right) +c=a+\left( b+c\right) $ and $\left( ab\right) c=a\left(
+bc\right) $ and the distributive laws $\left( a+b\right) c=ac+bc$ and
+$a\left( b+c\right) =ab+ac$.
+The set $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $, endowed with the operations $+$ and
+$\cdot$ just defined, and with the elements $\mathbf{0}$ and $\mathbf{1}$, is
+a commutative ring (where we are using the notations of Definition
+\ref{def.commring}). It is called the \textit{(univariate) polynomial ring
+over }$\mathbb{Q}$.
+\textbf{(g)} Let $a=\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right) \in
+\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ and $\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}$. Then, $\lambda a$
+denotes the polynomial $\left( \lambda a_{0},\lambda a_{1},\lambda
+a_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $. (This equals the
+polynomial $\left( \operatorname*{const}\lambda\right) \cdot a$; thus,
+identifying $\lambda$ with $\operatorname*{const}\lambda$ does not cause any
+inconsistencies here.)
+\textbf{(h)} If $p=\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}%
+\left[ X\right] $ is a nonzero polynomial, then the \textit{degree} of $p$
+is defined to be the maximum $i\in\mathbb{N}$ satisfying $p_{i}\neq0$. If
+$p\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is the zero polynomial, then the degree of
+$p$ is defined to be $-\infty$. (Here, $-\infty$ is just a fancy symbol, not a
+number.) For example, $\deg\left( 1,4,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) =3$.
+\textbf{(i)} If $a=\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}%
+\left[ X\right] $ and $n\in\mathbb{N}$, then a polynomial $a^{n}%
+\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is defined to be the product
+$\underbrace{aa\cdots a}_{n\text{ times}}$. (This is understood to be
+$\mathbf{1}$ when $n=0$. In general, an empty product of polynomials is always
+understood to be $\mathbf{1}$.)
+\textbf{(j)} We let $X$ denote the polynomial $\left( 0,1,0,0,0,\ldots
+\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $. (This is the polynomial whose
+$1$-st coefficient is $1$ and whose other coefficients are $0$.) This
+polynomial is called the \textit{indeterminate} of $\mathbb{Q}\left[
+X\right] $. It is easy to see that, for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we have%
+X^{n}=\left( \underbrace{0,0,\ldots,0}_{n\text{ zeroes}},1,0,0,0,\ldots
+\right) .
+This polynomial $X$ finally provides an answer to the questions
+\textquotedblleft what is an indeterminate\textquotedblright\ and
+\textquotedblleft what is a formal expression\textquotedblright. Namely, let
+$\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ be
+any polynomial. Then, the sum $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ is well-defined
+(it is an infinite sum, but due to (\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) it
+has only finitely many nonzero addends), and it is easy to see that this sum
+equals $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) $. Thus,
+\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}%
++\cdots\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
+,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] .
+This finally allows us to write a polynomial $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
+,\ldots\right) $ as a sum $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ while remaining
+honest; the sum $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ is no longer a
+\textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright\ of unclear meaning, nor
+a function, but it is just an alternative way to write the sequence $\left(
+p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) $. So, at last, our notion of a polynomial
+resembles the intuitive notion of a polynomial!
+Of course, we can write polynomials as finite sums as well. Indeed, if
+$\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is
+a polynomial and $N$ is a nonnegative integer such that every $n>N$ satisfies
+$p_{n}=0$, then%
+\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots
+(because addends can be discarded when they are $0$). For example, $\left(
+4,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) =4+1X=4+X$ and $\left( \dfrac{1}{2},0,\dfrac{1}%
+{3},0,0,0,\ldots\right) =\dfrac{1}{2}+0X+\dfrac{1}{3}X^{2}=\dfrac{1}%
+\textbf{(k)} For our definition of polynomials to be fully compatible with our
+intuition, we are missing only one more thing: a way to evaluate a polynomial
+at a number, or some other object (e.g., another polynomial or a function).
+This is easy: Let $p=\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in
+\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ be a polynomial, and let $\alpha\in\mathbb{Q}$.
+Then, $p\left( \alpha\right) $ means the number $p_{0}+p_{1}\alpha
++p_{2}\alpha^{2}+\cdots\in\mathbb{Q}$. (Again, the infinite sum $p_{0}%
++p_{1}\alpha+p_{2}\alpha^{2}+\cdots$ makes sense because of
+(\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}).) Similarly, we can define $p\left(
+\alpha\right) $ when $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}$ (but in this case, $p\left(
+\alpha\right) $ will be an element of $\mathbb{R}$) or when $\alpha
+\in\mathbb{C}$ (in this case, $p\left( \alpha\right) \in\mathbb{C}$) or when
+$\alpha$ is a square matrix with rational entries (in this case, $p\left(
+\alpha\right) $ will also be such a matrix) or when $\alpha$ is another
+polynomial (in this case, $p\left( \alpha\right) $ is such a polynomial as well).
+For example, if $p=\left( 1,-2,0,3,0,0,0,\ldots\right) =1-2X+3X^{3}$, then
+$p\left( \alpha\right) =1-2\alpha+3\alpha^{3}$ for every $\alpha$.
+The map $\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{Q},\ \alpha\mapsto p\left(
+\alpha\right) $ is called the \textit{polynomial function described by }$p$.
+As we said above, this function is not $p$, and it is not a good idea to
+equate it with $p$.
+If $\alpha$ is a number (or a square matrix, or another polynomial), then
+$p\left( \alpha\right) $ is called the result of \textit{evaluating }$p$
+\textit{at }$X=\alpha$ (or, simply, evaluating $p$ at $\alpha$), or the result
+of \textit{substituting }$\alpha$\textit{ for }$X$\textit{ in }$p$. This
+notation, of course, reminds of functions; nevertheless, (as we already said a
+few times) $p$ is \textbf{not a function}.
+Probably the simplest three cases of evaluation are the following ones:
+\item We have $p\left( 0\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}0^{1}+p_{2}0^{2}+\cdots=p_{0}$.
+In other words, evaluating $p$ at $X=0$ yields the constant term of $p$.
+\item We have $p\left( 1\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}1^{1}+p_{2}1^{2}+\cdots
+=p_{0}+p_{1}+p_{2}+\cdots$. In other words, evaluating $p$ at $X=1$ yields the
+sum of all coefficients of $p$.
+\item We have $p\left( X\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}X^{1}+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots
+=p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots=p$. In other words, evaluating $p$ at $X=X$
+yields $p$ itself. This allows us to write $p\left( X\right) $ for $p$. Many
+authors do so, just in order to stress that $p$ is a polynomial and that the
+indeterminate is called $X$. It should be kept in mind that $X$ is \textbf{not
+a variable} (just as $p$ is \textbf{not a function}); it is the (fixed!)
+sequence $\left( 0,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $
+which serves as the indeterminate for polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}\left[
+X\right] $.
+\textbf{(l)} Often, one wants (or is required) to give an indeterminate a name
+other than $X$. (For instance, instead of polynomials with rational
+coefficients, we could be considering polynomials whose coefficients
+themselves are polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $; and then, we
+would not be allowed to use the letter $X$ for the \textquotedblleft
+new\textquotedblright\ indeterminate anymore, as it already means the
+indeterminate of $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ !) This can be done, and the
+rules are the following: Any letter (that does not already have a meaning) can
+be used to denote the indeterminate; but then, the set of all polynomials has
+to be renamed as $\mathbb{Q}\left[ \eta\right] $, where $\eta$ is this
+letter. For instance, if we want to denote the indeterminate as $x$, then we
+have to denote the set by $\mathbb{Q}\left[ x\right] $.
+It is furthermore convenient to regard the sets $\mathbb{Q}\left[
+\eta\right] $ for different letters $\eta$ as distinct. Thus, for example,
+the polynomial $3X^{2}+1$ is not the same as the polynomial $3Y^{2}+1$. (The
+reason for doing so is that one sometimes wishes to view both of these
+polynomials as polynomials in the two variables $X$ and $Y$.) Formally
+speaking, this means that we should define a polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}\left[
+\eta\right] $ to be not just a sequence $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
+,\ldots\right) $ of rational numbers, but actually a pair $\left( \left(
+p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) ,\text{\textquotedblleft}\eta
+\text{\textquotedblright}\right) $ of a sequence of rational numbers and the
+letter $\eta$. (Here, \textquotedblleft$\eta$\textquotedblright\ really means
+the letter $\eta$, not the sequence $\left( 0,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) $.) This
+is, of course, a very technical point which is of little relevance to most of
+mathematics; it becomes important when one tries to implement polynomials in a
+programming language.
+\textbf{(m)} As already explained, we can replace $\mathbb{Q}$ by $\mathbb{Z}%
+$, $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$ or any other commutative ring $\mathbb{K}$ in
+the above definition. (See Definition \ref{def.commring} for the definition of
+a commutative ring.) When $\mathbb{Q}$ is replaced by a commutative ring
+$\mathbb{K}$, the notion of \textquotedblleft univariate polynomials with
+rational coefficients\textquotedblright\ becomes \textquotedblleft univariate
+polynomials with coefficients in $\mathbb{K}$\textquotedblright\ (also known
+as \textquotedblleft univariate polynomials over $\mathbb{K}$%
+\textquotedblright), and the set of such polynomials is denoted by
+$\mathbb{K}\left[ X\right] $ rather than $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $.
+So much for univariate polynomials.
+Polynomials in multiple variables are (in my opinion) treated the best in
+\cite[Chapter II, \S 3]{Lang02}, where they are introduced as elements of a
+monoid ring. However, this treatment is rather abstract and uses a good deal
+of algebraic language\footnote{Also, the book \cite{Lang02} is notorious for
+its unpolished writing; it is best read with Bergman's companion
+\cite{Bergman-Lang} at hand.}. The treatments in \cite[\S 4.5]{Walker87}, in
+\cite[Chapter A-3]{Rotman15} and in \cite[Chapter IV, \S 4]{BirkMac} use the
+above-mentioned recursive shortcut that makes them inferior (in my opinion). A
+neat (and rather elementary) treatment of polynomials in $n$ variables (for
+finite $n$) can be found in \cite[Chapter III, \S 5]{Hungerford-03} and in
+\cite[\S 8]{AmaEsc05}; it generalizes the viewpoint we used in Definition
+\ref{def.polynomial-univar} for univariate polynomials above\footnote{You are
+reading right: The analysis textbook \cite{AmaEsc05} is one of the few sources
+I am aware of to define the (algebraic!) notion of polynomials precisely and
+\section{\label{chp.ind}A closer look at induction}
+In this chapter, we shall recall several versions of the \textit{induction
+principle} (the principle of mathematical induction) and provide examples for
+their use. We assume that the reader is at least somewhat familiar with
+mathematical induction\footnote{If not, introductions can be found in
+\cite[Chapter 5]{LeLeMe16}, \cite{Day-proofs}, \cite[Chapter 6]{Vellem06},
+\cite[Chapter 10]{Hammac15}, \cite{Vorobi02} and various other sources.}; we
+shall present some nonstandard examples of its use (including a proof of the
+legitimacy of the definition of a sum $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ given in Section
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.IP0}Standard induction}
+\subsubsection{The Principle of Mathematical Induction}
+We first recall the classical principle of mathematical
+induction\footnote{Keep in mind that $\mathbb{N}$ means the set $\left\{
+0,1,2,\ldots\right\} $ for us.}:
+\label{thm.ind.IP0}For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption 1:} The statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ holds.
+\textit{Assumption 2:} If $m\in\mathbb{N}$ is such that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds.
+Then, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} is commonly taken to be one of the axioms of
+mathematics (the \textquotedblleft axiom of induction\textquotedblright), or
+(in type theory) as part of the definition of $\mathbb{N}$. Intuitively,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} should be obvious: For example, if you want to prove
+(under the assumptions of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}) that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+4\right) $ holds, you can argue as follows:
+\item By Assumption 1, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=0$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 1\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=1$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 2\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=2$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 3\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=3$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 4\right) $ holds.
+A similar (but longer) argument shows that the statement $\mathcal{A}\left(
+5\right) $ holds. Likewise, you can show that the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 15\right) $ holds, if you have the patience to apply Assumption 2 a
+total of $15$ times. It is thus not surprising that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$; but if you don't assume Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} as an axiom, you would need to write down a different proof
+for each value of $n$ (which becomes the longer the larger $n$ is), and thus
+would never reach the general result (i.e., that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right)
+$ holds for \textbf{each} $n\in\mathbb{N}$), because you cannot write down
+infinitely many proofs. What Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} does is, roughly
+speaking, to apply Assumption 2 for you as many times as it is needed for each
+(Authors of textbooks like to visualize Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} by
+envisioning an infinite sequence of dominos (numbered $0,1,2,\ldots$) placed
+in row, sufficiently close to each other that if domino $m$ falls, then domino
+$m+1$ will also fall. Now, assume that you kick domino $0$ over. What Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} then says is that each domino will fall. See, e.g.,
+\cite[Chapter 10]{Hammac15} for a detailed explanation of this metaphor. Here
+is another metaphor for Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}: Assume that there is a
+virus that infects nonnegative integers. Once it has infected some
+$m\in\mathbb{N}$, it will soon spread to $m+1$ as well. Now, assume that $0$
+gets infected. Then, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} says that each $n\in\mathbb{N}$
+will eventually be infected.)
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} is called the \textit{principle of induction} or
+\textit{principle of complete induction} or \textit{principle of mathematical
+induction}, and we shall also call it \textit{principle of standard induction}
+in order to distinguish it from several variant \textquotedblleft principles
+of induction\textquotedblright\ that we will see later. Proofs that use this
+principle are called \textit{proofs by induction} or \textit{induction
+proofs}. Usually, in such proofs, we don't explicitly cite Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0}, but instead say certain words that signal that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} is being applied and that (ideally) also indicate what
+statements $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ it is being applied to\footnote{We
+will explain this in Convention \ref{conv.ind.IP0lang} below.}. However, for
+our very first example of a proof by induction, we are going to use Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} explicitly. We shall show the following fact:
+\label{prop.ind.ari-geo}Let $q$ and $d$ be two real numbers such that $q\neq
+1$. Let $\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right) $ be a sequence of real
+numbers. Assume that%
+a_{n+1}=qa_{n}+d\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }n\in\mathbb{N}.
+a_{n}=q^{n}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{n}-1}{q-1}d\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }%
+n\in\mathbb{N}. \label{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}%
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.ari-geo}.]For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we
+let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the statement \newline$\left(
+a_{n}=q^{n}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{n}-1}{q-1}d\right) $. Thus, our goal is to prove
+the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
+We first notice that the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $
+holds\footnote{\textit{Proof.} This is easy to verify: We have $q^{0}=1$, thus
+$q^{0}-1=0$, and therefore $\dfrac{q^{0}-1}{q-1}=\dfrac{0}{q-1}=0$. Now,%
+so that $a_{0}=q^{0}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{0}-1}{q-1}d$. But this is precisely the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ (since $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right)
+$ is defined to be the statement $\left( a_{0}=q^{0}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{0}%
+-1}{q-1}d\right) $). Hence, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $
+Now, we claim that
+\text{if }m\in\mathbb{N}\text{ is such that }\mathcal{A}\left( m\right)
+\text{ holds, then }\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) \text{ also holds.}
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.ari-geo.step}):} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$ be
+such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. We must show that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. In other words,
+$a_{m}=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d$ holds\footnote{because $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( m\right) $ is defined to be the statement $\left( a_{m}=q^{m}%
+a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d\right) $}. Now, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.ass})
+(applied to $n=m$) yields%
+a_{m+1} & =q\underbrace{a_{m}}_{=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}%
+d}+d=q\left( q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d\right) +d\\
+& =\underbrace{qq^{m}}_{=q^{m+1}}a_{0}+\underbrace{q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}%
+{q-1}d+d}_{=\left( q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}+1\right) d}\\
+& =q^{m+1}a_{0}+\underbrace{\left( q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}+1\right)
+}_{\substack{=\dfrac{q\left( q^{m}-1\right) +\left( q-1\right) }%
+{q-1}=\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}\\\text{(since }q\left( q^{m}-1\right) +\left(
+q-1\right) =qq^{m}-q+q-1=qq^{m}-1=q^{m+1}-1\text{)}}}d\\
+& =q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d.
+So we have shown that $a_{m+1}=q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d$. But this
+is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $%
+\ \ \ \ \footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ is defined to be
+the statement $\left( a_{m+1}=q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d\right) $%
+}. Thus, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if $m\in\mathbb{N}$ is
+such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $ also holds. This proves (\ref{pf.prop.ind.ari-geo.step}).]
+Now, both assumptions of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} are satisfied (indeed,
+Assumption 1 holds because the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $
+holds, whereas Assumption 2 holds because of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.ari-geo.step}%
+)). Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} shows that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+holds for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$. In other words, $a_{n}=q^{n}a_{0}%
++\dfrac{q^{n}-1}{q-1}d$ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$ (since $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( n\right) $ is the statement $\left( a_{n}=q^{n}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{n}%
+-1}{q-1}d\right) $). This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.ari-geo}.
+\subsubsection{Conventions for writing induction proofs}
+Now, let us introduce some standard language that is commonly used in proofs
+by induction:
+\label{conv.ind.IP0lang}For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ be a logical statement. Assume that you want to prove that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} offers the following strategy for proving this:
+First show that Assumption 1 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} is satisfied; then,
+show that Assumption 2 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} is satisfied; then,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} automatically completes your proof.
+A proof that follows this strategy is called a \textit{proof by induction on
+}$n$ (or \textit{proof by induction over }$n$) or (less precisely) an
+\textit{inductive proof}. When you follow this strategy, you say that you are
+\textit{inducting on }$n$ (or \textit{over }$n$). The proof that Assumption 1
+is satisfied is called the \textit{induction base} (or \textit{base case}) of
+the proof. The proof that Assumption 2 is satisfied is called the
+\textit{induction step} of the proof.
+In order to prove that Assumption 2 is satisfied, you will usually want to fix
+an $m\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, and then
+prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds. In other words, you will
+usually want to fix $m\in\mathbb{N}$, assume that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds, and then prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $
+holds. When doing so, it is common to refer to the assumption that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds as the \textit{induction hypothesis} (or
+\textit{induction assumption}).
+Using this language, we can rewrite our above proof of Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.ari-geo} as follows:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.ari-geo} (second version).]For each
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$, we let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the statement
+$\left( a_{n}=q^{n}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{n}-1}{q-1}d\right) $. Thus, our goal is
+to prove the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for each $n\in
+We shall prove this by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $q^{0}=1$, thus $q^{0}-1=0$, and therefore
+$\dfrac{q^{0}-1}{q-1}=\dfrac{0}{q-1}=0$. Now,%
+so that $a_{0}=q^{0}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{0}-1}{q-1}d$. But this is precisely the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ (since $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right)
+$ is defined to be the statement $\left( a_{0}=q^{0}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{0}%
+-1}{q-1}d\right) $). Hence, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $
+holds. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds. We must show that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds (this is our
+induction hypothesis). In other words, $a_{m}=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}%
+{q-1}d$ holds\footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ is defined to
+be the statement $\left( a_{m}=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d\right) $}.
+Now, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.ass}) (applied to $n=m$) yields%
+a_{m+1} & =q\underbrace{a_{m}}_{=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}%
+d}+d=q\left( q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d\right) +d\\
+& =\underbrace{qq^{m}}_{=q^{m+1}}a_{0}+\underbrace{q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}%
+{q-1}d+d}_{=\left( q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}+1\right) d}\\
+& =q^{m+1}a_{0}+\underbrace{\left( q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}+1\right)
+}_{\substack{=\dfrac{q\left( q^{m}-1\right) +\left( q-1\right) }%
+{q-1}=\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}\\\text{(since }q\left( q^{m}-1\right) +\left(
+q-1\right) =qq^{m}-q+q-1=qq^{m}-1=q^{m+1}-1\text{)}}}d\\
+& =q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d.
+So we have shown that $a_{m+1}=q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d$. But this
+is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $%
+\ \ \ \ \footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ is defined to be
+the statement $\left( a_{m+1}=q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d\right) $%
+}. Thus, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if $m\in\mathbb{N}$ is
+such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $ also holds. This completes the induction step.
+Thus, we have completed both the induction base and the induction step. Hence,
+by induction, we conclude that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.ari-geo}.
+The proof we just gave still has a lot of \textquotedblleft
+boilerplate\textquotedblright\ text. For example, we have explicitly defined
+the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $, but it is not really necessary,
+since it is clear what this statement should be (viz., it should be the claim
+we are proving, without the \textquotedblleft for each $n\in\mathbb{N}%
+$\textquotedblright\ part). Allowing ourselves some imprecision, we could say
+this statement is simply (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}). (This is a bit
+imprecise, because (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) contains the words
+\textquotedblleft for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$\textquotedblright, but it should
+be clear that we don't mean to include these words, since there can be no
+\textquotedblleft for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$\textquotedblright\ in the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $.) Furthermore, we don't need to
+write the sentence
+\textquotedblleft Thus, we have completed both the induction base and the
+induction step\textquotedblright
+\noindent before we declare our inductive proof to be finished; it is clear
+enough that we have completed them. We also can remove the following two sentences:
+\textquotedblleft Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if
+$m\in\mathbb{N}$ is such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds.\textquotedblright.
+\noindent In fact, these sentences merely say that we have completed the
+induction step; they carry no other information (since the induction step
+always consists in fixing $m\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds, and proving that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also
+holds). So once we say that the induction step is completed, we don't need
+these sentences anymore.
+So we can shorten our proof above a bit further:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.ari-geo} (third version).]We shall prove
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $q^{0}=1$, thus $q^{0}-1=0$, and therefore
+$\dfrac{q^{0}-1}{q-1}=\dfrac{0}{q-1}=0$. Now,%
+so that $a_{0}=q^{0}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{0}-1}{q-1}d$. In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for $n=0$.\ \ \ \ \footnote{Note that
+the statement \textquotedblleft(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for
+$n=0$\textquotedblright\ (which we just proved) is precisely the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ in the previous two versions of our proof.}
+This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for $n=m$.\ \ \ \ \footnote{Note that
+the statement \textquotedblleft(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for
+$n=m$\textquotedblright\ (which we just assumed) is precisely the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ in the previous two versions of our proof.} We
+must show that (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$%
+.\ \ \ \ \footnote{Note that this statement \textquotedblleft%
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$\textquotedblright\ is
+precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ in the previous two
+versions of our proof.}
+We have assumed that (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for $n=m$. In
+other words, $a_{m}=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d$ holds. Now,
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.ass}) (applied to $n=m$) yields%
+a_{m+1} & =q\underbrace{a_{m}}_{=q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}%
+d}+d=q\left( q^{m}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}d\right) +d\\
+& =\underbrace{qq^{m}}_{=q^{m+1}}a_{0}+\underbrace{q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}%
+{q-1}d+d}_{=\left( q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}+1\right) d}\\
+& =q^{m+1}a_{0}+\underbrace{\left( q\cdot\dfrac{q^{m}-1}{q-1}+1\right)
+}_{\substack{=\dfrac{q\left( q^{m}-1\right) +\left( q-1\right) }%
+{q-1}=\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}\\\text{(since }q\left( q^{m}-1\right) +\left(
+q-1\right) =qq^{m}-q+q-1=qq^{m}-1=q^{m+1}-1\text{)}}}d\\
+& =q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d.
+So we have shown that $a_{m+1}=q^{m+1}a_{0}+\dfrac{q^{m+1}-1}{q-1}d$. In other
+words, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$. This completes the
+induction step. Hence, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.ari-geo.claim}) is proven by
+induction. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.ari-geo}.
+\subsection{Examples from modular arithmetic}
+\subsubsection{Divisibility of integers}
+We shall soon give some more examples of inductive proofs, including some that
+will include slightly new tactics. These examples come from the realm of
+\textit{modular arithmetic}, which is the study of congruences modulo
+integers. Before we come to these examples, we will introduce the definition
+of such congruences. But first, let us recall the definition of divisibility:
+\label{def.divisibility}Let $u$ and $v$ be two integers. Then, we say that $u$
+\textit{divides} $v$ if and only if there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$v=uw$. Instead of saying \textquotedblleft$u$ divides $v$\textquotedblright,
+we can also say \textquotedblleft$v$ is \textit{divisible by }$u$%
+\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft$v$ is a \textit{multiple} of
+$u$\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft$u$ is a \textit{divisor} of
+$v$\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft$u\mid v$\textquotedblright.
+Thus, two integers $u$ and $v$ satisfy $u\mid v$ if and only if there is some
+$w\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $v=uw$. For example, $1\mid v$ holds for every
+integer $v$ (since $v=1v$), whereas $0\mid v$ holds only for $v=0$ (since
+$v=0w$ is equivalent to $v=0$). An integer $v$ satisfies $2\mid v$ if and only
+if $v$ is even.
+Definition \ref{def.divisibility} is fairly common in the modern literature
+(e.g., it is used in \cite{Day-proofs}, \cite{LeLeMe16}, \cite{Mulhol16} and
+\cite{Rotman15}), but there also some books that define these notations
+differently. For example, in \cite{GKP}, the notation \textquotedblleft$u$
+divides $v$\textquotedblright\ is defined differently (it requires not only
+the existence of an integer $w$ such that $v=uw$, but also that $u$ is
+positive), whereas the notation \textquotedblleft$v$ is a multiple of
+$u$\textquotedblright\ is defined as it is here (i.e., it just means that
+there exists an integer $w$ such that $v=uw$); thus, these two notations are
+not mutually interchangeable in \cite{GKP}.
+Let us first prove some basic properties of divisibility:
+\label{prop.div.trans}Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three integers such that $a\mid
+b$ and $b\mid c$. Then, $a\mid c$.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.div.trans}.]We have $a\mid b$. In other words,
+there exists an integer $w$ such that $b=aw$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). Consider this $w$, and denote it
+by $k$. Thus, $k$ is an integer such that $b=ak$.
+We have $b\mid c$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$c=bw$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright).
+Consider this $w$, and denote it by $j$. Thus, $j$ is an integer such that
+Now, $c=\underbrace{b}_{=ak}j=akj$. Hence, there exists an integer $w$ such
+that $c=aw$ (namely, $w=kj$). In other words, $a$ divides $c$ (by the
+definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). In other words,
+$a\mid c$. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.div.trans}.
+\label{prop.div.acbc}Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three integers such that $a\mid
+b$. Then, $ac\mid bc$.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.div.acbc}.]We have $a\mid b$. In other words,
+there exists an integer $w$ such that $b=aw$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). Consider this $w$, and denote it
+by $k$. Thus, $k$ is an integer such that $b=ak$. Hence, $\underbrace{b}%
+_{=ak}c=akc=ack$. Thus, there exists an integer $w$ such that $bc=acw$
+(namely, $w=k$). In other words, $ac$ divides $bc$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). In other words, $ac\mid bc$.
+This proves Proposition \ref{prop.div.acbc}.
+\label{prop.div.ax+by}Let $a$, $b$, $g$, $x$ and $y$ be integers such that
+$g=ax+by$. Let $d$ be an integer such that $d\mid a$ and $d\mid b$. Then,
+$d\mid g$.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.div.ax+by}.]We have $d\mid a$. In other words,
+there exists an integer $w$ such that $a=dw$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). Consider this $w$, and denote it
+by $p$. Thus, $p$ is an integer and satisfies $a=dp$.
+Similarly, there is an integer $q$ such that $b=dq$. Consider this $q$.
+We have $d\mid b$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$b=dw$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright).
+Consider this $w$, and denote it by $q$. Thus, $q$ is an integer and satisfies
+Now, $g=\underbrace{a}_{=dp}x+\underbrace{b}_{=dq}y=dpx+dqy=d\left(
+px+qy\right) $. Hence, there exists an integer $w$ such that $g=dw$ (namely,
+$w=px+qy$). In other words, $d\mid g$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+divides\textquotedblright). This proves Proposition \ref{prop.div.ax+by}.
+It is easy to characterize divisibility in terms of fractions:
+\label{prop.div.frac}Let $a$ and $b$ be two integers such that $a\neq0$. Then,
+$a\mid b$ if and only if $b/a$ is an integer.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.div.frac}.]We first claim the following
+logical implication\footnote{A \textit{logical implication} (or, short,
+\textit{implication}) is a logical statement of the form \textquotedblleft if
+$\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{B}$\textquotedblright\ (where $\mathcal{A}$ and
+$\mathcal{B}$ are two statements).}:%
+\left( a\mid b\right) \ \Longrightarrow\ \left( b/a\text{ is an
+integer}\right) . \label{pf.prop.div.frac.1}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.div.frac.1}):} Assume that $a\mid b$. In other
+words, there exists an integer $w$ such that $b=aw$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). Consider this $w$. Now, dividing
+the equality $b=aw$ by $a$, we obtain $b/a=w$ (since $a\neq0$). Hence, $b/a$
+is an integer (since $w$ is an integer). This proves the implication
+Next, we claim the the following logical implication:%
+\left( b/a\text{ is an integer}\right) \ \Longrightarrow\ \left( a\mid
+b\right) . \label{pf.prop.div.frac.2}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.div.frac.2}):} Assume that $b/a$ is an
+integer. Let $k$ denote this integer. Thus, $b/a=k$, so that $b=ak$. Hence,
+there exists an integer $w$ such that $b=aw$ (namely, $w=k$). In other words,
+$a$ divides $b$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+divides\textquotedblright). In other words, $a\mid b$. This proves the
+implication (\ref{pf.prop.div.frac.2}).]
+Combining the implications (\ref{pf.prop.div.frac.1}) and
+(\ref{pf.prop.div.frac.2}), we obtain the equivalence $\left( a\mid b\right)
+\ \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( b/a\text{ is an integer}\right) $. In other
+words, $a\mid b$ if and only if $b/a$ is an integer. This proves Proposition
+\subsubsection{Definition of congruences}
+We can now define congruences:
+\label{def.mod.equiv}Let $a$, $b$ and $n$ be three integers. Then, we say that
+$a$\textit{ is congruent to }$b$\textit{ modulo }$n$ if and only if $n\mid
+a-b$. We shall use the notation \textquotedblleft$a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}%
+n$\textquotedblright\ for \textquotedblleft$a$ is congruent to $b$ modulo
+$n$\textquotedblright. Relations of the form \textquotedblleft$a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$\textquotedblright\ (for integers $a$, $b$ and $n$) are
+called \textit{congruences modulo }$n$.
+Thus, three integers $a$, $b$ and $n$ satisfy $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$
+if and only if $n\mid a-b$.
+Hence, in particular:
+\item Any two integers $a$ and $b$ satisfy $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}1$.
+(Indeed, any two integers $a$ and $b$ satisfy $a-b=1\left( a-b\right) $,
+thus $1\mid a-b$, thus $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}1$.)
+\item Two integers $a$ and $b$ satisfy $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}0$ if and
+only if $a=b$. (Indeed, $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}0$ is equivalent to $0\mid
+a-b$, which in turn is equivalent to $a-b=0$, which in turn is equivalent to
+\item Two integers $a$ and $b$ satisfy $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}2$ if and
+only if they have the same parity (i.e., they are either both odd or both
+even). This is not obvious at this point yet, but follows easily from
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd} further below.
+We have%
+4\equiv10\operatorname{mod}3\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{and}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5\equiv-35\operatorname{mod}4.
+Note that Day, in \cite{Day-proofs}, writes \textquotedblleft$a\equiv_{n}%
+b$\textquotedblright\ instead of \textquotedblleft$a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}%
+n$\textquotedblright. Also, other authors (particularly of older texts) write
+\textquotedblleft$a\equiv b\pmod{n}$\textquotedblright\ instead of
+\textquotedblleft$a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$\textquotedblright.
+Let us next introduce notations for the negations of the statements
+\textquotedblleft$u\mid v$\textquotedblright\ and \textquotedblleft$a\equiv
+\textbf{(a)} If $u$ and $v$ are two integers, then the notation
+\textquotedblleft$u\nmid v$\textquotedblright\ shall mean \textquotedblleft
+not $u\mid v$\textquotedblright\ (that is, \textquotedblleft$u$ does not
+divide $v$\textquotedblright).
+\textbf{(b)} If $a$, $b$ and $n$ are three integers, then the notation
+\textquotedblleft$a\not \equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$\textquotedblright\ shall
+mean \textquotedblleft not $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$\textquotedblright%
+\ (that is, \textquotedblleft$a$ is not congruent to $b$ modulo $n$%
+Thus, three integers $a$, $b$ and $n$ satisfy $a\not \equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$ if and only if $n\nmid a-b$. For example, $1\not \equiv
+-1\operatorname{mod}3$, since $3\nmid1-\left( -1\right) $.
+\subsubsection{Congruence basics}
+Let us now state some of the basic laws of congruences (so far, not needing
+induction to prove):
+\label{prop.mod.0}Let $a$ and $n$ be integers. Then:
+\textbf{(a)} We have $a\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n$ if and only if $n\mid a$.
+\textbf{(b)} Let $b$ be an integer. Then, $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$ if
+and only if $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}\left( -n\right) $.
+\textbf{(c)} Let $m$ and $b$ be integers such that $m\mid n$. If $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$, then $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}m$.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0}.]\textbf{(a)} We have the following
+chain of logical equivalences:%
+& \ \left( a\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n\right) \\
+& \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( a\text{ is congruent to }0\text{ modulo
+}n\right) \\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since \textquotedblleft}a\equiv
+0\operatorname{mod}n\text{\textquotedblright\ is just a notation for
+\textquotedblleft}a\text{ is congruent to }0\text{ modulo }%
+n\text{\textquotedblright}\right) \\
+& \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( n\mid\underbrace{a-0}_{=a}\right)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+congruent\textquotedblright}\right) \\
+& \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( n\mid a\right) .
+Thus, we have $a\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n$ if and only if $n\mid a$. This
+proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(a)}.
+\textbf{(b)} Let us first assume that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$. Thus,
+$a$ is congruent to $b$ modulo $n$. In other words, $n\mid a-b$ (by the
+definition of \textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In other words,
+$n$ divides $a-b$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$a-b=nw$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright).
+Consider this $w$, and denote it by $k$. Thus, $k$ is an integer such that
+Thus, $a-b=nk=\left( -n\right) \left( -k\right) $. Hence, there exists an
+integer $w$ such that $a-b=\left( -n\right) w$ (namely, $w=-k$). In other
+words, $-n$ divides $a-b$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+divides\textquotedblright). In other words, $-n\mid a-b$. In other words, $a$
+is congruent to $b$ modulo $-n$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+congruent\textquotedblright). In other words, $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}%
+\left( -n\right) $.
+Now, forget that we assumed that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$. We thus have
+shown that%
+\text{if }a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n\text{, then }a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}\left( -n\right) . \label{pf.prop.mod.0.b.1}%
+The same argument (applied to $-n$ instead of $n$) shows that%
+\text{if }a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}\left( -n\right) \text{, then }a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}\left( -\left( -n\right) \right) .
+Since $-\left( -n\right) =n$, this rewrites as follows:%
+\text{if }a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}\left( -n\right) \text{, then }a\equiv
+Combining this implication with (\ref{pf.prop.mod.0.b.1}), we conclude that
+$a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$ if and only if $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}%
+\left( -n\right) $. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(b)}.
+\textbf{(c)} Assume that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$. Thus, $a$ is
+congruent to $b$ modulo $n$. In other words, $n\mid a-b$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.div.trans} (applied to $m$, $n$ and $a-b$ instead of $a$, $b$ and
+$c$) yields $m\mid a-b$ (since $m\mid n$). In other words, $a$ is congruent to
+$b$ modulo $m$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+congruent\textquotedblright). Thus, $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}m$. This
+proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(c)}.
+\label{prop.mod.transi}Let $n$ be an integer.
+\textbf{(a)} For any integer $a$, we have $a\equiv a\operatorname{mod}n$.
+\textbf{(b)} For any integers $a$ and $b$ satisfying $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$, we have $b\equiv a\operatorname{mod}n$.
+\textbf{(c)} For any integers $a$, $b$ and $c$ satisfying $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$ and $b\equiv c\operatorname{mod}n$, we have $a\equiv
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi}.]\textbf{(a)} Let $a$ be an
+integer. Then, $a-a=0=n\cdot0$. Hence, there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$a-a=nw$ (namely, $w=0$). In other words, $n$ divides $a-a$ (by the definition
+of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). In other words, $n\mid a-a$.
+In other words, $a$ is congruent to $a$ modulo $n$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In other words, $a\equiv
+a\operatorname{mod}n$. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi}
+\textbf{(b)} Let $a$ and $b$ be two integers satisfying $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$. Thus, $a$ is congruent to $b$ modulo $n$ (since
+$a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$). In other words, $n\mid a-b$ (by the
+definition of \textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In other words,
+$n$ divides $a-b$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$a-b=nw$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright).
+Consider this $w$, and denote it by $q$. Thus, $q$ is an integer such that
+$a-b=nq$. Now, $b-a=-\underbrace{\left( a-b\right) }_{=nq}=-nq=n\left(
+-q\right) $. Hence, there exists an integer $w$ such that $b-a=nw$ (namely,
+$w=-q$). In other words, $n$ divides $b-a$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). In other words, $n\mid b-a$. In
+other words, $b$ is congruent to $a$ modulo $n$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In other words, $b\equiv
+a\operatorname{mod}n$. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi}
+\textbf{(c)} Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three integers satisfying $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$ and $b\equiv c\operatorname{mod}n$.
+Just as in the above proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(b)},
+we can use the assumption $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$ to construct an
+integer $q$ such that $a-b=nq$. Similarly, we can use the assumption $b\equiv
+c\operatorname{mod}n$ to construct an integer $r$ such that $b-c=nr$. Consider
+these $q$ and $r$.
+From $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$, we conclude that $a$ is congruent to $b$
+modulo $n$. In other words, $n\mid a-b$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In other words, $n$ divides
+$a-b$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that $a-b=nw$ (by the
+definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). Consider this $w$,
+and denote it by $q$. Thus, $q$ is an integer such that $a-b=nq$.
+From $b\equiv c\operatorname{mod}n$, we conclude that $b$ is congruent to $c$
+modulo $n$. In other words, $n\mid b-c$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In other words, $n$ divides
+$b-c$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that $b-c=nw$ (by the
+definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright). Consider this $w$,
+and denote it by $r$. Thus, $r$ is an integer such that $b-c=nr$.
+a-c=\underbrace{\left( a-b\right) }_{=nq}+\underbrace{\left( b-c\right)
+}_{=nr}=nq+nr=n\left( q+r\right) .
+Hence, there exists an integer $w$ such that $a-c=nw$ (namely, $w=q+r$). In
+other words, $n$ divides $a-c$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+divides\textquotedblright). In other words, $n\mid a-c$. In other words, $a$
+is congruent to $c$ modulo $n$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+congruent\textquotedblright). In other words, $a\equiv c\operatorname{mod}n$.
+This proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(c)}.
+Simple as they are, the three parts of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} have
+names: Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(a)} is called the
+\textit{reflexivity of congruence (modulo }$n$\textit{)}; Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(b)} is called the \textit{symmetry of
+congruence (modulo }$n$\textit{)}; Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi}
+\textbf{(c)} is called the \textit{transitivity of congruence (modulo }%
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(b)} allows the following definition:
+Let $n$, $a$ and $b$ be three integers. Then, we say that $a$ \textit{and }$b$
+\textit{are congruent modulo }$n$ if and only if $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}%
+n$. Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(b)} shows that $a$ and $b$
+actually play equal roles in this relation (i.e., the statement
+\textquotedblleft$a$ and $b$ are congruent modulo $n$\textquotedblright\ is
+equivalent to \textquotedblleft$b$ and $a$ are congruent modulo $n$%
+\label{prop.mod.n=0}Let $n$ be an integer. Then, $n\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n$.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.n=0}.]We have $n=n\cdot1$. Thus, there
+exists an integer $w$ such that $n=nw$ (namely, $w=1$). Therefore, $n\mid n$
+(by the definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright).
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $a=n$) shows that we
+have $n\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n$ if and only if $n\mid n$. Hence, we have
+$n\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n$ (since $n\mid n$). This proves Proposition
+\subsubsection{Chains of congruences}
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} shows that congruences (modulo $n$) behave
+like equalities -- in that we can turn them around (since Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(b)} says that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$
+implies $b\equiv a\operatorname{mod}n$) and we can chain them together (by
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(c)}) and in that every integer is
+congruent to itself (by Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(a)}). This
+leads to the following notation:
+If $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{k}$ and $n$ are integers, then the statement
+\textquotedblleft$a_{1}\equiv a_{2}\equiv\cdots\equiv a_{k}\operatorname{mod}%
+n$\textquotedblright\ shall mean that
+\left( a_{i}\equiv a_{i+1}\operatorname{mod}n\text{ holds for each }%
+i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k-1\right\} \right) .
+Such a statement is called a \textit{chain of congruences modulo }$n$ (or,
+less precisely, a \textit{chain of congruences}). We shall refer to the
+integers $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{k}$ (but not $n$) as the \textit{members} of
+this chain.
+For example, the chain $a\equiv b\equiv c\equiv d\operatorname{mod}n$ (for
+five integers $a,b,c,d,n$) means that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$ and
+$b\equiv c\operatorname{mod}n$ and $c\equiv d\operatorname{mod}n$.
+The usefulness of such chains lies in the following fact:
+\label{prop.mod.chain}Let $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{k}$ and $n$ be integers such
+that $a_{1}\equiv a_{2}\equiv\cdots\equiv a_{k}\operatorname{mod}n$. Let $u$
+and $v$ be two elements of $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $. Then,%
+a_{u}\equiv a_{v}\operatorname{mod}n.
+In other words, any two members of a chain of congruences modulo $n$ are
+congruent to each other modulo $n$. Thus, chains of congruences are like
+chains of equalities: From any chain of congruences modulo $n$ with $k$
+members, you can extract $k^{2}$ congruences modulo $n$ by picking any two
+members of the chain.
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain} shows (among other things) that if
+$a,b,c,d,e,n$ are integers such that $a\equiv b\equiv c\equiv d\equiv
+e\operatorname{mod}n$, then $a\equiv d\operatorname{mod}n$ and $b\equiv
+d\operatorname{mod}n$ and $e\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$ (and various other congruences).
+Unsurprisingly, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain} can be proven by induction,
+although not in an immediately obvious manner: We cannot directly prove it by
+induction on $n$, on $k$, on $u$ or on $v$. Instead, we will first introduce
+an auxiliary statement (the statement (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) in the
+following proof) which will be tailored to an inductive proof. This is a
+commonly used tactic, and particularly helpful to us now as we only have the
+most basic form of the principle of induction available. (Soon, we will see
+more versions of that principle, which will obviate the need for some of the tailoring.)
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain}.]By assumption, we have
+$a_{1}\equiv a_{2}\equiv\cdots\equiv a_{k}\operatorname{mod}n$. In other
+\left( a_{i}\equiv a_{i+1}\operatorname{mod}n\text{ holds for each }%
+i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k-1\right\} \right) \label{pf.prop.mod.chain.ass}%
+(since this is what \textquotedblleft$a_{1}\equiv a_{2}\equiv\cdots\equiv
+a_{k}\operatorname{mod}n$\textquotedblright\ means).
+Fix $p\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $. For each $i\in\mathbb{N}$, we let
+$\mathcal{A}\left( i\right) $ be the statement%
+\left( \text{if }p+i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} \text{, then }%
+a_{p}\equiv a_{p+i}\operatorname{mod}n\right) . \label{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}%
+We shall prove that this statement $\mathcal{A}\left( i\right) $ holds for
+each $i\in\mathbb{N}$.
+In fact, let us prove this by induction on $i$:\ \ \ \ \footnote{Thus, the
+letter \textquotedblleft$i$\textquotedblright\ plays the role of the
+\textquotedblleft$n$\textquotedblright\ in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} (since we
+are already using \textquotedblleft$n$\textquotedblright\ for a different
+\textit{Induction base:} The statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $
+holds\footnote{\textit{Proof.} Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(a)}
+(applied to $a=a_{p}$) yields $a_{p}\equiv a_{p}\operatorname{mod}n$. In view
+of $p=p+0$, this rewrites as $a_{p}\equiv a_{p+0}\operatorname{mod}n$. Hence,
+$\left( \text{if }p+0\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} \text{, then }%
+a_{p}\equiv a_{p+0}\operatorname{mod}n\right) $. But this is precisely the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $. Hence, the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 0\right) $ holds.}. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds. We must show that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. In other words,%
+\left( \text{if }p+m\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} \text{, then }%
+a_{p}\equiv a_{p+m}\operatorname{mod}n\right) .
+Next, let us assume that $p+\left( m+1\right) \in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,k\right\} $. Thus, $p+\left( m+1\right) \leq k$, so that $p+m+1=p+\left(
+m+1\right) \leq k$ and therefore $p+m\leq k-1$. Also, $p\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $, so that $p\geq1$ and thus $\underbrace{p}_{\geq
+1}+\underbrace{m}_{\geq0}\geq1+0=1$. Combining this with $p+m\leq k-1$, we
+obtain $p+m\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k-1\right\} \subseteq\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $. Hence, (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai.IH}) shows that
+$a_{p}\equiv a_{p+m}\operatorname{mod}n$. But (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.ass})
+(applied to $p+m$ instead of $i$) yields $a_{p+m}\equiv a_{\left( p+m\right)
++1}\operatorname{mod}n$ (since $p+m\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k-1\right\} $).
+So we know that $a_{p}\equiv a_{p+m}\operatorname{mod}n$ and $a_{p+m}\equiv
+a_{\left( p+m\right) +1}\operatorname{mod}n$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(c)} (applied to $a=a_{p}$, $b=a_{p+m}$ and
+$c=a_{\left( p+m\right) +1}$) yields $a_{p}\equiv a_{\left( p+m\right)
++1}\operatorname{mod}n$. Since $\left( p+m\right) +1=p+\left( m+1\right)
+$, this rewrites as $a_{p}\equiv a_{p+\left( m+1\right) }\operatorname{mod}%
+Now, forget that we assumed that $p+\left( m+1\right) \in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $. We thus have shown that%
+\left( \text{if }p+\left( m+1\right) \in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\}
+\text{, then }a_{p}\equiv a_{p+\left( m+1\right) }\operatorname{mod}%
+n\right) .
+But this is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $. Thus,
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if $m\in\mathbb{N}$ is
+such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $ also holds. This completes the induction step.
+Thus, we have completed both the induction base and the induction step. Hence,
+by induction, we conclude that $\mathcal{A}\left( i\right) $ holds for each
+$i\in\mathbb{N}$. In other words, (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) holds for each
+We are not done yet, since our goal is to prove Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.chain}, not merely to prove $\mathcal{A}\left( i\right) $. But
+this is now easy.
+First, let us forget that we fixed $p$. Thus, we have shown that
+(\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) holds for each $p\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,k\right\} $ and $i\in\mathbb{N}$.
+But we have either $u\leq v$ or $u>v$. In other words, we are in one of the
+following two cases:
+\textit{Case 1:} We have $u\leq v$.
+\textit{Case 2:} We have $u>v$.
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $u\leq v$. Thus,
+$v-u\geq0$, so that $v-u\in\mathbb{N}$. But recall that
+(\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) holds for each $p\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,k\right\} $ and $i\in\mathbb{N}$. Applying this to $p=u$ and $i=v-u$, we
+conclude that (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) holds for $p=u$ and $i=v-u$ (since
+$u\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ and $v-u\in\mathbb{N}$). In other words,%
+\left( \text{if }u+\left( v-u\right) \in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\}
+\text{, then }a_{u}\equiv a_{u+\left( v-u\right) }\operatorname{mod}%
+n\right) .
+Since $u+\left( v-u\right) =v$, this rewrites as%
+\left( \text{if }v\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} \text{, then }a_{u}\equiv
+a_{v}\operatorname{mod}n\right) .
+Since $v\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ holds (by assumption), we conclude
+that $a_{u}\equiv a_{v}\operatorname{mod}n$. Thus, Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.chain} is proven in Case 1.
+Let us now consider Case 2. In this case, we have $u>v$. Thus, $u-v>0$, so
+that $u-v\in\mathbb{N}$. But recall that (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) holds
+for each $p\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ and $i\in\mathbb{N}$. Applying
+this to $p=v$ and $i=u-v$, we conclude that (\ref{pf.prop.mod.chain.Ai}) holds
+for $p=v$ and $i=u-v$ (since $v\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ and
+$u-v\in\mathbb{N}$). In other words,%
+\left( \text{if }v+\left( u-v\right) \in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\}
+\text{, then }a_{v}\equiv a_{v+\left( u-v\right) }\operatorname{mod}%
+n\right) .
+Since $v+\left( u-v\right) =u$, this rewrites as%
+\left( \text{if }u\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} \text{, then }a_{v}\equiv
+a_{u}\operatorname{mod}n\right) .
+Since $u\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ holds (by assumption), we conclude
+that $a_{v}\equiv a_{u}\operatorname{mod}n$. Therefore, Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(b)} (applied to $a=a_{v}$ and $b=a_{u}$) yields
+that $a_{u}\equiv a_{v}\operatorname{mod}n$. Thus, Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.chain} is proven in Case 2.
+Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain} is proven in both Cases 1 and 2. Since
+these two Cases cover all possibilities, we thus conclude that Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.chain} always holds.
+\subsubsection{Chains of inequalities (a digression)}
+Much of the above proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain} was unremarkable
+and straightforward reasoning -- but this proof is nevertheless fundamental
+and important. More or less the same argument can be used to show the
+following fact about chains of inequalities:
+\label{prop.mod.chain-ineq}Let $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{k}$ be integers such
+that $a_{1}\leq a_{2}\leq\cdots\leq a_{k}$. (Recall that the statement
+\textquotedblleft$a_{1}\leq a_{2}\leq\cdots\leq a_{k}$\textquotedblright%
+\ means that $\left( a_{i}\leq a_{i+1}\text{ holds for each }i\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,k-1\right\} \right) $.) Let $u$ and $v$ be two elements of
+$\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ such that $u\leq v$. Then,%
+a_{u}\leq a_{v}.
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain-ineq} is similar to Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.chain}, with the congruences replaced by inequalities; but note
+that the condition \textquotedblleft$u\leq v$\textquotedblright\ is now
+required. Make sure you understand where you need this condition when adapting
+the proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain} to Proposition
+For future use, let us prove a corollary of Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.chain-ineq} which essentially observes that the inequality sign
+in $a_{u}\leq a_{v}$ can be made strict if there is any strict inequality sign
+between $a_{u}$ and $a_{v}$ in the chain $a_{1}\leq a_{2}\leq\cdots\leq a_{k}$:
+\label{cor.mod.chain-ineq2}Let $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{k}$ be integers such
+that $a_{1}\leq a_{2}\leq\cdots\leq a_{k}$. Let $u$ and $v$ be two elements of
+$\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ such that $u\leq v$. Let $p\in\left\{
+u,u+1,\ldots,v-1\right\} $ be such that $a_{p}0$ (since $v$ is nonnegative).
+But $u$ divides $v$ (since $u\mid v$). In other words, there exists an integer
+$w$ such that $v=uw$. Consider this $w$. If we had $w<0$, then we would have
+$uw\leq0$ (since $u$ is nonnegative), which would contradict $uw=v>0$. Hence,
+we cannot have $w<0$. Thus, we must have $w\geq0$. Therefore, $w\in\mathbb{N}%
+$. Hence, Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.somos-simple} \textbf{(b)} (applied to
+$n=u$) yields $a_{u}\mid a_{uw}$. In view of $v=uw$, this rewrites as
+$a_{u}\mid a_{v}$. This proves Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.somos-simple}
+Applying Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.somos-simple} \textbf{(c)} to $q=2$ and
+$r=1$, we obtain the observation about divisibility made in Example
+\subsubsection{The Fibonacci sequence and a generalization}
+Another example of a recursively defined sequence is the famous Fibonacci sequence:
+sequence}} is the sequence $\left( f_{0},f_{1},f_{2},\ldots\right) $ of
+integers which is defined recursively by%
+f_{0} & =0,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f_{1}=1,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{and}\\
+f_{n} & =f_{n-1}+f_{n-2}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for all }n\geq2.
+Let us compute its first few entries:%
+f_{0} & =0;\\
+f_{1} & =1;\\
+f_{2} & =\underbrace{f_{1}}_{=1}+\underbrace{f_{0}}_{=0}=1+0=1;\\
+f_{3} & =\underbrace{f_{2}}_{=1}+\underbrace{f_{1}}_{=1}=1+1=2;\\
+f_{4} & =\underbrace{f_{3}}_{=2}+\underbrace{f_{2}}_{=1}=2+1=3;\\
+f_{5} & =\underbrace{f_{4}}_{=3}+\underbrace{f_{3}}_{=2}=3+2=5;\\
+f_{6} & =\underbrace{f_{5}}_{=5}+\underbrace{f_{4}}_{=3}=5+3=8.
+Again, we observe (as in Example \ref{exa.rec-seq.1}) that $f_{2}\mid f_{6}$
+and $f_{3}\mid f_{6}$, which suggests that we might have $f_{u}\mid f_{v}$
+whenever $u$ and $v$ are two nonnegative integers satisfying $u\mid v$.
+Some further experimentation may suggest that the equality $f_{n+m+1}%
+=f_{n}f_{m}+f_{n+1}f_{m+1}$ holds for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $m\in
+Both of these conjectures will be shown in the following theorem, in greater generality.
+\label{thm.rec-seq.fibx}Fix some $a\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $b\in\mathbb{Z}$. Let
+$\left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\ldots\right) $ be a sequence of integers defined
+recursively by%
+x_{0} & =0,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ x_{1}=1,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{and}\\
+x_{n} & =ax_{n-1}+bx_{n-2}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }n\geq2.
+(Note that if $a=1$ and $b=1$, then this sequence $\left( x_{0},x_{1}%
+,x_{2},\ldots\right) $ is precisely the Fibonacci sequence $\left(
+f_{0},f_{1},f_{2},\ldots\right) $ from Example \ref{exa.rec-seq.fib}. If
+$a=0$ and $b=1$, then our sequence $\left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\ldots\right) $
+is the sequence $\left( 0,1,0,b,0,b^{2},0,b^{3},\ldots\right) $ that
+alternates between $0$'s and powers of $b$. The reader can easily work out
+further examples.)
+\textbf{(a)} We have $x_{n+m+1}=bx_{n}x_{m}+x_{n+1}x_{m+1}$ for all
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $m\in\mathbb{N}$.
+\textbf{(b)} For any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $w\in\mathbb{N}$, we have $x_{n}\mid
+\textbf{(c)} If $u$ and $v$ are two nonnegative integers satisfying $u\mid v$,
+then $x_{u}\mid x_{v}$.
+Before we prove this theorem, let us discuss how \textbf{not} to prove it:
+\label{rmk.ind.abstract}The proof of Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx}
+\textbf{(a)} below illustrates an important aspect of induction proofs:
+Namely, when devising an induction proof, we often have not only a choice of
+what variable to induct on (e.g., we could try proving Theorem
+\ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(a)} by induction on $n$ or by induction on
+$m$), but also a choice of whether to leave the other variables fixed. For
+example, let us try to prove Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(a)} by
+induction on $n$ while leaving the variable $m$ fixed. That is, we fix some
+$m\in\mathbb{N}$, and we define $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ (for each
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$) to be the following statement:%
+\left( x_{n+m+1}=bx_{n}x_{m}+x_{n+1}x_{m+1}\right) .
+Then, it is easy to check that $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ holds, so the
+induction base is complete. For the induction step, we fix some $k\in
+\mathbb{N}$. (This $k$ serves the role of the \textquotedblleft$m$%
+\textquotedblright\ in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}, but we cannot call it $m$
+here since $m$ already stands for a fixed number.) We assume that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds, and we intend to prove $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( k+1\right) $.
+Our induction hypothesis says that $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds; in
+other words, we have $x_{k+m+1}=bx_{k}x_{m}+x_{k+1}x_{m+1}$. We want to prove
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k+1\right) $; in other words, we want to prove that
+$x_{\left( k+1\right) +m+1}=bx_{k+1}x_{m}+x_{\left( k+1\right) +1}x_{m+1}$.
+A short moment of deliberation shows that we cannot do this (at least not with
+our current knowledge). There is no direct way of deriving $\mathcal{A}\left(
+k+1\right) $ from $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $. \textbf{However}, if we
+knew that the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds
+\textquotedblleft for $m+1$ instead of $m$\textquotedblright\ (that is, if we
+knew that $x_{k+\left( m+1\right) +1}=bx_{k}x_{m+1}+x_{k+1}x_{\left(
+m+1\right) +1}$), then we could derive $\mathcal{A}\left( k+1\right) $. But
+we cannot just \textquotedblleft apply $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ to
+$m+1$ instead of $m$\textquotedblright; after all, $m$ is a fixed number, so
+we cannot have it take different values in $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ and
+in $\mathcal{A}\left( k+1\right) $.
+So we are at an impasse. We got into this impasse by fixing $m$. So let us try
+\textbf{not} fixing $m\in\mathbb{N}$ right away, but instead defining
+$\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ (for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$) to be the
+following statement:%
+\left( x_{n+m+1}=bx_{n}x_{m}+x_{n+1}x_{m+1}\text{ for all }m\in
+\mathbb{N}\right) .
+Thus, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ is not a statement about a specific
+integer $m$ any more, but rather a statement about all nonnegative integers
+$m$. This allows us to apply $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ to $m+1$ instead
+of $m$ in the induction step. (We can still fix $m\in\mathbb{N}$
+\textbf{during the induction step}; this doesn't prevent us from applying
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ to $m+1$ instead of $m$, since $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( k\right) $ has been formulated before $m$ was fixed.) This way, we
+arrive at the following proof:
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx}.]\textbf{(a)} We claim that for each
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$, we have%
+\left( x_{n+m+1}=bx_{n}x_{m}+x_{n+1}x_{m+1}\text{ for all }m\in
+\mathbb{N}\right) . \label{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}%
+Indeed, let us prove (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $x_{0+m+1}=bx_{0}x_{m}+x_{0+1}x_{m+1}$ for
+all $m\in\mathbb{N}$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$.
+Then, $x_{0+m+1}=x_{m+1}$. Comparing this with $b\underbrace{x_{0}}_{=0}%
+x_{m}+\underbrace{x_{0+1}}_{=x_{1}=1}x_{m+1}=b0x_{m}+1x_{m+1}=x_{m+1}$, we
+obtain $x_{0+m+1}=bx_{0}x_{m}+x_{0+1}x_{m+1}$, qed.}. In other words,
+(\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) holds for $n=0$. This completes the
+induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $k\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) holds for $n=k$. We must prove that
+(\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) holds for $n=k+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) holds for $n=k$. In
+other words, we have%
+\left( x_{k+m+1}=bx_{k}x_{m}+x_{k+1}x_{m+1}\text{ for all }m\in
+\mathbb{N}\right) . \label{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim.pf.IH}%
+Now, let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. We have $m+2\geq2$; thus, the recursive definition
+of the sequence $\left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\ldots\right) $ yields%
+x_{m+2}=a\underbrace{x_{\left( m+2\right) -1}}_{=x_{m+1}}%
++b\underbrace{x_{\left( m+2\right) -2}}_{=x_{m}}=ax_{m+1}+bx_{m}.
+The same argument (with $m$ replaced by $k$) yields%
+x_{k+2}=ax_{k+1}+bx_{k}. \label{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim.pf.2}%
+But we can apply (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim.pf.IH}) to $m+1$ instead of
+$m$. Thus, we obtain%
+x_{k+\left( m+1\right) +1} & =bx_{k}x_{m+1}+x_{k+1}\underbrace{x_{\left(
+m+1\right) +1}}_{\substack{=x_{m+2}=ax_{m+1}+bx_{m}\\\text{(by
+& =bx_{k}x_{m+1}+\underbrace{x_{k+1}\left( ax_{m+1}+bx_{m}\right)
+}_{=\left( ax_{k+1}+bx_{k}\right) x_{m+1}}+bx_{k+1}x_{m}\\
+& =\underbrace{\left( ax_{k+1}+bx_{k}\right) }_{\substack{=x_{k+2}%
+\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim.pf.2}))}}}x_{m+1}+bx_{k+1}%
+& =bx_{k+1}x_{m}+\underbrace{x_{k+2}}_{=x_{\left( k+1\right) +1}}%
+x_{m+1}=bx_{k+1}x_{m}+x_{\left( k+1\right) +1}x_{m+1}.
+In view of $k+\left( m+1\right) +1=\left( k+1\right) +m+1$, this rewrites
+x_{\left( k+1\right) +m+1}=bx_{k+1}x_{m}+x_{\left( k+1\right) +1}x_{m+1}.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that $x_{\left( k+1\right)
++m+1}=bx_{k+1}x_{m}+x_{\left( k+1\right) +1}x_{m+1}$ for all $m\in
+\mathbb{N}$. In other words, (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) holds for
+$n=k+1$. This completes the induction step. Thus,
+(\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.a.claim}) is proven.
+Hence, Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(a)} holds.
+\textbf{(b)} Fix $n\in\mathbb{N}$. We claim that%
+x_{n}\mid x_{nw}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }w\in\mathbb{N}.
+Indeed, let us prove (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim}) by induction on $w$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $x_{n\cdot0}=x_{0}=0=0x_{n}$ and thus
+$x_{n}\mid x_{n\cdot0}$. In other words, (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim})
+holds for $w=0$. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $k\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim}) holds for $w=k$. We must now prove that
+(\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim}) holds for $w=k+1$. In other words, we must
+prove that $x_{n}\mid x_{n\left( k+1\right) }$.
+If $n=0$, then this is true\footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let us assume that $n=0$.
+Then, $x_{n\left( k+1\right) }=x_{0\left( k+1\right) }=x_{0}=0=0x_{n}$,
+and thus $x_{n}\mid x_{n\left( k+1\right) }$, qed.}. Hence, for the rest of
+this proof, we can WLOG assume that we don't have $n=0$. Assume this.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim}) holds for $w=k$. In
+other words, we have $x_{n}\mid x_{nk}$. In other words, $x_{nk}%
+\equiv0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$.\ \ \ \ \footnote{Here, again, we have used
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $x_{nk}$ and $x_{n}$
+instead of $a$ and $n$). This argument is simple enough that we will leave it
+unsaid in the future.} Likewise, from $x_{n}\mid x_{n}$, we obtain
+We have $n\in\mathbb{N}$ but $n\neq0$ (since we don't have $n=0$). Hence, $n$
+is a positive integer. Thus, $n-1\in\mathbb{N}$. Therefore, Theorem
+\ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $nk$ and $n-1$ instead of $n$
+and $m$) yields
+x_{nk+\left( n-1\right) +1}=bx_{nk}x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right)
+In view of $nk+\left( n-1\right) +1=n\left( k+1\right) $, this rewrites as%
+x_{n\left( k+1\right) }=b\underbrace{x_{nk}}_{\equiv0\operatorname{mod}%
+x_{n}}x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}\underbrace{x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}}_{=x_{n}%
+\equiv0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}}\equiv b0x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}0=0\operatorname{mod}%
+\footnote{We have used substitutivity for congruences in this computation.
+Here is, again, a way to rewrite it without this use:
+We have $x_{n\left( k+1\right) }=bx_{nk}x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}x_{\left(
+n-1\right) +1}$. But $b\equiv b\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (by Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(a)}) and $x_{n-1}\equiv x_{n-1}%
+\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (for the same reason) and $x_{nk+1}\equiv
+x_{nk+1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (for the same reason). Now, Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.+-*} \textbf{(c)} (applied to $b$, $b$, $x_{nk}$, $0$ and
+$x_{n}$ instead of $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$ and $n$) yields $bx_{nk}\equiv
+b0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (since $b\equiv b\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ and
+$x_{nk}\equiv0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$). Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.+-*}
+\textbf{(c)} (applied to $bx_{nk}$, $b0$, $x_{n-1}$, $x_{n-1}$ and $x_{n}$
+instead of $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$ and $n$) yields $bx_{nk}x_{n-1}\equiv
+b0x_{n-1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (since $bx_{nk}\equiv b0\operatorname{mod}%
+x_{n}$ and $x_{n-1}\equiv x_{n-1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$). Also,
+$x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\equiv x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right)
++1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (by Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi}
+\textbf{(a)}). Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.+-*} \textbf{(a)} (applied to
+$bx_{nk}x_{n-1}$, $b0x_{n-1}$, $x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}$,
+$x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}$ and $x_{n}$ instead of $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$
+and $n$) yields
+bx_{nk}x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\equiv b0x_{n-1}%
++x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}%
+(since $bx_{nk}x_{n-1}\equiv b0x_{n-1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ and
+$x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\equiv x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right)
+Also, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.+-*} \textbf{(c)} (applied to $x_{nk+1}$,
+$x_{nk+1}$, $x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}$, $0$ and $x_{n}$ instead of $a$, $b$,
+$c$, $d$ and $n$) yields $x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\equiv
+x_{nk+1}0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (since $x_{nk+1}\equiv x_{nk+1}%
+\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ and $x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}=x_{n}\equiv
+0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$). Furthermore, $b0x_{n-1}\equiv b0x_{n-1}%
+\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ (by Proposition \ref{prop.mod.transi} \textbf{(a)}).
+Finally, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.+-*} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $b0x_{n-1}$,
+$b0x_{n-1}$, $x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}$, $x_{nk+1}0$ and $x_{n}$
+instead of $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$ and $n$) yields
+b0x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\equiv b0x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}%
+(since $b0x_{n-1}\equiv b0x_{n-1}\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$ and $x_{nk+1}%
+x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\equiv x_{nk+1}0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$). Thus,%
+x_{n\left( k+1\right) } & =bx_{nk}x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right)
++1}\equiv b0x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}x_{\left( n-1\right) +1}\\
+& \equiv b0x_{n-1}+x_{nk+1}0=0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}.
+So we have proven that $x_{n\left( k+1\right) }\equiv0\operatorname{mod}%
+x_{n}$.} Thus, we have shown that $x_{n\left( k+1\right) }\equiv
+0\operatorname{mod}x_{n}$. In other words, $x_{n}\mid x_{n\left( k+1\right)
+}$ (again, this follows from Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(a)}). In
+other words, (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim}) holds for $w=k+1$. This
+completes the induction step. Hence, (\ref{pf.thm.rec-seq.fibx.b.claim}) is
+proven by induction.
+This proves Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(b)}.
+\textbf{(c)} Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(c)} can be derived from
+Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(b)} in the same way as Theorem
+\ref{thm.rec-seq.somos-simple} \textbf{(c)} was derived from Theorem
+\ref{thm.rec-seq.somos-simple} \textbf{(b)}.
+\textbf{(c)} Let $u$ and $v$ be two nonnegative integers satisfying $u\mid v$.
+We must prove that $x_{u}\mid x_{v}$. If $v=0$, then this is obvious (because
+if $v=0$, then $x_{v}=x_{0}=0=0x_{u}$ and therefore $x_{u}\mid x_{v}$). Hence,
+for the rest of this proof, we can WLOG assume that we don't have $v=0$.
+Assume this.
+Thus, we don't have $v=0$. Hence, $v\neq0$, so that $v>0$ (since $v$ is nonnegative).
+But $u$ divides $v$ (since $u\mid v$). In other words, there exists an integer
+$w$ such that $v=uw$. Consider this $w$. If we had $w<0$, then we would have
+$uw\leq0$ (since $u$ is nonnegative), which would contradict $uw=v>0$. Hence,
+we cannot have $w<0$. Thus, we must have $w\geq0$. Therefore, $w\in\mathbb{N}%
+$. Hence, Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(b)} (applied to $n=u$)
+yields $x_{u}\mid x_{uw}$. In view of $v=uw$, this rewrites as $x_{u}\mid
+x_{v}$. This proves Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(c)}.
+Applying Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(a)} to $a=1$ and $b=1$, we
+obtain the equality $f_{n+m+1}=f_{n}f_{m}+f_{n+1}f_{m+1}$ noticed in Example
+\ref{exa.rec-seq.fib}. Applying Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} \textbf{(c)} to
+$a=1$ and $b=1$, we obtain the observation about divisibility made in Example
+Note that part \textbf{(a)} of Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} still works if
+$a$ and $b$ are real numbers (instead of being integers). But of course, in
+this case, $\left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\ldots\right) $ will be merely a
+sequence of real numbers (rather than a sequence of integers), and thus parts
+\textbf{(b)} and \textbf{(c)} of Theorem \ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} will no longer
+make sense (since divisibility is only defined for integers).
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.trinum}The sum of the first $n$ positive integers}
+We now come to one of the most classical examples of a proof by induction:
+Namely, we shall prove the fact that for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, the sum of the
+first $n$ positive integers (that is, the sum $1+2+\cdots+n$) equals
+$\dfrac{n\left( n+1\right) }{2}$. However, there is a catch here, which is
+easy to overlook if one isn't trying to be completely rigorous: We don't
+really know yet whether there is such a thing as \textquotedblleft the sum of
+the first $n$ positive integers\textquotedblright! To be more precise, we have
+introduced the $\sum$ sign in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}, which
+would allow us to define the sum of the first $n$ positive integers (as
+$\sum_{i=1}^{n}i$); but our definition of the $\sum$ sign relied on a fact
+which we have not proved yet (namely, the fact that the right hand side of
+(\ref{eq.sum.def.1}) does not depend on the choice of $t$). We shall prove
+this fact later (Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.wd} \textbf{(a)}), but for now
+we prefer not to use it. Instead, let us replace the notion of
+\textquotedblleft the sum of the first $n$ positive integers\textquotedblright%
+\ by a recursively defined sequence:
+\label{prop.rec-seq.triangular}Let $\left( t_{0},t_{1},t_{2},\ldots\right) $
+be a sequence of integers defined recursively by%
+t_{0} & =0,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{and}\\
+t_{n} & =t_{n-1}+n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }n\geq1.
+t_{n}=\dfrac{n\left( n+1\right) }{2}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }%
+n\in\mathbb{N}. \label{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}%
+The sequence $\left( t_{0},t_{1},t_{2},\ldots\right) $ defined in
+Proposition \ref{prop.rec-seq.triangular} is known as the \textit{sequence of
+triangular numbers}. Its definition shows that%
+t_{0} & =0;\\
+t_{1} & =\underbrace{t_{0}}_{=0}+1=0+1=1;\\
+t_{2} & =\underbrace{t_{1}}_{=1}+2=1+2;\\
+t_{3} & =\underbrace{t_{2}}_{=1+2}+3=\left( 1+2\right) +3;\\
+t_{4} & =\underbrace{t_{3}}_{=\left( 1+2\right) +3}+4=\left( \left(
+1+2\right) +3\right) +4;\\
+t_{5} & =\underbrace{t_{4}}_{=\left( \left( 1+2\right) +3\right)
++4}+5=\left( \left( \left( 1+2\right) +3\right) +4\right) +5
+\footnote{Note that we write \textquotedblleft$\left( \left( \left(
+1+2\right) +3\right) +4\right) +5$\textquotedblright\ and not
+\textquotedblleft$1+2+3+4+5$\textquotedblright. The reason for this is that we
+haven't proven yet that the expression \textquotedblleft$1+2+3+4+5$%
+\textquotedblright\ is well-defined. (This expression \textbf{is}
+well-defined, but this will only be clear once we have proven Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.wd} \textbf{(a)} below.)} and so on; this explains why it
+makes sense to think of $t_{n}$ as the sum of the first $n$ positive integers.
+(This is legitimate even when $n=0$, because the sum of the first $0$ positive
+integers is an empty sum, and an empty sum is always defined to be equal to
+$0$.) Once we have convinced ourselves that \textquotedblleft the sum of the
+first $n$ positive integers\textquotedblright\ is a well-defined concept, it
+will be easy to see (by induction) that $t_{n}$ \textbf{is} the sum of the
+first $n$ positive integers whenever $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Therefore, Proposition
+\ref{prop.rec-seq.triangular} will tell us that the sum of the first $n$
+positive integers equals $\dfrac{n\left( n+1\right) }{2}$ whenever
+For now, let us prove Proposition \ref{prop.rec-seq.triangular}:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.rec-seq.triangular}.]We shall prove
+(\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} Comparing $t_{0}=0$ with $\dfrac{0\left( 0+1\right)
+}{2}=0$, we obtain $t_{0}=\dfrac{0\left( 0+1\right) }{2}$. In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) holds for $n=0$. This completes the
+induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) holds for $n=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) holds for $n=m$.
+In other words, we have $t_{m}=\dfrac{m\left( m+1\right) }{2}$.
+Recall that $t_{n}=t_{n-1}+n$ for each $n\geq1$. Applying this to $n=m+1$, we
+t_{m+1} & =\underbrace{t_{\left( m+1\right) -1}}_{=t_{m}=\dfrac{m\left(
+m+1\right) }{2}}+\left( m+1\right) =\dfrac{m\left( m+1\right) }%
+{2}+\left( m+1\right) \\
+& =\dfrac{m\left( m+1\right) +2\left( m+1\right) }{2}=\dfrac{\left(
+m+2\right) \left( m+1\right) }{2}=\dfrac{\left( m+1\right) \left(
+m+2\right) }{2}\\
+& =\dfrac{\left( m+1\right) \left( \left( m+1\right) +1\right) }{2}%
+(since $m+2=\left( m+1\right) +1$). In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$. This completes the
+induction step. Hence, (\ref{eq.prop.rec-seq.triangular.claim}) is proven by
+induction. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.rec-seq.triangular}.
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.max}Induction on a derived quantity: maxima of
+\subsubsection{Defining maxima}
+We have so far been applying the Induction Principle in fairly obvious ways:
+With the exception of our proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.chain}, we have
+mostly been doing induction on a variable ($n$ or $k$ or $i$) that already
+appeared in the claim that we were proving. But sometimes, it is worth doing
+induction on a variable that does \textbf{not} explicitly appear in this claim
+(which, formally speaking, means that we introduce a new variable to do
+induction on). For example, the claim might be saying \textquotedblleft Each
+nonempty finite set $S$ of integers has a largest element\textquotedblright,
+and we prove it by induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert -1$. This means that
+instead of directly proving the claim itself, we rather prove the equivalent
+claim \textquotedblleft For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, each nonempty finite set
+$S$ of integers satisfying $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=n$ has a largest
+element\textquotedblright\ by induction on $n$. We shall show this proof in
+more detail below (see Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}). First, we prepare by
+discussing largest elements of sets in general.
+Let $S$ be a set of integers (or rational numbers, or real numbers). A
+\textit{maximum} of $S$ is defined to be an element $s\in S$ that satisfies%
+\left( s\geq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) .
+In other words, a maximum of $S$ is defined to be an element of $S$ which is
+greater or equal to each element of $S$.
+(The plural of the word \textquotedblleft maximum\textquotedblright\ is
+\textquotedblleft maxima\textquotedblright.)
+The set $\left\{ 2,4,5\right\} $ has exactly one maximum: namely, $5$.
+The set $\mathbb{N}=\left\{ 0,1,2,\ldots\right\} $ has no maximum: If $k$
+was a maximum of $\mathbb{N}$, then we would have $k\geq k+1$, which is absurd.
+The set $\left\{ 0,-1,-2,\ldots\right\} $ has a maximum: namely, $0$.
+The set $\varnothing$ has no maximum, since a maximum would have to be an
+element of $\varnothing$.
+In Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}, we shall soon show that every nonempty finite
+set of integers has a maximum. First, we prove that a maximum is unique if it exists:
+\label{prop.ind.max-uni}Let $S$ be a set of integers (or rational numbers, or
+real numbers). Then, $S$ has \textbf{at most one} maximum.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-uni}.]Let $s_{1}$ and $s_{2}$ be two
+maxima of $S$. We shall show that $s_{1}=s_{2}$.
+Indeed, $s_{1}$ is a maximum of $S$. In other words, $s_{1}$ is an element
+$s\in S$ that satisfies $\left( s\geq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) $ (by
+the definition of a maximum). In other words, $s_{1}$ is an element of $S$ and
+\left( s_{1}\geq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) .
+The same argument (applied to $s_{2}$ instead of $s_{1}$) shows that $s_{2}$
+is an element of $S$ and satisfies%
+\left( s_{2}\geq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) .
+Now, $s_{1}$ is an element of $S$. Hence, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.max-uni.2})
+(applied to $t=s_{1}$) yields $s_{2}\geq s_{1}$. But the same argument (with
+the roles of $s_{1}$ and $s_{2}$ interchanged) shows that $s_{1}\geq s_{2}$.
+Combining this with $s_{2}\geq s_{1}$, we obtain $s_{1}=s_{2}$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $s_{1}$ and $s_{2}$. We thus have shown that if
+$s_{1}$ and $s_{2}$ are two maxima of $S$, then $s_{1}=s_{2}$. In other words,
+any two maxima of $S$ are equal. In other words, $S$ has \textbf{at most one}
+maximum. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-uni}.
+Let $S$ be a set of integers (or rational numbers, or real numbers).
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-uni} shows that $S$ has \textbf{at most one}
+maximum. Thus, if $S$ has a maximum, then this maximum is the unique maximum
+of $S$; we shall thus call it \textit{the maximum} of $S$ or \textit{the
+largest element} of $S$. We shall denote this maximum by $\max S$.
+Thus, if $S$ is a set of integers (or rational numbers, or real numbers) that
+has a maximum, then this maximum $\max S$ satisfies
+\max S\in S \label{eq.ind.max.def-max.1}%
+\left( \max S\geq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right)
+(because of the definition of a maximum).
+Let us next show two simple facts:
+\label{lem.ind.max-1el}Let $x$ be an integer (or rational number, or real
+number). Then, the set $\left\{ x\right\} $ has a maximum, namely $x$.
+[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.max-1el}.]Clearly, $x\geq x$. Thus, $x\geq t$ for
+each $t\in\left\{ x\right\} $ (because the only $t\in\left\{ x\right\} $
+is $x$). In other words, $x$ is an element $s\in\left\{ x\right\} $ that
+satisfies \newline$\left( s\geq t\text{ for each }t\in\left\{ x\right\}
+\right) $ (since $x\in\left\{ x\right\} $).
+But recall that a maximum of $\left\{ x\right\} $ means an element
+$s\in\left\{ x\right\} $ that satisfies $\left( s\geq t\text{ for each
+}t\in\left\{ x\right\} \right) $ (by the definition of a maximum). Hence,
+$x$ is a maximum of $\left\{ x\right\} $ (since $x$ is such an element).
+Thus, the set $\left\{ x\right\} $ has a maximum, namely $x$. This proves
+Lemma \ref{lem.ind.max-1el}.
+\label{prop.ind.max-PuQ}Let $P$ and $Q$ be two sets of integers (or rational
+numbers, or real numbers). Assume that $P$ has a maximum, and assume that $Q$
+has a maximum. Then, the set $P\cup Q$ has a maximum.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ}.]We know that $P$ has a maximum;
+it is denoted by $\max P$. We also know that $Q$ has a maximum; it is denoted
+by $\max Q$. The sets $P$ and $Q$ play symmetric roles in Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ} (since $P\cup Q=Q\cup P$). Thus, we can WLOG assume
+that $\max P\geq\max Q$ (since otherwise, we can simply swap $P$ with $Q$,
+without altering the meaning of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ}). Assume this.
+Now, (\ref{eq.ind.max.def-max.1}) (applied to $S=P$) shows that $\max P\in
+P\subseteq P\cup Q$. Furthermore, we claim that%
+\left( \max P\geq t\text{ for each }t\in P\cup Q\right) .
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.max-PuQ.1}):} Let $t\in P\cup Q$. We must
+show that $\max P\geq t$.
+We have $t\in P\cup Q$. In other words, $t\in P$ or $t\in Q$. Hence, we are in
+one of the following two cases:
+\textit{Case 1:} We have $t\in P$.
+\textit{Case 2:} We have $t\in Q$.
+(These two cases might have overlap, but there is nothing wrong about this.)
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $t\in P$. Hence,
+(\ref{eq.ind.max.def-max.2}) (applied to $S=P$) yields $\max P\geq t$. Hence,
+$\max P\geq t$ is proven in Case 1.
+Let us next consider Case 2. In this case, we have $t\in Q$. Hence,
+(\ref{eq.ind.max.def-max.2}) (applied to $S=Q$) yields $\max Q\geq t$. Hence,
+$\max P\geq\max Q\geq t$. Thus, $\max P\geq t$ is proven in Case 2.
+We have now proven $\max P\geq t$ in each of the two Cases 1 and 2. Since
+these two Cases cover all possibilities, we thus conclude that $\max P\geq t$
+always holds. This proves (\ref{pf.prop.ind.max-PuQ.1}).]
+Now, $\max P$ is an element $s\in P\cup Q$ that satisfies $\left( s\geq
+t\text{ for each }t\in P\cup Q\right) $ (since $\max P\in P\cup Q$ and
+$\left( \max P\geq t\text{ for each }t\in P\cup Q\right) $).
+But recall that a maximum of $P\cup Q$ means an element $s\in P\cup Q$ that
+satisfies $\left( s\geq t\text{ for each }t\in P\cup Q\right) $ (by the
+definition of a maximum). Hence, $\max P$ is a maximum of $P\cup Q$ (since
+$\max P$ is such an element). Thus, the set $P\cup Q$ has a maximum. This
+proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ}.
+\subsubsection{Nonempty finite sets of integers have maxima}
+\label{thm.ind.max}Let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers. Then, $S$ has
+a maximum.
+[First proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}.]First of all, let us forget that we
+fixed $S$. So we want to prove that if $S$ is a nonempty finite set of
+integers, then $S$ has a maximum.
+For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the
+\text{if }S\text{ is a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying }\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=n\text{,}\\
+\text{then }S\text{ has a maximum}%
+\right) .
+We claim that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
+Indeed, let us prove this by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} If $S$ is a nonempty finite set of integers
+satisfying $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=0$, then $S$ has a
+maximum\footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers
+satisfying $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=0$. We must show that $S$ has a
+Indeed, $\left\vert S\right\vert =1$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=0$).
+In other words, $S$ is a $1$-element set. In other words, $S=\left\{
+x\right\} $ for some integer $x$. Consider this $x$. Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.max-1el} shows that the set $\left\{ x\right\} $ has a maximum.
+In other words, the set $S$ has a maximum (since $S=\left\{ x\right\} $).
+This completes our proof.}. But this is exactly the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 0\right) $. Hence, $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ holds. This
+completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds. We shall now show that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. In other words,%
+\text{if }S\text{ is a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying }\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=m\text{,}\\
+\text{then }S\text{ has a maximum}%
+\right) \label{pf.thm.ind.max.IH}%
+(because this is what the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ says).
+Now, let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying $\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=m+1$. There exists some $t\in S$ (since $S$ is nonempty).
+Consider this $t$. We have $\left( S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right)
+\cup\left\{ t\right\} =S\cup\left\{ t\right\} =S$ (since $t\in S$).
+From $t\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert
+=\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m+1>m\geq0$ (since $m\in\mathbb{N}$). Hence, the
+set $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is nonempty. Furthermore, this set
+$S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is finite (since $S$ is finite) and satisfies
+$\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert =m+1$). Hence,
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max.IH}) (applied to $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ instead
+of $S$) shows that $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum. Also, Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.max-1el} (applied to $x=t$) shows that the set $\left\{
+t\right\} $ has a maximum, namely $t$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ} (applied to $P=S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ and
+$Q=\left\{ t\right\} $) shows that the set $\left( S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} \right) \cup\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum. Since $\left(
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right) \cup\left\{ t\right\} =S$, this
+rewrites as follows: The set $S$ has a maximum.
+Now, forget that we fixed $S$. We thus have shown that if $S$ is a nonempty
+finite set of integers satisfying $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m+1$, then $S$
+has a maximum. But this is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $. Hence, we have shown that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $
+holds. This completes the induction step.
+Thus, we have proven (by induction) that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds
+for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$. In other words, for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$, the
+following holds:%
+\text{if }S\text{ is a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying }\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=n\text{,}\\
+\text{then }S\text{ has a maximum}%
+\right) \label{pf.thm.ind.max.AT}%
+(because this is what $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ says).
+Now, let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers. We shall prove that $S$ has
+a maximum.
+Indeed, $\left\vert S\right\vert \in\mathbb{N}$ (since $S$ is finite) and
+$\left\vert S\right\vert >0$ (since $S$ is nonempty); hence, $\left\vert
+S\right\vert \geq1$. Thus, $\left\vert S\right\vert -1\geq0$, so that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert -1\in\mathbb{N}$. Hence, we can define $n\in
+\mathbb{N}$ by $n=\left\vert S\right\vert -1$. Consider this $n$. Thus,
+$\left\vert S\right\vert -1=n$. Hence, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.max.AT}) shows that
+$S$ has a maximum. This proves Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}.
+\subsubsection{Conventions for writing induction proofs on derived quantities}
+Let us take a closer look at the proof we just gave. The definition of the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ was not exactly unmotivated: This
+statement simply says that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition
+that $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=n$. Thus, by introducing $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $, we have \textquotedblleft sliced\textquotedblright\ Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max} into a sequence of statements $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right)
+,\mathcal{A}\left( 1\right) ,\mathcal{A}\left( 2\right) ,\ldots$, which
+then allowed us to prove these statements by induction on $n$ even though no
+\textquotedblleft$n$\textquotedblright\ appeared in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}
+itself. This kind of strategy applies to various other problems. Again, we
+don't need to explicitly define the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+if it is simply saying that the claim we are trying to prove (in our case,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}) holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=n$; we can just say that we are doing \textquotedblleft
+induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert -1$\textquotedblright. More generally:
+\label{conv.ind.IP0der}Let $\mathcal{B}$ be a logical statement that involves
+some variables $v_{1},v_{2},v_{3},\ldots$. (For example, $\mathcal{B}$ can be
+the statement of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}; then, there is only one variable,
+namely $S$.)
+Let $q$ be some expression (involving the variables $v_{1},v_{2},v_{3},\ldots$
+or some of them) that has the property that whenever the variables
+$v_{1},v_{2},v_{3},\ldots$ satisfy the assumptions of $\mathcal{B}$, the
+expression $q$ evaluates to some nonnegative integer. (For example, if
+$\mathcal{B}$ is the statement of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}, then $q$ can be
+the expression $\left\vert S\right\vert -1$, because it is easily seen that if
+$S$ is a nonempty finite set of integers, then $\left\vert S\right\vert -1$ is
+a nonnegative integer.)
+Assume that you want to prove the statement $\mathcal{B}$. Then, you can
+proceed as follows: For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, define $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ to be the statement saying that\footnotemark%
+\left( \text{the statement }\mathcal{B}\text{ holds under the condition that
+}q=n\right) .
+Then, prove $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ by induction on $n$. Thus:
+\item The \textit{induction base} consists in proving that the statement
+$\mathcal{B}$ holds under the condition that $q=0$.
+\item The \textit{induction step} consists in fixing $m\in\mathbb{N}$, and
+showing that if the statement $\mathcal{B}$ holds under the condition that
+$q=m$, then the statement $\mathcal{B}$ holds under the condition that $q=m+1$.
+Once this induction proof is finished, it immediately follows that the
+statement $\mathcal{B}$ always holds.
+This strategy of proof is called \textquotedblleft induction on $q$%
+\textquotedblright\ (or \textquotedblleft induction over $q$\textquotedblright%
+). Once you have specified what $q$ is, you don't need to explicitly define
+$\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $, nor do you ever need to mention $n$.
+\footnotetext{We assume that no variable named \textquotedblleft%
+$n$\textquotedblright\ appears in the statement $\mathcal{B}$; otherwise, we
+need a different letter for our new variable in order to avoid confusion.}%
+Using this convention, we can rewrite our above proof of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max} as follows:
+[First proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} (second version).]It is easy to see
+that $\left\vert S\right\vert -1\in\mathbb{N}$%
+\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.} We have $\left\vert S\right\vert
+\in\mathbb{N}$ (since $S$ is finite) and $\left\vert S\right\vert >0$ (since
+$S$ is nonempty); hence, $\left\vert S\right\vert \geq1$. Thus, $\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1\in\mathbb{N}$, qed.}. Hence, we can apply induction on
+$\left\vert S\right\vert -1$ to prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}:
+\textit{Induction base:} Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition
+that $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=0$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let $S$
+be as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}, and assume that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+-1=0$. We must show that the claim of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds.
+Indeed, $\left\vert S\right\vert =1$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=0$).
+In other words, $S$ is a $1$-element set. In other words, $S=\left\{
+x\right\} $ for some integer $x$. Consider this $x$. Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.max-1el} shows that the set $\left\{ x\right\} $ has a maximum.
+In other words, the set $S$ has a maximum (since $S=\left\{ x\right\} $). In
+other words, the claim of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds. This completes our
+proof.}. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+-1=m$. We shall now show that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m+1$.
+We have assumed that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m$. In other words,%
+\text{if }S\text{ is a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying }\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=m\text{,}\\
+\text{then }S\text{ has a maximum}%
+\right) . \label{pf.thm.ind.max.ver2.1}%
+Now, let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying $\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1=m+1$. There exists some $t\in S$ (since $S$ is nonempty).
+Consider this $t$. We have $\left( S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right)
+\cup\left\{ t\right\} =S\cup\left\{ t\right\} =S$ (since $t\in S$).
+From $t\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert
+=\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m+1>m\geq0$ (since $m\in\mathbb{N}$). Hence, the
+set $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is nonempty. Furthermore, this set
+$S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is finite (since $S$ is finite) and satisfies
+$\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert =m+1$). Hence,
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max.ver2.1}) (applied to $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $
+instead of $S$) shows that $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum.
+Also, Lemma \ref{lem.ind.max-1el} (applied to $x=t$) shows that the set
+$\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum, namely $t$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ} (applied to $P=S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ and
+$Q=\left\{ t\right\} $) shows that the set $\left( S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} \right) \cup\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum. Since $\left(
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right) \cup\left\{ t\right\} =S$, this
+rewrites as follows: The set $S$ has a maximum.
+Now, forget that we fixed $S$. We thus have shown that if $S$ is a nonempty
+finite set of integers satisfying $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m+1$, then $S$
+has a maximum. In other words, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m+1$. This completes the induction
+step. Thus, the induction proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} is complete.
+We could have shortened this proof even further if we didn't explicitly state
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max.ver2.1}), but rather (instead of applying
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max.ver2.1})) said that \textquotedblleft we can apply
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} to $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ instead of
+Let us stress again that, in order to prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} by
+induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert -1$, we had to check that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert -1\in\mathbb{N}$ whenever $S$ satisfies the assumptions of
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}.\footnote{In our first version of the above proof,
+we checked this at the end; in the second version, we checked it at the
+beginning of the proof.} This check was necessary. For example, if we had
+instead tried to proceed by induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert -2$, then we
+would only have proven Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert -2\in\mathbb{N}$; but this condition isn't always
+satisfied (indeed, it misses the case when $S$ is a $1$-element set).
+\subsubsection{Vacuous truth and induction bases}
+Can we also prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} by induction on $\left\vert
+S\right\vert $ (instead of $\left\vert S\right\vert -1$)? This seems a bit
+strange, since $\left\vert S\right\vert $ can never be $0$ in Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max} (because $S$ is required to be nonempty), so that the
+induction base would be talking about a situation that never occurs. However,
+there is nothing wrong about it, and we already do talk about such situations
+oftentimes (for example, every time we make a proof by contradiction). The
+following concept from basic logic explains this:
+\label{conv.logic.vacuous} \textbf{(a)} A logical statement of the form
+\textquotedblleft if $\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{B}$\textquotedblright%
+\ (where $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ are two statements) is said to be
+\textit{vacuously true} if $\mathcal{A}$ does not hold. For example, the
+statement \textquotedblleft if $0=1$, then every set is
+empty\textquotedblright\ is vacuously true, because $0=1$ is false. The
+statement \textquotedblleft if $0=1$, then $1=1$\textquotedblright\ is also
+vacuously true, although its truth can also be seen as a consequence of the
+fact that $1=1$ is true.
+By the laws of logic, a vacuously true statement is always true! This may
+sound counterintuitive, but actually makes perfect sense: A statement
+\textquotedblleft if $\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{B}$\textquotedblright\ only
+says anything about situations where $\mathcal{A}$ holds. If $\mathcal{A}$
+never holds, then it therefore says nothing. And when you are saying nothing,
+you are certainly not lying.
+The principle that a vacuously true statement always holds is known as
+\textquotedblleft\textit{ex falso quodlibet}\textquotedblright\ (literal
+translation: \textquotedblleft from the false, anything\textquotedblright) or
+of explosion}}\textquotedblright. It can be restated as follows: From a false
+statement, any statement follows.
+\textbf{(b)} Now, let $X$ be a set, and let $\mathcal{A}\left( x\right) $
+and $\mathcal{B}\left( x\right) $ be two statements defined for each $x\in
+X$. A statement of the form \textquotedblleft for each $x\in X$ satisfying
+$\mathcal{A}\left( x\right) $, we have $\mathcal{B}\left( x\right)
+$\textquotedblright\ will automatically hold if there exists no $x\in X$
+satisfying $\mathcal{A}\left( x\right) $. (Indeed, this statement can be
+rewritten as \textquotedblleft for each $x\in X$, we have $\left( \text{if
+}\mathcal{A}\left( x\right) \text{, then }\mathcal{B}\left( x\right)
+\right) $\textquotedblright; but this holds because the statement
+\textquotedblleft if $\mathcal{A}\left( x\right) $, then $\mathcal{B}\left(
+x\right) $\textquotedblright\ is vacuously true for each $x\in X$.) Such a
+statement will also be called \textit{vacuously true}.
+For example, the statement \textquotedblleft if $n\in\mathbb{N}$ is both odd
+and even, then $n=n+1$\textquotedblright\ is vacuously true, since no
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$ can be both odd and even at the same time.
+\textbf{(c)} Now, let $X$ be the empty set (that is, $X=\varnothing$), and let
+$\mathcal{B}\left( x\right) $ be a statement defined for each $x\in X$.
+Then, a statement of the form \textquotedblleft for each $x\in X$, we have
+$\mathcal{B}\left( x\right) $\textquotedblright\ will automatically hold.
+(Indeed, this statement can be rewritten as \textquotedblleft for each $x\in
+X$, we have $\left( \text{if }x\in X\text{, then }\mathcal{B}\left(
+x\right) \right) $\textquotedblright; but this holds because the statement
+\textquotedblleft if $x\in X$, then $\mathcal{B}\left( x\right)
+$\textquotedblright\ is vacuously true for each $x\in X$, since its premise
+($x\in X$) is false.) Again, such a statement is said to be \textit{vacuously
+For example, the statement \textquotedblleft for each $x\in\varnothing$, we
+have $x\neq x$\textquotedblright\ is vacuously true (because there exists no
+Thus, if we try to prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} by induction on $\left\vert
+S\right\vert $, then the induction base becomes vacuously true. However, the
+induction step becomes more complicated, since we can no longer argue that
+$S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is nonempty, but instead have to account for
+the case when $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is empty as well. So we gain
+and we lose at the same time. Here is how this proof looks like:
+[Second proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}.]Clearly, $\left\vert S\right\vert
+\in\mathbb{N}$ (since $S$ is a finite set). Hence, we can apply induction on
+$\left\vert S\right\vert $ to prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}:
+\textit{Induction base:} Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition
+that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let $S$ be
+as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}, and assume that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$.
+We must show that the claim of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds.
+Indeed, $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, so that $S$ is the empty set. This
+contradicts the assumption that $S$ be nonempty. From this contradiction, we
+conclude that everything holds (by the \textquotedblleft ex falso
+quodlibet\textquotedblright\ principle). Thus, in particular, the claim of
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds. This completes our proof.}. This completes
+the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m$.
+We shall now show that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition
+that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$.
+We have assumed that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m$. In other words,%
+\text{if }S\text{ is a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying }\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m\text{,}\\
+\text{then }S\text{ has a maximum}%
+\right) . \label{pf.thm.ind.max.ver3.1}%
+Now, let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers satisfying $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m+1$. We want to prove that $S$ has a maximum.
+There exists some $t\in S$ (since $S$ is nonempty). Consider this $t$. We have
+$\left( S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right) \cup\left\{ t\right\}
+=S\cup\left\{ t\right\} =S$ (since $t\in S$). Lemma \ref{lem.ind.max-1el}
+(applied to $x=t$) shows that the set $\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum,
+namely $t$.
+We are in one of the following two cases:
+\textit{Case 1:} We have $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} =\varnothing$.
+\textit{Case 2:} We have $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \neq\varnothing$.
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} =\varnothing$. Hence, $S\subseteq\left\{ t\right\} $. Thus,
+either $S=\varnothing$ or $S=\left\{ t\right\} $ (since the only subsets of
+$\left\{ t\right\} $ are $\varnothing$ and $\left\{ t\right\} $). Since
+$S=\varnothing$ is impossible (because $S$ is nonempty), we thus have
+$S=\left\{ t\right\} $. But the set $\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum. In
+view of $S=\left\{ t\right\} $, this rewrites as follows: The set $S$ has a
+maximum. Thus, our goal (to prove that $S$ has a maximum) is achieved in Case 1.
+Let us now consider Case 2. In this case, we have $S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} \neq\varnothing$. Hence, the set $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $
+is nonempty. From $t\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} \right\vert =\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m+1$). Furthermore, the set $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is
+finite (since $S$ is finite). Hence, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.max.ver3.1}) (applied to
+$S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ instead of $S$) shows that $S\setminus
+\left\{ t\right\} $ has a maximum. Also, recall that the set $\left\{
+t\right\} $ has a maximum. Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-PuQ} (applied
+to $P=S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ and $Q=\left\{ t\right\} $) shows that
+the set $\left( S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right) \cup\left\{
+t\right\} $ has a maximum. Since $\left( S\setminus\left\{ t\right\}
+\right) \cup\left\{ t\right\} =S$, this rewrites as follows: The set $S$
+has a maximum. Hence, our goal (to prove that $S$ has a maximum) is achieved
+in Case 2.
+We have now proven that $S$ has a maximum in each of the two Cases 1 and 2.
+Therefore, $S$ always has a maximum (since Cases 1 and 2 cover all possibilities).
+Now, forget that we fixed $S$. We thus have shown that if $S$ is a nonempty
+finite set of integers satisfying $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$, then $S$ has
+a maximum. In other words, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds under the condition
+that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$. This completes the induction step. Thus,
+the induction proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} is complete.
+\subsubsection{Further results on maxima and minima}
+We can replace \textquotedblleft integers\textquotedblright\ by
+\textquotedblleft rational numbers\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft
+real numbers\textquotedblright\ in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}; all the proofs
+given above still apply then. Thus, we obtain the following:
+\label{thm.ind.max2}Let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers (or rational
+numbers, or real numbers). Then, $S$ has a maximum.
+Hence, if $S$ is a nonempty finite set of integers (or rational numbers, or
+real numbers), then $\max S$ is well-defined (because Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max2} shows that $S$ has a maximum, and Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.max-uni} shows that this maximum is unique).
+Moreover, just as we have defined maxima (i.e., largest elements) of sets, we
+can define minima (i.e., smallest elements) of sets, and prove similar results
+about them:
+Let $S$ be a set of integers (or rational numbers, or real numbers). A
+\textit{minimum} of $S$ is defined to be an element $s\in S$ that satisfies%
+\left( s\leq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) .
+In other words, a minimum of $S$ is defined to be an element of $S$ which is
+less or equal to each element of $S$.
+(The plural of the word \textquotedblleft minimum\textquotedblright\ is
+\textquotedblleft minima\textquotedblright.)
+The set $\left\{ 2,4,5\right\} $ has exactly one minimum: namely, $2$.
+The set $\mathbb{N}=\left\{ 0,1,2,\ldots\right\} $ has exactly one minimum:
+namely, $0$.
+The set $\left\{ 0,-1,-2,\ldots\right\} $ has no minimum: If $k$ was a
+minimum of this set, then we would have $k\leq k-1$, which is absurd.
+The set $\varnothing$ has no minimum, since a minimum would have to be an
+element of $\varnothing$.
+The analogue of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.max-uni} for minima instead of
+maxima looks exactly as one would expect it:
+\label{prop.ind.min-uni}Let $S$ be a set of integers (or rational numbers, or
+real numbers). Then, $S$ has \textbf{at most one} minimum.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.min-uni}.]To obtain a proof of Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.min-uni}, it suffices to replace every \textquotedblleft$\geq
+$\textquotedblright\ sign by a \textquotedblleft$\leq$\textquotedblright\ sign
+(and every word \textquotedblleft maximum\textquotedblright\ by
+\textquotedblleft minimum\textquotedblright) in the proof of Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.max-uni} given above.
+Let $S$ be a set of integers (or rational numbers, or real numbers).
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.min-uni} shows that $S$ has \textbf{at most one}
+minimum. Thus, if $S$ has a minimum, then this minimum is the unique minimum
+of $S$; we shall thus call it \textit{the minimum} of $S$ or \textit{the
+smallest element} of $S$. We shall denote this minimum by $\min S$.
+The analogue of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max2} is the following:
+\label{thm.ind.min2}Let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers (or rational
+numbers, or real numbers). Then, $S$ has a minimum.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.min2}.]To obtain a proof of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.min2}, it suffices to replace every \textquotedblleft$\geq
+$\textquotedblright\ sign by a \textquotedblleft$\leq$\textquotedblright\ sign
+(and every word \textquotedblleft maximum\textquotedblright\ by
+\textquotedblleft minimum\textquotedblright) in the proof of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max2} given above (and also in the proofs of all the auxiliary
+results that were used in said proof).\footnote{To be technically precise: not
+every \textquotedblleft$\geq$\textquotedblright\ sign, of course. The
+\textquotedblleft$\geq$\textquotedblright\ sign in \textquotedblleft$m\geq
+0$\textquotedblright\ should stay unchanged.}
+Alternatively, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.min2} can be obtained from Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.max2} by applying the latter theorem to the set $\left\{
+-s\ \mid\ s\in S\right\} $. In fact, it is easy to see that a number $x$ is
+the minimum of $S$ if and only if $-x$ is the maximum of the set $\left\{
+-s\ \mid\ s\in S\right\} $. We leave the details of this simple argument to
+the reader.
+We also should mention that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max} holds \textbf{without}
+requiring that $S$ be finite, if we instead require that $S$ consist of
+nonnegative integers:
+\label{thm.ind.max3}Let $S$ be a nonempty set of nonnegative integers. Then,
+$S$ has a minimum.
+But $S$ does not necessarily have a maximum in this situation; the
+nonnegativity requirement has \textquotedblleft broken the
+symmetry\textquotedblright\ between maxima and minima.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max3}.]The set $S$ is nonempty. Thus, there
+exists some $p\in S$. Consider this $p$.
+We have $p\in S\subseteq\mathbb{N}$ (since $S$ is a set of nonnegative
+integers). Thus, $p\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} $. Combining this with
+$p\in S$, we obtain $p\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$. Hence, the
+set $\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ contains the element $p$, and thus
+is nonempty. Moreover, this set $\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ is a
+subset of the finite set $\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} $, and thus is finite.
+Now we know that $\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ is a nonempty finite
+set of integers. Hence, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.min2} (applied to $\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ instead of $S$) shows that the set $\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ has a minimum. Denote this minimum by $m$.
+Hence, $m$ is a minimum of the set $\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$. In
+other words, $m$ is an element $s\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$
+that satisfies%
+\left( s\leq t\text{ for each }t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap
+(by the definition of a minimum). In other words, $m$ is an element of
+$\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ and satisfies%
+\left( m\leq t\text{ for each }t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap
+S\right) . \label{pf.thm.ind.max3.m1}%
+Hence, $m\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S\subseteq\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,p\right\} $, so that $m\leq p$.
+Furthermore, $m\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S\subseteq S$. Moreover,
+we have%
+\left( m\leq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) . \label{pf.thm.ind.max3.m2}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m2}):} Let $t\in S$. We must prove
+that $m\leq t$.
+If $t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$, then this follows from
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m1}). Hence, for the rest of this proof, we can WLOG
+assume that we don't have $t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$. Assume
+this. Thus, $t\notin\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$. Combining $t\in S$
+with $t\notin\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$, we obtain
+t\in S\setminus\left( \left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S\right)
+=S\setminus\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} .
+Hence, $t\notin\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} $, so that $t>p$ (since
+$t\in\mathbb{N}$). Therefore, $t\geq p\geq m$ (since $m\leq p$), so that
+$m\leq t$. This completes the proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m2}).]
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m2}):} Let $t\in S$. We must prove
+that $m\leq t$.
+If $t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$, then this follows from
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m1}). Hence, for the rest of this proof, we can WLOG
+assume that we don't have $t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$. Assume
+this. Thus, $t\notin\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$ (since we don't
+have $t\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$). Combining $t\in S$ with
+$t\notin\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S$, we obtain
+t & \in S\setminus\left( \left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \cap S\right)
+=\underbrace{S}_{\subseteq\mathbb{N}}\setminus\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} \\
+& \subseteq\mathbb{N}\setminus\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,p\right\} =\left\{
+p+1,p+2,p+3,\ldots\right\} .
+Hence, $t\geq p+1\geq p\geq m$ (since $m\leq p$), so that $m\leq t$. This
+completes the proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m2}).]
+Now, we know that $m$ is an element of $S$ (since $m\in S$) and satisfies
+\newline$\left( m\leq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) $ (by
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.max3.m2})). In other words, $m$ is an $s\in S$ that satisfies
+\newline$\left( s\leq t\text{ for each }t\in S\right) $. In other words, $m$
+is a minimum of $S$ (by the definition of a minimum). Thus, $S$ has a minimum
+(namely, $m$). This proves Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max3}.
+\subsection{Increasing lists of finite sets}
+We shall next study (again using induction) another basic feature of finite sets.
+We recall that \textquotedblleft list\textquotedblright\ is just a synonym for
+\textquotedblleft tuple\textquotedblright; i.e., a list is a $k$-tuple for
+some $k\in\mathbb{N}$. Note that tuples and lists are always understood to be finite.
+\label{def.ind.inclist0}Let $S$ be a set of integers. An \textit{increasing
+list} of $S$ shall mean a list $\left( s_{1},s_{2},\ldots,s_{k}\right) $ of
+elements of $S$ such that $S=\left\{ s_{1},s_{2},\ldots,s_{k}\right\} $ and
+$s_{1}0$ (since $S$ is
+nonempty). Thus, $k\geq1$ (since $k$ is an integer). Therefore, $s_{k}$ is
+well-defined. Clearly, $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,k\right\} $ (since $k\geq1$),
+so that $s_{k}\in\left\{ s_{1},s_{2},\ldots,s_{k}\right\} =S$.
+We have $s_{1}g\geq0$). Thus,
+$S$ has a maximum (by Theorem \ref{thm.ind.max}). Hence, $\max S$ is
+well-defined. Set $m=\max S$. Thus, $m=\max S\in S$ (by
+(\ref{eq.ind.max.def-max.1})). Therefore, $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{
+m\right\} \right\vert =\left\vert S\right\vert -1=g$ (since $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =g+1$). Hence, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.inclist.unex.IH}) (applied to
+$S\setminus\left\{ m\right\} $ instead of $S$) shows that $S\setminus
+\left\{ m\right\} $ has exactly one increasing list. Let $\left(
+t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{j}\right) $ be this list. We extend this list to a
+$\left( j+1\right) $-tuple $\left( t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{j+1}\right) $ by
+setting $t_{j+1}=m$.
+We have defined $\left( t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{j}\right) $ as an increasing
+list of the set $S\setminus\left\{ m\right\} $. In other words, $\left(
+t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{j}\right) $ is a list of elements of $S\setminus
+\left\{ m\right\} $ such that $S\setminus\left\{ m\right\} =\left\{
+t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{j}\right\} $ and $t_{1}1$, so that $j>0$ and thus $j\geq1$ (since $j$ is an
+integer). Hence, $t_{j}$ is well-defined. We have $j\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,j\right\} $ (since $j\geq1$) and thus $t_{j}\in\left\{ t_{1},t_{2}%
+,\ldots,t_{j}\right\} =S\setminus\left\{ m\right\} \subseteq S$. Hence,
+(\ref{eq.ind.max.def-max.2}) (applied to $t=t_{j}$) yields $\max S\geq t_{j}$.
+Hence, $t_{j}\leq\max S=m$. Moreover, $t_{j}\notin\left\{ m\right\} $ (since
+$t_{j}\in S\setminus\left\{ m\right\} $); in other words, $t_{j}\neq m$.
+Combining this with $t_{j}\leq m$, we obtain $t_{j}$\textquotedblright\ signs, then we obtain the notion of a
+\textit{decreasing list} of $S$. There are straightforward analogues of
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.inclist.unex}, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.inclist.size},
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.inclist.empty} and Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.inclist.nonempty1} for decreasing lists (where, of course, the
+analogue of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.inclist.nonempty1} uses $\min S$ instead
+of $\max S$). Thus, we can state an analogue of Definition
+\ref{def.ind.inclist} as well. In this analogue, the word \textquotedblleft
+increasing\textquotedblright\ is replaced by \textquotedblleft
+decreasing\textquotedblright\ everywhere, the word \textquotedblleft
+smallest\textquotedblright\ is replaced by \textquotedblleft
+largest\textquotedblright, and the word \textquotedblleft
+lowest\textquotedblright\ is replaced by \textquotedblleft
+\textbf{(c)} That said, the decreasing list and the increasing list are
+closely related: If $S$ is a finite set of integers (or rational numbers, or
+real numbers), and if $\left( s_{1},s_{2},\ldots,s_{k}\right) $ is the
+increasing list of $S$, then $\left( s_{k},s_{k-1},\ldots,s_{1}\right) $ is
+the decreasing list of $S$. (The proof is very simple.)
+\textbf{(d)} Let $S$ be a nonempty finite set of integers (or rational
+numbers, or real numbers), and let $\left( s_{1},s_{2},\ldots,s_{k}\right) $
+be the increasing list of $S$. Proposition \ref{prop.ind.inclist.nonempty1}
+\textbf{(a)} (applied to $m=\max S$) shows that $k\geq1$ and $s_{k}=\max S$. A
+similar argument can be used to show that $s_{1}=\min S$. Thus, the increasing
+list of $S$ begins with the smallest element of $S$ and ends with the largest
+element of $S$ (as one would expect).
+\subsection{Induction with shifted base}
+\subsubsection{Induction starting at $g$}
+All the induction proofs we have done so far were applications of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} (even though we have often written them up in ways that hide
+the exact statements $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ to which Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} is being applied). We are soon going to see several other
+\textquotedblleft induction principles\textquotedblright\ which can also be
+used to make proofs. Unlike Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}, these other principles
+need not be taken on trust; instead, they can themselves be proven using
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}. Thus, they merely offer convenience, not new
+logical opportunities.
+Our first such \textquotedblleft alternative induction
+principle\textquotedblright\ is Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} below. First, we
+introduce a simple notation:
+Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. Then, $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ denotes the set $\left\{
+g,g+1,g+2,\ldots\right\} $; this is the set of all integers that are $\geq g$.
+For example, $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}=\left\{ 0,1,2,\ldots\right\} =\mathbb{N}$
+is the set of all nonnegative integers, whereas $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}=\left\{
+1,2,3,\ldots\right\} $ is the set of all positive integers.
+Now, we state our first \textquotedblleft alternative induction
+\label{thm.ind.IPg}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$,
+let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption 1:} The statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds.
+\textit{Assumption 2:} If $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is such that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $
+also holds.
+Then, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$.
+Again, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} is intuitively clear: For example, if you
+have $g=4$, and you want to prove (under the assumptions of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg}) that $\mathcal{A}\left( 8\right) $ holds, you can argue
+as follows:
+\item By Assumption 1, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 4\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=4$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 5\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=5$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 6\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=6$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 7\right) $ holds.
+\item Thus, by Assumption 2 (applied to $m=7$), the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 8\right) $ holds.
+A similar (but longer) argument shows that the statement $\mathcal{A}\left(
+9\right) $ holds; likewise, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ can be shown to
+hold for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ by means of an argument that takes
+$n-g+1$ steps.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} generalizes Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}. Indeed,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} is the particular case of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}
+for $g=0$ (since $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}=\mathbb{N}$). However, Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg} can also be derived from Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}. In order
+to do this, we essentially need to \textquotedblleft shift\textquotedblright%
+\ the index $n$ in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} down by $g$ -- that is, we need
+to rename our sequence $\left( \mathcal{A}\left( g\right) ,\mathcal{A}%
+\left( g+1\right) ,\mathcal{A}\left( g+2\right) ,\ldots\right) $ of
+statements as $\left( \mathcal{B}\left( 0\right) ,\mathcal{B}\left(
+1\right) ,\mathcal{B}\left( 2\right) ,\ldots\right) $, and apply Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} to $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ instead of $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( n\right) $. In order to make this renaming procedure rigorous, let us
+first restate Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} as follows:
+\label{cor.ind.IP0.renamed}For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let $\mathcal{B}\left(
+n\right) $ be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption A:} The statement $\mathcal{B}\left( 0\right) $ holds.
+\textit{Assumption B:} If $p\in\mathbb{N}$ is such that $\mathcal{B}\left(
+p\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ also holds.
+Then, $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
+[Proof of Corollary \ref{cor.ind.IP0.renamed}.]Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.IP0.renamed} is exactly Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}, except that
+some names have been changed:
+\item The statements $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ have been renamed as
+$\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $.
+\item Assumption 1 and Assumption 2 have been renamed as Assumption A and
+Assumption B.
+\item The variable $m$ in Assumption B has been renamed as $p$.
+Thus, Corollary \ref{cor.ind.IP0.renamed} holds (since Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IP0} holds).
+Let us now derive Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} from Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}:
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}.]For any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we have
+$n+g\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$. Thus, $n\geq0$, so that $\underbrace{n}_{\geq0}+g\geq0+g=g$.
+Hence, $n+g$ is an integer $\geq g$. In other words, $n+g\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq
+g}$ (since $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is the set of all integers that are $\geq
+g$). Qed.}. Hence, for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we can define a logical
+statement $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ by%
+\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( n+g\right) .
+Consider this $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $.
+Now, let us consider the Assumptions A and B from Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.IP0.renamed}. We claim that both of these assumptions are satisfied.
+Indeed, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds (by Assumption 1).
+But the definition of the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( 0\right) $ shows that
+$\mathcal{B}\left( 0\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( 0+g\right) =\mathcal{A}%
+\left( g\right) $. Hence, the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( 0\right) $
+holds (since the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds). In other
+words, Assumption A is satisfied.
+Now, we shall show that Assumption B is satisfied. Indeed, let $p\in
+\mathbb{N}$ be such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds. The definition
+of the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ shows that $\mathcal{B}%
+\left( p\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( p+g\right) $. Hence, the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( p+g\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds).
+Also, $p\in\mathbb{N}$, so that $p\geq0$ and thus $p+g\geq g$. In other words,
+$p+g\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ (since $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is the set of all
+integers that are $\geq g$).
+Recall that Assumption 2 holds. In other words, if $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$
+is such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $ also holds. Applying this to $m=p+g$, we conclude that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( \left( p+g\right) +1\right) $ holds (since
+$\mathcal{A}\left( p+g\right) $ holds).
+But the definition of $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ yields $\mathcal{B}%
+\left( p+1\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( \underbrace{p+1+g}_{=\left(
+p+g\right) +1}\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( \left( p+g\right) +1\right) $.
+Hence, the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ holds (since the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( \left( p+g\right) +1\right) $ holds).
+Now, forget that we fixed $p$. We thus have shown that if $p\in\mathbb{N}$ is
+such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{B}\left(
+p+1\right) $ also holds. In other words, Assumption B is satisfied.
+We now know that both Assumption A and Assumption B are satisfied. Hence,
+Corollary \ref{cor.ind.IP0.renamed} shows that
+\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for each }n\in\mathbb{N}.
+Now, let $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$. Thus, $n$ is an integer such that $n\geq
+g$ (by the definition of $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$). Hence, $n-g\geq0$, so that
+$n-g\in\mathbb{N}$. Thus, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.IPg.at}) (applied to $n-g$ instead
+of $n$) yields that $\mathcal{B}\left( n-g\right) $ holds. But the
+definition of $\mathcal{B}\left( n-g\right) $ yields $\mathcal{B}\left(
+n-g\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( \underbrace{\left( n-g\right) +g}%
+_{=n}\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $. Hence, the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{B}\left( n-g\right) $ holds).
+Now, forget that we fixed $n$. We thus have shown that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$. This proves Theorem
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} is called the \textit{principle of induction
+starting at }$g$, and proofs that use it are usually called \textit{proofs by
+induction} or \textit{induction proofs}. As with the standard induction
+principle (Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}), we don't usually explicitly cite
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}, but instead say certain words that signal that it
+is being applied and that (ideally) also indicate what integer $g$ and what
+statements $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ it is being applied to\footnote{We
+will explain this in Convention \ref{conv.ind.IPglang} below.}. However, for
+our very first example of the use of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}, we are going
+to reference it explicitly:
+\label{prop.mod.binom01}Let $a$ and $b$ be integers. Then, every positive
+integer $n$ satisfies%
+\left( a+b\right) ^{n}\equiv a^{n}+na^{n-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}.
+Note that we have chosen not to allow $n=0$ in Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.binom01}, because it is not clear what \textquotedblleft%
+$a^{n-1}$\textquotedblright\ would mean when $n=0$ and $a=0$. (Recall that
+$0^{0-1}=0^{-1}$ is not defined!) In truth, it is easy to convince oneself
+that this is not a serious hindrance, since the expression \textquotedblleft%
+$na^{n-1}$\textquotedblright\ has a meaningful interpretation even when its
+sub-expression \textquotedblleft$a^{n-1}$\textquotedblright\ does not (one
+just has to interpret it as $0$ when $n=0$, without regard to whether
+\textquotedblleft$a^{n-1}$\textquotedblright\ is well-defined). Nevertheless,
+we prefer to rule out the case of $n=0$ by requiring $n$ to be positive, in
+order to avoid having to discuss such questions of interpretation. (Of course,
+this also gives us an excuse to apply Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} instead of the
+old Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0}.)
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.binom01}.]For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq
+1}$, we let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the statement%
+\left( \left( a+b\right) ^{n}\equiv a^{n}+na^{n-1}b\operatorname{mod}%
+b^{2}\right) .
+Our next goal is to prove the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for
+each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$.
+We first notice that the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 1\right) $
+holds\footnote{\textit{Proof.} We have $\left( a+b\right) ^{1}=a+b$.
+Comparing this with $\underbrace{a^{1}}_{=a}+1\underbrace{a^{1-1}}_{=a^{0}%
+=1}b=a+b$, we obtain $\left( a+b\right) ^{1}=a^{1}+1a^{1-1}b$. Hence,
+$\left( a+b\right) ^{1}\equiv a^{1}+1a^{1-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}$. But
+this is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 1\right) $ (since
+$\mathcal{A}\left( 1\right) $ is defined to be the statement $\left(
+\left( a+b\right) ^{1}\equiv a^{1}+1a^{1-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}\right)
+$). Hence, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 1\right) $ holds.}.
+Now, we claim that
+\text{if }m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}\text{ is such that }\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) \text{ holds, then }\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) \text{ also
+holds.} \label{pf.prop.mod.binom01.step}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.mod.binom01.step}):} Let $m\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq1}$ be such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. We must show
+that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. In other words,
+$\left( a+b\right) ^{m}\equiv a^{m}+ma^{m-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}$
+holds\footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ is defined to be the
+statement $\left( \left( a+b\right) ^{m}\equiv a^{m}+ma^{m-1}%
+b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}\right) $}. Now,%
+\left( a+b\right) ^{m+1} & =\underbrace{\left( a+b\right) ^{m}}_{\equiv
+a^{m}+ma^{m-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}}\left( a+b\right) \\
+& \equiv\left( a^{m}+ma^{m-1}b\right) \left( a+b\right) \\
+& =\underbrace{a^{m}a}_{=a^{m+1}}+a^{m}b+m\underbrace{a^{m-1}ba}%
+_{\substack{=a^{m-1}ab=a^{m}b\\\text{(since }a^{m-1}a=a^{m}\text{)}%
+b^{2}\\\text{(since }b^{2}\mid ma^{m-1}b^{2}\text{)}}}\\
+& \equiv a^{m+1}+\underbrace{a^{m}b+ma^{m}b}_{=\left( m+1\right) a^{m}%
+& =a^{m+1}+\left( m+1\right) \underbrace{a^{m}}_{\substack{=a^{\left(
+m+1\right) -1}\\\text{(since }m=\left( m+1\right) -1\text{)}}%
+}b=a^{m+1}+\left( m+1\right) a^{\left( m+1\right) -1}b\operatorname{mod}%
+So we have shown that $\left( a+b\right) ^{m+1}\equiv a^{m+1}+\left(
+m+1\right) a^{\left( m+1\right) -1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}$. But this is
+precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $%
+\ \ \ \ \footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ is defined to be
+the statement $\left( \left( a+b\right) ^{m+1}\equiv a^{m+1}+\left(
+m+1\right) a^{\left( m+1\right) -1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}\right) $}.
+Thus, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if $m\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq1}$ is such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds. This proves
+Now, both assumptions of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} (applied to $g=1$) are
+satisfied (indeed, Assumption 1 is satisfied because the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( 1\right) $ holds, whereas Assumption 2 is satisfied
+because of (\ref{pf.prop.mod.binom01.step})). Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}
+(applied to $g=1$) shows that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$. In other words, $\left( a+b\right) ^{n}\equiv
+a^{n}+na^{n-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}$ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq
+1}$ (since $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ is the statement $\left( \left(
+a+b\right) ^{n}\equiv a^{n}+na^{n-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}\right) $). In
+other words, $\left( a+b\right) ^{n}\equiv a^{n}+na^{n-1}b\operatorname{mod}%
+b^{2}$ holds for each positive integer $n$ (because the positive integers are
+exactly the $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$). This proves Proposition
+\subsubsection{Conventions for writing proofs by induction starting at $g$}
+Now, let us introduce some standard language that is commonly used in proofs
+by induction starting at $g$:
+\label{conv.ind.IPglang}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq
+g}$, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be a logical statement. Assume that
+you want to prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} offers the following strategy for proving this:
+First show that Assumption 1 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} is satisfied; then,
+show that Assumption 2 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} is satisfied; then,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} automatically completes your proof.
+A proof that follows this strategy is called a \textit{proof by induction on
+}$n$ (or \textit{proof by induction over }$n$) \textit{starting at }$g$ or
+(less precisely) an \textit{inductive proof}. Most of the time, the words
+\textquotedblleft starting at $g$\textquotedblright\ are omitted, since they
+merely repeat what is clear from the context anyway: For example, if you make
+a claim about all integers $n\geq3$, and you say that you are proving it by
+induction on $n$, then it is clear that you are using induction on $n$
+starting at $3$. (And if this isn't clear from the claim, then the induction
+base will make it clear.)
+The proof that Assumption 1 is satisfied is called the \textit{induction base}
+(or \textit{base case}) of the proof. The proof that Assumption 2 is satisfied
+is called the \textit{induction step} of the proof.
+In order to prove that Assumption 2 is satisfied, you will usually want to fix
+an $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds,
+and then prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds. In other words,
+you will usually want to fix $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$, assume that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, and then prove that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $ holds. When doing so, it is common to refer to the assumption
+that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds as the \textit{induction
+hypothesis} (or \textit{induction assumption}).
+Unsurprisingly, this language parallels the language introduced in Convention
+\ref{conv.ind.IP0lang} for proofs by \textquotedblleft
+standard\textquotedblright\ induction.
+Again, we can shorten our inductive proofs by omitting some sentences that
+convey no information. In particular, we can leave out the explicit definition
+of the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ when this statement is
+precisely the claim that we are proving (without the \textquotedblleft for
+each $n\in\mathbb{N}$\textquotedblright\ part). Thus, we can rewrite our above
+proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.binom01} as follows:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.mod.binom01} (second version).]We must prove
+(\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) for every positive integer $n$. In other
+words, we must prove (\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) for every
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$ (since the positive integers are precisely the
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$). We shall prove this by induction on $n$ starting at
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $\left( a+b\right) ^{1}=a+b$. Comparing
+this with $\underbrace{a^{1}}_{=a}+1\underbrace{a^{1-1}}_{=a^{0}=1}b=a+b$, we
+obtain $\left( a+b\right) ^{1}=a^{1}+1a^{1-1}b$. Hence, $\left( a+b\right)
+^{1}\equiv a^{1}+1a^{1-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}$. In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) holds for $n=1$. This completes the
+induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$. Assume that
+(\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) holds for $n=m$. We must show that
+(\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) also holds for $n=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) holds for $n=m$. In
+other words, $\left( a+b\right) ^{m}\equiv a^{m}+ma^{m-1}b\operatorname{mod}%
+b^{2}$ holds. Now,%
+\left( a+b\right) ^{m+1} & =\underbrace{\left( a+b\right) ^{m}}_{\equiv
+a^{m}+ma^{m-1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}}\left( a+b\right) \\
+& \equiv\left( a^{m}+ma^{m-1}b\right) \left( a+b\right) \\
+& =\underbrace{a^{m}a}_{=a^{m+1}}+a^{m}b+m\underbrace{a^{m-1}ba}%
+_{\substack{=a^{m-1}ab=a^{m}b\\\text{(since }a^{m-1}a=a^{m}\text{)}%
+b^{2}\\\text{(since }b^{2}\mid ma^{m-1}b^{2}\text{)}}}\\
+& \equiv a^{m+1}+\underbrace{a^{m}b+ma^{m}b}_{=\left( m+1\right) a^{m}%
+& =a^{m+1}+\left( m+1\right) \underbrace{a^{m}}_{\substack{=a^{\left(
+m+1\right) -1}\\\text{(since }m=\left( m+1\right) -1\text{)}}%
+}b=a^{m+1}+\left( m+1\right) a^{\left( m+1\right) -1}b\operatorname{mod}%
+So we have shown that $\left( a+b\right) ^{m+1}\equiv a^{m+1}+\left(
+m+1\right) a^{\left( m+1\right) -1}b\operatorname{mod}b^{2}$. In other
+words, (\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if $m\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq1}$ is such that (\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) holds for $n=m$, then
+(\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) also holds for $n=m+1$. This completes the
+induction step. Hence, (\ref{eq.prop.mod.binom01.claim}) is proven by
+induction. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.mod.binom01}.
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.binom01} can also be seen as a consequence of the
+binomial formula (Proposition \ref{prop.binom.binomial} further below).
+\subsubsection{More properties of congruences}
+Let us use this occasion to show two corollaries of Proposition
+\label{cor.mod.lte1}Let $a$, $b$ and $n$ be three integers such that $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$. Let $d\in\mathbb{N}$ be such that $d\mid n$. Then,
+$a^{d}\equiv b^{d}\operatorname{mod}nd$.
+[Proof of Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte1}.]We have $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}%
+n$. In other words, $a$ is congruent to $b$ modulo $n$. In other words, $n\mid
+a-b$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright). In
+other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that $a-b=nw$. Consider this
+$w$. From $a-b=nw$, we obtain $a=b+nw$. Also, $d\mid n$, thus $dn\mid nn$ (by
+Proposition \ref{prop.div.acbc}, applied to $d$, $n$ and $n$ instead of $a$,
+$b$ and $c$). On the other hand, $nn\mid\left( nw\right) ^{2}$ (since
+$\left( nw\right) ^{2}=nwnw=nnww$). Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.div.trans}
+(applied to $dn$, $nn$ and $\left( nw\right) ^{2}$ instead of $a$, $b$ and
+$c$) yields $dn\mid\left( nw\right) ^{2}$ (since $dn\mid nn$ and
+$nn\mid\left( nw\right) ^{2}$). In other words, $nd\mid\left( nw\right)
+^{2}$ (since $dn=nd$).
+Next, we claim that%
+nd\mid a^{d}-b^{d}. \label{pf.cor.mod.lte1.1}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte1.1}):} If $d=0$, then
+(\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte1.1}) holds (because if $d=0$, then $a^{d}-b^{d}%
+=\underbrace{a^{0}}_{=1}-\underbrace{b^{0}}_{=1}=1-1=0=0nd$, and thus $nd\mid
+a^{d}-b^{d}$). Hence, for the rest of this proof of (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte1.1}),
+we WLOG assume that we don't have $d=0$. Thus, $d\neq0$. Hence, $d$ is a
+positive integer (since $d\in\mathbb{N}$). Thus, Proposition
+\ref{prop.mod.binom01} (applied to $d$, $b$ and $nw$ instead of $n$, $a$ and
+$b$) yields
+\left( b+nw\right) ^{d}\equiv b^{d}+db^{d-1}nw\operatorname{mod}\left(
+nw\right) ^{2}.
+In view of $a=b+nw$, this rewrites as%
+a^{d}\equiv b^{d}+db^{d-1}nw\operatorname{mod}\left( nw\right) ^{2}.
+Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(c)} (applied to $a^{d}$,
+$b^{d}+db^{d-1}nw$, $\left( nw\right) ^{2}$ and $nd$ instead of $a$, $b$,
+$n$ and $m$) yields
+a^{d}\equiv b^{d}+db^{d-1}nw\operatorname{mod}nd
+(since $nd\mid\left( nw\right) ^{2}$). Hence,%
+a^{d}\equiv b^{d}+\underbrace{db^{d-1}nw}_{\substack{=ndb^{d-1}w\equiv
+0\operatorname{mod}nd\\\text{(since }nd\mid ndb^{d-1}w\text{)}}}\equiv
+In other words, $nd\mid a^{d}-b^{d}$. This proves (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte1.1}).]
+From (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte1.1}), we immediately obtain $a^{d}\equiv
+b^{d}\operatorname{mod}nd$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+congruent\textquotedblright). This proves Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte1}.
+For the next corollary, we need a convention:
+Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three integers. Then, the expression \textquotedblleft%
+$a^{b^{c}}$\textquotedblright\ shall always be interpreted as
+\textquotedblleft$a^{\left( b^{c}\right) }$\textquotedblright, never as
+\textquotedblleft$\left( a^{b}\right) ^{c}$\textquotedblright.
+Thus, for example, \textquotedblleft$3^{3^{3}}$\textquotedblright\ means
+$3^{\left( 3^{3}\right) }=3^{27}=\allowbreak7625\,\allowbreak597\,484\,987$,
+not $\left( 3^{3}\right) ^{3}=27^{3}=\allowbreak19\,683$. The reason for
+this convention is that $\left( a^{b}\right) ^{c}$ can be simplified to
+$a^{bc}$ and thus there is little use in having yet another notation for it.
+Of course, this convention applies not only to integers, but to any other
+numbers $a,b,c$.
+We can now state the following fact, which is sometimes known as
+\textquotedblleft lifting-the-exponent lemma\textquotedblright:
+\label{cor.mod.lte2}Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $a$ and $b$ be two integers such
+that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$. Let $k\in\mathbb{N}$. Then,
+a^{n^{k}}\equiv b^{n^{k}}\operatorname{mod}n^{k+1}.
+We shall give two \textbf{different} proofs of Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte2} by
+induction on $k$, to illustrate once again the point (previously made in
+Remark \ref{rmk.ind.abstract}) that we have a choice of what precise statement
+we are proving by induction. In the first proof, the statement will be the
+congruence (\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) for three \textbf{fixed} integers
+$a$, $b$ and $n$, whereas in the second proof, it will be the statement%
+\left( a^{n^{k}}\equiv b^{n^{k}}\operatorname{mod}n^{k+1}\text{ for
+\textbf{all} integers }a\text{ and }b\text{ and \textbf{all} }n\in
+\mathbb{N}\text{ satisfying }a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n\right) .
+[First proof of Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte2}.]Forget that we fixed $k$. We
+thus must prove (\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) for each $k\in\mathbb{N}$.
+We shall prove this by induction on $k$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $n^{0}=1$ and thus $a^{n^{0}}=a^{1}=a$.
+Similarly, $b^{n^{0}}=b$. Thus, $a^{n^{0}}=a\equiv b=b^{n^{0}}%
+\operatorname{mod}n$. In other words, $a^{n^{0}}\equiv b^{n^{0}}%
+\operatorname{mod}n^{0+1}$ (since $n^{0+1}=n^{1}=n$). In other words,
+(\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) holds for $k=0$. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) holds for $k=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) holds for $k=m+1$.
+We have $n^{m+1}=nn^{m}$. Hence, $n\mid n^{m+1}$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) holds for $k=m$. In other
+words, we have%
+a^{n^{m}}\equiv b^{n^{m}}\operatorname{mod}n^{m+1}.
+Hence, Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte1} (applied to $a^{n^{m}}$, $b^{n^{m}}$,
+$n^{m+1}$ and $n$ instead of $a$, $b$, $n$ and $d$) yields%
+\left( a^{n^{m}}\right) ^{n}\equiv\left( b^{n^{m}}\right) ^{n}%
+Now, $n^{m+1}=n^{m}n$, so that
+a^{n^{m+1}}=a^{n^{m}n}=\left( a^{n^{m}}\right) ^{n}\equiv\left( b^{n^{m}%
+}\right) ^{n}=b^{n^{m}n}=b^{n^{m+1}}\operatorname{mod}n^{m+1}n
+(since $n^{m}n=n^{m+1}$). In view of $n^{m+1}n=n^{\left( m+1\right) +1}$,
+this rewrites as%
+a^{n^{m+1}}\equiv b^{n^{m+1}}\operatorname{mod}n^{\left( m+1\right) +1}.
+In other words, (\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) holds for $k=m+1$. This
+completes the induction step. Thus, (\ref{eq.cor.mod.lte2.claim}) is proven by
+induction. Hence, Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte2} holds.
+[Second proof of Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte2}.]Forget that we fixed $a$, $b$,
+$n$ and $k$. We thus must prove
+\left( a^{n^{k}}\equiv b^{n^{k}}\operatorname{mod}n^{k+1}\text{ for all
+integers }a\text{ and }b\text{ and all }n\in\mathbb{N}\text{ satisfying
+}a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n\right) \label{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}%
+for all $k\in\mathbb{N}$.
+We shall prove this by induction on $k$:
+\textit{Induction base:} Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $a$ and $b$ be two integers
+such that $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$. We have $n^{0}=1$ and thus
+$a^{n^{0}}=a^{1}=a$. Similarly, $b^{n^{0}}=b$. Thus, $a^{n^{0}}=a\equiv
+b=b^{n^{0}}\operatorname{mod}n$. In other words, $a^{n^{0}}\equiv b^{n^{0}%
+}\operatorname{mod}n^{0+1}$ (since $n^{0+1}=n^{1}=n$).
+Now, forget that we fixed $n$, $a$ and $b$. We thus have proven that
+$a^{n^{0}}\equiv b^{n^{0}}\operatorname{mod}n^{0+1}$ for all integers $a$ and
+$b$ and all $n\in\mathbb{N}$ satisfying $a\equiv b\operatorname{mod}n$. In
+other words, (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) holds for $k=0$. This completes
+the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) holds for $k=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) holds for $k=m+1$.
+Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $a$ and $b$ be two integers such that $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$. Now,
+\left( n^{2}\right) ^{m+1} & =n^{2\left( m+1\right) }=n^{\left(
+m+2\right) +m}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }2\left( m+1\right)
+=\left( m+2\right) +m\right) \\
+& =n^{m+2}n^{m},
+so that $n^{m+2}\mid\left( n^{2}\right) ^{m+1}$.
+We have $n\mid n$. Hence, Corollary \ref{cor.mod.lte1} (applied to $d=n$)
+yields $a^{n}\equiv b^{n}\operatorname{mod}nn$. In other words, $a^{n}\equiv
+b^{n}\operatorname{mod}n^{2}$ (since $nn=n^{2}$).
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) holds for $k=m$. Hence,
+we can apply (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) to $a^{n}$, $b^{n}$, $n^{2}$ and
+$m$ instead of $a$, $b$, $n$ and $k$ (since $a^{n}\equiv b^{n}%
+\operatorname{mod}n^{2}$). We thus conclude that%
+\left( a^{n}\right) ^{n^{m}}\equiv\left( b^{n}\right) ^{n^{m}%
+}\operatorname{mod}\left( n^{2}\right) ^{m+1}.
+Now, $n^{m+1}=nn^{m}$, so that
+a^{n^{m+1}}=a^{nn^{m}}=\left( a^{n}\right) ^{n^{m}}\equiv\left(
+b^{n}\right) ^{n^{m}}=b^{nn^{m}}=b^{n^{m+1}}\operatorname{mod}\left(
+n^{2}\right) ^{m+1}%
+(since $nn^{m}=n^{m+1}$). Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.mod.0} \textbf{(c)}
+(applied to $a^{n^{m+1}}$, $b^{n^{m+1}}$, $\left( n^{2}\right) ^{m+1}$ and
+$n^{m+2}$ instead of $a$, $b$, $n$ and $m$) yields $a^{n^{m+1}}\equiv
+b^{n^{m+1}}\operatorname{mod}n^{m+2}$ (since $n^{m+2}\mid\left( n^{2}\right)
+^{m+1}$). In view of $m+2=\left( m+1\right) +1$, this rewrites as%
+a^{n^{m+1}}\equiv b^{n^{m+1}}\operatorname{mod}n^{\left( m+1\right) +1}.
+Now, forget that we fixed $n$, $a$ and $b$. We thus have proven that
+\newline$a^{n^{m+1}}\equiv b^{n^{m+1}}\operatorname{mod}n^{\left( m+1\right)
++1}$ for all integers $a$ and $b$ and all $n\in\mathbb{N}$ satisfying $a\equiv
+b\operatorname{mod}n$. In other words, (\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) holds
+for $k=m+1$. This completes the induction step. Thus,
+(\ref{pf.cor.mod.lte2.pf2.goal}) is proven by induction. Hence, Corollary
+\ref{cor.mod.lte2} is proven again.
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.SIP}Strong induction}
+\subsubsection{The strong induction principle}
+We shall now show another \textquotedblleft alternative induction
+principle\textquotedblright, which is known as the \textit{strong induction
+principle} because it feels stronger than Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IP0} (in the
+sense that it appears to get the same conclusion from weaker assumptions).
+Just as Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}, this principle is not a new axiom, but
+rather a consequence of the standard induction principle; we shall soon deduce
+it from Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}.
+\label{thm.ind.SIP}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$,
+let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption 1:} If $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is such that%
+\left( \mathcal{A}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for every }n\in
+\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}\text{ satisfying }n1$, so that $m\geq2$ (since $m$ is an integer).
+From $m\geq2$, we conclude that $m-1\geq2-1=1\geq0$ and $m-2\geq2-2=0$. Thus,
+both $m-1$ and $m-2$ belong to $\mathbb{N}$; therefore, $f_{m-1}$ and
+$f_{m-2}$ are well-defined.
+We have $m-1\in\mathbb{N}=\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$ and $m-11$, so that $m\geq2$ (since $m$ is
+an integer).
+From $m\geq2$, we conclude that $m-1\geq2-1=1\geq0$ and $m-2\geq2-2=0$. Thus,
+both $m-1$ and $m-2$ belong to $\mathbb{N}$; therefore, $f_{m-1}$ and
+$f_{m-2}$ are well-defined.
+We have $m-1\in\mathbb{N}=\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$ and $m-11$, so that $m\geq2$ (since $m$ is
+an integer).
+From $m\geq2$, we conclude that $m-1\geq2-1=1\geq0$ and $m-2\geq2-2=0$. Thus,
+both $m-1$ and $m-2$ belong to $\mathbb{N}$; therefore, $f_{m-1}$ and
+$f_{m-2}$ are well-defined.
+We have $m-1\in\mathbb{N}=\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$ and $m-13$.
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $m=0$. Thus, $t_{m}%
+=t_{0}=1\in\mathbb{N}$. Hence, $t_{m}\in\mathbb{N}$ is proven in Case 1.
+Similarly, we can prove $t_{m}\in\mathbb{N}$ in Case 2 (using $t_{1}=1$) and
+in Case 3 (using $t_{2}=1$) and in Case 4 (using $t_{3}=2$). It thus remains
+to prove $t_{m}\in\mathbb{N}$ in Case 5.
+So let us consider Case 5. In this case, we have $m>3$. Thus, $m\geq4$ (since
+$m$ is an integer), so that $m-2\geq4-2=2$. Thus, $m-2$ is an integer that is
+$\geq2$. In other words, $m-2\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq2}$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.LP1} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $n=m-2$) yields $t_{\left(
+m-2\right) +2}=4t_{m-2}-t_{\left( m-2\right) -2}$. In view of $\left(
+m-2\right) +2=m$ and $\left( m-2\right) -2=m-4$, this rewrites as
+But $m\geq4$, so that $m-4\in\mathbb{N}$, and $m-43$.
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $m=0$. Thus, $b_{m}%
+=b_{0}=1\in\mathbb{N}$. Hence, $b_{m}\in\mathbb{N}$ is proven in Case 1.
+Similarly, we can prove $b_{m}\in\mathbb{N}$ in Case 2 (using $b_{1}=1$) and
+in Case 3 (using $b_{2}=2$) and in Case 4 (using $b_{3}=2^{r}+1$). It thus
+remains to prove $b_{m}\in\mathbb{N}$ in Case 5.
+So let us consider Case 5. In this case, we have $m>3$. Thus, $m\geq4$ (since
+$m$ is an integer), so that $m-2\geq4-2=2$. Hence, Observation 1 (applied to
+$n=m-2$) yields $b_{\left( m-2\right) +2}=b_{\left( m-2\right)
+-2}b_{\left( m-2\right) +1}^{r}-b_{m-2}^{r-1}H\left( b_{m-2}^{r}\right) $.
+In view of $\left( m-2\right) +2=m$ and $\left( m-2\right) -2=m-4$ and
+$\left( m-2\right) +1=m-1$, this rewrites as
+b_{m}=b_{m-4}b_{m-1}^{r}-b_{m-2}^{r-1}H\left( b_{m-2}^{r}\right) .
+But $m-2\in\mathbb{N}$ (since $m\geq4\geq2$) and $m-20$
+(since $v\in\mathbb{N}$). Thus, $u+v>u+0=u$, so that $u0$
+(since $v\in\mathbb{N}$). Thus, $u+v>u+0=u$, so that $uh$, then the set $\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ is understood to be the empty set.
+Thus, for example, $\left\{ 2,3,\ldots,1\right\} =\varnothing$ and $\left\{
+2,3,\ldots,0\right\} =\varnothing$ and $\left\{ 5,6,\ldots,-100\right\}
+=\varnothing$. (But $\left\{ 5,6,\ldots,5\right\} =\left\{ 5\right\} $ and
+$\left\{ 5,6,\ldots,6\right\} =\left\{ 5,6\right\} $.)
+We now state our induction principle for intervals:
+\label{thm.ind.IPgh}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $h\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each
+$n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption 1:} If $g\leq h$, then the statement $\mathcal{A}\left(
+g\right) $ holds.
+\textit{Assumption 2:} If $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $ is such
+that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) $ also holds.
+Then, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} is, in a sense, the closest one can get to Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg} when having only finitely many statements $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( g\right) ,\mathcal{A}\left( g+1\right) ,\ldots,\mathcal{A}\left(
+h\right) $ instead of an infinite sequence of statements $\mathcal{A}\left(
+g\right) ,\mathcal{A}\left( g+1\right) ,\mathcal{A}\left( g+2\right)
+,\ldots$. It is easy to derive Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} from Corollary
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh}.]For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$, we
+define $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ to be the logical statement%
+\left( \text{if }n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{, then
+}\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) \text{ holds}\right) .
+Now, let us consider the Assumptions A and B from Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed}. We claim that both of these assumptions are satisfied.
+Assumption 1 says that if $g\leq h$, then the statement $\mathcal{A}\left(
+g\right) $ holds. Thus, $\mathcal{B}\left( g\right) $
+holds\footnote{\textit{Proof.} Assume that $g\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots
+,h\right\} $. Thus, $g\leq h$. But Assumption 1 says that if $g\leq h$, then
+the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds. Hence, the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds (since $g\leq h$).
+Now, forget that we assumed that $g\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. We
+thus have proven that if $g\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, then
+$\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds. In other words, $\mathcal{B}\left(
+g\right) $ holds (because the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( g\right) $ is
+defined as $\left( \text{if }g\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{,
+then }\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) \text{ holds}\right) $). Qed.}. In other
+words, Assumption A is satisfied.
+Next, we shall prove that Assumption B is satisfied. Indeed, let
+$p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ be such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds.
+We shall now show that $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ also holds.
+Indeed, assume that $p+1\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. Thus, $p+1\leq
+h$, so that $p\leq p+1\leq h$. Combining this with $p\geq g$ (since
+$p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$), we conclude that $p\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots
+,h\right\} $ (since $p$ is an integer). But we have assumed that
+$\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds. In other words,%
+\text{if }p\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{, then }\mathcal{A}%
+\left( p\right) \text{ holds}%
+(because the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ is defined as $\left(
+\text{if }p\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{, then }\mathcal{A}%
+\left( p\right) \text{ holds}\right) $). Thus, $\mathcal{A}\left(
+p\right) $ holds (since we have $p\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $).
+Also, from $p+1\leq h$, we obtain $p\leq h-1$. Combining this with $p\geq g$,
+we find $p\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $. Thus, we know that
+$p\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $ is such that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+p\right) $ holds. Hence, Assumption 2 (applied to $m=p$) shows that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( p+1\right) $ also holds.
+Now, forget that we assumed that $p+1\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. We
+thus have proven that if $p+1\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, then
+$\mathcal{A}\left( p+1\right) $ holds. In other words, $\mathcal{B}\left(
+p+1\right) $ holds (since the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ is
+defined as \newline$\left( \text{if }p+1\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\}
+\text{, then }\mathcal{A}\left( p+1\right) \text{ holds}\right) $).
+Now, forget that we fixed $p$. We thus have proven that if $p\in
+\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds, then
+$\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ also holds. In other words, Assumption B is satisfied.
+We now know that both Assumption A and Assumption B are satisfied. Hence,
+Corollary \ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed} shows that
+\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for each }n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}.
+Now, let $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. Thus, $n\geq g$, so that
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$. Hence, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.IPgh.at}) shows that
+$\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ holds. In other words,
+\text{if }n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{, then }\mathcal{A}%
+\left( n\right) \text{ holds}%
+(since the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ was defined as $\left(
+\text{if }n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{, then }\mathcal{A}%
+\left( n\right) \text{ holds}\right) $). Thus, $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ holds (since we have $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $).
+Now, forget that we fixed $n$. We thus have shown that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. This
+proves Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh}.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} is called the \textit{principle of induction
+starting at }$g$\textit{ and ending at }$h$, and proofs that use it are
+usually called \textit{proofs by induction} or \textit{induction proofs}. As
+with all the other induction principles seen so far, we don't usually
+explicitly cite Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh}, but instead say certain words that
+signal that it is being applied and that (ideally) also indicate what integers
+$g$ and $h$ and what statements $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ it is being
+applied to\footnote{We will explain this in Convention \ref{conv.ind.IPghlang}
+below.}. However, we shall reference it explicitly in our very first example
+of the use of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh}:
+\label{prop.ind.dc}Let $g$ and $h$ be integers such that $g\leq h$. Let
+$b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ be any $h-g+1$ nonzero integers. Assume that
+$b_{g}\geq0$. Assume further that%
+\left\vert b_{i+1}-b_{i}\right\vert \leq1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every
+}i\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} . \label{eq.prop.ind.dc.ass}%
+Then, $b_{n}>0$ for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc} is often called the \textquotedblleft%
+\textit{discrete intermediate value theorem}\textquotedblright\ or the
+\textquotedblleft\textit{discrete continuity principle}\textquotedblright. Its
+intuitive meaning is that if a finite list of nonzero integers starts with a
+nonnegative integer, and every further entry of this list differs from its
+preceding entry by at most $1$, then all entries of this list must be
+positive. An example of such a list is $\left(
+2,3,3,2,3,4,4,3,2,3,2,3,2,1\right) $. Notice that Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.dc} is, again, rather obvious from an intuitive perspective: It
+just says that it isn't possible to go from a nonnegative integer to a
+negative integer by steps of $1$ without ever stepping at $0$. The rigorous
+proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc} is not much harder -- but because it is
+a statement about elements of $\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, it
+naturally relies on Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh}:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc}.]For each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots
+,h\right\} $, we let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the statement
+$\left( b_{n}>0\right) $.
+Our next goal is to prove the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for
+each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+All the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{g}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{g}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{g}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{g}>0$. In other
+words, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds (since this
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ is defined to be $\left(
+b_{g}>0\right) $). Hence,
+\text{if }g\leq h\text{, then the statement }\mathcal{A}\left( g\right)
+\text{ holds.} \label{pf.prop.ind.dc.base}%
+Now, we claim that
+\text{if }m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} \text{ is such that
+}\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) \text{ holds, then }\mathcal{A}\left(
+m+1\right) \text{ also holds.} \label{pf.prop.ind.dc.step}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.step}):} Let $m\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $ be such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $
+holds. We must show that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds. In other words,
+$b_{m}>0$ holds (since $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ is defined to be the
+statement $\left( b_{m}>0\right) $). Now, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.dc.ass})
+(applied to $i=m$) yields $\left\vert b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right\vert \leq1$. But it
+is well-known (and easy to see) that every integer $x$ satisfies
+$-x\leq\left\vert x\right\vert $. Applying this to $x=b_{m+1}-b_{m}$, we
+obtain $-\left( b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right) \leq\left\vert b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right\vert
+\leq1$. In other words, $1\geq-\left( b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right) =b_{m}-b_{m+1}$.
+In other words, $1+b_{m+1}\geq b_{m}$. Hence, $1+b_{m+1}\geq b_{m}>0$, so that
+$1+b_{m+1}\geq1$ (since $1+b_{m+1}$ is an integer). In other words,
+But all the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{m+1}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{m+1}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{m+1}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{m+1}>0$. But
+this is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ (because
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ is defined to be the statement $\left(
+b_{m+1}>0\right) $). Thus, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m$. We thus have shown that if $m\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $ is such that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $
+holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ also holds. This proves
+Now, both assumptions of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} are satisfied (indeed,
+Assumption 1 holds because of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.base}), whereas Assumption
+2 holds because of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.step})). Thus, Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPgh} shows that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each
+$n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. In other words, $b_{n}>0$ holds for
+each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ (since $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ is the statement $\left( b_{n}>0\right) $). This proves
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc}.
+\subsubsection{Conventions for writing induction proofs in intervals}
+Next, we shall introduce some standard language that is commonly used in
+proofs by induction starting at $g$ and ending at $h$. This language closely
+imitates the one we use for proofs by standard induction:
+\label{conv.ind.IPghlang}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $h\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each
+$n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+be a logical statement. Assume that you want to prove that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} offers the following strategy for proving this:
+First show that Assumption 1 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} is satisfied; then,
+show that Assumption 2 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} is satisfied; then,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPgh} automatically completes your proof.
+A proof that follows this strategy is called a \textit{proof by induction on
+}$n$ (or \textit{proof by induction over }$n$) \textit{starting at }$g$
+\textit{and ending at }$h$ or (less precisely) an \textit{inductive proof}.
+Most of the time, the words \textquotedblleft starting at $g$ and ending at
+$h$\textquotedblright\ are omitted, since they merely repeat what is clear
+from the context anyway: For example, if you make a claim about all integers
+$n\in\left\{ 3,4,5,6\right\} $, and you say that you are proving it by
+induction on $n$, it is clear that you are using induction on $n$ starting at
+$3$ and ending at $6$.
+The proof that Assumption 1 is satisfied is called the \textit{induction base}
+(or \textit{base case}) of the proof. The proof that Assumption 2 is satisfied
+is called the \textit{induction step} of the proof.
+In order to prove that Assumption 2 is satisfied, you will usually want to fix
+an $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $ such that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+m\right) $ holds, and then prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $
+holds. In other words, you will usually want to fix $m\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $, assume that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $
+holds, and then prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $ holds. When doing
+so, it is common to refer to the assumption that $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right)
+$ holds as the \textit{induction hypothesis} (or \textit{induction assumption}).
+Unsurprisingly, this language parallels the language introduced in Convention
+\ref{conv.ind.IP0lang} and in Convention \ref{conv.ind.IPglang}.
+Again, we can shorten our inductive proofs by omitting some sentences that
+convey no information. In particular, we can leave out the explicit definition
+of the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ when this statement is
+precisely the claim that we are proving (without the \textquotedblleft for
+each $n\in\mathbb{N}$\textquotedblright\ part). Furthermore, it is common to
+leave the \textquotedblleft If $g\leq h$\textquotedblright\ part of Assumption
+1 unsaid (i.e., to pretend that Assumption 1 simply says that $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( g\right) $ holds). Strictly speaking, this is somewhat imprecise,
+since $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ is not defined when $g>h$; but of
+course, the whole claim that is being proven is moot anyway when $g>h$
+(because there exist no $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ in this case),
+so this imprecision doesn't matter.
+Thus, we can rewrite our above proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc} as follows:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc} (second version).]We claim that%
+b_{n}>0 \label{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}%
+for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Indeed, we shall prove (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} All the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$
+are nonzero (by assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{g}$ is nonzero. In other
+words, $b_{g}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{g}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{g}>0$. In
+other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) holds for $n=g$. This completes
+the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h-1\right\} $. Assume
+that (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) holds for $n=m$. We must show that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) also holds for $n=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) holds for $n=m$. In
+other words, $b_{m}>0$. Now, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.dc.ass}) (applied to $i=m$)
+yields $\left\vert b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right\vert \leq1$. But it is well-known (and
+easy to see) that every integer $x$ satisfies $-x\leq\left\vert x\right\vert
+$. Applying this to $x=b_{m+1}-b_{m}$, we obtain $-\left( b_{m+1}%
+-b_{m}\right) \leq\left\vert b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right\vert \leq1$. In other words,
+$1\geq-\left( b_{m+1}-b_{m}\right) =b_{m}-b_{m+1}$. In other words,
+$1+b_{m+1}\geq b_{m}$. Hence, $1+b_{m+1}\geq b_{m}>0$, so that $1+b_{m+1}%
+\geq1$ (since $1+b_{m+1}$ is an integer). In other words, $b_{m+1}\geq0$.
+But all the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{m+1}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{m+1}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{m+1}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{m+1}>0$. In
+other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$. This
+completes the induction step. Thus, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dc.2nd.claim}) is proven
+by induction. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc}.
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.strong-interval}Strong induction in an interval}
+\subsubsection{The strong induction principle for intervals}
+We shall next state yet another induction principle -- one that combines the
+idea of strong induction (as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIP}) with the idea of
+working inside an interval $\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ (as in Theorem
+\label{thm.ind.SIPgh}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $h\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each
+$n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption 1:} If $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ is such that%
+\left( \mathcal{A}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for every }n\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{ satisfying }n0$ for each $n\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dcs} is a more general (although less intuitive)
+version of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dc}; indeed, it is easy to see that the
+condition (\ref{eq.prop.ind.dc.ass}) is stronger than the condition
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.dcs.ass}) (when required for all $p\in\left\{
+g+1,g+2,\ldots,h\right\} $).
+For this example, set $g=3$ and $h=7$. Then, if we set $\left( b_{3}%
+,b_{4},b_{5},b_{6},b_{7}\right) =\left( 4,5,3,4,2\right) $, then the
+condition (\ref{eq.prop.ind.dcs.ass}) holds for all $p\in\left\{
+g+1,g+2,\ldots,h\right\} $. (For example, it holds for $p=5$, since
+$b_{5}=3\geq4-1=b_{1}-1$ and $1\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,5-1\right\} $.) On
+the other hand, if we set $\left( b_{3},b_{4},b_{5},b_{6},b_{7}\right)
+=\left( 4,5,2,4,3\right) $, then this condition does not hold (indeed, it
+fails for $p=5$, since $b_{5}=2$ is neither $\geq4-1$ nor $\geq5-1$).
+Let us now prove Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dcs} using Theorem
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dcs}.]For each $n\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, we let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the
+statement $\left( b_{n}>0\right) $.
+Our next goal is to prove the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for
+each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+All the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{g}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{g}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{g}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{g}>0$. In other
+words, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds (since this
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ is defined to be $\left(
+b_{g}>0\right) $).
+Now, we make the following claim:
+\textit{Claim 1:} If $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ is such that%
+\left( \mathcal{A}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for every }n\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{ satisfying }n0$ holds (since $\mathcal{A}\left(
+j\right) $ is defined to be the statement $\left( b_{j}>0\right) $). Thus,
+$b_{j}\geq1$ (since $b_{j}$ is an integer), so that $b_{j}-1\geq0$. But recall
+that $b_{m}\geq b_{j}-1\geq0$.
+But all the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{m}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{m}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{m}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{m}>0$. But this
+is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ (because
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ is defined to be the statement $\left(
+b_{m}>0\right) $). Thus, the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds.
+This completes the proof of Claim 1.]
+Claim 1 says that Assumption 1 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIPgh} is satisfied.
+Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIPgh} shows that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+holds for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. In other words,
+$b_{n}>0$ holds for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ (since
+$\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ is the statement $\left( b_{n}>0\right) $).
+This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dcs}.
+\subsubsection{Conventions for writing strong induction proofs in intervals}
+Next, we shall introduce some standard language that is commonly used in
+proofs by strong induction starting at $g$ and ending at $h$. This language
+closely imitates the one we use for proofs by \textquotedblleft
+usual\textquotedblright\ strong induction:
+\label{conv.ind.SIPghlang}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $h\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each
+$n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+be a logical statement. Assume that you want to prove that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIPgh} offers the following strategy for proving this:
+Show that Assumption 1 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIPgh} is satisfied; then,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIPgh} automatically completes your proof.
+A proof that follows this strategy is called a \textit{proof by strong
+induction on }$n$ \textit{starting at }$g$ \textit{and ending at }$h$. Most of
+the time, the words \textquotedblleft starting at $g$ and ending at
+$h$\textquotedblright\ are omitted. The proof that Assumption 1 is satisfied
+is called the \textit{induction step} of the proof. This kind of proof has no
+\textquotedblleft induction base\textquotedblright.
+In order to prove that Assumption 1 is satisfied, you will usually want to fix
+an $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ such that
+\left( \mathcal{A}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for every }n\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{ satisfying }n0 \label{pf.prop.ind.dcs.2nd.claim}%
+for each $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Indeed, we shall prove (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dcs.2nd.claim}) by strong induction
+on $n$:
+Let $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.dcs.2nd.claim}) holds for every $n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots
+,h\right\} $ satisfying $n0$.
+All the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{g}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{g}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{g}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{g}>0$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dcs.2nd.claim}) holds for every
+$n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $ satisfying $n0\text{ for every }n\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} \text{
+satisfying }n0$. If $m=g$, then this follows from
+$b_{g}>0$. Thus, for the rest of this induction step, we WLOG assume that we
+don't have $m=g$. Hence, $m\neq g$. Combining this with $m\in\left\{
+g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\} $, we obtain $m\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,h\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ g\right\} \subseteq\left\{ g+1,g+2,\ldots,h\right\} $.
+Hence, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.dcs.ass}) (applied to $p=m$) shows that there exists
+some $j\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,m-1\right\} $ such that $b_{m}\geq b_{j}-1$.
+Consider this $j$. From $m\in\left\{ g+1,g+2,\ldots,h\right\} $, we obtain
+$m\leq h$.
+From $j\in\left\{ g,g+1,\ldots,m-1\right\} $, we obtain $j\leq m-10$.
+Thus, $b_{j}\geq1$ (since $b_{j}$ is an integer), so that $b_{j}-1\geq0$. But
+recall that $b_{m}\geq b_{j}-1\geq0$.
+But all the $h-g+1$ integers $b_{g},b_{g+1},\ldots,b_{h}$ are nonzero (by
+assumption). Thus, in particular, $b_{m}$ is nonzero. In other words,
+$b_{m}\neq0$. Combining this with $b_{m}\geq0$, we obtain $b_{m}>0$.
+Thus, we have proven that $b_{m}>0$. In other words,
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.dcs.2nd.claim}) holds for $n=m$. This completes the
+induction step. Thus, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.dcs.2nd.claim}) is proven by strong
+induction. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.dcs}.
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.gen-ass}General associativity for composition of
+\subsubsection{Associativity of map composition}
+Recall that if $f:X\rightarrow Y$ and $g:Y\rightarrow Z$ are two maps, then
+the \textit{composition} $g\circ f$ of the maps $g$ and $f$ is defined to be
+the map%
+X\rightarrow Z,\ x\mapsto g\left( f\left( x\right) \right) .
+Now, if we have four sets $X$, $Y$, $Z$ and $W$ and three maps $c:X\rightarrow
+Y$, $b:Y\rightarrow Z$ and $a:Z\rightarrow W$, then we can build two possible
+compositions that use all three of these maps: namely, the two compositions
+$\left( a\circ b\right) \circ c$ and $a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) $. It
+turns out that these two compositions are the same map:\footnote{Of course,
+when some of the four sets $X$, $Y$, $Z$ and $W$ are equal, then more
+compositions can be built: For example, if $Y=Z=W$, then we can also build the
+composition $\left( b\circ a\right) \circ c$ or the composition $\left(
+\left( b\circ b\right) \circ a\right) \circ c$. But these compositions are
+not the same map as the two that we previously constructed.}
+\label{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}Let $X$, $Y$, $Z$ and $W$ be four sets. Let
+$c:X\rightarrow Y$, $b:Y\rightarrow Z$ and $a:Z\rightarrow W$ be three maps.
+\left( a\circ b\right) \circ c=a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) .
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} is called the
+\textit{associativity of map composition}, and is proven straightforwardly:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}.]Let $x\in X$. Then, the
+definition of $b\circ c$ yields $\left( b\circ c\right) \left( x\right)
+=b\left( c\left( x\right) \right) $. But%
+\left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ c\right) \left( x\right) &
+=\left( a\circ b\right) \left( c\left( x\right) \right)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of }\left( a\circ
+b\right) \circ c\right) \\
+& =a\left( b\left( c\left( x\right) \right) \right)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of }a\circ b\right) .
+Comparing this with%
+\left( a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) \right) \left( x\right) =a\left(
+\underbrace{\left( b\circ c\right) \left( x\right) }_{=b\left( c\left(
+x\right) \right) }\right) =a\left( b\left( c\left( x\right) \right)
+\right) ,
+we obtain $\left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ c\right) \left( x\right)
+=\left( a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) \right) \left( x\right) $.
+Now, forget that we fixed $x$. We thus have shown that
+\left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ c\right) \left( x\right) =\left(
+a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) \right) \left( x\right)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }x\in X.
+In other words, $\left( a\circ b\right) \circ c=a\circ\left( b\circ
+c\right) $. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}.
+\subsubsection{Composing more than $3$ maps: exploration}
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} can be restated as follows: If
+$a$, $b$ and $c$ are three maps such that the compositions $a\circ b$ and
+$b\circ c$ are well-defined, then $\left( a\circ b\right) \circ
+c=a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) $. This allows us to write \textquotedblleft%
+$a\circ b\circ c$\textquotedblright\ for each of the compositions $\left(
+a\circ b\right) \circ c$ and $a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) $ without having
+to disambiguate this expression by means of parentheses. It is natural to ask
+whether we can do the same thing for more than three maps. For example, let us
+consider four maps $a$, $b$, $c$ and $d$ for which the compositions $a\circ
+b$, $b\circ c$ and $c\circ d$ are well-defined:
+\label{exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd}Let $X$, $Y$, $Z$, $W$ and $U$ be five sets.
+Let $d:X\rightarrow Y$, $c:Y\rightarrow Z$, $b:Z\rightarrow W$ and
+$a:W\rightarrow U$ be four maps. Then, there we can construct five
+compositions that use all four of these maps; these five compositions are%
+& \left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ c\right) \circ
+d,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) \right) \circ
+d,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( a\circ b\right) \circ\left( c\circ d\right)
+& a\circ\left( \left( b\circ c\right) \circ d\right)
+,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a\circ\left( b\circ\left( c\circ d\right) \right) .
+It turns out that these five compositions are all the same map. Indeed, this
+follows by combining the following observations:
+\item We have $\left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ c\right) \circ
+d=\left( a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) \right) \circ d$ (since Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} yields $\left( a\circ b\right) \circ
+c=a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) $).
+\item We have $a\circ\left( \left( b\circ c\right) \circ d\right)
+=a\circ\left( b\circ\left( c\circ d\right) \right) $ (since Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} yields $\left( b\circ c\right) \circ
+d=b\circ\left( c\circ d\right) $).
+\item We have $\left( a\circ\left( b\circ c\right) \right) \circ
+d=a\circ\left( \left( b\circ c\right) \circ d\right) $ (by Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}, applied to $W$, $U$, $b\circ c$ and $d$
+instead of $Z$, $W$, $b$ and $c$).
+\item We have $\left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ c\right) \circ
+d=\left( a\circ b\right) \circ\left( c\circ d\right) $ (by Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}, applied to $U$, $a\circ b$, $c$ and $d$
+instead of $W$, $a$, $b$ and $c$).
+Hence, all five compositions are equal. Thus, we can write \textquotedblleft%
+$a\circ b\circ c\circ d$\textquotedblright\ for each of these five
+compositions, again dropping the parentheses.
+We shall refer to the five compositions listed in
+(\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd.cp1}) and
+(\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd.cp2}) as the \textquotedblleft complete
+parenthesizations of $a\circ b\circ c\circ d$\textquotedblright. Here, the
+word \textquotedblleft parenthesization\textquotedblright\ means a way to put
+parentheses into the expression \textquotedblleft$a\circ b\circ c\circ
+d$\textquotedblright, whereas the word \textquotedblleft
+complete\textquotedblright\ means that these parentheses unambiguously
+determine which two maps any given $\circ$ sign is composing. (For example,
+the parenthesization \textquotedblleft$\left( a\circ b\circ c\right) \circ
+d$\textquotedblright\ is not complete, because the first $\circ$ sign in it
+could be either composing $a$ with $b$ or composing $a$ with $b\circ c$. But
+the parenthesization \textquotedblleft$\left( \left( a\circ b\right) \circ
+c\right) \circ d$\textquotedblright\ is complete, because its first $\circ$
+sign composes $a$ and $b$, whereas its second $\circ$ sign composes $a\circ b$
+with $c$, and finally its third $\circ$ sign composes $\left( a\circ
+b\right) \circ c$ with $d$.)
+Thus, we have seen that all five complete parenthesizations of $a\circ b\circ
+c\circ d$ are the same map.
+What happens if we compose more than four maps? Clearly, the more maps we
+have, the more complete parenthesizations can be constructed. We have good
+reasons to suspect that these parenthesizations will all be the same map (so
+we can again drop the parentheses); but if we try to prove it in the ad-hoc
+way we did in Example \ref{exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd}, then we have more and
+more work to do the more maps we are composing. Clearly, if we want to prove
+our suspicion for arbitrarily many maps, we need a more general approach.
+\subsubsection{Formalizing general associativity}
+So let us make a general statement; but first, let us formally define the
+notion of a \textquotedblleft complete parenthesization\textquotedblright:
+\label{def.ind.gen-ass-maps.cp}Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let $X_{1}%
+,X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ be $n+1$ sets. For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} $, let $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ be a map. Then, we want to
+define the notion of a \textit{complete parenthesization} of $f_{n}\circ
+f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$. We define this notion by recursion on $n$ as follows:
+\item For $n=1$, there is only one complete parenthesization of $f_{n}\circ
+f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$, and this is simply the map $f_{1}%
+:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{2}$.
+\item If $n>1$, then the complete parenthesizations of $f_{n}\circ
+f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ are all the maps of the form $\alpha\circ\beta
+$, where
+\item $k$ is some element of $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n-1\right\} $;
+\item $\alpha$ is a complete parenthesization of $f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}%
+\circ\cdots\circ f_{k+1}$;
+\item $\beta$ is a complete parenthesization of $f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\circ
+\cdots\circ f_{1}$.
+Let us see what this definition yields for small values of $n$:
+\item For $n=1$, the only complete parenthesization of $f_{1}$ is $f_{1}$.
+\item For $n=2$, the only complete parenthesization of $f_{2}\circ f_{1}$ is
+the composition $f_{2}\circ f_{1}$ (because here, the only possible values of
+$k$, $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are $1$, $f_{2}$ and $f_{1}$, respectively).
+\item For $n=3$, the complete parenthesizations of $f_{3}\circ f_{2}\circ
+f_{1}$ are the two compositions $\left( f_{3}\circ f_{2}\right) \circ f_{1}$
+and $f_{3}\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right) $ (because here, the only
+possible values of $k$ are $1$ and $2$, and each value of $k$ uniquely
+determines $\alpha$ and $\beta$). Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}
+shows that they are equal (as maps).
+\item For $n=4$, the complete parenthesizations of $f_{4}\circ f_{3}\circ
+f_{2}\circ f_{1}$ are the five compositions%
+& \left( \left( f_{4}\circ f_{3}\right) \circ f_{2}\right) \circ
+f_{1},\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( f_{4}\circ\left( f_{3}\circ f_{2}\right)
+\right) \circ f_{1},\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( f_{4}\circ f_{3}\right)
+\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right) ,\\
+& f_{4}\circ\left( \left( f_{3}\circ f_{2}\right) \circ f_{1}\right)
+,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f_{4}\circ\left( f_{3}\circ\left( f_{2}\circ
+f_{1}\right) \right) .
+(These are exactly the five compositions listed in
+(\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd.cp1}) and
+(\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd.cp2}), except that the maps $d,c,b,a$ are
+now called $f_{1},f_{2},f_{3},f_{4}$.) We have seen in Example
+\ref{exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.abcd} that these five compositions are equal as maps.
+\item For $n=5$, the complete parenthesizations of $f_{5}\circ f_{4}\circ
+f_{3}\circ f_{2}\circ f_{1}$ are $14$ compositions, one of which is $\left(
+f_{5}\circ f_{4}\right) \circ\left( f_{3}\circ\left( f_{2}\circ
+f_{1}\right) \right) $. Again, it is laborious but not difficult to check
+that all the $14$ compositions are equal as maps.
+Now, we want to prove the following general statement:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-ass-maps.cp}Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let $X_{1}%
+,X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ be $n+1$ sets. For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} $, let $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ be a map. Then, all
+complete parenthesizations of $f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ are
+the same map (from $X_{1}$ to $X_{n+1}$).
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-ass-maps.cp} is sometimes called the \textit{general
+associativity} theorem, and is often proved in the context of monoids (see,
+e.g., \cite[Proposition 2.1.4]{Artin}); while the context is somewhat
+different from ours, the proofs usually given still apply in ours.
+\subsubsection{Defining the \textquotedblleft canonical\textquotedblright%
+\ composition $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $}
+We shall prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-ass-maps.cp} in a slightly indirect
+way: We first define a \textit{specific} complete parenthesization of
+$f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$, which we shall call $C\left(
+f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $; then we will show that it satisfies
+certain equalities (Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq}), and then
+prove that every complete parenthesization of $f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ
+\cdots\circ f_{1}$ equals this map $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots
+,f_{1}\right) $ (Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq-cp}). Each step
+of this strategy will rely on induction.
+We begin with the definition of $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $:
+\label{def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C}Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let $X_{1}%
+,X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ be $n+1$ sets. For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} $, let $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ be a map. Then, we want to
+define a map $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) :X_{1}\rightarrow
+X_{n+1}$. We define this map by recursion on $n$ as follows:
+\item If $n=1$, then we define $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $
+to be the map $f_{1}:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{2}$. (Note that in this case,
+$C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =C\left( f_{1}\right) $,
+because $\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =\left( f_{1}%
+,f_{1-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =\left( f_{1}\right) $.)
+\item If $n>1$, then we define $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right)
+:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{n+1}$ by%
+C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =f_{n}\circ C\left(
+f_{n-1},f_{n-2},\ldots,f_{1}\right) . \label{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C.rec}%
+\label{exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex}Consider the situation of Definition
+\textbf{(a)} If $n=1$, then
+C\left( f_{1}\right) =f_{1} \label{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex.1}%
+(by the $n=1$ case of the definition).
+\textbf{(b)} If $n=2$, then%
+C\left( f_{2},f_{1}\right) & =f_{2}\circ\underbrace{C\left( f_{1}\right)
+}_{\substack{=f_{1}\\\text{(by (\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex.1}))}%
+}}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by (\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C.rec}),
+applied to }n=2\right) \nonumber\\
+& =f_{2}\circ f_{1}. \label{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex.2}%
+\textbf{(c)} If $n=3$, then
+C\left( f_{3},f_{2},f_{1}\right) & =f_{3}\circ\underbrace{C\left(
+f_{2},f_{1}\right) }_{\substack{=f_{2}\circ f_{1}\\\text{(by
+(\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex.2}))}}}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by
+(\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C.rec}), applied to }n=3\right) \nonumber\\
+& =f_{3}\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right) .
+\textbf{(d)} If $n=4$, then%
+C\left( f_{4},f_{3},f_{2},f_{1}\right) & =f_{4}\circ\underbrace{C\left(
+f_{3},f_{2},f_{1}\right) }_{\substack{=f_{3}\circ\left( f_{2}\circ
+f_{1}\right) \\\text{(by (\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex.3}))}%
+}}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by (\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C.rec}),
+applied to }n=4\right) \nonumber\\
+& =f_{4}\circ\left( f_{3}\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right) \right) .
+\textbf{(e)} For an arbitrary $n\geq1$, we can informally write $C\left(
+f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $ as%
+C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =f_{n}\circ\left( f_{n-1}%
+\circ\left( f_{n-2}\circ\left( \cdots\circ\left( f_{2}\circ f_{1}\right)
+\cdots\right) \right) \right) .
+The right hand side of this equality is a complete parenthesization of
+$f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$, where all the parentheses are
+\textquotedblleft concentrated as far right as possible\textquotedblright%
+\ (i.e., there is an opening parenthesis after each \textquotedblleft$\circ
+$\textquotedblright\ sign except for the last one; and there are $n-2$ closing
+parentheses at the end of the expression). This is merely a visual restatement
+of the recursive definition of $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $
+we gave above.
+\subsubsection{The crucial property of $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots
+,f_{1}\right) $}
+The following proposition will be key to our proof of Theorem
+\label{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq}Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let
+$X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ be $n+1$ sets. For each $i\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $, let $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ be a map. Then,%
+C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1}%
+,\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right)
+for each $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n-1\right\} $.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq}.]Forget that we fixed
+$n$, $X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ and the maps $f_{i}$. We shall prove
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} by induction on $n$%
+:\ \ \ \ \footnote{The induction principle that we are applying here is
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} with $g=1$ (since $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$ is the set of
+all positive integers).}
+\textit{Induction base:} If $n=1$, then $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n-1\right\}
+=\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,1-1\right\} =\varnothing$. Hence, if $n=1$, then there
+exists no $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n-1\right\} $. Thus, if $n=1$, then
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} is vacuously true (since
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} has a \textquotedblleft for each
+$k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n-1\right\} $\textquotedblright\ clause). This
+completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$. Assume that Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} holds under the condition that $n=m$. We must
+now prove that Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} holds under the
+condition that $n=m+1$. In other words, we must prove the following claim:
+\textit{Claim 1:} Let $X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{\left( m+1\right) +1}$ be
+$\left( m+1\right) +1$ sets. For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\}
+$, let $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ be a map. Then,
+C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =C\left(
+f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ C\left(
+for each $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,\left( m+1\right) -1\right\} $.
+[\textit{Proof of Claim 1:} Let $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,\left( m+1\right)
+-1\right\} $. Thus, $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,\left( m+1\right) -1\right\}
+=\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $ (since $\left( m+1\right) -1=m$).
+We know that $X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{\left( m+1\right) +1}$ are $\left(
+m+1\right) +1$ sets. In other words, \newline$X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{m+2}$ are
+$m+2$ sets (since $\left( m+1\right) +1=m+2$). We have $m\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq1}$, thus $m\geq1>0$; hence, $m+1>1$. Thus,
+(\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C.rec}) (applied to $n=m+1$) yields%
+C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) &
+=f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},f_{\left( m+1\right)
+-2},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \nonumber\\
+& =f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right)
+(since $\left( m+1\right) -1=m$ and $\left( m+1\right) -2=m-1$).
+But we are in one of the following two cases:
+\textit{Case 1:} We have $k=m$.
+\textit{Case 2:} We have $k\neq m$.
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $k=m$. Hence,%
+C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) =C\left(
+f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{m+1}\right) =C\left(
+f_{m+1}\right) =f_{m+1}%
+(by (\ref{eq.exa.ind.gen-ass-maps.Cex.1}), applied to $X_{m+1}$, $X_{m+2}$ and
+$f_{m+1}$ instead of $X_{1}$, $X_{2}$ and $f_{1}$), so that%
+\underbrace{C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right)
+}_{=f_{m+1}}\circ\underbrace{C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right)
+}_{\substack{=C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \\\text{(since
+}k=m\text{)}}}=f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) .
+Comparing this with (\ref{pf.prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq.c1.pf.1}), we obtain%
+C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =C\left(
+f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ C\left(
+f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) .
+Hence, Claim 1 is proven in Case 1.
+Let us now consider Case 2. In this case, we have $k\neq m$. Combining
+$k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $ with $k\neq m$, we obtain%
+k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} \setminus\left\{ m\right\} =\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,m-1\right\} .
+Hence, $k\leq m-1m+1-m=1$.
+But we assumed that Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} holds under
+the condition that $n=m$. Hence, we can apply Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} to $m$ instead of $n$. We thus obtain%
+C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1}%
+,\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right)
+(since $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m-1\right\} $). Now,
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq.c1.pf.1}) yields%
+& C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \nonumber\\
+& =f_{m+1}\circ\underbrace{C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right)
+}_{=C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ C\left( f_{k}%
+,f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) }\nonumber\\
+& =f_{m+1}\circ\left( C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ
+C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \right) .
+On the other hand, $m+1-k>1$. Hence, (\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.C.rec})
+(applied to $m+1-k$, $X_{k+i}$ and $f_{k+i}$ instead of $n$, $X_{i}$ and
+$f_{i}$) yields%
+& C\left( f_{k+\left( m+1-k\right) },f_{k+\left( \left( m+1-k\right)
+-1\right) },\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \\
+& =f_{k+\left( m+1-k\right) }\circ C\left( f_{k+\left( \left(
+m+1-k\right) -1\right) },f_{k+\left( \left( m+1-k\right) -2\right)
+},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \\
+& =f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{since }k+\left( m+1-k\right) =m+1\text{ and }k+\left( \left(
+m+1-k\right) -1\right) =m\\
+\text{and }k+\left( \left( m+1-k\right) -2\right) =m-1
+\right) .
+Since $k+\left( m+1-k\right) =m+1$ and $k+\left( \left( m+1-k\right)
+-1\right) =\left( m+1\right) -1$, this rewrites as%
+C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right)
+=f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) .
+& \underbrace{C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots
+,f_{k+1}\right) }_{=f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}%
+\right) }\circ C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \\
+& =\left( f_{m+1}\circ C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right)
+\right) \circ C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \\
+& =f_{m+1}\circ\left( C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ
+C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) \right)
+(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh}, applied to $X=X_{1}$,
+$Y=X_{k+1}$, $Z=X_{m+1}$, $W=X_{m+2}$, $c=C\left( f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots
+,f_{1}\right) $, $b=C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) $ and
+$a=f_{m+1}$). Comparing this with (\ref{pf.prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq.c1.pf.4}%
+), we obtain%
+C\left( f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =C\left(
+f_{m+1},f_{\left( m+1\right) -1},\ldots,f_{k+1}\right) \circ C\left(
+f_{k},f_{k-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) .
+Hence, Claim 1 is proven in Case 2.
+We have now proven Claim 1 in each of the two Cases 1 and 2. Since these two
+Cases cover all possibilities, we thus conclude that Claim 1 always holds.]
+Now, we have proven Claim 1. In other words, we have proven that Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} holds under the condition that $n=m+1$. This
+completes the induction step. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq} is proven by induction.
+\subsubsection{Proof of general associativity}
+\label{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq-cp}Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let
+$X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ be $n+1$ sets. For each $i\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $, let $f_{i}:X_{i}\rightarrow X_{i+1}$ be a map. Then,
+every complete parenthesization of $f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$
+equals $C\left( f_{n},f_{n-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq-cp}.]Forget that we fixed
+$n$, $X_{1},X_{2},\ldots,X_{n+1}$ and the maps $f_{i}$. We shall prove
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq-cp} by strong induction on
+$n$:\ \ \ \ \footnote{The induction principle that we are applying here is
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.SIP} with $g=1$ (since $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$ is the set of
+all positive integers).}
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$. Assume that Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.Ceq-cp} holds under the condition that $n1$.
+Thus, we are in one of the following two cases:
+\textit{Case 1:} We have $m=1$.
+\textit{Case 2:} We have $m>1$.
+Let us first consider Case 1. In this case, we have $m=1$. Thus, $C\left(
+f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) =f_{1}$ (by the definition of $C\left(
+f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $).
+Recall that $m=1$. Thus, the definition of a \textquotedblleft complete
+parenthesization of $f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$%
+\textquotedblright\ shows that there is only one complete parenthesization of
+$f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$, and this is simply the map
+$f_{1}:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{2}$. Hence, $\gamma$ is simply the map $f_{1}%
+:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{2}$ (since $\gamma$ is a complete parenthesization of
+$f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$). Thus, $\gamma=f_{1}=C\left(
+f_{m},f_{m-1},\ldots,f_{1}\right) $ (since $C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1}%
+,\ldots,f_{1}\right) =f_{1}$). Thus, $\gamma=C\left( f_{m},f_{m-1}%
+,\ldots,f_{1}\right) $ is proven in Case 1.
+Now, let us consider Case 2. In this case, we have $m>1$. Hence, the
+definition of a \textquotedblleft complete parenthesization of $f_{m}\circ
+f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$\textquotedblright\ shows that any complete
+parenthesization of $f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ is a map of the
+form $\alpha\circ\beta$, where
+\item $k$ is some element of $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m-1\right\} $;
+\item $\alpha$ is a complete parenthesization of $f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}%
+\circ\cdots\circ f_{k+1}$;
+\item $\beta$ is a complete parenthesization of $f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\circ
+\cdots\circ f_{1}$.
+Thus, $\gamma$ is a map of this form (since $\gamma$ is a complete
+parenthesization of $f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$). In other
+words, we can write $\gamma$ in the form $\gamma=\alpha\circ\beta$, where $k$
+is some element of $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m-1\right\} $, where $\alpha$ is a
+complete parenthesization of $f_{m}\circ f_{m-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{k+1}$, and
+where $\beta$ is a complete parenthesization of $f_{k}\circ f_{k-1}\circ
+\cdots\circ f_{1}$. Consider these $k$, $\alpha$ and $\beta$.
+We have $k\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m-1\right\} $, thus $k\leq m-1m\geq0$). Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.map-powers.1} \textbf{(b)} (applied to $m+1$ and $f^{\circ a}$
+instead of $n$ and $f$) yields
+\left( f^{\circ a}\right) ^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=\left( f^{\circ
+a}\right) ^{\circ\left( \left( m+1\right) -1\right) }\circ f^{\circ
+a}=\left( f^{\circ a}\right) ^{\circ m}\circ f^{\circ a}
+(since $\left( m+1\right) -1=m$).
+But $a\left( m+1\right) =am+a$. Thus,%
+f^{\circ\left( a\left( m+1\right) \right) } & =f^{\circ\left(
+am+a\right) }=\underbrace{f^{\circ\left( am\right) }}_{=\left( f^{\circ
+a}\right) ^{\circ m}}\circ f^{\circ a}\\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2} \textbf{(a)}}\\
+\text{(applied to }am\text{ and }a\text{ instead of }a\text{ and }b\text{)}%
+\right) \\
+& =\left( f^{\circ a}\right) ^{\circ m}\circ f^{\circ a}=\left( f^{\circ
+a}\right) ^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.2.7})}\right) .
+In other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.2.goal}) holds for $b=m+1$. This
+completes the induction step. Thus, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.2.goal}) is
+proven by induction. Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2}
+\textbf{(b)} is proven.
+Note that Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2} is similar to the rules of
+n^{a+b}=n^{a}n^{b}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{and}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ n^{ab}%
+=\left( n^{a}\right) ^{b}%
+that hold for $n\in\mathbb{Q}$ and $a,b\in\mathbb{N}$ (and for various other
+situations). Can we find similar analogues for other rules of exponents, such
+as $\left( mn\right) ^{a}=m^{a}n^{a}$? The simplest analogue one could think
+of for this rule would be $\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ a}=f^{\circ
+a}\circ g^{\circ a}$; but this does not hold in general (unless $a\leq2$).
+However, it turns out that this does hold if we assume that $f\circ g=g\circ
+f$ (which is not automatically true, unlike the analogous equality $mn=nm$ for
+integers). Let us prove this:
+\label{prop.ind.map-powers.3}Let $X$ be a set. Let $f:X\rightarrow X$ and
+$g:X\rightarrow X$ be two maps such that $f\circ g=g\circ f$. Then:
+\textbf{(a)} We have $f\circ g^{\circ b}=g^{\circ b}\circ f$ for each
+\textbf{(b)} We have $f^{\circ a}\circ g^{\circ b}=g^{\circ b}\circ f^{\circ
+a}$ for each $a\in\mathbb{N}$ and $b\in\mathbb{N}$.
+\textbf{(c)} We have $\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ a}=f^{\circ a}\circ
+g^{\circ a}$ for each $a\in\mathbb{N}$.
+Let us see why the requirement $f\circ g=g\circ f$ is needed in Proposition
+Let $X$ be the set $\mathbb{Z}$. Let $f:X\rightarrow X$ be the map that sends
+every integer $x$ to $-x$. Let $g:X\rightarrow X$ be the map that sends every
+integer $x$ to $1-x$. Then, $f^{\circ2}=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}$
+(since $f^{\circ2}\left( x\right) =f\left( f\left( x\right) \right)
+=-\left( -x\right) =x$ for each $x\in X$) and $g^{\circ2}=\operatorname*{id}%
+\nolimits_{X}$ (since $g^{\circ2}\left( x\right) =g\left( g\left(
+x\right) \right) =1-\left( 1-x\right) =x$ for each $x\in X$). But the map
+$f\circ g$ satisfies $\left( f\circ g\right) \left( x\right) =f\left(
+g\left( x\right) \right) =-\left( 1-x\right) =x-1$ for each $x\in X$.
+Hence, $\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ2}\left( x\right) =\left( f\circ
+g\right) \left( \left( f\circ g\right) \left( x\right) \right) =\left(
+x-1\right) -1=x-2$ for each $x\in X$. Thus, $\left( f\circ g\right)
+^{\circ2}\neq\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}$. Comparing this with
+\nolimits_{X}$, we obtain $\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ2}\neq f^{\circ
+2}\circ g^{\circ2}$. This shows that Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3}
+\textbf{(c)} would not hold without the requirement $f\circ g=g\circ f$.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3}.]\textbf{(a)} We claim that%
+f\circ g^{\circ b}=g^{\circ b}\circ f\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }%
+b\in\mathbb{N}. \label{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}%
+Indeed, let us prove (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) by induction on $b$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $g^{\circ0}=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}$
+(by (\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.fn.f0}), applied to $g$ instead of $f$).
+Hence, $f\circ\underbrace{g^{\circ0}}_{=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}%
+}=f\circ\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}=f$ and $\underbrace{g^{\circ0}%
+}_{=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}}\circ f=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}%
+\circ f=f$. Comparing these two equalities, we obtain $f\circ g^{\circ
+0}=g^{\circ0}\circ f$. In other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1})
+holds for $b=0$. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m$. In
+other words,%
+f\circ g^{\circ m}=g^{\circ m}\circ f. \label{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.2}%
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (applied to $Y=X$, $Z=X$, $W=X$,
+$c=g$, $b=g^{\circ m}$ and $a=f$) yields
+\left( f\circ g^{\circ m}\right) \circ g=f\circ\left( g^{\circ m}\circ
+g\right) . \label{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.3}%
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $g$, $m$ and
+$1$ instead of $f$, $a$ and $b$) yields
+g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=g^{\circ m}\circ\underbrace{g^{\circ1}}%
+_{=g}=g^{\circ m}\circ g. \label{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.4}%
+f\circ\underbrace{g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }}_{=g^{\circ m}\circ g} &
+=f\circ\left( g^{\circ m}\circ g\right) =\underbrace{\left( f\circ g^{\circ
+m}\right) }_{\substack{=g^{\circ m}\circ f\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.2}))}}}\circ g\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{by (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.3})}\right) \nonumber\\
+& =\left( g^{\circ m}\circ f\right) \circ g=g^{\circ m}\circ
+\underbrace{\left( f\circ g\right) }_{=g\circ f}\nonumber\\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (applied}\\
+\text{to }Y=X\text{, }Z=X\text{, }W=X\text{, }c=g\text{, }b=f\text{ and
+}a=g^{\circ m}\text{)}%
+\right) \nonumber\\
+& =g^{\circ m}\circ\left( g\circ f\right) .
+On the other hand, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (applied to
+$Y=X$, $Z=X$, $W=X$, $c=f$, $b=g$ and $a=g^{\circ m}$) yields
+\left( g^{\circ m}\circ g\right) \circ f=g^{\circ m}\circ\left( g\circ
+f\right) .
+Comparing this with (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.5}), we obtain%
+f\circ g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=\underbrace{\left( g^{\circ m}\circ
+g\right) }_{\substack{=g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.4}))}}}\circ f=g^{\circ\left( m+1\right)
+}\circ f.
+In other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m+1$. This
+completes the induction step. Thus, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) is
+proven by induction.
+Therefore, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(a)} follows.
+\textbf{(b)} Let $a\in\mathbb{N}$ and $b\in\mathbb{N}$. From $f\circ g=g\circ
+f$, we obtain $g\circ f=f\circ g$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $g$, $f$ and $a$ instead
+of $f$, $g$ and $b$) yields $g\circ f^{\circ a}=f^{\circ a}\circ g$. In other
+words, $f^{\circ a}\circ g=g\circ f^{\circ a}$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $f^{\circ a}$ instead of
+$f$) yields $f^{\circ a}\circ g^{\circ b}=g^{\circ b}\circ f^{\circ a}$. This
+proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(b)}.
+\textbf{(c)} We claim that%
+\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ a}=f^{\circ a}\circ g^{\circ a}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }a\in\mathbb{N}.
+Indeed, let us prove (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) by induction on
+\textit{Induction base:} From (\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-ass-maps.fn.f0}), we obtain
+$f^{\circ0}=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}$ and $g^{\circ0}%
+=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}$ and $\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ
+0}=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}$. Thus,%
+\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ0}=\operatorname*{id}\nolimits_{X}%
+In other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) holds for $a=0$. This
+completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) holds for $a=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) holds for $a=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) holds for $a=m$.
+In other words,
+\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ m}=f^{\circ m}\circ g^{\circ m}.
+But Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $g$, $m$
+and $1$ instead of $f$, $a$ and $b$) yields
+g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=g^{\circ m}\circ\underbrace{g^{\circ1}}%
+_{=g}=g^{\circ m}\circ g.
+The same argument (applied to $f$ instead of $g$) yields $f^{\circ\left(
+m+1\right) }=f^{\circ m}\circ f$. Hence,%
+\underbrace{f^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }}_{=f^{\circ m}\circ f}\circ
+g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=\left( f^{\circ m}\circ f\right) \circ
+g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=f^{\circ m}\circ\left( f\circ g^{\circ\left(
+m+1\right) }\right) \label{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.1}%
+(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (applied to $Y=X$, $Z=X$,
+$W=X$, $c=g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }$, $b=f$ and $a=f^{\circ m}$)).
+But Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $b=m+1$)
+f\circ g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=\underbrace{g^{\circ\left( m+1\right)
+}}_{=g^{\circ m}\circ g}\circ f=\left( g^{\circ m}\circ g\right) \circ
+f=g^{\circ m}\circ\left( g\circ f\right)
+(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (applied to $Y=X$, $Z=X$,
+$W=X$, $c=f$, $b=g$ and $a=g^{\circ m}$)). Hence,%
+f\circ g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=g^{\circ m}\circ\underbrace{\left(
+g\circ f\right) }_{\substack{=f\circ g\\\text{(since }f\circ g=g\circ
+f\text{)}}}=g^{\circ m}\circ\left( f\circ g\right) .
+On the other hand, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2} \textbf{(a)}
+(applied to $f\circ g$, $m$ and $1$ instead of $f$, $a$ and $b$) yields
+\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=\underbrace{\left(
+f\circ g\right) ^{\circ m}}_{\substack{=f^{\circ m}\circ g^{\circ
+m}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.0}))}}}\circ\underbrace{\left(
+f\circ g\right) ^{\circ1}}_{=f\circ g}=\left( f^{\circ m}\circ g^{\circ
+m}\right) \circ\left( f\circ g\right) =f^{\circ m}\circ\left( g^{\circ
+m}\circ\left( f\circ g\right) \right)
+(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (applied to $Y=X$, $Z=X$,
+$W=X$, $c=f\circ g$, $b=g^{\circ m}$ and $a=f^{\circ m}$)). Hence,%
+\left( f\circ g\right) ^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }=f^{\circ m}%
+\circ\underbrace{\left( g^{\circ m}\circ\left( f\circ g\right) \right)
+}_{\substack{=f\circ g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.3}))}}}=f^{\circ m}\circ\left( f\circ
+g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }\right) =f^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }\circ
+g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }%
+(by (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.1})). In other words,
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) holds for $a=m+1$. This completes the
+induction step. Thus, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.c.claim}) is proven by
+induction. Therefore, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(c)} follows.
+In our above proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3}, we have not
+used the notation $f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ\cdots\circ f_{1}$ introduced in
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-ass-maps.comp}, but instead relied on parentheses
+and compositions of two maps (i.e., we have never composed more than two maps
+at the same time). Thus, for example, in the proof of Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(a)}, we wrote \textquotedblleft$\left(
+g^{\circ m}\circ g\right) \circ f$\textquotedblright\ and \textquotedblleft%
+$g^{\circ m}\circ\left( g\circ f\right) $\textquotedblright\ rather than
+\textquotedblleft$g^{\circ m}\circ g\circ f$\textquotedblright. But Remark
+\ref{rmk.ind.gen-ass-maps.drop} says that we could have just as well dropped
+all the parentheses. This would have saved us the trouble of explicitly
+applying Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} (since if we drop all
+parentheses, then there is no difference between \textquotedblleft$\left(
+g^{\circ m}\circ g\right) \circ f$\textquotedblright\ and \textquotedblleft%
+$g^{\circ m}\circ\left( g\circ f\right) $\textquotedblright\ any more). This
+way, the induction step in the proof of Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(a)} could have been made much shorter:
+\textit{Induction step (second version):} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m$. In
+other words,%
+f\circ g^{\circ m}=g^{\circ m}\circ f.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.map-powers.2} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $g$, $m$ and
+$1$ instead of $f$, $a$ and $b$) yields $g^{\circ\left( m+1\right)
+}=g^{\circ m}\circ\underbrace{g^{\circ1}}_{=g}=g^{\circ m}\circ g$. Hence,%
+f\circ\underbrace{g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }}_{=g^{\circ m}\circ
+g}=\underbrace{f\circ g^{\circ m}}_{\substack{=g^{\circ m}\circ f\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.2nd.2}))}}}\circ g=g^{\circ m}\circ
+\underbrace{f\circ g}_{=g\circ f}=\underbrace{g^{\circ m}\circ g}%
+_{=g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }}\circ f=g^{\circ\left( m+1\right) }\circ
+In other words, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.map-powers.3.a.1}) holds for $b=m+1$. This
+completes the induction step.
+Similarly, we can simplify the proof of Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.map-powers.3} \textbf{(c)} by dropping the parentheses. (The
+details are left to the reader.)
+\subsection{\label{sect.ind.gen-com}General commutativity for addition of
+\subsubsection{The setup and the problem}
+Throughout Section \ref{sect.ind.gen-com}, we let $\mathbb{A}$ be one of the
+sets $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{C}$.
+The elements of $\mathbb{A}$ will be simply called \textit{numbers}.
+There is an analogue of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} for numbers:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh}Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three numbers (i.e.,
+elements of $\mathbb{A}$). Then, $\left( a+b\right) +c=a+\left( b+c\right)
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} is known as the \textit{associativity
+of addition} (in $\mathbb{A}$), and is fundamental; its proof can be found in
+any textbook on the construction of the number system\footnote{For example,
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} is proven in \cite[Theorem 3.2.3
+(3)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{N}$; in \cite[Theorem
+3.5.4 (3)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Z}$; in
+\cite[Theorem 3.6.4 (3)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Q}$;
+in \cite[Theorem 3.7.10]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{R}$;
+in \cite[Theorem 3.9.3]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{C}$.}.
+In Section \ref{sect.ind.gen-ass}, we have used Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-ass-maps.fgh} to show that we can \textquotedblleft drop the
+parentheses\textquotedblright\ in a composition $f_{n}\circ f_{n-1}\circ
+\cdots\circ f_{1}$ of maps (i.e., all possible complete parenthesizations of
+this composition are actually the same map). Likewise, we can use Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} to show that we can \textquotedblleft drop the
+parentheses\textquotedblright\ in a sum $a_{1}+a_{2}+\cdots+a_{n}$ of numbers
+(i.e., all possible complete parenthesizations of this sum are actually the
+same number). For example, if $a,b,c,d$ are four numbers, then the complete
+parenthesizations of $a+b+c+d$ are%
+& \left( \left( a+b\right) +c\right) +d,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+a+\left( b+c\right) \right) +d,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( a+b\right)
++\left( c+d\right) ,\\
+& a+\left( \left( b+c\right) +d\right) ,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a+\left(
+b+\left( c+d\right) \right) ,
+and all of these five complete parenthesizations are the same number.
+However, numbers behave better than maps. In particular, along with
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh}, they satisfy another law that maps
+(generally) don't satisfy:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.fg}Let $a$ and $b$ be two numbers (i.e., elements of
+$\mathbb{A}$). Then, $a+b=b+a$.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg} is known as the \textit{commutativity of
+addition} (in $\mathbb{A}$), and again is a fundamental result whose proofs
+are found in standard textbooks\footnote{For example, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg} is proven in \cite[Theorem 3.2.3 (4)]{Swanso18} for
+the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{N}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.5.4 (4)]{Swanso18}
+for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Z}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.6.4
+(4)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Q}$; in \cite[Theorem
+3.7.10]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{R}$; in \cite[Theorem
+3.9.3]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{C}$.}.
+Furthermore, numbers can \textbf{always} be added, whereas maps can only be
+composed if the domain of one is the codomain of the other. Thus, when we want
+to take the sum of $n$ numbers $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{n}$, we can not only
+choose where to put the parentheses, but also in what order the numbers should
+appear in the sum. It turns out that neither of these choices affects the
+result. For example, if $a,b,c$ are three numbers, then all $12$ possible sums%
+& \left( a+b\right) +c,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a+\left( b+c\right)
+,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( a+c\right) +b,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a+\left(
+c+b\right) ,\\
+& \left( b+a\right) +c,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ b+\left( a+c\right)
+,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( b+c\right) +a,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ b+\left(
+c+a\right) ,\\
+& \left( c+a\right) +b,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c+\left( a+b\right)
+,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( c+b\right) +a,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c+\left(
+are actually the same number. The reader can easily verify this for three
+numbers $a,b,c$ (using Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} and Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg}), but of course the general case (with $n$ numbers)
+is more difficult. The independence of the result on the parenthesization can
+be proven using the same arguments that we gave in Section
+\ref{sect.ind.gen-ass} (except that the $\circ$ symbol is now replaced by
+$+$), but the independence on the order cannot easily be shown (or even
+stated) in this way.
+Thus, we shall proceed differently: We shall rigorously define the sum of $n$
+numbers without specifying an order in which they are added or using
+parentheses. Unlike the composition of $n$ maps, which was defined for an
+\textit{ordered list} of $n$ maps, we shall define the sum of $n$ numbers for
+a \textit{family} of $n$ numbers (see the next subsection for the definition
+of a \textquotedblleft family\textquotedblright). Families don't come with an
+ordering chosen in advance, so we cannot single out any specific ordering for
+use in the definition. Thus, the independence on the order will be baked right
+into the definition.
+Different solutions to the problem of formalizing the concept of the sum of
+$n$ numbers can be found in \cite[Chapter 1, \S 1.5]{Bourba74}%
+\footnote{Bourbaki, in \cite[Chapter 1, \S 1.5]{Bourba74}, define something
+more general than a sum of $n$ numbers: They define the \textquotedblleft
+composition\textquotedblright\ of a finite family of elements of a commutative
+magma. The sum of $n$ numbers is a particular case of this concept when the
+magma is the set $\mathbb{A}$ (endowed with its addition).} and in
+\cite[\S 3.2]{GalQua18}.
+Let us first define what we mean by a \textquotedblleft
+family\textquotedblright\ of $n$ numbers. More generally, we can define a
+family of elements of any set, or even a family of elements of
+\textbf{different} sets. To motivate the definition, we first recall a concept
+of an $n$-tuple:
+\label{rmk.ind.families.tups}Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
+\textbf{(a)} Let $A$ be a set. Then, to specify an $n$\textit{-tuple of
+elements of }$A$ means specifying an element $a_{i}$ of $A$ for each
+$i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $. This $n$-tuple is then denoted by
+$\left( a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{n}\right) $ or by $\left( a_{i}\right)
+_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }$. For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} $, we refer to $a_{i}$ as the $i$\textit{-th entry} of this $n$-tuple.
+The set of all $n$-tuples of elements of $A$ is denoted by $A^{n}$ or by
+$A^{\times n}$; it is called the $n$\textit{-th Cartesian power} of the set
+\textbf{(b)} More generally, we can define $n$-tuples of elements from
+\textbf{different} sets: For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $, let
+$A_{i}$ be a set. Then, to specify an $n$\textit{-tuple of elements of }%
+$A_{1},A_{2},\ldots,A_{n}$ means specifying an element $a_{i}$ of $A_{i}$ for
+each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $. This $n$-tuple is (again) denoted
+by $\left( a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{n}\right) $ or by $\left( a_{i}\right)
+_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }$. For each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} $, we refer to $a_{i}$ as the $i$\textit{-th entry} of this $n$-tuple.
+The set of all $n$-tuples of elements of $A_{1},A_{2},\ldots,A_{n}$ is denoted
+by $A_{1}\times A_{2}\times\cdots\times A_{n}$ or by $\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i}$;
+it is called the \textit{Cartesian product} of the $n$ sets $A_{1}%
+,A_{2},\ldots,A_{n}$. These $n$ sets $A_{1},A_{2},\ldots,A_{n}$ are called the
+\textit{factors} of this Cartesian product.
+\label{exa.ind.families.tups}\textbf{(a)} The $3$-tuple $\left( 7,8,9\right)
+$ is a $3$-tuple of elements of $\mathbb{N}$, and also a $3$-tuple of elements
+of $\mathbb{Z}$. It can also be written in the form $\left( 6+i\right)
+_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,3\right\} }$. Thus, $\left( 6+i\right) _{i\in\left\{
+1,2,3\right\} }=\left( 6+1,6+2,6+3\right) =\left( 7,8,9\right)
+\in\mathbb{N}^{3}$ and also $\left( 6+i\right) _{i\in\left\{ 1,2,3\right\}
+\textbf{(b)} The $5$-tuple $\left( \left\{ 1\right\} ,\left\{ 2\right\}
+,\left\{ 3\right\} ,\varnothing,\mathbb{N}\right) $ is a $5$-tuple of
+elements of the powerset of $\mathbb{N}$ (since $\left\{ 1\right\} ,\left\{
+2\right\} ,\left\{ 3\right\} ,\varnothing,\mathbb{N}$ are subsets of
+$\mathbb{N}$, thus elements of the powerset of $\mathbb{N}$).
+\textbf{(c)} The $0$-tuple $\left( {}\right) $ can be viewed as a $0$-tuple
+of elements of \textbf{any} set $A$.
+\textbf{(d)} If we let $\left[ n\right] $ be the set $\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $ for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, then $\left(
+1,2,2,3,3\right) $ is a $5$-tuple of elements of $\left[ 1\right] ,\left[
+2\right] ,\left[ 3\right] ,\left[ 4\right] ,\left[ 5\right] $ (because
+$1\in\left[ 1\right] $, $2\in\left[ 2\right] $, $2\in\left[ 3\right] $,
+$3\in\left[ 4\right] $ and $3\in\left[ 5\right] $). In other words,
+$\left( 1,2,2,3,3\right) \in\left[ 1\right] \times\left[ 2\right]
+\times\left[ 3\right] \times\left[ 4\right] \times\left[ 5\right] $.
+\textbf{(e)} A $2$-tuple is the same as an ordered pair. A $3$-tuple is the
+same as an ordered triple. A $1$-tuple of elements of a set $A$ is
+\textquotedblleft almost\textquotedblright\ the same as a single element of
+$A$; more precisely, there is a bijection
+A\rightarrow A^{1},\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a\mapsto\left( a\right)
+from $A$ to the set of $1$-tuples of elements of $A$.
+The notation \textquotedblleft$\left( a_{i}\right) _{i\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }$\textquotedblright\ in Remark
+\ref{rmk.ind.families.tups} should be pronounced as \textquotedblleft the
+$n$-tuple whose $i$-th entry is $a_{i}$ for each $i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} $\textquotedblright. The letter \textquotedblleft$i$%
+\textquotedblright\ is used as a variable in this notation (similar to the
+\textquotedblleft$i$\textquotedblright\ in the expression \textquotedblleft%
+$\sum_{i=1}^{n}i$\textquotedblright\ or in the expression \textquotedblleft
+the map $\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N},\ i\mapsto i+1$\textquotedblright\ or
+in the expression \textquotedblleft for all $i\in\mathbb{N}$, we have
+$i+1>i$\textquotedblright); it does not refer to any specific element of
+$\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $. As usual, it does not matter which letter
+we are using for this variable (as long as it does not already have a
+different meaning); thus, for example, the $3$-tuples $\left( 6+i\right)
+_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,3\right\} }$ and $\left( 6+j\right) _{j\in\left\{
+1,2,3\right\} }$ and $\left( 6+x\right) _{x\in\left\{ 1,2,3\right\} }$
+are all identical (and equal $\left( 7,8,9\right) $).
+We also note that the \textquotedblleft$\prod$\textquotedblright\ sign in
+Remark \ref{rmk.ind.families.tups} \textbf{(b)} has a different meaning than
+the \textquotedblleft$\prod$\textquotedblright\ sign in Section
+\ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}. The former stands for a Cartesian product of
+sets, whereas the latter stands for a product of numbers. In particular, a
+product $\prod_{i=1}^{n}a_{i}$ of numbers does not change when its factors are
+swapped, whereas a Cartesian product $\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i}$ of sets does. (In
+particular, if $A$ and $B$ are two sets, then $A\times B$ and $B\times A$ are
+different sets in general. The $2$-tuple $\left( 1,-1\right) $ belongs to
+$\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{Z}$, but not to $\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N}$.)
+Thus, the purpose of an $n$-tuple is storing several elements (possibly of
+different sets) in one \textquotedblleft container\textquotedblright. This is
+a highly useful notion, but sometimes one wants a more general concept, which
+can store several elements but not necessarily organized in a
+\textquotedblleft linear order\textquotedblright. For example, assume you want
+to store four integers $a,b,c,d$ in the form of a rectangular table $\left(
+a & b\\
+c & d
+\right) $ (also known as a \textquotedblleft$2\times2$-table of
+integers\textquotedblright). Such a table doesn't have a well-defined
+\textquotedblleft$1$-st entry\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft$2$-nd
+entry\textquotedblright\ (unless you agree on a specific order in which you
+read it); instead, it makes sense to speak of a \textquotedblleft$\left(
+1,2\right) $-th entry\textquotedblright\ (i.e., the entry in row $1$ and
+column $2$, which is $b$) or of a \textquotedblleft$\left( 2,2\right) $-th
+entry\textquotedblright\ (i.e., the entry in row $2$ and column $2$, which is
+$d$). Thus, such tables work similarly to $n$-tuples, but they are
+\textquotedblleft indexed\textquotedblright\ by pairs $\left( i,j\right) $
+of appropriate integers rather than by the numbers $1,2,\ldots,n$.
+The concept of a \textquotedblleft family\textquotedblright\ generalizes both
+$n$-tuples and rectangular tables: It allows the entries to be indexed by the
+elements of an arbitrary (possibly infinite) set $I$ instead of the numbers
+$1,2,\ldots,n$. Here is its definition (watch the similarities to Remark
+\label{def.ind.families.fams}Let $I$ be a set.
+\textbf{(a)} Let $A$ be a set. Then, to specify an $I$\textit{-family of
+elements of }$A$ means specifying an element $a_{i}$ of $A$ for each $i\in I$.
+This $I$-family is then denoted by $\left( a_{i}\right) _{i\in I}$. For each
+$i\in I$, we refer to $a_{i}$ as the $i$\textit{-th entry} of this $I$-family.
+(Unlike the case of $n$-tuples, there is no notation like $\left( a_{1}%
+,a_{2},\ldots,a_{n}\right) $ for $I$-families, because there is no natural
+way in which their entries should be listed.)
+An $I$-family of elements of $A$ is also called an $A$\textit{-valued }%
+The set of all $I$-families of elements of $A$ is denoted by $A^{I}$ or by
+$A^{\times I}$. (Note that the notation $A^{I}$ is also used for the set of
+all maps from $I$ to $A$. But this set is more or less the same as the set of
+all $I$-families of elements of $A$; see Remark \ref{rmk.ind.families.maps}
+below for the details.)
+\textbf{(b)} More generally, we can define $I$-families of elements from
+\textbf{different} sets: For each $i\in I$, let $A_{i}$ be a set. Then, to
+specify an $I$\textit{-family of elements of }$\left( A_{i}\right) _{i\in
+I}$ means specifying an element $a_{i}$ of $A_{i}$ for each $i\in I$. This
+$I$-family is (again) denoted by $\left( a_{i}\right) _{i\in I}$. For each
+$i\in I$, we refer to $a_{i}$ as the $i$\textit{-th entry} of this $I$-family.
+The set of all $I$-families of elements of $\left( A_{i}\right) _{i\in I}$
+is denoted by $\prod_{i\in I}A_{i}$.
+The word \textquotedblleft$I$-family\textquotedblright\ (without further
+qualifications) means an $I$-family of elements of $\left( A_{i}\right)
+_{i\in I}$ for some sets $A_{i}$.
+The word \textquotedblleft family\textquotedblright\ (without further
+qualifications) means an $I$-family for some set $I$.
+\label{exa.ind.families.fams}\textbf{(a)} The family $\left( 6+i\right)
+_{i\in\left\{ 0,3,5\right\} }$ is a $\left\{ 0,3,5\right\} $-family of
+elements of $\mathbb{N}$ (that is, an $\mathbb{N}$-valued $\left\{
+0,3,5\right\} $-family). It has three entries: Its $0$-th entry is $6+0=6$;
+its $3$-rd entry is $6+3=9$; its $5$-th entry is $6+5=11$. Of course, this
+family is also a $\left\{ 0,3,5\right\} $-family of elements of $\mathbb{Z}%
+$. If we squint hard enough, we can pretend that this family is simply the
+$3$-tuple $\left( 6,9,11\right) $; but this is not advisable, and also does
+not extend to situations in which there is no natural order on the set $I$.
+\textbf{(b)} Let $X$ be the set $\left\{ \text{\textquotedblleft
+cat\textquotedblright},\text{\textquotedblleft chicken\textquotedblright%
+},\text{\textquotedblleft dog\textquotedblright}\right\} $ consisting of
+three words. Then, we can define an $X$-family $\left( a_{i}\right) _{i\in
+X}$ of elements of $\mathbb{N}$ by setting%
+a_{\text{\textquotedblleft cat\textquotedblright}}%
+=4,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a_{\text{\textquotedblleft chicken\textquotedblright}%
+}=2,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a_{\text{\textquotedblleft dog\textquotedblright}}=4.
+This family has $3$ entries, which are $4$, $2$ and $4$; but there is no
+natural order on the set $X$, so we cannot identify it with a $3$-tuple.
+We can also rewrite this family as
+\left( \text{the number of legs of a typical specimen of animal }i\right)
+_{i\in X}.
+Of course, not every family will have a description like this; sometimes a
+family is just a choice of elements without any underlying pattern.
+\textbf{(c)} If $I$ is the empty set $\varnothing$, and if $A$ is any set,
+then there is exactly one $I$-family of elements of $A$; namely, the
+\textit{empty family}. Indeed, specifying such a family means specifying no
+elements at all, and there is just one way to do that. We can denote the empty
+family by $\left( {}\right) $, just like the empty $0$-tuple.
+\textbf{(d)} The family $\left( \left\vert i\right\vert \right)
+_{i\in\mathbb{Z}}$ is a $\mathbb{Z}$-family of elements of $\mathbb{N}$
+(because $\left\vert i\right\vert $ is an element of $\mathbb{N}$ for each
+$i\in\mathbb{Z}$). It can also be regarded as a $\mathbb{Z}$-family of
+elements of $\mathbb{Z}$.
+\textbf{(e)} If $I$ is the set $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $ for some
+$n\in\mathbb{N}$, and if $A$ is any set, then an $I$-family $\left(
+a_{i}\right) _{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }$ of elements of $A$ is
+the same as an $n$-tuple of elements of $A$. The same holds for families and
+$n$-tuples of elements from different sets. Thus, any $n$ sets $A_{1}%
+,A_{2},\ldots,A_{n}$ satisfy $\prod_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }%
+The notation \textquotedblleft$\left( a_{i}\right) _{i\in I}$%
+\textquotedblright\ in Definition \ref{def.ind.families.fams} should be
+pronounced as \textquotedblleft the $I$-family whose $i$-th entry is $a_{i}$
+for each $i\in I$\textquotedblright. The letter \textquotedblleft%
+$i$\textquotedblright\ is used as a variable in this notation (similar to the
+\textquotedblleft$i$\textquotedblright\ in the expression \textquotedblleft%
+$\sum_{i=1}^{n}i$\textquotedblright); it does not refer to any specific
+element of $I$. As usual, it does not matter which letter we are using for
+this variable (as long as it does not already have a different meaning); thus,
+for example, the $\mathbb{Z}$-families $\left( \left\vert i\right\vert
+\right) _{i\in\mathbb{Z}}$ and $\left( \left\vert p\right\vert \right)
+_{p\in\mathbb{Z}}$ and $\left( \left\vert w\right\vert \right)
+_{w\in\mathbb{Z}}$ are all identical.
+\label{rmk.ind.families.maps}Let $I$ and $A$ be two sets. What is the
+difference between an $A$-valued $I$-family and a map from $I$ to $A$ ? Both
+of these objects consist of a choice of an element of $A$ for each $i\in I$.
+The main difference is terminological: e.g., when we speak of a family, the
+elements of $A$ that constitute it are called its \textquotedblleft
+entries\textquotedblright, whereas for a map they are called its
+\textquotedblleft images\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft
+values\textquotedblright. Also, the notations for them are different: The
+$A$-valued $I$-family $\left( a_{i}\right) _{i\in I}$ corresponds to the map
+$I\rightarrow A,\ i\mapsto a_{i}$.
+There is also another, subtler difference: A map from $I$ to $A$
+\textquotedblleft knows\textquotedblright\ what the set $A$ is (so that, for
+example, the maps $\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N},\ i\mapsto i$ and
+$\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z},\ i\mapsto i$ are considered different, even
+though they map every element of $\mathbb{N}$ to the same value); but an
+$A$-valued $I$-family does not \textquotedblleft know\textquotedblright\ what
+the set $A$ is (so that, for example, the $\mathbb{N}$-valued $\mathbb{N}%
+$-family $\left( i\right) _{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ is considered identical with
+the $\mathbb{Z}$-valued $\mathbb{N}$-family $\left( i\right) _{i\in
+\mathbb{N}}$). This matters occasionally when one wants to consider maps or
+families for different sets simultaneously; it is not relevant if we just work
+with $A$-valued $I$-families (or maps from $I$ to $A$) for two fixed sets $I$
+and $A$. And either way, these conventions are not universal across the
+mathematical literature; for some authors, maps from $I$ to $A$ do not
+\textquotedblleft know\textquotedblright\ what $A$ is, whereas other authors
+want families to \textquotedblleft know\textquotedblright\ this too.
+What is certainly true, independently of any conventions, is the following
+fact: If $I$ and $A$ are two sets, then the map%
+\left\{ \text{maps from }I\text{ to }A\right\} & \rightarrow\left\{
+A\text{-valued }I\text{-families}\right\} ,\\
+f & \mapsto\left( f\left( i\right) \right) _{i\in I}%
+is bijective. (Its inverse map sends every $A$-valued $I$-family $\left(
+a_{i}\right) _{i\in I}$ to the map $I\rightarrow A,\ i\mapsto a_{i}$.) Thus,
+there is little harm in equating $\left\{ \text{maps from }I\text{ to
+}A\right\} $ with $\left\{ A\text{-valued }I\text{-families}\right\} $.
+We already know from Example \ref{exa.ind.families.fams} \textbf{(e)} that
+$n$-tuples are a particular case of families; the same holds for rectangular tables:
+\label{def.ind.families.rectab}Let $A$ be a set. Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and
+$m\in\mathbb{N}$. Then, an $n\times m$\textit{-table} of elements of $A$ means
+an $A$-valued $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} \times\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,m\right\} $-family. According to Remark \ref{rmk.ind.families.maps}, this is
+tantamount to saying that an $n\times m$-table of elements of $A$ means a map
+from $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} \times\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $ to
+$A$, except for notational differences (such as referring to the elements that
+constitute the $n\times m$-table as \textquotedblleft
+entries\textquotedblright\ rather than \textquotedblleft
+values\textquotedblright) and for the fact that an $n\times m$-table does not
+\textquotedblleft know\textquotedblright\ $A$ (whereas a map would do).
+In future chapters, we shall consider \textquotedblleft$n\times m$%
+-matrices\textquotedblright, which are defined as maps from $\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,n\right\} \times\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $ to $A$ rather
+than as $A$-valued $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} \times\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $-families. We shall keep using the same notations for
+them as for $n\times m$-tables, but unlike $n\times m$-tables, they will
+\textquotedblleft know\textquotedblright\ $A$ (that is, two $n\times
+m$-matrices with the same entries but different sets $A$ will be considered
+different). Anyway, this difference is minor.
+(The following has been removed, since I don't use these notations.)
+\textbf{(b)} Let $C=\left( c_{i,j}\right) _{\left( i,j\right) \in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,n\right\} \times\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} }$ be an $n\times
+m$-table of elements of $A$. Then, $C$ is often written as%
+c_{1,1} & c_{1,2} & \cdots & c_{1,m}\\
+c_{2,1} & c_{2,2} & \cdots & c_{2,m}\\
+\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
+c_{n,1} & c_{n,2} & \cdots & c_{n,m}%
+(that is, as a rectangular table with $n$ rows and $m$ columns such that the
+entry in the $i$-th row and the $j$-th column is $c_{i,j}$). For any
+$p\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $, we denote the $1\times m$-table%
+\left( c_{p,j}\right) _{\left( i,j\right) \in\left\{ 1\right\}
+\times\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} }=\left(
+c_{p,1} & c_{p,2} & \cdots & c_{p,m}%
+as the $p$\textit{-th row} of $C$. For any $q\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\}
+$, we denote the $n\times1$-table%
+\left( c_{i,q}\right) _{\left( i,j\right) \in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots
+,n\right\} \times\left\{ 1\right\} }=\left(
+as the $q$\textit{-th column} of $C$.
+\subsubsection{A desirable definition}
+We now know what an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family is (for some set $S$): It
+is just a way of choosing some element of $\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. When
+this element is called $a_{s}$, the $S$-family is called $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$.
+We now want to define the sum of an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ when the set $S$ is finite. Actually, we have already
+seen a definition of this sum (which is called $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$) in
+Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}. The only problem with that definition is
+that we don't know yet that it is legitimate. Let us nevertheless recall it
+(rewriting it using the notion of an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family):
+\label{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}If $S$ is a finite set, and if $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then we want to
+define the number $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$. We define this number by recursion on
+$\left\vert S\right\vert $ as follows:
+\item If $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ is defined to
+be $0$.
+\item Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that we have defined $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$
+for every finite set $S$ with $\left\vert S\right\vert =n$ and any
+$\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$. Now, if $S$
+is a finite set with $\left\vert S\right\vert =n+1$, and if $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is any $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ is defined by picking any $t\in S$ and setting%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+As we already observed in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}, it is not
+obvious that this definition is legitimate: The right hand side of
+(\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-com.defsum1.step}) is defined using a choice of $t$, but
+we want our value of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ to depend only on $S$ and $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ (not on some arbitrarily chosen $t\in S$). Thus, we
+cannot use this definition yet. Our main goal in this section is to prove that
+it is indeed legitimate.
+\subsubsection{The set of all possible sums}
+There are two ways to approach this goal. One is to prove the legitimacy of
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} by strong induction on $\left\vert
+S\right\vert $; the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ that we would be
+proving for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$ here would be saying that Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} is legitimate for all finite sets $S$ satisfying
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =n$. This is not hard, but conceptually confusing, as
+it would require us to use Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} for
+\textbf{some} sets $S$ while its legitimacy for other sets $S$ is yet unproven.
+We prefer to proceed in a different way: We shall first define a set
+$\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ for any
+$\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$; this set
+shall consist (roughly speaking) of \textquotedblleft all possible values that
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ could have according to Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}\textquotedblright. This set will be defined
+recursively, more or less following Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1},
+but instead of relying on a choice of \textbf{some} $t\in S$, it will use
+\textbf{all} possible elements $t\in S$. (See Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.Sums} for the precise definition.) Unlike $\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}$ itself, it will be a set of numbers, not a single number; however, it
+has the advantage that the legitimacy of its definition will be immediately
+obvious. Then, we will prove (in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.Sums1}) that
+this set $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right)
+$ is actually a $1$-element set; this will allow us to define $\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}$ to be the unique element of $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ for any $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family
+$\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ (see Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2}). Then, we will retroactively legitimize
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} by showing that Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} leads to the same value of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$
+as Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} (no matter which $t\in S$ is
+chosen). Having thus justified Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}, we
+will forget about the set $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right)
+_{s\in S}\right) $ and about Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2}.
+In later subsections, we shall prove some basic properties of sums.
+Let us define the set $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right)
+_{s\in S}\right) $, as promised:
+\label{def.ind.gen-com.Sums}If $S$ is a finite set, and if $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then we want to
+define the set $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in
+S}\right) $ of numbers. We define this set by recursion on $\left\vert
+S\right\vert $ as follows:
+\item If $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then $\operatorname*{Sums}\left(
+\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ is defined to be $\left\{
+0\right\} $.
+\item Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that we have defined $\operatorname*{Sums}%
+\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ for every finite set $S$
+with $\left\vert S\right\vert =n$ and any $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family
+$\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$. Now, if $S$ is a finite set with
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =n+1$, and if $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is
+any $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ is defined by%
+& \operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right)
+& =\left\{ a_{t}+b\ \mid\ t\in S\text{ and }b\in\operatorname*{Sums}\left(
+\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\right) \right\}
+. \label{eq.def.ind.gen-com.Sums.rec}%
+(The sets $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\right) $ on the right hand side of this
+equation are well-defined, because for each $t\in S$, we have $\left\vert
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert =\left\vert S\right\vert -1=n$
+(since $\left\vert S\right\vert =n+1$), and therefore $\operatorname*{Sums}%
+\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\right) $
+is well-defined by our assumption.)
+\label{exa.def.ind.gen-com.Sums.1}Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ be an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family. Let us see what
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.Sums} says when $S$ has only few elements:
+\textbf{(a)} If $S=\varnothing$, then
+\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\varnothing}\right)
+=\left\{ 0\right\} \label{eq.exa.def.ind.gen-com.Sums.1.0}%
+(directly by Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.Sums}, since $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =\left\vert \varnothing\right\vert =0$ in this case).
+\textbf{(b)} If $S=\left\{ x\right\} $ for some element $x$, then Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.Sums} yields%
+& \operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{ x\right\}
+}\right) \nonumber\\
+& =\left\{ a_{t}+b\ \mid\ t\in\left\{ x\right\} \text{ and }%
+b\in\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x\right\} \setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\right) \right\} \nonumber\\
+& =\left\{ a_{x}+b\ \mid\ b\in\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{ x\right\} \setminus\left\{ x\right\} }\right)
+\right\} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since the only }t\in\left\{
+x\right\} \text{ is }x\right) \nonumber\\
+& =\left\{ a_{x}+b\ \mid\ b\in\underbrace{\operatorname*{Sums}\left(
+\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\varnothing}\right) }_{=\left\{ 0\right\}
+}\right\} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left\{ x\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ x\right\} =\varnothing\right) \nonumber\\
+& =\left\{ a_{x}+b\ \mid\ b\in\left\{ 0\right\} \right\} =\left\{
+a_{x}+0\right\} =\left\{ a_{x}\right\} .
+\textbf{(c)} If $S=\left\{ x,y\right\} $ for two distinct elements $x$ and
+$y$, then Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.Sums} yields%
+& \operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x,y\right\} }\right) \\
+& =\left\{ a_{t}+b\ \mid\ t\in\left\{ x,y\right\} \text{ and }%
+b\in\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x,y\right\} \setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\right) \right\} \\
+& =\left\{ a_{x}+b\ \mid\ b\in\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{ x,y\right\} \setminus\left\{ x\right\}
+}\right) \right\} \\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \cup\left\{ a_{y}+b\ \mid\ b\in\operatorname*{Sums}%
+\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{ x,y\right\} \setminus\left\{
+y\right\} }\right) \right\} \\
+& =\left\{ a_{x}+b\ \mid\ b\in\underbrace{\operatorname*{Sums}\left(
+\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{ y\right\} }\right) }%
+_{\substack{=\left\{ a_{y}\right\} \\\text{(by
+(\ref{eq.exa.def.ind.gen-com.Sums.1.1}), applied to }y\text{ instead of
+}x\text{)}}}\right\} \\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \cup\left\{ a_{y}+b\ \mid\ b\in
+\underbrace{\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x\right\} }\right) }_{\substack{=\left\{ a_{x}\right\} \\\text{(by
+(\ref{eq.exa.def.ind.gen-com.Sums.1.1}))}}}\right\} \\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left\{ x,y\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ x\right\} =\left\{ y\right\} \text{ and }\left\{
+x,y\right\} \setminus\left\{ y\right\} =\left\{ x\right\} \right) \\
+& =\underbrace{\left\{ a_{x}+b\ \mid\ b\in\left\{ a_{y}\right\} \right\}
+}_{=\left\{ a_{x}+a_{y}\right\} }\cup\underbrace{\left\{ a_{y}%
++b\ \mid\ b\in\left\{ a_{x}\right\} \right\} }_{=\left\{ a_{y}%
++a_{x}\right\} }\\
+& =\left\{ a_{x}+a_{y}\right\} \cup\left\{ a_{y}+a_{x}\right\} =\left\{
+a_{x}+a_{y},a_{y}+a_{x}\right\} =\left\{ a_{x}+a_{y}\right\}
+(since $a_{y}+a_{x}=a_{x}+a_{y}$).
+\textbf{(d)} Similar reasoning shows that if $S=\left\{ x,y,z\right\} $ for
+three distinct elements $x$, $y$ and $z$, then%
+\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x,y,z\right\} }\right) =\left\{ a_{x}+\left( a_{y}+a_{z}\right)
+,a_{y}+\left( a_{x}+a_{z}\right) ,a_{z}+\left( a_{x}+a_{y}\right)
+\right\} .
+It is not hard to check (using Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} and
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg}) that the three elements $a_{x}+\left(
+a_{y}+a_{z}\right) $, $a_{y}+\left( a_{x}+a_{z}\right) $ and $a_{z}+\left(
+a_{x}+a_{y}\right) $ of this set are equal, so we may call them $a_{x}%
++a_{y}+a_{z}$; thus, we can rewrite this equality as%
+\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x,y,z\right\} }\right) =\left\{ a_{x}+a_{y}+a_{z}\right\} .
+\textbf{(e)} Going further, we can see that if $S=\left\{ x,y,z,w\right\} $
+for four distinct elements $x$, $y$, $z$ and $w$, then%
+\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{
+x,y,z,w\right\} }\right) & =\left\{ a_{x}+\left( a_{y}+a_{z}%
++a_{w}\right) ,a_{y}+\left( a_{x}+a_{z}+a_{w}\right) ,\right. \\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left. a_{z}+\left( a_{x}+a_{y}+a_{w}\right)
+,a_{w}+\left( a_{x}+a_{y}+a_{z}\right) \right\} .
+Again, it is not hard to prove that
+a_{x}+\left( a_{y}+a_{z}+a_{w}\right) & =a_{y}+\left( a_{x}+a_{z}%
++a_{w}\right) \\
+& =a_{z}+\left( a_{x}+a_{y}+a_{w}\right) =a_{w}+\left( a_{x}+a_{y}%
++a_{z}\right) ,
+and thus the set $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right)
+_{s\in\left\{ x,y,z,w\right\} }\right) $ is again a $1$-element set, whose
+unique element can be called $a_{x}+a_{y}+a_{z}+a_{w}$.
+These examples suggest that the set $\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ should always be a $1$-element set. This is
+precisely what we are going to claim now:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.Sums1}If $S$ is a finite set, and if $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then the set
+$\operatorname*{Sums}\left( \left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}\right) $ is a
+$1$-element set.
+\subsubsection{The set of all possible sums is a $1$-element set: proof}
+Before we step to the proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.Sums1}, we observe
+an almost trivial lemma:
+\label{lem.ind.gen-com.Sums-lem}Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three numbers (i.e.,
+elements of $\mathbb{A}$). Then, $a+\left( b+c\right) =b+\left( a+c\right)
+[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.Sums-lem}.]Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} (applied to $b$ and $a$ instead of $a$ and $b$)
+yields $\left( b+a\right) +c=b+\left( a+c\right) $. Also, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} yields $\left( a+b\right) +c=a+\left(
+b+c\right) $. Hence,%
+a+\left( b+c\right) =\underbrace{\left( a+b\right) }%
+_{\substack{=b+a\\\text{(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg})}%
+}}+c=\left( b+a\right) +c=b+\left( a+c\right) .
+This proves Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.Sums-lem}.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.Sums1}.]We shall prove Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.Sums1} by strong induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert $:
+Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.Sums1} holds
+under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert 0$, so that the set $S$ is nonempty. Fix any $t\in S$. (Such a $t$
+exists, since the set $S$ is nonempty.) We have $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} \right\vert =\left\vert S\right\vert -1=n$ (since $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =n+1$), so that we can assume (because we are using recursion)
+that $\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}$ has already been
+computed. Then, $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} }a_{s}$. (This follows from Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum}
+We can restate this algorithm as an alternative definition of $\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}$; it then takes the following form:
+\textit{Alternative definition of }$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$\textit{ for any finite
+set }$S$ \textit{and any }$\mathbb{A}$\textit{-valued }$S$\textit{-family
+}$\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$\textit{:} If $S$ is a finite set, and if
+$\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then
+we define $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ by recursion on $\left\vert S\right\vert $ as follows:
+\item If $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ is defined to
+be $0$.
+\item Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that we have defined $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$
+for every finite set $S$ with $\left\vert S\right\vert =n$ and any
+$\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$. Now, if $S$
+is a finite set with $\left\vert S\right\vert =n+1$, and if $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is any $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family, then
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ is defined by picking any $t\in S$ and setting%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+This alternative definition of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ merely follows the above
+algorithm for computing $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$. Thus, it is guaranteed to always
+yield the same value of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ as Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2}, independently of the choice of $t$. Hence, we
+obtain the following:
+\textit{Claim 1:} This alternative definition is legitimate (i.e., the value
+of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ in (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.wd.ad.t}) does not depend
+on the choice of $t$), and is equivalent to Definition
+But on the other hand, this alternative definition is precisely Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}. Hence, Claim 1 rewrites as follows: Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} is legitimate (i.e., the value of $\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}$ in Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} does not depend on the
+choice of $t$), and is equivalent to Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2}.
+This proves both parts \textbf{(a)} and \textbf{(b)} of Theorem
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.wd} \textbf{(a)} shows that Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} is legitimate.
+Thus, at last, we have vindicated the notation $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ that was
+introduced in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} (because the definition of
+this notation we gave in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} was precisely
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}). We can now forget about Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2}, since it has served its purpose (which was to
+justify Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}). (Of course, we could also
+forget about Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} instead, and use
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} as our definition of $\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}$ (after all, these two definitions are equivalent, as we now know).
+Then, we would have to replace every reference to the definition of
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ by a reference to Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum};
+in particular, we would have to replace every use of (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}) by a
+use of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(b)}. Other than this,
+everything would work the same way.)
+The notation $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ has several properties, many of which were
+collected in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}. We shall prove some of
+these properties later in this section.
+From now on, we shall be using all the conventions and notations regarding
+sums that we introduced in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}. In
+particular, expressions of the form \textquotedblleft$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}%
++b$\textquotedblright\ shall always be interpreted as $\left( \sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}\right) +b$, not as $\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b\right) $; but
+expressions of the form \textquotedblleft$\sum_{s\in S}ba_{s}c$%
+\textquotedblright\ shall always be understood to mean $\sum_{s\in S}\left(
+ba_{s}c\right) $.
+\subsubsection{Triangular numbers revisited}
+Recall one specific notation we introduced in Section
+\ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}: If $u$ and $v$ are two integers, and if $a_{s}$
+is a number for each $s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} $, then $\sum
+_{s=u}^{v}a_{s}$ is defined by%
+\sum_{s=u}^{v}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} }a_{s}.
+This sum $\sum_{s=u}^{v}a_{s}$ is also denoted by $a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}$.
+We are now ready to do something that we evaded in Section
+\ref{sect.ind.trinum}: namely, to speak of the sum of the first $n$ positive
+integers without having to define it recursively. Indeed, we can now interpret
+this sum as $\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }i$, an expression which
+has a well-defined meaning because we have shown that the notation $\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}$ is well-defined. We can also rewrite this expression as $\sum
+_{i=1}^{n}i$ or as $1+2+\cdots+n$.
+Thus, the classical fact that the sum of the first $n$ positive integers is
+$\dfrac{n\left( n+1\right) }{2}$ can now be stated as follows:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2}We have%
+\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} }i=\dfrac{n\left( n+1\right) }%
+{2}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }n\in\mathbb{N}.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2}.]We shall prove
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) by induction on $n$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,0\right\} =\varnothing$
+and thus $\left\vert \left\{ 1,2,\ldots,0\right\} \right\vert =\left\vert
+\varnothing\right\vert =0$. Hence, the definition of $\sum_{i\in\left\{
+1,2,\ldots,0\right\} }i$ yields%
+\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,0\right\} }i=0.
+(To be more precise, we have used the first bullet point of Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} here, which says that $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0$
+whenever the set $S$ and the $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ satisfy $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. If you are
+using Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} instead of Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}, you should instead be using Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(a)} to argue this.)
+Comparing (\ref{pf.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.IB.1}) with $\dfrac{0\left(
+0+1\right) }{2}=0$, we obtain $\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,0\right\}
+}i=\dfrac{0\left( 0+1\right) }{2}$. In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) holds for $n=0$. This completes the
+induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) holds for $n=m$. We must prove that
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) holds for
+$n=m$. In other words, we have
+\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} }i=\dfrac{m\left( m+1\right) }{2}.
+Now, $\left\vert \left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} \right\vert =m+1$ and
+$m+1\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} $ (since $m+1$ is a positive integer
+(since $m\in\mathbb{N}$)). Hence, (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}) (applied to $n=m$,
+$S=\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} $, $t=m+1$ and $\left( a_{s}\right)
+_{s\in S}=\left( i\right) _{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} }$) yields%
+\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} }i=\left( m+1\right) +\sum
+_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} \setminus\left\{ m+1\right\} }i.
+(Here, we have relied on the equality (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}), which appears
+verbatim in Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}. If you are using
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} instead of Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}, you should instead be using Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(b)} to argue this.)
+Now, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.3}) becomes%
+\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} }i & =\left( m+1\right)
++\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\} \setminus\left\{ m+1\right\}
+}i=\left( m+1\right) +\underbrace{\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\}
+}i}_{\substack{=\dfrac{m\left( m+1\right) }{2}\\\text{(by
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m+1\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ m+1\right\} =\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} \right) \\
+& =\left( m+1\right) +\dfrac{m\left( m+1\right) }{2}=\dfrac{2\left(
+m+1\right) +m\left( m+1\right) }{2}\\
+& =\dfrac{\left( m+1\right) \left( \left( m+1\right) +1\right) }{2}%
+(since $2\left( m+1\right) +m\left( m+1\right) =\left( m+1\right)
+\left( \left( m+1\right) +1\right) $). In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) holds for $n=m+1$. This completes
+the induction step. Thus, the induction proof of
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) is finished. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2} holds.
+\subsubsection{Sums of a few numbers}
+Merely for the sake of future convenience, let us restate (\ref{eq.sum.def.1})
+in a slightly more direct way (without mentioning $\left\vert S\right\vert $):
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}Let $S$ be a finite set, and let $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ be an $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family. Let $t\in S$.
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}.]Let $n=\left\vert
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert $; thus, $n\in\mathbb{N}$ (since
+$S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ is a finite set). Also, $n=\left\vert
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert =\left\vert S\right\vert -1$ (since
+$t\in S$), and thus $\left\vert S\right\vert =n+1$. Hence, (\ref{eq.sum.def.1}%
+) yields $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\}
+}a_{s}$. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}.
+(Alternatively, we can argue that Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}
+is the same as Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(b)}, except that
+we are now using Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} instead of
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} to define the sums involved -- but
+this difference is insubstantial, since we have shown that these two
+definitions are equivalent.)
+(Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}.) If we use Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} instead of Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} (for defining sums), then the claim of
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} becomes precisely the claim of
+Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(b)}. Since we know that
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum2} is equivalent to Definition
+\ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} (according to Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.wd}
+\textbf{(b)}), we thus conclude that Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} is equivalent to the claim of Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(b)}. Thus, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} holds (since Lemma
+\ref{lem.ind.gen-com.same-sum} \textbf{(b)} holds).
+In Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}, we have introduced $a_{u}%
++a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}$ as an abbreviation for the sum $\sum_{s=u}^{v}%
+a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} }a_{s}$ (whenever $u$ and $v$
+are two integers, and $a_{s}$ is a number for each $s\in\left\{
+u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} $). In order to ensure that this abbreviation does not
+create any nasty surprises, we need to check that it behaves as we would
+expect -- i.e., that it satisfies the following four properties:
+\item If the sum $a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}$ has no addends (i.e., if $u>v$),
+then it equals $0$.
+\item If the sum $a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}$ has exactly one addend (i.e., if
+$u=v$), then it equals $a_{u}$.
+\item If the sum $a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}$ has exactly two addends (i.e.,
+if $u=v-1$), then it equals $a_{u}+a_{v}$.
+\item If $v\geq u$, then
+a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v} & =\left( a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v-1}\right)
+& =a_{u}+\left( a_{u+1}+a_{u+2}+\cdots+a_{v}\right) .
+The first of these four properties follows from the definition (indeed, if
+$u>v$, then the set $\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} $ is empty and thus
+satisfies $\left\vert \left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} \right\vert =0$; but
+this yields $\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} }a_{s}=0$). The fourth
+of these four properties can easily be obtained from Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}\footnote{In more detail: Assume that $v\geq
+u$. Thus, both $u$ and $v$ belong to the set $\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\}
+$. Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $S=\left\{
+u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} $ and $t=v$) yields $\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots
+,v\right\} }a_{s}=a_{v}+\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ v\right\} }a_{s}$. Thus,%
+& a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}\\
+& =\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} }a_{s}=a_{v}+\sum_{s\in\left\{
+u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} \setminus\left\{ v\right\} }a_{s}\\
+& =a_{v}+\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v-1\right\} }a_{s}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ v\right\} =\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v-1\right\} \right) \\
+& =a_{v}+\left( a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v-1}\right) =\left( a_{u}%
++a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v-1}\right) +a_{v}.
+Also, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $S=\left\{
+u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} $ and $t=u$) yields $\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots
+,v\right\} }a_{s}=a_{u}+\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ u\right\} }a_{s}$. Thus,%
+& a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}\\
+& =\sum_{s\in\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} }a_{s}=a_{u}+\sum_{s\in\left\{
+u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\} \setminus\left\{ u\right\} }a_{s}\\
+& =a_{u}+\sum_{s\in\left\{ u+1,u+2,\ldots,v\right\} }a_{s}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left\{ u,u+1,\ldots,v\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ u\right\} =\left\{ u+1,u+2,\ldots,v\right\} \right) \\
+& =a_{u}+\left( a_{u+1}+a_{u+2}+\cdots+a_{v}\right) .
+a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v}=\left( a_{u}+a_{u+1}+\cdots+a_{v-1}\right)
++a_{v}=a_{u}+\left( a_{u+1}+a_{u+2}+\cdots+a_{v}\right) .
+}. The second and third properties follow from the following fact:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12}Let $S$ be a finite set. For every $s\in S$, let
+$a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$.
+\textbf{(a)} If $S=\left\{ p\right\} $ for some element $p$, then this $p$
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{p}.
+\textbf{(b)} If $S=\left\{ p,q\right\} $ for two distinct elements $p$ and
+$q$, then these $p$ and $q$ satisfy
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{p}+a_{q}.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12}.]\textbf{(a)} Assume that
+$S=\left\{ p\right\} $ for some element $p$. Consider this $p$.
+The first bullet point of Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} shows that
+$\sum_{s\in\varnothing}a_{s}=0$ (since $\left\vert \varnothing\right\vert
+=0$). But $p\in\left\{ p\right\} =S$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $t=p$) yields
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s} & =a_{p}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ p\right\} }%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\underbrace{S}_{=\left\{ p\right\}
+}\setminus\left\{ p\right\} =\left\{ p\right\} \setminus\left\{
+p\right\} =\varnothing\right) \\
+& =a_{p}+0=a_{p}.
+This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12} \textbf{(a)}.
+\textbf{(b)} Assume that $S=\left\{ p,q\right\} $ for two distinct elements
+$p$ and $q$. Consider these $p$ and $q$. Thus, $q\neq p$ (since $p$ and $q$
+are distinct), so that $q\notin\left\{ p\right\} $.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12} \textbf{(a)} (applied to $\left\{
+p\right\} $ instead of $S$) yields $\sum_{s\in\left\{ p\right\} }%
+a_{s}=a_{p}$ (since $\left\{ p\right\} =\left\{ p\right\} $).
+We have $\underbrace{S}_{=\left\{ p,q\right\} =\left\{ p\right\}
+\cup\left\{ q\right\} }\setminus\left\{ q\right\} =\left( \left\{
+p\right\} \cup\left\{ q\right\} \right) \setminus\left\{ q\right\}
+=\left\{ p\right\} \setminus\left\{ q\right\} =\left\{ p\right\} $
+(since $q\notin\left\{ p\right\} $). Also, $q\in\left\{ p,q\right\} =S$.
+Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $t=q$) yields
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s} & =a_{q}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }%
+a_{s}=a_{q}+\underbrace{\sum_{s\in\left\{ p\right\} }a_{s}}_{=a_{p}\text{ }%
+}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }S\setminus\left\{ q\right\}
+=\left\{ p\right\} \right) \\
+& =a_{q}+a_{p}=a_{p}+a_{q}.
+This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12} \textbf{(b)}.
+\subsubsection{Linearity of sums}
+We shall now prove some general properties of finite sums. We begin with the
+equality (\ref{eq.sum.linear1}) from Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)}Let $S$ be a finite set. For every $s\in S$,
+let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be elements of $\mathbb{A}$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
+Before we prove this theorem, let us show a simple lemma:
+\label{lem.ind.gen-com.xyuv}Let $x$, $y$, $u$ and $v$ be four numbers (i.e.,
+elements of $\mathbb{A}$). Then,%
+\left( x+y\right) +\left( u+v\right) =\left( x+u\right) +\left(
+y+v\right) .
+[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.xyuv}.]Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} (applied to $a=y$, $b=u$ and $c=v$) yields%
+\left( y+u\right) +v=y+\left( u+v\right) .
+Also, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} (applied to $a=x$, $b=y$ and
+$c=u+v$) yields%
+\left( x+y\right) +\left( u+v\right) & =x+\underbrace{\left( y+\left(
+u+v\right) \right) }_{\substack{=\left( y+u\right) +v\\\text{(by
+& =x+\left( \left( y+u\right) +v\right) .
+The same argument (with $y$ and $u$ replaced by $u$ and $y$) yields%
+\left( x+u\right) +\left( y+v\right) =x+\left( \left( u+y\right)
++v\right) . \label{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.xyuv.3}%
+But Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg} (applied to $a=y$ and $b=u$) yields
+$y+u=u+y$. Thus, (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.xyuv.2}) becomes%
+\left( x+y\right) +\left( u+v\right) =x+\left( \underbrace{\left(
+y+u\right) }_{=u+y}+v\right) =x+\left( \left( u+y\right) +v\right)
+=\left( x+u\right) +\left( y+v\right)
+(by (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.xyuv.3})). This proves Lemma
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)}.]Forget that we fixed $S$,
+$a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$. We shall prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} by
+induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert $:
+\textit{Induction base:} Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds under
+the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$%
+\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let $S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be as in
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)}. Assume that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=0$. Thus, the first bullet point of Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}
+yields $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0$ and $\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}=0$ and $\sum_{s\in
+S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =0$. Hence,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =0=\underbrace{0}_{=\sum_{s\in
+S}a_{s}}+\underbrace{0}_{=\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}}=\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
+Now, forget that we fixed $S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$. We thus have proved that
+if $S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ are as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)},
+and if $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then $\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}%
++b_{s}\right) =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}$. In other words,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. Qed.}. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m$. We must now prove that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m+1$.
+We have assumed that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m$. In other words, the following
+claim holds:
+\textit{Claim 1:} Let $S$ be a finite set such that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=m$. For every $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be elements of $\mathbb{A}$.
+\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
+Next, we shall show the following claim:
+\textit{Claim 2:} Let $S$ be a finite set such that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=m+1$. For every $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be elements of $\mathbb{A}%
+$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
+[\textit{Proof of Claim 2:} We have $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1>m\geq0$.
+Hence, the set $S$ is nonempty. Thus, there exists some $t\in S$. Consider
+this $t$.
+From $t\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert
+=\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$). Hence,
+Claim 1 (applied to $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ instead of $S$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right)
+=\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} }b_{s}. \label{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b).c2.pf.1}%
+Now, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+Also, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $b_{s}$ instead
+of $a_{s}$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}=b_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}.
+Finally, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $a_{s}%
++b_{s}$ instead of $a_{s}$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) & =\left( a_{t}+b_{t}\right)
++\underbrace{\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\left( a_{s}%
++b_{s}\right) }_{\substack{=\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }%
+a_{s}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}\\\text{(by
+& =\left( a_{t}+b_{t}\right) +\left( \sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} }a_{s}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}\right) \\
+& =\underbrace{\left( a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }%
+a_{s}\right) }_{\substack{=\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b).c2.pf.a}))}}}+\underbrace{\left( b_{t}%
++\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}\right) }_{\substack{=\sum
+_{s\in S}b_{s}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b).c2.pf.b}))}}}\\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{by Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.xyuv} (applied}\\
+\text{to }x=a_{t}\text{, }y=b_{t}\text{, }u=\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} }a_{s}\text{ and }v=\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }%
+\right) \\
+& =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}.
+This proves Claim 2.]
+But Claim 2 says precisely that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds
+under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$. Hence, we conclude
+that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$ (since Claim 2 is proven). This completes the
+induction step. Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} is proven by induction.
+We shall next prove (\ref{eq.sum.linear2}):
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)}Let $S$ be a finite set. For every $s\in S$,
+let $a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$. Also, let $\lambda$ be an element
+of $\mathbb{A}$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}.
+To prove this theorem, we need the following fundamental fact of arithmetic:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.distr}Let $x$, $y$ and $z$ be three numbers (i.e.,
+elements of $\mathbb{A}$). Then, $x\left( y+z\right) =xy+xz$.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr} is known as the
+\textit{distributivity} (or \textit{left distributivity}) in $\mathbb{A}$. It
+is a fundamental result, and its proof can be found in standard
+textbooks\footnote{For example, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr} is
+proven in \cite[Theorem 3.2.3 (6)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}%
+=\mathbb{N}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.5.4 (6)]{Swanso18} for the case when
+$\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Z}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.6.4 (6)]{Swanso18} for the case
+when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Q}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.7.13]{Swanso18} for the case
+when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{R}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.9.3]{Swanso18} for the case
+when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{C}$.}.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)}.]Forget that we fixed $S$,
+$a_{s}$ and $\lambda$. We shall prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} by
+induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert $:
+\textit{Induction base:} The induction base (i.e., proving that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =0$) is similar to the induction base in the proof of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)} above; we thus leave it to the reader.
+\textit{Induction base:} Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.}
+Let $S$, $a_{s}$ and $\lambda$ be as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)}.
+Assume that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. Thus, the first bullet point of
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} yields $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0$ and
+$\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=0$. Hence,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=0=\lambda\underbrace{0}_{=\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}%
+}=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}.
+Now, forget that we fixed $S$, $a_{s}$ and $\lambda$. We thus have proved that
+if $S$, $a_{s}$ and $\lambda$ are as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)},
+and if $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then $\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}%
+=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$. In other words, Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =0$. Qed.}. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m$. We must now prove that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)}
+holds under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$.
+We have assumed that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m$. In other words, the following
+claim holds:
+\textit{Claim 1:} Let $S$ be a finite set such that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=m$. For every $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$. Also, let
+$\lambda$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}.
+Next, we shall show the following claim:
+\textit{Claim 2:} Let $S$ be a finite set such that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=m+1$. For every $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$. Also,
+let $\lambda$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}.
+[\textit{Proof of Claim 2:} We have $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1>m\geq0$.
+Hence, the set $S$ is nonempty. Thus, there exists some $t\in S$. Consider
+this $t$.
+From $t\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert
+=\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$). Hence,
+Claim 1 (applied to $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ instead of $S$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }\lambda a_{s}=\lambda\sum_{s\in
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+Now, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+Multiplying both sides of this equality by $\lambda$, we obtain%
+\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\lambda\left( a_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} }a_{s}\right) =\lambda a_{t}+\lambda\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} }a_{s}%
+(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr} (applied to $x=\lambda$,
+$y=a_{t}$ and $z=\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}$)). Also,
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $\lambda a_{s}$
+instead of $a_{s}$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=\lambda a_{t}+\underbrace{\sum_{s\in S\setminus
+\left\{ t\right\} }\lambda a_{s}}_{\substack{=\lambda\sum_{s\in
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la).c2.pf.1}))}}}=\lambda a_{t}+\lambda\sum_{s\in
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}.
+Comparing the preceding two equalities, we find%
+\sum_{s\in S}\lambda a_{s}=\lambda\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}.
+This proves Claim 2.]
+But Claim 2 says precisely that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds
+under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$. Hence, we conclude
+that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$ (since Claim 2 is proven). This completes the
+induction step. Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} is proven by induction.
+Finally, let us prove (\ref{eq.sum.sum0}):
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)}Let $S$ be a finite set. Then,
+\sum_{s\in S}0=0.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)}.]It is completely
+straightforward to prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)} by induction on
+$\left\vert S\right\vert $ (as we proved Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)}%
+, for example). But let us give an even shorter argument: Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} (applied to $a_{s}=0$ and $\lambda=0$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}0\cdot0=0\sum_{s\in S}0=0.
+In view of $0\cdot0=0$, this rewrites as $\sum_{s\in S}0=0$. This proves
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)}.
+\subsubsection{Splitting a sum by a value of a function}
+We shall now prove a more complicated (but crucial) property of finite sums --
+namely, the equality (\ref{eq.sum.sheph}) in the case when $W$ is
+finite\footnote{We prefer to only treat the case when $W$ is finite for now.
+The case when $W$ is infinite would require us to properly introduce the
+notion of an infinite sum with only finitely many nonzero terms. While this is
+not hard to do, we aren't quite ready for it yet (see Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph} further below for this).}:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf}Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $W$ be a finite
+set. Let $f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $a_{s}$ be an element of
+$\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+Here, we are using the following: convention (made in Section
+Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $\mathcal{A}\left( s\right) $ be a logical
+statement defined for every $s\in S$. For each $s\in S$ satisfying
+$\mathcal{A}\left( s\right) $, let $a_{s}$ be a number (i.e., an element of
+$\mathbb{A}$). Then, we set%
+\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\\mathcal{A}\left( s\right) }}a_{s}=\sum
+_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ \mathcal{A}\left( t\right) \right\} }a_{s}.
+Thus, the sum $\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}$ in
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} can be rewritten as $\sum_{s\in\left\{
+t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} }a_{s}$.
+Our proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} relies on the following
+simple set-theoretic fact:
+\label{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1}Let $S$ and $W$ be two sets. Let
+$f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $q\in S$. Let $g$ be the restriction
+$f\mid_{S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }$ of the map $f$ to $S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} $. Let $w\in W$. Then,%
+\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ q\right\} .
+[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1}.]We know that $g$ is the
+restriction $f\mid_{S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }$ of the map $f$ to
+$S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $. Thus, $g$ is a map from $S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} $ to $W$ and satisfies%
+g\left( t\right) =f\left( t\right) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each
+}t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} .
+& \left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ \underbrace{g\left(
+t\right) }_{\substack{=f\left( t\right) \\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1.short.1}))}}}=w\right\} \\
+& =\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\text{ and }t\in
+S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \right\} \\
+& =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \cap
+\underbrace{\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\}
+\right\} }_{=S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }\\
+& =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \cap\left(
+S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \right) =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left(
+t\right) =w\right\} \setminus\left\{ q\right\} .
+This proves Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1}.
+[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1}.]We know that $g$ is the
+restriction $f\mid_{S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }$ of the map $f$ to
+$S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $. Thus, $g$ is a map from $S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} $ to $W$ and satisfies%
+\left( g\left( s\right) =f\left( s\right) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for
+each }s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \right) .
+Let $p\in\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left(
+t\right) =w\right\} $. Thus, $p$ is a $t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $
+satisfying $g\left( t\right) =w$. In other words, $p$ is an element of
+$S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $ and satisfies $g\left( p\right) =w$.
+Applying (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1.long.1}) to $s=p$, we obtain
+$g\left( p\right) =f\left( p\right) $. Hence, $f\left( p\right)
+=g\left( p\right) =w$. Thus, $p$ is an element of $S$ (since $p\in
+S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \subseteq S$) and satisfies $f\left( p\right)
+=w$. In other words, $p$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right) =w$. In
+other words, $p\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $.
+Moreover, $p\notin\left\{ q\right\} $ (since $p\in S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} $). Combining $p\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} $ with $p\notin\left\{ q\right\} $, we obtain $p\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \setminus\left\{ q\right\} $.
+Now, forget that we fixed $p$. We thus have proven that $p\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \setminus\left\{ q\right\} $ for
+each $p\in\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left(
+t\right) =w\right\} $. In other words,%
+\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} \subseteq\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ q\right\} . \label{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1.long.4}%
+On the other hand, let $s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} \setminus\left\{ q\right\} $. Thus, $s\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $ and $s\notin\left\{ q\right\} $.
+In particular, we have $s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} $. In other words, $s$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left(
+t\right) =w$. In other words, $s$ is an element of $S$ and satisfies
+$f\left( s\right) =w$. Since $s$ is an element of $S$, we have $s\in S$.
+Combining this with $s\notin\left\{ q\right\} $, we obtain $s\in
+S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $. Thus,
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1.long.1}) yields $g\left( s\right)
+=f\left( s\right) =w$. Hence, $s$ is an element of $S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} $ (since $s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $) and satisfies
+$g\left( s\right) =w$. In other words, $s$ is a $t\in S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} $ satisfying $g\left( t\right) =w$. In other words, $s\in\left\{
+t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right) =w\right\} $.
+Now, forget that we fixed $s$. We thus have shown that $s\in\left\{ t\in
+S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right) =w\right\} $ for
+each $s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \setminus
+\left\{ q\right\} $. In other words,%
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \setminus\left\{
+q\right\} \subseteq\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid
+\ g\left( t\right) =w\right\} .
+Combining this with (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1.long.4}), we obtain%
+\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ q\right\} .\nonumber
+This proves Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1}.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf}.]We shall prove Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} by induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert $:
+\textit{Induction base:} Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.}
+Let $S$, $W$, $f$ and $a_{s}$ be as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf}.
+Assume that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. Thus, the first bullet point of
+Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} yields $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0$.
+Moreover, $S=\varnothing$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$). Hence, each
+$w\in W$ satisfies%
+\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s} & =\sum_{s\in\left\{
+t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\varnothing
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{since }\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( s\right) =w\right\}
+\text{(because }\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( s\right) =w\right\}
+\subseteq S=\varnothing\text{)}%
+\right) \\
+& =\left( \text{empty sum}\right) =0.
+Summing these equalities over all $w\in W$, we obtain%
+\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in
+(by an application of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)}). Comparing this
+with $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0$, we obtain $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}%
+\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $S$, $W$, $f$ and $a_{s}$. We thus have proved that
+if $S$, $W$, $f$ and $a_{s}$ are as in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf},
+and if $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in
+W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}$. In other words,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. Qed.}. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m$. We must now prove that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf}
+holds under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$.
+We have assumed that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m$. In other words, the following
+claim holds:
+\textit{Claim 1:} Let $S$ be a finite set such that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=m$. Let $W$ be a finite set. Let $f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $a_{s}$ be
+an element of $\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+Next, we shall show the following claim:
+\textit{Claim 2:} Let $S$ be a finite set such that $\left\vert S\right\vert
+=m+1$. Let $W$ be a finite set. Let $f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $a_{s}$
+be an element of $\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+[\textit{Proof of Claim 2:} We have $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1>m\geq0$.
+Hence, the set $S$ is nonempty. Thus, there exists some $q\in S$. Consider
+this $q$.
+From $q\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \right\vert
+=\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$).
+Let $g$ be the restriction $f\mid_{S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }$ of the map
+$f$ to $S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $. Thus, $g$ is a map from
+$S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $ to $W$.
+For each $w\in W$, we define a number $b_{w}$ by%
+b_{w}=\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}.
+Furthermore, for each $w\in W$, we define a number $c_{w}$ by%
+c_{w}=\sum_{\substack{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} ;\\g\left( s\right)
+=w}}a_{s}. \label{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.cw=}%
+Recall that $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \right\vert =m$. Hence,
+Claim 1 (applied to $S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} $ and $g$ instead of $S$
+and $f$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\underbrace{\sum
+_{\substack{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} ;\\g\left( s\right) =w}%
+}a_{s}}_{\substack{=c_{w}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.cw=}%
+))}}}=\sum_{w\in W}c_{w}. \label{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.usec1}%
+Every $w\in W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $ satisfies%
+b_{w}=c_{w}. \label{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.4b}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.4b}):} Let $w\in
+W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $. Thus, $w\in W$ and
+$w\notin\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $.
+If we had $q\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $, then
+we would have $f\left( q\right) =w$, which would lead to $w=f\left(
+q\right) \in\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $; but this would
+contradict $w\notin\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $. Hence, we cannot
+have $q\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $. Hence, we
+have $q\notin\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $.
+Let us next prove that $q\notin\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} $. Indeed, assume the contrary (for the sake of contradiction).
+Thus, $q\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $. In other
+words, $q$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right) =w$. In other words,
+$q$ is an element of $S$ and satisfies $f\left( q\right) =w$. Hence,
+$w=f\left( q\right) \in\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $; but this
+contradicts $w\notin\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} $.
+This contradiction shows that our assumption was false. Hence, $q\notin%
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $ is proven.
+But $w\in W$; thus, Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1} yields%
+\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} & =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \nonumber\\
+& =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+(since $q\notin\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $).
+On the other hand, the definition of $b_{w}$ yields%
+b_{w}=\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{
+t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} }a_{s}
+(by the definition of the \textquotedblleft$\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left(
+s\right) =w}}$\textquotedblright\ symbol). Also, the definition of $c_{w}$
+c_{w} & =\sum_{\substack{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} ;\\g\left(
+s\right) =w}}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\}
+\ \mid\ g\left( t\right) =w\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} }a_{s}\\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{since }\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left(
+t\right) =w\right\} =\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \\
+\text{(by (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.4b.pf.2}))}%
+\right) \\
+& =b_{w}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.4b.pf.1})}\right) .
+Thus, $b_{w}=c_{w}$. This proves (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.4b}).]
+b_{f\left( q\right) }=a_{q}+c_{f\left( q\right) }.
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b}):} Define a subset
+$U$ of $S$ by%
+U=\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\} .
+This set $U$ is a subset of $S$, and thus is finite (since $S$ is finite).
+We can apply Lemma \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf-l1} to $w=f\left( q\right) $.
+We thus obtain%
+\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right)
+=f\left( q\right) \right\} & =\underbrace{\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left(
+t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\} }_{\substack{=U\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b.pf.U=}))}}}\setminus\left\{ q\right\}
+& =U\setminus\left\{ q\right\} .
+We know that $q$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right) =f\left(
+q\right) $ (since $q\in S$ and $f\left( q\right) =f\left( q\right) $). In
+other words, $q\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =f\left(
+q\right) \right\} $. In other words, $q\in U$ (since $U=\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\} $). Thus,
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $U$ and $q$ instead
+of $S$ and $t$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in U}a_{s}=a_{q}+\sum_{s\in U\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}.
+But (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b.pf.1}) shows that $U\setminus
+\left\{ q\right\} =\left\{ t\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\}
+\ \mid\ g\left( t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\} $. Thus,%
+\sum_{s\in U\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in
+S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right) =f\left( q\right)
+\right\} }a_{s}=c_{f\left( q\right) }
+(since the definition of $c_{f\left( q\right) }$ yields $c_{f\left(
+q\right) }=\sum_{\substack{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} ;\\g\left(
+s\right) =f\left( q\right) }}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\setminus
+\left\{ q\right\} \ \mid\ g\left( t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\}
+On the other hand, the definition of $b_{f\left( q\right) }$ yields%
+b_{f\left( q\right) } & =\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+=f\left( q\right) }}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left(
+t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\} }a_{s}\\
+& =\sum_{s\in U}a_{s}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =f\left( q\right) \right\} =U\right) \\
+& =a_{q}+\underbrace{\sum_{s\in U\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}%
+}_{\substack{=c_{f\left( q\right) }\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b.pf.3}))}}}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{by (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b.pf.2})}\right) \\
+& =a_{q}+c_{f\left( q\right) }.
+This proves (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b}).]
+Now, recall that $q\in S$. Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off}
+(applied to $t=q$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=a_{q}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}.
+Also, $f\left( q\right) \in W$. Hence, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $W$, $\left( c_{w}\right)
+_{w\in W}$ and $f\left( q\right) $ instead of $S$, $\left( a_{s}\right)
+_{s\in S}$ and $t$) yields%
+\sum_{w\in W}c_{w}=c_{f\left( q\right) }+\sum_{w\in W\setminus\left\{
+f\left( q\right) \right\} }c_{w}.
+Hence, (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.usec1}) becomes%
+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}c_{w}=c_{f\left(
+q\right) }+\sum_{w\in W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} }c_{w}.
+Also, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $W$, $\left(
+b_{w}\right) _{w\in W}$ and $f\left( q\right) $ instead of $S$, $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ and $t$) yields%
+\sum_{w\in W}b_{w} & =\underbrace{b_{f\left( q\right) }}_{\substack{=a_{q}%
++c_{f\left( q\right) }\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.5b}))}%
+}}+\sum_{w\in W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} }%
+& =\left( a_{q}+c_{f\left( q\right) }\right) +\sum_{w\in W\setminus
+\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} }c_{w}=a_{q}+\left( c_{f\left(
+q\right) }+\sum_{w\in W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} }%
+(by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh}, applied to $a_{q}$, $c_{f\left(
+q\right) }$ and $\sum_{w\in W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\}
+}c_{w}$ instead of $a$, $b$ and $c$). Thus,%
+\sum_{w\in W}b_{w}=a_{q}+\underbrace{\left( c_{f\left( q\right) }%
++\sum_{w\in W\setminus\left\{ f\left( q\right) \right\} }c_{w}\right)
+}_{\substack{=\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ q\right\} }a_{s}\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.8}))}}}=a_{q}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{
+q\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}%
+(by (\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.6})). Hence,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\underbrace{b_{w}}_{\substack{=\sum
+_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.lem.ind.gen-com.shephf.c2.bw=}))}}}=\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in
+S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}.
+This proves Claim 2.]
+But Claim 2 says precisely that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} holds
+under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$. Hence, we conclude
+that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$ (since Claim 2 is proven). This completes the
+induction step. Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} is proven by induction.
+\subsubsection{Splitting a sum into two}
+Next, we shall prove the equality (\ref{eq.sum.split}):
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.split2}Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $X$ and $Y$ be two
+subsets of $S$ such that $X\cap Y=\varnothing$ and $X\cup Y=S$. (Equivalently,
+$X$ and $Y$ are two subsets of $S$ such that each element of $S$ lies in
+\textbf{exactly} one of $X$ and $Y$.) Let $a_{s}$ be a number (i.e., an
+element of $\mathbb{A}$) for each $s\in S$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in Y}a_{s}.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.split2}.]From the assumptions $X\cap
+Y=\varnothing$ and $X\cup Y=S$, we can easily obtain $S\setminus X=Y$.
+[\textit{Proof:} The set $X\cap Y$ is empty (since $X\cap Y=\varnothing$);
+thus, it has no elements.
+Let $y\in Y$. If we had $y\in X$, then we would have $y\in X\cap Y$ (since
+$y\in X$ and $y\in Y$), which would show that the set $X\cap Y$ has at least
+one element (namely, $y$); but this would contradict the fact that this set
+$X\cap Y$ has no elements. Thus, we cannot have $y\in X$. Hence, we have
+$y\notin X$. Combining $y\in Y\subseteq S$ with $y\notin X$, we obtain $y\in
+S\setminus X$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $y$. We thus have shown that $y\in S\setminus X$ for
+each $y\in Y$. In other words, $Y\subseteq S\setminus X$.
+Combining this with%
+\underbrace{S}_{=X\cup Y}\setminus X=\left( X\cup Y\right) \setminus
+X=Y\setminus X\subseteq Y,
+we obtain $S\setminus X=Y$. Qed.]
+We define a map $f:S\rightarrow\left\{ 0,1\right\} $ by setting%
+\left( f\left( s\right) =%
+0, & \text{if }s\in X;\\
+1, & \text{if }s\notin X
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }s\in S\right) .
+For each $w\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} $, we define a number $b_{w}$ by%
+b_{w}=\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12} \textbf{(b)} (applied to $\left\{
+0,1\right\} $, $0$, $1$ and $\left( b_{w}\right) _{w\in\left\{
+0,1\right\} }$ instead of $S$, $p$, $q$ and $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}%
+$) yields $\sum_{w\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} }b_{w}=b_{0}+b_{1}$.
+We have $\left\{ 0,1\right\} =\left\{ 0,1\right\} $, where $0$ and $1$ are
+two distinct elements. Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12}
+\textbf{(b)} (applied to $\left\{ 0,1\right\} $, $0$, $1$ and $\left(
+b_{w}\right) _{w\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} }$ instead of $S$, $p$, $q$ and
+$\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$) yields $\sum_{w\in\left\{ 0,1\right\}
+Now, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} (applied to $W=\left\{ 0,1\right\}
+$) yields
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} }\underbrace{\sum
+_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}}_{\substack{=b_{w}%
+\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.bw=}))}}}=\sum_{w\in\left\{
+0,1\right\} }b_{w}=b_{0}+b_{1}. \label{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.1}%
+On the other hand,
+b_{0}=\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}. \label{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b0=}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b0=}):} The definition of
+the map $f$ shows that an element $t\in S$ satisfies $f\left( t\right) =0$
+\textbf{if and only if} it belongs to $X$. Hence, the set of all elements
+$t\in S$ that satisfy $f\left( t\right) =0$ is precisely $X$. In other
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} =X.
+But the definition of $b_{0}$ yields%
+b_{0}=\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =0}}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{
+t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}%
+(since $\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} =X$). This
+proves (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b0=}).]
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b0=}):} Let $p\in X$. Thus,
+the definition of $f$ yields $f\left( p\right) =%
+0, & \text{if }p\in X;\\
+1, & \text{if }p\notin X
+=0$ (since $p\in X$). Hence, $p$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right)
+=0$ (since $p\in S$ and $f\left( p\right) =0$). In other words,
+$p\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} $.
+Now, forget that we fixed $p$. We thus have proven that $p\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} $ for each $p\in X$. In other words,
+X\subseteq\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} .
+On the other hand, let $s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=0\right\} $. Thus, $s$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right) =0$. In
+other words, $s$ is an element of $S$ and satisfies $f\left( s\right) =0$.
+If we had $s\notin X$, then we would have%
+f\left( s\right) & =%
+0, & \text{if }s\in X;\\
+1, & \text{if }s\notin X
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of }f\right) \\
+& =1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }s\notin X\right) ,
+which would contradict $f\left( s\right) =0\neq1$. Hence, we cannot have
+$s\notin X$. Thus, we have $s\in X$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $s$. We thus have proven that $s\in X$ for each
+$s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} $. In other words,
+$\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} \subseteq X$. Combining
+this with (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b0=.pf.1}), we obtain%
+X=\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} .
+\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=0\right\} }a_{s}.
+Comparing this with%
+b_{0} & =\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =0}}a_{s}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of }b_{0}\right) \\
+& =\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =0\right\} }a_{s},
+we obtain $b_{0}=\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}$. This proves
+b_{1}=\sum_{s\in Y}a_{s}. \label{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b1=}%
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b1=}):} The definition of
+the map $f$ shows that an element $t\in S$ satisfies $f\left( t\right) =1$
+\textbf{if and only if} $t\notin X$. Thus, for each $t\in S$, we have the
+following chain of equivalences:%
+\left( f\left( t\right) =1\right) \ \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( t\notin
+X\right) \ \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( t\in S\setminus X\right)
+\ \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( t\in Y\right)
+(since $S\setminus X=Y$). In other words, an element $t\in S$ satisfies
+$f\left( t\right) =1$ \textbf{if and only if} $t$ belongs to $Y$. Hence, the
+set of all elements $t\in S$ that satisfy $f\left( t\right) =1$ is precisely
+$Y$. In other words,%
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} =Y.
+But the definition of $b_{1}$ yields%
+b_{1}=\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =1}}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{
+t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} }a_{s}=\sum_{s\in Y}a_{s}%
+(since $\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} =Y$). This
+proves (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b1=}).]
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b1=}):} Let $p\in Y$. Thus,
+$p\in Y=S\setminus X$ (since $S\setminus X=Y$). In other words, $p\in S$ and
+$p\notin X$. The definition of $f$ yields $f\left( p\right) =%
+0, & \text{if }p\in X;\\
+1, & \text{if }p\notin X
+=1$ (since $p\notin X$). Hence, $p$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left(
+t\right) =1$ (since $p\in S$ and $f\left( p\right) =1$). In other words,
+$p\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} $.
+Now, forget that we fixed $p$. We thus have proven that $p\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} $ for each $p\in Y$. In other words,
+Y\subseteq\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} .
+On the other hand, let $s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=1\right\} $. Thus, $s$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right) =1$. In
+other words, $s$ is an element of $S$ and satisfies $f\left( s\right) =1$.
+If we had $s\in X$, then we would have%
+f\left( s\right) & =%
+0, & \text{if }s\in X;\\
+1, & \text{if }s\notin X
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of }f\right) \\
+& =0\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }s\in X\right) ,
+which would contradict $f\left( s\right) =1\neq0$. Hence, we cannot have
+$s\in X$. Thus, we have $s\notin X$. Combining $s\in\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} \subseteq S$ with $s\notin X$, we
+obtain $s\in S\setminus X=Y$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $s$. We thus have proven that $s\in Y$ for each
+$s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} $. In other words,
+$\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} \subseteq Y$. Combining
+this with (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b1=.pf.1}), we obtain%
+Y=\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} .
+\sum_{s\in Y}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=1\right\} }a_{s}.
+Comparing this with%
+b_{1} & =\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =1}}a_{s}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by the definition of }b_{1}\right) \\
+& =\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =1\right\} }a_{s},
+we obtain $b_{1}=\sum_{s\in Y}a_{s}$. This proves
+Now, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.1}) becomes%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\underbrace{b_{0}}_{\substack{=\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}%
+\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b0=}))}}}+\underbrace{b_{1}%
+}_{\substack{=\sum_{s\in Y}a_{s}\\\text{(by
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.split2.b1=}))}}}=\sum_{s\in X}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
+This proves Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.split2}.
+Similarly, we can prove the equality (\ref{eq.sum.split-n}). (This proof was
+already outlined in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}.)
+A consequence of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.split2} is the following fact,
+which has appeared as the equality (\ref{eq.sum.drop0}) in Section
+\label{cor.ind.gen-com.drop0}Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $a_{s}$ be an
+element of $\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Let $T$ be a subset of $S$ such
+that every $s\in T$ satisfies $a_{s}=0$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in S\setminus T}a_{s}.
+[Proof of Corollary \ref{cor.ind.gen-com.drop0}.]We have assumed that every
+$s\in T$ satisfies $a_{s}=0$. Thus, $\sum_{s\in T}\underbrace{a_{s}}_{=0}%
+=\sum_{s\in T}0=0$ (by Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)} (applied to $T$
+instead of $S$)).
+But $T$ and $S\setminus T$ are subsets of $S$. These two subsets satisfy
+$T\cap\left( S\setminus T\right) =\varnothing$ and $T\cup\left( S\setminus
+T\right) =S$ (since $T\subseteq S$). Hence, Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.split2} (applied to $X=T$ and $Y=S\setminus T$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\underbrace{\sum_{s\in T}a_{s}}_{=0}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus
+T}a_{s}=\sum_{s\in S\setminus T}a_{s}.
+This proves Corollary \ref{cor.ind.gen-com.drop0}.
+\subsubsection{Substituting the summation index}
+Next, we shall show the equality (\ref{eq.sum.subs1}):
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.subst1}Let $S$ and $T$ be two finite sets. Let
+$f:S\rightarrow T$ be a \textbf{bijective} map. Let $a_{t}$ be an element of
+$\mathbb{A}$ for each $t\in T$. Then,%
+\sum_{t\in T}a_{t}=\sum_{s\in S}a_{f\left( s\right) }.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.subst1}.]Each $w\in T$ satisfies%
+\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{f\left( s\right) }=a_{w}.
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1}):} Let $w\in T$.
+The map $f$ is bijective; thus, it is invertible. In other words, its inverse
+map $f^{-1}:T\rightarrow S$ exists. Hence, $f^{-1}\left( w\right) $ is a
+well-defined element of $S$, and is the only element $t\in S$ satisfying
+$f\left( t\right) =w$. Therefore,
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} =\left\{ f^{-1}\left(
+w\right) \right\} . \label{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1.pf.short.0}%
+The map $f$ is bijective; thus, it is invertible. In other words, its inverse
+map $f^{-1}:T\rightarrow S$ exists. Hence, $f^{-1}\left( w\right) $ is a
+well-defined element of $S$. This element $f^{-1}\left( w\right) $ belongs
+to $S$ and satisfies $f\left( f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right) =w$. In other
+words, $f^{-1}\left( w\right) $ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right)
+=w$. In other words, $f^{-1}\left( w\right) \in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid
+\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $. Hence,%
+\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} \subseteq\left\{ t\in
+S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} .
+On the other hand, let $p\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right)
+=w\right\} $. Thus, $p$ is a $t\in S$ satisfying $f\left( t\right) =w$. In
+other words, $p$ is an element of $S$ and satisfies $f\left( p\right) =w$.
+From $f\left( p\right) =w$, we obtain $p=f^{-1}\left( w\right) $ (since
+$f^{-1}$ is the inverse of $f$), and thus $p=f^{-1}\left( w\right)
+\in\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} $. Now, forget that we fixed
+$p$. We thus have proven that $p\in\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\}
+$ for every $p\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} $. In
+other words,
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} \subseteq\left\{
+f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} .
+Combining this with (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1.pf.1}), we obtain%
+\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} =\left\{ f^{-1}\left(
+w\right) \right\} .
+& \sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{f\left( s\right) }\\
+& =\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+}a_{f\left( s\right) }=\sum_{s\in\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\}
+}a_{f\left( s\right) }\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{by
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1.pf.short.0})}\right) \\
+& =a_{f\left( f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right) }\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left(
+\text{by Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12} \textbf{(a)} (applied to
+}\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} \text{, }a_{f\left( s\right) }\\
+\text{and }f^{-1}\left( w\right) \text{ instead of }S\text{, }a_{s}\text{
+and }p\text{)}%
+\right) \\
+& =a_{w}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }f\left( f^{-1}\left(
+w\right) \right) =w\right) .
+This proves (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1}).]
+\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{f\left( s\right) }%
+=\sum_{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} }a_{f\left(
+s\right) }=\sum_{s\in\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} }a_{f\left(
+s\right) }%
+(since $\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\} =\left\{
+f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} $).
+But $\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} =\left\{ f^{-1}\left(
+w\right) \right\} $. Hence, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.sum12}
+\textbf{(a)} (applied to $\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} $,
+$a_{f\left( s\right) }$ and $f^{-1}\left( w\right) $ instead of $S$,
+$a_{s}$ and $p$) yields
+\sum_{s\in\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} }a_{f\left( s\right)
+}=a_{f\left( f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right) }=a_{w}%
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }f\left( f^{-1}\left( w\right)
+\right) =w\right) .
+\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{f\left( s\right) }%
+=\sum_{s\in\left\{ f^{-1}\left( w\right) \right\} }a_{f\left( s\right)
+This proves (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1}).]
+Renaming the summation index $w$ as $t$ in the sum $\sum_{w\in T}a_{w}$ does
+not change the sum (since $\left( a_{w}\right) _{w\in T}$ and $\left(
+a_{t}\right) _{t\in T}$ are the same $\mathbb{A}$-valued $T$-family). In
+other words, $\sum_{w\in T}a_{w}=\sum_{t\in T}a_{t}$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} (applied to $T$ and $a_{f\left(
+s\right) }$ instead of $W$ and $a_{s}$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{f\left( s\right) }=\sum_{w\in T}\underbrace{\sum
+_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{f\left( s\right) }%
+}_{\substack{=a_{w}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.subst1.1}))}}%
+}=\sum_{w\in T}a_{w}=\sum_{t\in T}a_{t}.
+This proves Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.subst1}.
+\subsubsection{Sums of congruences}
+Proposition \ref{prop.mod.+-*} \textbf{(a)} says that we can add two
+congruences modulo an integer $n$. We shall now see that we can add
+\textbf{any} number of congruences modulo an integer $n$:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}Let $n$ be an integer. Let $S$ be a finite set.
+For each $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be two integers. Assume that%
+a_{s}\equiv b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }s\in
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}\equiv\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}.]We forget that we fixed $n$,
+$S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$. We shall prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}
+by induction on $\left\vert S\right\vert $:
+\textit{Induction base:} The induction base (i.e., proving that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =0$) is left to the reader (as it boils down to the trivial fact
+that $0\equiv0\operatorname{mod}n$).
+\textit{Induction base:} Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$\ \ \ \ \footnote{\textit{Proof.}
+Let $n$, $S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be as in Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}. Assume that $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. Thus,
+the first bullet point of Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1} yields
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0$ and $\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}=0$. Hence,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=0\equiv0=\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n.
+Now, forget that we fixed $n$, $S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$. We thus have proved
+that if $n$, $S$, $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ are as in Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}, and if $\left\vert S\right\vert =0$, then
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}\equiv\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n$. In other
+words, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =0$. Qed.}. This completes the induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $m\in\mathbb{N}$. Assume that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds under the condition that $\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m$. We must now prove that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}
+holds under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$.
+We have assumed that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds under the
+condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m$. In other words, the following
+claim holds:
+\textit{Claim 1:} Let $n$ be an integer. Let $S$ be a finite set such that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m$. For each $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be
+two integers. Assume that%
+a_{s}\equiv b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }s\in
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}\equiv\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n.
+Next, we shall show the following claim:
+\textit{Claim 2:} Let $n$ be an integer. Let $S$ be a finite set such that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$. For each $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be
+two integers. Assume that%
+a_{s}\equiv b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }s\in
+S. \label{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod.c2.ass}%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}\equiv\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n.
+[\textit{Proof of Claim 2:} We have $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1>m\geq0$.
+Hence, the set $S$ is nonempty. Thus, there exists some $t\in S$. Consider
+this $t$.
+From $t\in S$, we obtain $\left\vert S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} \right\vert
+=\left\vert S\right\vert -1=m$ (since $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$). Also,
+every $s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ satisfies $s\in S\setminus\left\{
+t\right\} \subseteq S$ and thus $a_{s}\equiv b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n$ (by
+(\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod.c2.ass})). In other words, we have%
+a_{s}\equiv b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }s\in
+S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} .
+Hence, Claim 1 (applied to $S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} $ instead of $S$)
+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}\equiv\sum_{s\in S\setminus
+\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n.
+But $t\in S$. Hence, (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod.c2.ass}) (applied to
+$s=t$) yields $a_{t}\equiv b_{t}\operatorname{mod}n$.
+Now, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} (applied to $b_{s}$ instead
+of $a_{s}$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}b_{s}=b_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}.
+But Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.split-off} yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\underbrace{a_{t}}_{\equiv b_{t}\operatorname{mod}%
+n}+\underbrace{\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }a_{s}}%
+_{\substack{\equiv\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}%
+\operatorname{mod}n\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod.c2.pf.1}))}%
+}}\equiv b_{t}+\sum_{s\in S\setminus\left\{ t\right\} }b_{s}=\sum_{s\in
+(by (\ref{pf.thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod.c2.pf.3})). This proves Claim 2.]
+But Claim 2 says precisely that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds
+under the condition that $\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$. Hence, we conclude
+that Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} holds under the condition that
+$\left\vert S\right\vert =m+1$ (since Claim 2 is proven). This completes the
+induction step. Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} is proven by induction.
+As we said, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod} shows that we can sum up
+several congruences. Thus, we can extend our principle of substitutivity for
+congruences as follows:
+\textit{Principle of substitutivity for congruences (stronger version):} Fix
+an integer $n$. If two numbers $x$ and $x^{\prime}$ are congruent to each
+other modulo $n$ (that is, $x\equiv x^{\prime}\operatorname{mod}n$), and if we
+have any expression $A$ that involves only integers, addition, subtraction,
+multiplication \textbf{and summation signs}, and involves the object $x$, then
+we can replace this $x$ (or, more precisely, any arbitrary appearance of $x$
+in $A$) in $A$ by $x^{\prime}$; the resulting expression $A^{\prime}$ will be
+congruent to $A$ modulo $n$.
+For example, if $p\in\mathbb{N}$, then%
+\sum_{s\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,p\right\} }s^{2}\left( 5-3s\right) \equiv
+\sum_{s\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,p\right\} }s\left( 5-3s\right)
+(here, we have replaced the \textquotedblleft$s^{2}$\textquotedblright\ inside
+the sum by \textquotedblleft$s$\textquotedblright), because every
+$s\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,p\right\} $ satisfies $s^{2}\equiv
+s\operatorname{mod}2$ (this is easy to check\footnote{\textit{Proof.} Let
+$p\in\mathbb{N}$ and $s\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,p\right\} $. We must prove that
+$s^{2}\equiv s\operatorname{mod}2$.
+We have $s\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,p\right\} $ and thus $s-1\in\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,p-1\right\} \subseteq\mathbb{N}$. Hence,
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2.claim}) (applied to $n=s-1$) yields
+$\sum_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,s-1\right\} }i=\dfrac{\left( s-1\right)
+\left( \left( s-1\right) +1\right) }{2}=\dfrac{\left( s-1\right) s}{2}$.
+Hence, $\dfrac{\left( s-1\right) s}{2}$ is an integer (since $\sum
+_{i\in\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,s-1\right\} }i$ is an integer). In other words,
+$2\mid\left( s-1\right) s$. In other words, $2\mid s^{2}-s$ (since $\left(
+s-1\right) s=s^{2}-s$). In other words, $s^{2}\equiv s\operatorname{mod}2$
+(by the definition of \textquotedblleft congruent\textquotedblright), qed.}).
+\subsubsection{\label{subsect.ind.gen-com.prods}Finite products}
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} is a property of the addition of
+numbers; it has an analogue for multiplication of numbers:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh*}Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be three numbers (i.e.,
+elements of $\mathbb{A}$). Then, $\left( ab\right) c=a\left( bc\right) $.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh*} is known as the \textit{associativity
+of multiplication} (in $\mathbb{A}$), and is fundamental; its proof can be
+found in any textbook on the construction of the number system\footnote{For
+example, Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh*} is proven in \cite[Theorem
+3.2.3 (7)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{N}$; in
+\cite[Theorem 3.5.4 (7)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Z}$;
+in \cite[Theorem 3.6.4 (7)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}%
+=\mathbb{Q}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.7.13]{Swanso18} for the case when
+$\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{R}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.9.3]{Swanso18} for the case when
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg} also has an analogue for multiplication:
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.fg*}Let $a$ and $b$ be two numbers (i.e., elements of
+$\mathbb{A}$). Then, $ab=ba$.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg*} is known as the \textit{commutativity
+of multiplication} (in $\mathbb{A}$), and again is a fundamental result whose
+proofs are found in standard textbooks\footnote{For example, Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg*} is proven in \cite[Theorem 3.2.3 (8)]{Swanso18} for
+the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{N}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.5.4 (8)]{Swanso18}
+for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Z}$; in \cite[Theorem 3.6.4
+(8)]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{Q}$; in \cite[Theorem
+3.7.13]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{R}$; in \cite[Theorem
+3.9.3]{Swanso18} for the case when $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{C}$.}.
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr} has an analogue for multiplication as
+well (but note that $x$ now needs to be in $\mathbb{N}$, in order to guarantee
+that the powers are well-defined):
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.distr*}Let $x\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $y$ and $z$ be two
+numbers (i.e., elements of $\mathbb{A}$). Then, $\left( yz\right) ^{x}%
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr*} is one of the laws of exponents, and
+can easily be shown by induction on $x$ (using Proposition
+So far in Section \ref{sect.ind.gen-com}, we have been studying \textbf{sums}
+of $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-families (when $S$ is a finite set): We have proven
+that the definition of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ given in Section
+\ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} is legitimate, and we have proven several
+properties of such sums. By the exact same reasoning (but with addition
+replaced by multiplication), we can study \textbf{products} of $\mathbb{A}%
+$-valued $S$-families. In particular, we can similarly prove that the
+definition of $\prod_{s\in S}a_{s}$ given in Section
+\ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} is legitimate, and we can prove properties of
+such products that are analogous to the properties of sums proven above
+(except for Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.n(n+1)/2}, which does not have
+an analogue for products)\footnote{We need to be slightly careful when we
+adapt our above proofs to products instead of sums: Apart from replacing
+addition by multiplication everywhere, we need to:
+\item replace the number $0$ by $1$ whenever it appears in a computation
+inside $\mathbb{A}$ (but, of course, not when it appears as the size of a
+\item replace every $\sum$ sign by a $\prod$ sign;
+\item replace \textquotedblleft let $\lambda$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}%
+$\textquotedblright\ by \textquotedblleft let $\lambda$ be an element of
+$\mathbb{N}$\textquotedblright\ in Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)};
+\item replace any expression of the form \textquotedblleft$\lambda
+b$\textquotedblright\ by \textquotedblleft$b^{\lambda}$\textquotedblright\ in
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} (so that the claim of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} becomes $\prod_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}\right)
+^{\lambda}=\left( \prod_{s\in S}a_{s}\right) ^{\lambda}$) and in its proof;
+\item replace every reference to Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh} by a
+reference to Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fgh*};
+\item replace every reference to Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg} by a
+reference to Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fg*};
+\item replace every reference to Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr} by a
+reference to Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.distr*}.
+And, to be fully precise: We should not replace addition by multiplication
+\textbf{everywhere} (e.g., we should not replace \textquotedblleft$\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m+1$\textquotedblright\ by \textquotedblleft$\left\vert
+S\right\vert =m\cdot1$\textquotedblright\ in the proof of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf}), but of course only where it stands for the
+addition \textbf{inside }$\mathbb{A}$.}. For example, the following theorems
+are analogues of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b)}, Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)}, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)}, Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf}, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.subst1} and Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum-mod}, respectively:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.prod(a+b)}Let $S$ be a finite set. For every $s\in S$,
+let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be elements of $\mathbb{A}$. Then,%
+\prod_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}b_{s}\right) =\left( \prod_{s\in S}a_{s}\right)
+\cdot\left( \prod_{s\in S}b_{s}\right) .
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.prod(la)}Let $S$ be a finite set. For every $s\in S$,
+let $a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$. Also, let $\lambda$ be an element
+of $\mathbb{N}$. Then,%
+\prod_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}\right) ^{\lambda}=\left( \prod_{s\in S}%
+a_{s}\right) ^{\lambda}.
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.prod(1)}Let $S$ be a finite set. Then,
+\prod_{s\in S}1=1.
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf*}Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $W$ be a finite
+set. Let $f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $a_{s}$ be an element of
+$\mathbb{A}$ for each $s\in S$. Then,%
+\prod_{s\in S}a_{s}=\prod_{w\in W}\prod_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.subst1*}Let $S$ and $T$ be two finite sets. Let
+$f:S\rightarrow T$ be a \textbf{bijective} map. Let $a_{t}$ be an element of
+$\mathbb{A}$ for each $t\in T$. Then,%
+\prod_{t\in T}a_{t}=\prod_{s\in S}a_{f\left( s\right) }.
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.prod-mod}Let $n$ be an integer. Let $S$ be a finite
+set. For each $s\in S$, let $a_{s}$ and $b_{s}$ be two integers. Assume that%
+a_{s}\equiv b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for each }s\in
+\prod_{s\in S}a_{s}\equiv\prod_{s\in S}b_{s}\operatorname{mod}n.
+\subsubsection{Finitely supported (but possibly infinite) sums}
+In Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}, we mentioned that a sum of the form
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ can be well-defined even when the set $S$ is not finite.
+Indeed, for it to be well-defined, it suffices that \textbf{only finitely many
+among the }$a_{s}$ \textbf{are nonzero} (or, more rigorously: only finitely
+many $s\in S$ satisfy $a_{s}\neq0$). As we already mentioned, the sum
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ in this case is defined by discarding the zero addends
+and summing the finitely many addends that remain. Let us briefly discuss such
+sums (without focussing on the proofs):
+\label{def.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.def}Let $S$ be any set. An $\mathbb{A}$-valued
+$S$-family $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is said to be \textit{finitely
+supported} if only finitely many $s\in S$ satisfy $a_{s}\neq0$.
+So the sums we want to discuss are sums $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ for which the set
+$S$ may be infinite but the $S$-family $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is
+finitely supported. Let us repeat the definition of such sums in more rigorous language:
+\label{def.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.sum}Let $S$ be any set. Let $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ be a finitely supported $\mathbb{A}$-valued
+$S$-family. Thus, there exists a \textbf{finite} subset $T$ of $S$ such that%
+\text{every }s\in S\setminus T\text{ satisfies }a_{s}=0.
+(This is because only finitely many $s\in S$ satisfy $a_{s}\neq0$.) We then
+define the sum $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ to be $\sum_{s\in T}a_{s}$. (This
+definition is legitimate, because Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.leg} \textbf{(a)} below shows that $\sum_{s\in
+T}a_{s}$ does not depend on the choice of $T$.)
+This definition formalizes what we said above about making sense of
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$: Namely, we discard zero addends (namely, the addends
+corresponding to $s\in S\setminus T$) and only sum the finitely many addends
+that remain (these are the addends corresponding to $s\in T$); thus, we get
+$\sum_{s\in T}a_{s}$. Note that we are not requiring that every $s\in T$
+satisfies $a_{s}\neq0$; that is, we are not necessarily discarding
+\textbf{all} the zero addends from our sum (but merely discarding enough of
+them to ensure that only finitely many remain). This may appear like a strange
+choice (why introduce extra freedom into the definition?), but is reasonable
+from the viewpoint of constructive mathematics (where it is not always
+decidable if a number is $0$ or not).
+\label{prop.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.leg}Let $S$ be any set. Let $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ be a finitely supported $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family.
+\textbf{(a)} If $T$ is a finite subset of $S$ such that
+(\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.sum.0}) holds, then the sum $\sum_{s\in
+T}a_{s}$ does not depend on the choice of $T$. (That is, if $T_{1}$ and
+$T_{2}$ are two finite subsets $T$ of $S$ satisfying
+(\ref{eq.def.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.sum.0}), then $\sum_{s\in T_{1}}a_{s}%
+=\sum_{s\in T_{2}}a_{s}$.)
+\textbf{(b)} If the set $S$ is finite, then the sum $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$
+defined in Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.sum} is identical with the
+sum $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ defined in Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.defsum1}.
+(Thus, Definition \ref{def.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.sum} does not conflict with the
+previous definition of $\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ for finite sets $S$.)
+Proposition \ref{prop.ind.gen-com.fin-sup.leg} is fairly easy to prove using
+Corollary \ref{cor.ind.gen-com.drop0}; we leave this argument to the reader.
+Most properties of finite sums have analogues for sums of finitely supported
+$\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-families. For example, here is an analogue of Theorem
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b).gen}Let $S$ be a set. Let $\left(
+a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ and $\left( b_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ be two finitely
+supported $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-families. Then, the $\mathbb{A}$-valued
+$S$-family $\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ is finitely supported as
+well, and we have%
+\sum_{s\in S}\left( a_{s}+b_{s}\right) =\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}+\sum_{s\in
+The proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(a+b).gen} is fairly simple (it
+relies prominently on the fact that the union of two finite sets is finite),
+and is left to the reader.
+It is also easy to state and prove analogues of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(la)} and Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sum(0)}.
+We can next prove (\ref{eq.sum.sheph}) in full generality (not only when $W$
+is finite):
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph}Let $S$ be a finite set. Let $W$ be a set. Let
+$f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $a_{s}$ be an element of $\mathbb{A}$ for
+each $s\in S$. Then,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+Note that the sum on the right hand side of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph} makes sense even when $W$ is infinite, because the
+$W$-family $\left( \sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}%
+}a_{s}\right) _{w\in W}$ is finitely supported (i.e., only finitely many
+$w\in W$ satisfy $\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}\neq
+0$). The easiest way to prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph} is probably
+by reducing it to Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.shephf} (since $f\left(
+S\right) $ is a finite subset of $W$, and every $w\in W\setminus f\left(
+S\right) $ satisfies $\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}%
+}a_{s}=\left( \text{empty sum}\right) =0$). Again, we leave the details to
+the interested reader.
+We can now prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph} itself:
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph}.]Let $V$ be the subset $f\left(
+S\right) $ of $W$. (Thus, $V=f\left( S\right) =\left\{ f\left( s\right)
+\ \mid\ s\in S\right\} $.) The set $f\left( S\right) $ is finite (since the
+set $S$ is finite). In other words, the set $V$ is finite (since $V=f\left(
+S\right) $).
+Define a map $g:S\rightarrow V$ by%
+\left( g\left( s\right) =f\left( s\right) \text{ for each }s\in S\right)
+(This map $g$ is well-defined, since each $s\in S$ satisfies $f\left(
+s\right) \in f\left( S\right) =V$.)
+Theorem \ref{lem.ind.gen-com.shephf} (applied to $V$ and $g$ instead of $W$
+and $f$) yields%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in V}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\g\left( s\right)
+Actually, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph} can be generalized even further:
+\label{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph-gen}Let $S$ be a set. Let $W$ be a set. Let
+$f:S\rightarrow W$ be a map. Let $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in S}$ be a
+finitely supported $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-family. Then, for each $w\in W$,
+the $\mathbb{A}$-valued $\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left( t\right) =w\right\}
+$-family $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in\left\{ t\in S\ \mid\ f\left(
+t\right) =w\right\} }$ is finitely supported as well (so that the sum
+$\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}$ is well-defined).
+Furthermore, the $\mathbb{A}$-valued $W$-family $\left( \sum_{\substack{s\in
+S;\\f\left( s\right) =w}}a_{s}\right) _{w\in W}$ is also finitely
+supported. Finally,%
+\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}=\sum_{w\in W}\sum_{\substack{s\in S;\\f\left( s\right)
+It is not hard to derive this theorem from Theorem \ref{thm.ind.gen-com.sheph}%
+. This theorem can be used to obtain an analogue of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.gen-com.split2} for finitely supported $\mathbb{A}$-valued $S$-families.
+Thus, we have defined the values of certain infinite sums (although not nearly
+as many infinite sums as analysis can make sense of). We can similarly define
+the values of certain infinite products: In order for $\prod_{s\in S}a_{s}$ to
+be well-defined, it suffices that \textbf{only finitely many among the }%
+$a_{s}$ \textbf{are distinct from }$1$ (or, more rigorously: only finitely
+many $s\in S$ satisfy $a_{s}\neq1$). We leave the details and properties of
+this definition to the reader.
+\subsection{Two-sided induction}
+\subsubsection{The principle of two-sided induction}
+Let us now return to studying induction principles. We have seen several
+induction principles that allow us to prove statements about nonnegative
+integers, integers in $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ or integers in an interval. What
+about proving statements about \textbf{arbitrary} integers? The induction
+principles we have seen so far do not suffice to prove such statements
+directly, since our induction steps always \textquotedblleft go
+up\textquotedblright\ (in the sense that they begin by assuming that our
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds for some integers $k$, and
+involve proving that it also holds for a \textbf{larger} value of $k$), but it
+is impossible to traverse all the integers by starting at some integer $g$ and
+going up (you will never get to $g-1$ this way). In contrast, the following
+induction principle includes both an \textquotedblleft
+upwards\textquotedblright\ and a \textquotedblleft downwards\textquotedblright%
+\ induction step, which makes it suited for proving statements about all integers:
+\label{thm.ind.IPg+-}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. Let $\mathbb{Z}_{\leq g}$ be the
+set $\left\{ g,g-1,g-2,\ldots\right\} $ (that is, the set of all integers
+that are $\leq g$).
+For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}$, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be a logical statement.
+Assume the following:
+\textit{Assumption 1:} The statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds.
+\textit{Assumption 2:} If $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is such that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $
+also holds.
+\textit{Assumption 3:} If $m\in\mathbb{Z}_{\leq g}$ is such that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left( m-1\right) $
+also holds.
+Then, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-} is known as the \textit{principle of two-sided
+induction}. Roughly speaking, a proof using Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-} will
+involve two induction steps: one that \textquotedblleft goes
+up\textquotedblright\ (proving that Assumption 2 holds), and one that
+\textquotedblleft goes down\textquotedblright\ (proving that Assumption 3
+holds). However, in practice, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-} is seldom used,
+which is why we shall not make any conventions about how to write proofs using
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-}. We will only give one example for such a proof.
+Let us first prove Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-} itself:
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-}.]Assumptions 1 and 2 of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg+-} are exactly Assumptions 1 and 2 of Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg}. Hence, Assumptions 1 and 2 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}
+hold (since Assumptions 1 and 2 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-} hold). Thus,
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} shows that%
+\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for each }n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}.
+On the other hand, for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}$, we define a logical statement
+$\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ by $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right)
+=\mathcal{A}\left( 2g-n\right) $. We shall now consider the Assumptions A
+and B of Corollary \ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed}.
+The definition of $\mathcal{B}\left( g\right) $ yields $\mathcal{B}\left(
+g\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( 2g-g\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $
+(since $2g-g=g$). Hence, the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( g\right) $ holds
+(since the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds (by Assumption 1)).
+In other words, Assumption A is satisfied.
+Next, let $p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ be such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right)
+$ holds. We shall show that $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ holds.
+Indeed, we have $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( 2g-p\right)
+$ (by the definition of $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $). Thus, $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 2g-p\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds).
+But $p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$; hence, $p$ is an integer that is $\geq g$.
+Thus, $p\geq g$, so that $2g-\underbrace{p}_{\geq g}\leq2g-g=g$. Hence, $2g-p$
+is an integer that is $\leq g$. In other words, $2g-p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\leq g}$.
+Therefore, Assumption 3 (applied to $m=2g-p$) shows that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+2g-p-1\right) $ also holds (since $\mathcal{A}\left( 2g-p\right) $ holds).
+But the definition of $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ yields $\mathcal{B}%
+\left( p+1\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( \underbrace{2g-\left( p+1\right)
+}_{=2g-p-1}\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( 2g-p-1\right) $. Hence,
+$\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{A}\left(
+2g-p-1\right) $ holds).
+Now, forget that we fixed $p$. We thus have shown that if $p\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq g}$ is such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds, then
+$\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ also holds. In other words, Assumption B is satisfied.
+We now have shown that both Assumptions A and B are satisfied. Hence,
+Corollary \ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed} shows that%
+\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) \text{ holds for each }n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}.
+Now, let $n\in\mathbb{Z}$. We shall prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds.
+Indeed, we have either $n\geq g$ or $nq_{2}$, so that $q_{1}-q_{2}>0$. Hence, $q_{1}-q_{2}\geq1$ (since
+$q_{1}-q_{2}$ is an integer). Therefore, $q_{1}-q_{2}-1\geq0$, so that
+$N\left( q_{1}-q_{2}-1\right) \geq0$ (because $N>0$ and $q_{1}-q_{2}-1\geq0$).
+But $q_{1}N+r_{1}=q_{2}N+r_{2}$, so that $q_{2}N+r_{2}=q_{1}N+r_{1}$. Hence,%
+r_{2}-r_{1}=q_{1}N-q_{2}N=N\left( q_{1}-q_{2}\right) =\underbrace{N\left(
+q_{1}-q_{2}-1\right) }_{\geq0}+N\geq N.
+This contradicts $r_{2}-r_{1}0$ and
+$d\mid a$. Then, $a\geq d$.
+[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem.ind.divi-geq}.]We must prove that $a\geq d$. If
+$d\leq0$, then this is obvious (because if $d\leq0$, then $a>0\geq d$). Hence,
+for the rest of this proof, we WLOG assume that we don't have $d\leq0$. Thus,
+we have $d>0$.
+We have $d\mid a$. In other words, there exists an integer $w$ such that
+$a=dw$ (by the definition of \textquotedblleft divides\textquotedblright).
+Consider this $w$. If we had $w\leq0$, then we would have $dw\leq0$ (because
+$d>0$ and $w\leq0$), which would contradict $dw=a>0$. Thus, we cannot have
+$w\leq0$. Hence, we have $w>0$. Thus, $w\geq1$ (since $w$ is an integer). In
+other words, $w-1\geq0$. From $d>0$ and $w-1\geq0$, we obtain $d\left(
+w-1\right) \geq0$. Now, $a=dw=\underbrace{d\left( w-1\right) }_{\geq
+0}+d\geq d$. This proves Lemma \ref{lem.ind.divi-geq}.
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem}.]Proposition \ref{prop.ind.quo-rem-ex}
+shows that there exist $q\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $r\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots
+,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$. Consider these $q$ and $r$, and denote
+them by $q_{0}$ and $r_{0}$. Thus, $q_{0}\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $r_{0}\in\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ and $n=q_{0}N+r_{0}$. From $q_{0}\in\mathbb{Z}$ and
+$r_{0}\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $, we obtain $\left( q_{0}%
+,r_{0}\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $. Hence,
+there exists \textbf{at least one} pair $\left( q,r\right) \in
+\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$ (namely,
+$\left( q,r\right) =\left( q_{0},r_{0}\right) $).
+Now, let $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) $ and $\left( q_{2},r_{2}\right) $ be
+two pairs $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots
+,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$. We shall prove that $\left( q_{1}%
+,r_{1}\right) =\left( q_{2},r_{2}\right) $.
+We have assumed that $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) $ is a pair $\left(
+q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ such that
+$n=qN+r$. In other words, $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) $ is a pair in
+$\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ and satisfies
+$n=q_{1}N+r_{1}$. Similarly, $\left( q_{2},r_{2}\right) $ is a pair in
+$\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ and satisfies
+Hence, $q_{1}N+r_{1}=n=q_{2}N+r_{2}$. Thus, Lemma \ref{lem.ind.quo-rem-uni}
+yields $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) =\left( q_{2},r_{2}\right) $.
+Let us now forget that we fixed $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) $ and $\left(
+q_{2},r_{2}\right) $. We thus have shown that if $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right)
+$ and $\left( q_{2},r_{2}\right) $ are two pairs $\left( q,r\right)
+\in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$, then
+$\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) =\left( q_{2},r_{2}\right) $. In other words,
+any two pairs $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots
+,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$ must be equal. In other words, there exists
+\textbf{at most one} pair $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$. Since we also know that there
+exists \textbf{at least one} such pair, we can therefore conclude that there
+exists \textbf{exactly one} such pair. In other words, there is a unique pair
+$\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $
+such that $n=qN+r$. This proves Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem}.
+Let $N$ be a positive integer. Let $n\in\mathbb{Z}$. Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} says that there is a unique pair $\left( q,r\right)
+\in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$.
+Consider this pair $\left( q,r\right) $. Then, $q$ is called the
+\textit{quotient of the division of }$n$ \textit{by }$N$ (or the
+\textit{quotient obtained when }$n$ \textit{is divided by }$N$), whereas $r$
+is called the \textit{remainder of the division of }$n$ \textit{by }$N$ (or
+the \textit{remainder obtained when }$n$ \textit{is divided by }$N$).
+For example, the quotient of the division of $7$ by $3$ is $2$, whereas the
+remainder of the division of $7$ by $3$ is $1$ (because $\left( 2,1\right) $
+is a pair in $\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,2\right\} $ such that
+The following basic property
+\label{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod}Let $N$ be a positive integer. Let
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}$. Let $n\%N$ denote the remainder of the division of $n$ by
+\textbf{(a)} Then, $n\%N\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ and $n\%N\equiv
+\textbf{(b)} We have $N\mid n$ if and only if $n\%N=0$.
+\textbf{(c)} Let $c\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ be such that $c\equiv
+n\operatorname{mod}N$. Then, $c=n\%N$.
+[Proof of Corollary \ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod}.]Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} says that there is a unique pair $\left( q,r\right)
+\in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ such that $n=qN+r$.
+Consider this pair $\left( q,r\right) $. Then, the remainder of the division
+of $n$ by $N$ is $r$ (because this is how this remainder was defined). In
+other words, $n\%N$ is $r$ (since $n\%N$ is the remainder of the division of
+$n$ by $N$). Thus, $n\%N=r$. But $N\mid qN$ (since $q$ is an integer), so that
+$qN\equiv0\operatorname{mod}N$. Hence, $\underbrace{qN}_{\equiv
+0\operatorname{mod}N}+r\equiv0+r=r\operatorname{mod}N$. Hence, $r\equiv
+qN+r=n\operatorname{mod}N$, so that $n\%N=r\equiv n\operatorname{mod}N$.
+Furthermore, $n\%N=r\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ (since $\left(
+q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $). This
+completes the proof of Corollary \ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod} \textbf{(a)}.
+\textbf{(b)} We have the following implication:%
+\left( N\mid n\right) \Longrightarrow\left( n\%N=0\right) .
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod.1}):} Assume that $N\mid n$.
+We must prove that $n\%N=0$.
+We have $N\mid n$. In other words, there exists some integer $w$ such that
+$n=Nw$. Consider this $w$.
+We have $N-1\in\mathbb{N}$ (since $N$ is a positive integer), thus
+$0\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $. From $w\in\mathbb{Z}$ and
+$0\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $, we obtain $\left( w,0\right)
+\in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $. Also,
+$wN+0=wN=Nw=n=qN+r$. Hence, Lemma \ref{lem.ind.quo-rem-uni} (applied to
+$\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) =\left( w,0\right) $ and $\left( q_{2}%
+,r_{2}\right) =\left( q,r\right) $) yields $\left( w,0\right) =\left(
+q,r\right) $. In other words, $w=q$ and $0=r$. Hence, $r=0$, so that
+$n\%N=r=0$. This proves the implication (\ref{pf.cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod.1}).]
+Next, we have the following implication:%
+\left( n\%N=0\right) \Longrightarrow\left( N\mid n\right) .
-The rough idea behind the definition of a polynomial is that a polynomial with
-rational coefficients should be a \textquotedblleft formal
-expression\textquotedblright\ which is built out of rational numbers, an
-\textquotedblleft indeterminate\textquotedblright\ $X$ as well as addition,
-subtraction and multiplication signs, such as $X^{4}-27X+\dfrac{3}{2}$ or
-$-X^{3}+2X+1$ or $\dfrac{1}{3}\left( X-3\right) \cdot X^{2}$ or
-$X^{4}+7X^{3}\left( X-2\right) $ or $-15$. We have not explicitly allowed
-powers, but we understand $X^{n}$ to mean the product $\underbrace{XX\cdots
-X}_{n\text{ times}}$ (or $1$ when $n=0$). Notice that division is not allowed,
-so we cannot get $\dfrac{X}{X+1}$ (but we can get $\dfrac{3}{2}X$, because
-$\dfrac{3}{2}$ is a rational number). Notice also that a polynomial can be a
-single rational number, since we never said that $X$ must necessarily be used;
-for instance, $-15$ and $0$ are polynomials.
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod.2}):} Assume that $n\%N=0$.
+We must prove that $N\mid n$.
-This is, of course, not a valid definition. One problem with it that it does
-not explain what a \textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright\ is.
-For starters, we want an expression that is well-defined -- i.e., into that we
-can substitute a rational number for $X$ and obtain a valid term. For example,
-$X-+\cdot5$ is not well-defined, so it does not fit our bill; neither is the
-\textquotedblleft empty expression\textquotedblright. Furthermore, when do we
-want two \textquotedblleft formal expressions\textquotedblright\ to be viewed
-as one and the same polynomial? Do we want to equate $X\left( X+2\right) $
-with $X^{2}+2X$ ? Do we want to equate $0X^{3}+2X+1$ with $2X+1$ ? The answer
-is \textquotedblleft yes\textquotedblright\ both times, but a general rule is
-not easy to give if we keep talking of \textquotedblleft formal
+We have $n=qN+\underbrace{r}_{=n\%N=0}=qN$. Thus, $N\mid n$. This proves the
+implication (\ref{pf.cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod.2}).]
-We \textit{could} define two polynomials $p\left( X\right) $ and $q\left(
-X\right) $ to be equal if and only if, for every number $\alpha\in\mathbb{Q}%
-$, the values $p\left( \alpha\right) $ and $q\left( \alpha\right) $
-(obtained by substituting $\alpha$ for $X$ in $p$ and in $q$, respectively)
-are equal. This would be tantamount to treating polynomials as
-\textit{functions}: it would mean that we identify a polynomial $p\left(
-X\right) $ with the function $\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{Q},\ \alpha\mapsto
-p\left( \alpha\right) $. Such a definition would work well as long as we
-would do only rather basic things with it\footnote{And some authors, such as
-Axler in \cite[Chapter 4]{Axler}, do use this definition.}, but as soon as we
-would try to go deeper, we would encounter technical issues which would make
-it inadequate and painful\footnote{Here are the three most important among
-these issues:
-\item One of the strengths of polynomials is that we can evaluate them not
-only at numbers, but also at many other things, e.g., at square matrices:
-Evaluating the polynomial $X^{2}-3X$ at the square matrix $\left(
-1 & 3\\
--1 & 2
-\right) $ gives $\left(
-1 & 3\\
--1 & 2
-\right) ^{2}-3\left(
-1 & 3\\
--1 & 2
-\right) =\left(
--5 & 0\\
-0 & -5
-\right) $. However, a function must have a well-defined domain, and does not
-make sense outside of this domain. So, if the polynomial $X^{2}-3X$ is
-regarded as the function $\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{Q},\ \alpha
-\mapsto\alpha^{2}-3\alpha$, then it makes no sense to evaluate this polynomial
-at the matrix $\left(
-1 & 3\\
--1 & 2
-\right) $, just because this matrix does not lie in the domain $\mathbb{Q}$
-of the function. We could, of course, extend the domain of the function to
-(say) the set of square matrices over $\mathbb{Q}$, but then we would still
-have the same problem with other things that we want to evaluate polynomials
-at. At some point we want to be able to evaluate polynomials at functions and
-at other polynomials, and if we would try to achieve this by extending the
-domain, we would have to do this over and over, because each time we extend
-the domain, we get even more polynomials to evaluate our polynomials at; thus,
-the definition would be eternally \textquotedblleft hunting its own
-tail\textquotedblright! (We could resolve this difficulty by defining
-polynomials as \textit{natural transformations} in the sense of category
-theory. I do not want to even go into this definition here, as it would take
-several pages to properly introduce. At this point, it is not worth the
-\item Let $p\left( X\right) $ be a polynomial with real coefficients. Then,
-it should be obvious that $p\left( X\right) $ can also be viewed as a
-polynomial with complex coefficients: For instance, if $p\left( X\right) $
-was defined as $3X+\dfrac{7}{2}X\left( X-1\right) $, then we can view the
-numbers $3$, $\dfrac{7}{2}$ and $-1$ appearing in its definition as complex
-numbers, and thus get a polynomial with complex coefficients. But wait! What
-if two polynomials $p\left( X\right) $ and $q\left( X\right) $ are equal
-when viewed as polynomials with real coefficients, but when viewed as
-polynomials with complex coefficients become distinct (because when we view
-them as polynomials with complex coefficients, their domains become extended,
-and a new complex $\alpha$ might perhaps no longer satisfy $p\left(
-\alpha\right) =q\left( \alpha\right) $ )? This does not actually happen,
-but ruling this out is not obvious if you regard polynomials as functions.
-\item (This requires some familiarity with finite fields:) Treating
-polynomials as functions works reasonably well for polynomials with integer,
-rational, real and complex coefficients (as long as one is not too demanding).
-But we will eventually want to consider polynomials with coefficients in any
-arbitrary commutative ring $\mathbb{K}$. An example for a commutative ring
-$\mathbb{K}$ is the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ with $p$ elements, where $p$
-is a prime. (This finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ is better known as the ring of
-integers modulo $p$.) If we define polynomials with coefficients in
-$\mathbb{F}_{p}$ as functions $\mathbb{F}_{p}\rightarrow\mathbb{F}_{p}$, then
-we really run into problems; for example, the polynomials $X$ and $X^{p}$ over
-this field become identical as functions!
-}. Also, if we equated polynomials with the functions they describe, then we
-would waste the word \textquotedblleft polynomial\textquotedblright\ on a
-concept (a function described by a polynomial) that already has a word for it
-(namely, \textit{polynomial function}).
+Combining the two implications (\ref{pf.cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod.1}) and
+(\ref{pf.cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod.2}), we obtain the logical equivalence
+$\left( N\mid n\right) \Longleftrightarrow\left( n\%N=0\right) $. In other
+words, we have $N\mid n$ if and only if $n\%N=0$. This proves Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod} \textbf{(b)}.
-The preceding paragraphs should have convinced you that it is worth defining
-\textquotedblleft polynomials\textquotedblright\ in a way that, on the one
-hand, conveys the concept that they are more \textquotedblleft formal
-expressions\textquotedblright\ than \textquotedblleft
-functions\textquotedblright, but on the other hand, is less nebulous than
-\textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright. Here is one such definition:
+\textbf{(c)} We have $c\equiv n\operatorname{mod}N$. In other words, $N\mid
+c-n$. In other words, there exists some integer $w$ such that $c-n=Nw$.
+Consider this $w$.
+From $-w\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $c\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $, we obtain
+$\left( -w,c\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $.
+Also, from $c-n=Nw$, we obtain $n=c-Nw=\left( -w\right) N+c$, so that
+$\left( -w\right) N+c=n=qN+r$. Hence, Lemma \ref{lem.ind.quo-rem-uni}
+(applied to $\left( q_{1},r_{1}\right) =\left( -w,c\right) $ and $\left(
+q_{2},r_{2}\right) =\left( q,r\right) $) yields $\left( -w,c\right)
+=\left( q,r\right) $. In other words, $-w=q$ and $c=r$. Hence, $c=r=n\%N$.
+This proves Corollary \ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod} \textbf{(c)}.
+Note that parts \textbf{(a)} and \textbf{(c)} of Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod} (taken together) characterize the remainder
+$n\%N$ as the unique element of $\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} $ that is
+congruent to $n$ modulo $N$. Corollary \ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod}
+\textbf{(b)} provides a simple algorithm to check whether a given integer $n$
+is divisible by a given positive integer $N$; namely, it suffices to compute
+the remainder $n\%N$ and check whether $n\%N=0$.
+Let us further illustrate the usefulness of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} by
+proving a fundamental property of odd numbers. Recall the following standard definitions:
-\label{def.polynomial-univar}\textbf{(a)} A \textit{univariate polynomial with
-rational coefficients} means a sequence $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}^{\infty}$ of elements of $\mathbb{Q}$ such that%
+Let $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.
+\textbf{(a)} We say that the integer $n$ is \textit{even} if and only if $n$
+is divisible by $2$.
+\textbf{(b)} We say that the integer $n$ is \textit{odd} if and only if $n$ is
+not divisible by $2$.
+This definition shows that any integer $n$ is either even or odd (but not both
+at the same time).
+It is clear that an integer $n$ is even if and only if it can be written in
+the form $n=2m$ for some $m\in\mathbb{Z}$. Moreover, this $m$ is unique
+(because $n=2m$ implies $m=n/2$). Let us prove a similar property for odd numbers:
+\label{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd}Let $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.
+\textbf{(a)} The integer $n$ is odd if and only if $n$ can be written in the
+form $n=2m+1$ for some $m\in\mathbb{Z}$.
+\textbf{(b)} This $m$ is unique if it exists. (That is, any two integers
+$m\in\mathbb{Z}$ satisfying $n=2m+1$ must be equal.)
+We shall use Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} several times in the below proof
+(far more than necessary), mostly to illustrate how it can be applied.
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd}.]\textbf{(a)} Let us first
+prove the logical implication%
-\text{all but finitely many }k\in\mathbb{N}\text{ satisfy }p_{k}=0.
+\left( n\text{ is odd}\right) \ \Longrightarrow\ \left( \text{there exists
+an }m\in\mathbb{Z}\text{ such that }n=2m+1\right) .
-Here, the phrase \textquotedblleft all but finitely many $k\in\mathbb{N}$
-satisfy $p_{k}=0$\textquotedblright\ means \textquotedblleft there exists some
-finite subset $J$ of $\mathbb{N}$ such that every $k\in\mathbb{N}\setminus J$
-satisfies $p_{k}=0$\textquotedblright. (See Definition \ref{def.allbutfin} for
-the general definition of \textquotedblleft all but finitely
-many\textquotedblright, and Section \ref{sect.infperm} for some practice with
-this concept.) More concretely, the condition
-(\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) can be rewritten as follows: The
-sequence $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) $ contains only zeroes from
-some point on (i.e., there exists some $N\in\mathbb{N}$ such that
-For the remainder of this definition, \textquotedblleft univariate polynomial
-with rational coefficients\textquotedblright\ will be abbreviated as
-\textquotedblleft polynomial\textquotedblright.
-For example, the sequences $\left( 0,0,0,\ldots\right) $, $\left(
-1,3,5,0,0,0,\ldots\right) $, $\left( 4,0,-\dfrac{2}{3},5,0,0,0,\ldots
-\right) $, $\left( 0,-1,\dfrac{1}{2},0,0,0,\ldots\right) $ (where the
-\textquotedblleft$\ldots$\textquotedblright\ stand for infinitely many zeroes)
-are polynomials, but the sequence $\left( 1,1,1,\ldots\right) $ (where the
-\textquotedblleft$\ldots$\textquotedblright\ stands for infinitely many $1$'s)
-is not (since it does not satisfy (\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite})).
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.quo-rem.odd.a.1}):} Assume that $n$ is
+odd. We must prove that there exists an $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $n=2m+1$.
-So we have defined a polynomial as an infinite sequence of rational numbers
-with a certain property. So far, this does not seem to reflect any intuition
-of polynomials as \textquotedblleft formal expressions\textquotedblright.
-However, we shall soon (namely, in Definition \ref{def.polynomial-univar}
-\textbf{(j)}) identify the polynomial $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}^{\infty}$ with the \textquotedblleft formal
-expression\textquotedblright\ $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ (this is an
-infinite sum, but due to (\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) all but its
-first few terms are $0$ and thus can be neglected). For instance, the
-polynomial $\left( 1,3,5,0,0,0,\ldots\right) $ will be identified with the
-\textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright\ $1+3X+5X^{2}%
-+0X^{3}+0X^{4}+0X^{5}+\cdots=1+3X+5X^{2}$. Of course, we cannot do this
-identification right now, since we do not have a reasonable definition of $X$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} (applied to $N=2$) yields that there is a unique
+pair $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\}
+$ such that $n=q\cdot2+r$. Consider this $\left( q,r\right) $. From $\left(
+q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $, we obtain
+$q\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $r\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} =\left\{
+0,1\right\} $.
-\textbf{(b)} We let $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ denote the set of all
-univariate polynomials with rational coefficients. Given a polynomial
-$p=\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $,
-we denote the numbers $p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots$ as the \textit{coefficients}
-of $p$. More precisely, for every $i\in\mathbb{N}$, we shall refer to $p_{i}$
-as the $i$\textit{-th coefficient} of $p$. (Do not forget that we are counting
-from $0$ here: any polynomial \textquotedblleft begins\textquotedblright\ with
-its $0$-th coefficient.) The $0$-th coefficient of $p$ is also known as the
-\textit{constant term} of $p$.
+We know that $n$ is odd; in other words, $n$ is not divisible by $2$ (by the
+definition of \textquotedblleft odd\textquotedblright). If we had $n=2q$, then
+$n$ would be divisible by $2$, which would contradict the fact that $n$ is not
+divisible by $2$. Hence, we cannot have $n=2q$. If we had $r=0$, then we would
+have $n=\underbrace{q\cdot2}_{=2q}+\underbrace{r}_{=0}=2q$, which would
+contradict the fact that we cannot have $n=2q$. Hence, we cannot have $r=0$.
+Thus, $r\neq0$.
-Instead of \textquotedblleft the $i$-th coefficient of $p$\textquotedblright,
-we often also say \textquotedblleft the \textit{coefficient before }$X^{i}%
-$\textit{ of }$p$\textquotedblright\ or \textquotedblleft the
-\textit{coefficient of }$X^{i}$ \textit{in }$p$\textquotedblright.
+Combining $r\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} $ with $r\neq0$, we obtain $r\in\left\{
+0,1\right\} \setminus\left\{ 0\right\} =\left\{ 1\right\} $. Thus, $r=1$.
+Hence, $n=\underbrace{q\cdot2}_{=2q}+\underbrace{r}_{=1}=2q+1$. Thus, there
+exists an $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $n=2m+1$ (namely, $m=q$). This proves the
+implication (\ref{pf.prop.ind.quo-rem.odd.a.1}).]
-Thus, any polynomial $p\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is the sequence of its coefficients.
+Next, we shall prove the logical implication%
+\left( \text{there exists an }m\in\mathbb{Z}\text{ such that }n=2m+1\right)
+\ \Longrightarrow\ \left( n\text{ is odd}\right) .
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.quo-rem.odd.a.2}):} Assume that there
+exists an $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $n=2m+1$. We must prove that $n$ is odd.
+We have assumed that there exists an $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $n=2m+1$.
+Consider this $m$. Thus, the pair $\left( m,1\right) $ belongs to
+$\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ (since $m\in\mathbb{Z}$
+and $1\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $) and satisfies $n=m\cdot2+1$
+(since $n=\underbrace{2m}_{=m\cdot2}+1=m\cdot2+1$). In other words, the pair
+$\left( m,1\right) $ is a pair $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}%
+\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ such that $n=q\cdot2+r$.
+Now, assume (for the sake of contradiction) that $n$ is divisible by $2$.
+Thus, there exists some integer $w$ such that $n=2w$. Consider this $w$. Thus,
+the pair $\left( w,0\right) $ belongs to $\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ (since $w\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $0\in\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $) and satisfies $n=w\cdot2+0$ (since $n=2w=w\cdot
+2=w\cdot2+0$). In other words, the pair $\left( w,0\right) $ is a pair
+$\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $
+such that $n=q\cdot2+r$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} (applied to $N=2$) yields that there is a unique
+pair $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\}
+$ such that $n=q\cdot2+r$. Thus, there exists \textbf{at most} one such pair.
+In other words, any two such pairs must be equal. Hence, the two pairs
+$\left( m,1\right) $ and $\left( w,0\right) $ must be equal (since
+$\left( m,1\right) $ and $\left( w,0\right) $ are two pairs $\left(
+q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ such that
+$n=q\cdot2+r$). In other words, $\left( m,1\right) =\left( w,0\right) $.
+In other words, $m=w$ and $1=0$. But $1=0$ is clearly absurd. Thus, we have
+obtained a contradiction. This shows that our assumption (that $n$ is
+divisible by $2$) was wrong. Hence, $n$ is not divisible by $2$. In other
+words, $n$ is odd (by the definition of \textquotedblleft
+odd\textquotedblright). This proves the implication
+Combining the two implications (\ref{pf.prop.ind.quo-rem.odd.a.1}) and
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.quo-rem.odd.a.2}), we obtain the logical equivalence%
+\left( n\text{ is odd}\right) \ & \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( \text{there
+exists an }m\in\mathbb{Z}\text{ such that }n=2m+1\right) \\
+& \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( n\text{ can be written in the form
+}n=2m+1\text{ for some }m\in\mathbb{Z}\right) .
+In other words, the integer $n$ is odd if and only if $n$ can be written in
+the form $n=2m+1$ for some $m\in\mathbb{Z}$. This proves Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd} \textbf{(a)}.
+\textbf{(b)} This is easy to prove in any way, but let us prove this using
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} just in order to illustrate the use of the
+latter theorem.
+We must prove that any two integers $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ satisfying $n=2m+1$ must
+be equal.
+Let $m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$ be two integers $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ satisfying $n=2m+1$.
+We shall show that $m_{1}=m_{2}$.
+We know that $m_{1}$ is an integer $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ satisfying $n=2m+1$. In
+other words, $m_{1}$ is an integer in $\mathbb{Z}$ and satisfies $n=2m_{1}+1$.
+Thus, the pair $\left( m_{1},1\right) $ belongs to $\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ (since $m_{1}\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $1\in\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $) and satisfies $n=m_{1}\cdot2+1$ (since
+$n=\underbrace{2m_{1}}_{=m_{1}\cdot2}+1=m_{1}\cdot2+1$). In other words, the
+pair $\left( m_{1},1\right) $ is a pair $\left( q,r\right) \in
+\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ such that $n=q\cdot2+r$.
+The same argument (applied to $m_{2}$ instead of $m_{1}$) shows that $\left(
+m_{2},1\right) $ is a pair $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{
+0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $ such that $n=q\cdot2+r$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.quo-rem} (applied to $N=2$) yields that there is a unique
+pair $\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\}
+$ such that $n=q\cdot2+r$. Thus, there exists \textbf{at most} one such pair.
+In other words, any two such pairs must be equal. Hence, the two pairs
+$\left( m_{1},1\right) $ and $\left( m_{2},1\right) $ must be equal (since
+$\left( m_{1},1\right) $ and $\left( m_{2},1\right) $ are two pairs
+$\left( q,r\right) \in\mathbb{Z}\times\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,2-1\right\} $
+such that $n=q\cdot2+r$). In other words, $\left( m_{1},1\right) =\left(
+m_{2},1\right) $. In other words, $m_{1}=m_{2}$ and $1=1$. Hence, we have
+shown that $m_{1}=m_{2}$.
+Now, forget that we fixed $m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$. We thus have proven that if
+$m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$ are two integers $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ satisfying $n=2m+1$,
+then $m_{1}=m_{2}$. In other words, any two integers $m\in\mathbb{Z}$
+satisfying $n=2m+1$ must be equal. In other words, the $m$ in Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd} \textbf{(a)} is unique. This proves Proposition
+\ref{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd} \textbf{(b)}.
+We can use this to obtain the following fundamental fact:
-\textbf{(c)} We denote the polynomial $\left( 0,0,0,\ldots\right)
-\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ by $\mathbf{0}$. We will also write $0$ for
-it when no confusion with the number $0$ is possible. The polynomial
-$\mathbf{0}$ is called the \textit{zero polynomial}. A polynomial
-$p\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is said to be \textit{nonzero} if
+\label{cor.mod.-1powers}Let $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.
-\textbf{(d)} We denote the polynomial $\left( 1,0,0,0,\ldots\right)
-\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ by $\mathbf{1}$. We will also write $1$ for
-it when no confusion with the number $1$ is possible.
+\textbf{(a)} If $n$ is even, then $\left( -1\right) ^{n}=1$.
-\textbf{(e)} For any $\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}$, we denote the polynomial $\left(
-\lambda,0,0,0,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ by
-$\operatorname*{const}\lambda$. We call it the \textit{constant polynomial
-with value }$\lambda$. It is often useful to identify $\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}$
-with $\operatorname*{const}\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $. Notice
-that $\mathbf{0}=\operatorname*{const}0$ and $\mathbf{1}=\operatorname*{const}%
+\textbf{(b)} If $n$ is odd, then $\left( -1\right) ^{n}=-1$.
-\textbf{(f)} Now, let us define the sum, the difference and the product of two
-polynomials. Indeed, let $a=\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right)
-\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ and $b=\left( b_{0},b_{1},b_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ be two polynomials. Then, we
-define three polynomials $a+b$, $a-b$ and $a\cdot b$ in $\mathbb{Q}\left[
-X\right] $ by%
-a+b & =\left( a_{0}+b_{0},a_{1}+b_{1},a_{2}+b_{2},\ldots\right) ;\\
-a-b & =\left( a_{0}-b_{0},a_{1}-b_{1},a_{2}-b_{2},\ldots\right) ;\\
-a\cdot b & =\left( c_{0},c_{1},c_{2},\ldots\right) ,
+[Proof of Corollary \ref{cor.mod.-1powers}.]\textbf{(a)} Assume that $n$ is
+even. In other words, $n$ is divisible by $2$ (by the definition of
+\textquotedblleft even\textquotedblright). In other words, $2\mid n$. In other
+words, there exists an integer $w$ such that $n=2w$. Consider this $w$. From
+$n=2w$, we obtain $\left( -1\right) ^{n}=\left( -1\right) ^{2w}=\left(
+\underbrace{\left( -1\right) ^{2}}_{=1}\right) ^{w}=1^{w}=1$. This proves
+Corollary \ref{cor.mod.-1powers} \textbf{(a)}.
+\textbf{(b)} Assume that $n$ is odd. Proposition \ref{prop.ind.quo-rem.odd}
+\textbf{(a)} shows that the integer $n$ is odd if and only if $n$ can be
+written in the form $n=2m+1$ for some $m\in\mathbb{Z}$. Hence, $n$ can be
+written in the form $n=2m+1$ for some $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ (since the integer $n$
+is odd). Consider this $m$. From $n=2m+1$, we obtain%
-c_{k}=\sum_{i=0}^{k}a_{i}b_{k-i}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }%
+\left( -1\right) ^{n}=\left( -1\right) ^{2m+1}=\left( -1\right)
+^{2m}\left( -1\right) =-\underbrace{\left( -1\right) ^{2m}}_{=\left(
+\left( -1\right) ^{2}\right) ^{m}}=-\left( \underbrace{\left( -1\right)
+^{2}}_{=1}\right) ^{m}=-\underbrace{1^{m}}_{=1}=-1.
-We call $a+b$ the \textit{sum} of $a$ and $b$; we call $a-b$ the
-\textit{difference} of $a$ and $b$; we call $a\cdot b$ the \textit{product} of
-$a$ and $b$. We abbreviate $a\cdot b$ by $ab$.
+This proves Corollary \ref{cor.mod.-1powers} \textbf{(b)}.
-For example,%
+Let us state one more fundamental fact, which follows easily from Corollary
+\ref{cor.mod.-1powers} (the details are left to the reader):
+\label{prop.mod.parity}Let $u$ and $v$ be two integers. Then, we have the
+following chain of logical equivalences:%
-\left( 1,2,2,0,0,\ldots\right) +\left( 3,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) &
-=\left( 4,2,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) ;\\
-\left( 1,2,2,0,0,\ldots\right) -\left( 3,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) &
-=\left( -2,2,3,0,0,0,\ldots\right) ;\\
-\left( 1,2,2,0,0,\ldots\right) \cdot\left( 3,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) &
-=\left( 3,6,5,-2,-2,0,0,0,\ldots\right) .
+\left( u\equiv v\operatorname{mod}2\right) \ & \Longleftrightarrow
+\ \left( u\text{ and }v\text{ are either both even or both odd}\right) \\
+& \Longleftrightarrow\ \left( \left( -1\right) ^{u}=\left( -1\right)
+^{v}\right) .
-The definition of $a+b$ essentially says that \textquotedblleft polynomials
-are added coefficientwise\textquotedblright\ (i.e., in order to obtain the sum
-of two polynomials $a$ and $b$, it suffices to add each coefficient of $a$ to
-the corresponding coefficient of $b$). Similarly, the definition of $a-b$ says
-the same thing about subtraction. The definition of $a\cdot b$ is more
-surprising. However, it loses its mystique when we identify the polynomials
-$a$ and $b$ with the \textquotedblleft formal expressions\textquotedblright%
-\ $a_{0}+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ and $b_{0}+b_{1}X+b_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$
-(although, at this point, we do not know what these expressions really mean);
-indeed, it simply says that
-\left( a_{0}+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots\right) \left( b_{0}+b_{1}X+b_{2}%
-X^{2}+\cdots\right) =c_{0}+c_{1}X+c_{2}X^{2}+\cdots,
-where $c_{k}=\sum_{i=0}^{k}a_{i}b_{k-i}$ for every $k\in\mathbb{N}$. This is
-precisely what one would expect, because if you expand $\left( a_{0}%
-+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots\right) \left( b_{0}+b_{1}X+b_{2}X^{2}%
-+\cdots\right) $ using the distributive law and collect equal powers of $X$,
-then you get precisely $c_{0}+c_{1}X+c_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$. Thus, the definition
-of $a\cdot b$ has been tailored to make the distributive law hold.
+\subsection{Induction from $k-1$ to $k$}
-(By the way, why is $a\cdot b$ a polynomial? That is, why does it satisfy
-(\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) ? The proof is easy, but we omit it.)
+\subsubsection{The principle}
-Addition, subtraction and multiplication of polynomials satisfy some of the
-same rules as addition, subtraction and multiplication of numbers. For
-example, the commutative laws $a+b=b+a$ and $ab=ba$ are valid for polynomials
-just as they are for numbers; same holds for the associative laws $\left(
-a+b\right) +c=a+\left( b+c\right) $ and $\left( ab\right) c=a\left(
-bc\right) $ and the distributive laws $\left( a+b\right) c=ac+bc$ and
-$a\left( b+c\right) =ab+ac$.
+Let us next show yet another \textquotedblleft alternative induction
+principle\textquotedblright, which differs from Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} in a
+mere notational detail:
-The set $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $, endowed with the operations $+$ and
-$\cdot$ just defined, and with the elements $\mathbf{0}$ and $\mathbf{1}$, is
-a commutative ring (where we are using the notations of Definition
-\ref{def.commring}). It is called the \textit{(univariate) polynomial ring
-over }$\mathbb{Q}$.
+\label{thm.ind.IPg-1}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$,
+let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be a logical statement.
-\textbf{(g)} Let $a=\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right) \in
-\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ and $\lambda\in\mathbb{Q}$. Then, $\lambda a$
-denotes the polynomial $\left( \lambda a_{0},\lambda a_{1},\lambda
-a_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $. (This equals the
-polynomial $\left( \operatorname*{const}\lambda\right) \cdot a$; thus,
-identifying $\lambda$ with $\operatorname*{const}\lambda$ does not cause any
-inconsistencies here.)
+Assume the following:
-\textbf{(h)} If $p=\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}%
-\left[ X\right] $ is a nonzero polynomial, then the \textit{degree} of $p$
-is defined to be the maximum $i\in\mathbb{N}$ satisfying $p_{i}\neq0$. If
-$p\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is the zero polynomial, then the degree of
-$p$ is defined to be $-\infty$. (Here, $-\infty$ is just a fancy symbol, not a
-number.) For example, $\deg\left( 1,4,0,-1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) =3$.
+\textit{Assumption 1:} The statement $\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds.
-\textbf{(i)} If $a=\left( a_{0},a_{1},a_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}%
-\left[ X\right] $ and $n\in\mathbb{N}$, then a polynomial $a^{n}%
-\in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is defined to be the product
-$\underbrace{aa\cdots a}_{n\text{ times}}$. (This is understood to be
-$\mathbf{1}$ when $n=0$. In general, an empty product of polynomials is always
-understood to be $\mathbf{1}$.)
+\textit{Assumption 2:} If $k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g+1}$ is such that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $
+also holds.
-\textbf{(j)} We let $X$ denote the polynomial $\left( 0,1,0,0,0,\ldots
-\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $. (This is the polynomial whose
-$1$-st coefficient is $1$ and whose other coefficients are $0$.) This
-polynomial is called the \textit{indeterminate} of $\mathbb{Q}\left[
-X\right] $. It is easy to see that, for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we have%
-X^{n}=\left( \underbrace{0,0,\ldots,0}_{n\text{ zeroes}},1,0,0,0,\ldots
-\right) .
+Then, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$.
+Roughly speaking, this Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} is just Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg}, except that the variable $m$ in Assumption 2 has been
+renamed as $k-1$. Consequently, it stands to reason that Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} can easily be derived from Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg}. Here
+is the derivation in full detail:
+[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1}.]For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$, we
+define the logical statement $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ to be the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $. Thus, $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right)
+=\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$. Applying
+this to $n=g$, we obtain $\mathcal{B}\left( g\right) =\mathcal{A}\left(
+g\right) $ (since $g\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$).
+We shall now show that the two Assumptions A and B of Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed} are satisfied.
+Indeed, recall that Assumption 1 is satisfied. In other words, the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $ holds. In other words, the statement
+$\mathcal{B}\left( g\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{B}\left( g\right)
+=\mathcal{A}\left( g\right) $). In other words, Assumption A is satisfied.
+We shall next show that Assumption B is satisfied. Indeed, let $p\in
+\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ be such that $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds.
+Recall that the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ was defined to be
+the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( p\right) $. Thus, $\mathcal{B}\left(
+p\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( p\right) $. Hence, $\mathcal{A}\left(
+p\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds). Now, let
+$k=p+1$. We know that $p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$; in other words, $p$ is an
+integer and satisfies $p\geq g$. Hence, $k=p+1$ is an integer as well and
+satisfies $k=\underbrace{p}_{\geq g}+1\geq g+1$. In other words,
+$k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g+1}$. Moreover, from $k=p+1$, we obtain $k-1=p$. Hence,
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( p\right) $. Thus,
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds (since $\mathcal{A}\left( p\right) $
+holds). Thus, Assumption 2 shows that $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ also
+holds. But the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( k\right) $ was defined to be the
+statement $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $. Hence, $\mathcal{B}\left(
+k\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $, so that $\mathcal{A}\left(
+k\right) =\mathcal{B}\left( k\right) =\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $
+(since $k=p+1$). Thus, the statement $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $ holds
+(since $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds). Now, forget that we fixed $p$.
+We thus have shown that if $p\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ is such that
+$\mathcal{B}\left( p\right) $ holds, then $\mathcal{B}\left( p+1\right) $
+also holds. In other words, Assumption B is satisfied.
+We have now proven that both Assumptions A and B of Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed} are satisfied. Hence, Corollary
+\ref{cor.ind.IPg.renamed} shows that $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $ holds for
+each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$. In other words, $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right)
+$ holds for each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$ (because each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq
+g}$ satisfies $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) =\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $
+(by the definition of $\mathcal{B}\left( n\right) $)). This proves Theorem
+Proofs that use Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} are usually called \textit{proofs
+by induction} or \textit{induction proofs}. As an example of such a proof, let
+us show the following identity:
-This polynomial $X$ finally provides an answer to the questions
-\textquotedblleft what is an indeterminate\textquotedblright\ and
-\textquotedblleft what is a formal expression\textquotedblright. Namely, let
-$\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ be
-any polynomial. Then, the sum $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ is well-defined
-(it is an infinite sum, but due to (\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}) it
-has only finitely many nonzero addends), and it is easy to see that this sum
-equals $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) $. Thus,
+\label{prop.ind.alt-harm}For every $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we have%
+\sum_{i=1}^{2n}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=n+1}^{2n}\dfrac
+{1}{i}. \label{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}%
+The equality (\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) can be rewritten as%
-\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}%
-+\cdots\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{for every }\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] .
-This finally allows us to write a polynomial $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) $ as a sum $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ while remaining
-honest; the sum $p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots$ is no longer a
-\textquotedblleft formal expression\textquotedblright\ of unclear meaning, nor
-a function, but it is just an alternative way to write the sequence $\left(
-p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) $. So, at last, our notion of a polynomial
-resembles the intuitive notion of a polynomial!
+(where all the signs on the right hand side are $+$ signs, whereas the signs
+on the left hand side alternate between $+$ signs and $-$ signs).
-Of course, we can write polynomials as finite sums as well. Indeed, if
-$\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ is
-a polynomial and $N$ is a nonnegative integer such that every $n>N$ satisfies
-$p_{n}=0$, then%
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.alt-harm}.]For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq0}$, we let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be the statement%
-\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots
+\left( \sum_{i=1}^{2n}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=n+1}%
+^{2n}\dfrac{1}{i}\right) .
-(because addends can be discarded when they are $0$). For example, $\left(
-4,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) =4+1X=4+X$ and $\left( \dfrac{1}{2},0,\dfrac{1}%
-{3},0,0,0,\ldots\right) =\dfrac{1}{2}+0X+\dfrac{1}{3}X^{2}=\dfrac{1}%
+Our next goal is to prove the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ for
+each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$.
-\textbf{(k)} For our definition of polynomials to be fully compatible with our
-intuition, we are missing only one more thing: a way to evaluate a polynomial
-at a number, or some other object (e.g., another polynomial or a function).
-This is easy: Let $p=\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) \in
-\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ be a polynomial, and let $\alpha\in\mathbb{Q}$.
-Then, $p\left( \alpha\right) $ means the number $p_{0}+p_{1}\alpha
-+p_{2}\alpha^{2}+\cdots\in\mathbb{Q}$. (Again, the infinite sum $p_{0}%
-+p_{1}\alpha+p_{2}\alpha^{2}+\cdots$ makes sense because of
-(\ref{eq.def.polynomial-univar.finite}).) Similarly, we can define $p\left(
-\alpha\right) $ when $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}$ (but in this case, $p\left(
-\alpha\right) $ will be an element of $\mathbb{R}$) or when $\alpha
-\in\mathbb{C}$ (in this case, $p\left( \alpha\right) \in\mathbb{C}$) or when
-$\alpha$ is a square matrix with rational entries (in this case, $p\left(
-\alpha\right) $ will also be such a matrix) or when $\alpha$ is another
-polynomial (in this case, $p\left( \alpha\right) $ is such a polynomial as well).
+We first notice that the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $
+holds\footnote{\textit{Proof.} We have $\sum_{i=1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{\left(
+-1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\left( \text{empty sum}\right) =0$. Comparing this
+with $\sum_{i=0+1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{1}{i}=\left( \text{empty sum}\right) =0$,
+we obtain $\sum_{i=1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}%
+=\sum_{i=0+1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{1}{i}$. But this is precisely the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ (since $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ is
+defined to be the statement $\left( \sum_{i=1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{\left(
+-1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=0+1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{1}{i}\right) $). Hence,
+the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( 0\right) $ holds.}.
-For example, if $p=\left( 1,-2,0,3,0,0,0,\ldots\right) =1-2X+3X^{3}$, then
-$p\left( \alpha\right) =1-2\alpha+3\alpha^{3}$ for every $\alpha$.
+Now, we claim that
+\text{if }k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0+1}\text{ is such that }\mathcal{A}\left(
+k-1\right) \text{ holds, then }\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) \text{ also
+holds.} \label{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.step}%
-The map $\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{Q},\ \alpha\mapsto p\left(
-\alpha\right) $ is called the \textit{polynomial function described by }$p$.
-As we said above, this function is not $p$, and it is not a good idea to
-equate it with $p$.
-If $\alpha$ is a number (or a square matrix, or another polynomial), then
-$p\left( \alpha\right) $ is called the result of \textit{evaluating }$p$
-\textit{at }$X=\alpha$ (or, simply, evaluating $p$ at $\alpha$), or the result
-of \textit{substituting }$\alpha$\textit{ for }$X$\textit{ in }$p$. This
-notation, of course, reminds of functions; nevertheless, (as we already said a
-few times) $p$ is \textbf{not a function}.
+[\textit{Proof of (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.step}):} Let $k\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq0+1}$ be such that $\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds. We must show
+that $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ also holds.
-Probably the simplest three cases of evaluation are the following ones:
+We have $k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0+1}$. Thus, $k$ is an integer and satisfies
-\item We have $p\left( 0\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}0^{1}+p_{2}0^{2}+\cdots=p_{0}$.
-In other words, evaluating $p$ at $X=0$ yields the constant term of $p$.
+We have assumed that $\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds. In other words,
+\sum_{i=1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}%
+=\sum_{i=\left( k-1\right) +1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{1}{i}
+holds\footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ is defined to be the
+statement $\left( \sum_{i=1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{\left( -1\right)
+^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=\left( k-1\right) +1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{1}%
+{i}\right) $}.
-\item We have $p\left( 1\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}1^{1}+p_{2}1^{2}+\cdots
-=p_{0}+p_{1}+p_{2}+\cdots$. In other words, evaluating $p$ at $X=1$ yields the
-sum of all coefficients of $p$.
+We have $\left( -1\right) ^{2\left( k-1\right) }=\left(
+\underbrace{\left( -1\right) ^{2}}_{=1}\right) ^{k-1}=1^{k-1}=1$. But
+$2k-1=2\left( k-1\right) +1$. Thus, $\left( -1\right) ^{2k-1}=\left(
+-1\right) ^{2\left( k-1\right) +1}=\underbrace{\left( -1\right)
+^{2\left( k-1\right) }}_{=1}\underbrace{\left( -1\right) ^{1}}_{=-1}=-1$.
-\item We have $p\left( X\right) =p_{0}+p_{1}X^{1}+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots
-=p_{0}+p_{1}X+p_{2}X^{2}+\cdots=p$. In other words, evaluating $p$ at $X=X$
-yields $p$ itself. This allows us to write $p\left( X\right) $ for $p$. Many
-authors do so, just in order to stress that $p$ is a polynomial and that the
-indeterminate is called $X$. It should be kept in mind that $X$ is \textbf{not
-a variable} (just as $p$ is \textbf{not a function}); it is the (fixed!)
-sequence $\left( 0,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) \in\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $
-which serves as the indeterminate for polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}\left[
-X\right] $.
+Now, $k\geq1$, so that $2k\geq2$ and therefore $2k-1\geq1$. Hence, we can
+split off the addend for $i=2k-1$ from the sum $\sum_{i=1}^{2k-1}%
+\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}$. We thus obtain%
+\sum_{i=1}^{2k-1}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i} & =\sum_{i=1}^{\left(
+2k-1\right) -1}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}+\dfrac{\left( -1\right)
+^{\left( 2k-1\right) -1}}{2k-1}\nonumber\\
+& =\underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{\left( -1\right)
+^{i-1}}{i}}_{\substack{=\sum_{i=\left( k-1\right) +1}^{2\left( k-1\right)
+}\dfrac{1}{i}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.IH}))}}%
+}+\underbrace{\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{2\left( k-1\right) }}{2k-1}%
+}_{\substack{=\dfrac{1}{2k-1}\\\text{(since }\left( -1\right) ^{2\left(
+k-1\right) }=1\text{)}}}\nonumber\\
+& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{since }\left( 2k-1\right) -1=2\left(
+k-1\right) \right) \nonumber\\
+& =\sum_{i=\left( k-1\right) +1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{1}{i}%
+(since $\left( k-1\right) +1=k$ and $2\left( k-1\right) =2k-2$).
-\textbf{(l)} Often, one wants (or is required) to give an indeterminate a name
-other than $X$. (For instance, instead of polynomials with rational
-coefficients, we could be considering polynomials whose coefficients
-themselves are polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $; and then, we
-would not be allowed to use the letter $X$ for the \textquotedblleft
-new\textquotedblright\ indeterminate anymore, as it already means the
-indeterminate of $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $ !) This can be done, and the
-rules are the following: Any letter (that does not already have a meaning) can
-be used to denote the indeterminate; but then, the set of all polynomials has
-to be renamed as $\mathbb{Q}\left[ \eta\right] $, where $\eta$ is this
-letter. For instance, if we want to denote the indeterminate as $x$, then we
-have to denote the set by $\mathbb{Q}\left[ x\right] $.
+On the other hand, $2k\geq2\geq1$. Hence, we can split off the addend for
+$i=2k$ from the sum $\sum_{i=1}^{2k}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}$. We
+thus obtain%
+\sum_{i=1}^{2k}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i} & =\underbrace{\sum
+_{i=1}^{2k-1}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}}_{\substack{=\sum
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.0}))}}}+\underbrace{\dfrac{\left( -1\right)
+^{2k-1}}{2k}}_{\substack{=\dfrac{-1}{2k}\\\text{(since }\left( -1\right)
+& =\sum_{i=k}^{2k-2}\dfrac{1}{i}+\dfrac{1}{2k-1}+\dfrac{-1}{2k}.
-It is furthermore convenient to regard the sets $\mathbb{Q}\left[
-\eta\right] $ for different letters $\eta$ as distinct. Thus, for example,
-the polynomial $3X^{2}+1$ is not the same as the polynomial $3Y^{2}+1$. (The
-reason for doing so is that one sometimes wishes to view both of these
-polynomials as polynomials in the two variables $X$ and $Y$.) Formally
-speaking, this means that we should define a polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}\left[
-\eta\right] $ to be not just a sequence $\left( p_{0},p_{1},p_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) $ of rational numbers, but actually a pair $\left( \left(
-p_{0},p_{1},p_{2},\ldots\right) ,\text{\textquotedblleft}\eta
-\text{\textquotedblright}\right) $ of a sequence of rational numbers and the
-letter $\eta$. (Here, \textquotedblleft$\eta$\textquotedblright\ really means
-the letter $\eta$, not the sequence $\left( 0,1,0,0,0,\ldots\right) $.) This
-is, of course, a very technical point which is of little relevance to most of
-mathematics; it becomes important when one tries to implement polynomials in a
-programming language.
-\textbf{(m)} As already explained, we can replace $\mathbb{Q}$ by $\mathbb{Z}%
-$, $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$ or any other commutative ring $\mathbb{K}$ in
-the above definition. (See Definition \ref{def.commring} for the definition of
-a commutative ring.) When $\mathbb{Q}$ is replaced by a commutative ring
-$\mathbb{K}$, the notion of \textquotedblleft univariate polynomials with
-rational coefficients\textquotedblright\ becomes \textquotedblleft univariate
-polynomials with coefficients in $\mathbb{K}$\textquotedblright\ (also known
-as \textquotedblleft univariate polynomials over $\mathbb{K}$%
-\textquotedblright), and the set of such polynomials is denoted by
-$\mathbb{K}\left[ X\right] $ rather than $\mathbb{Q}\left[ X\right] $.
+But we have $\left( 2k-1\right) -k=k-1\geq0$ (since $k\geq1$). Thus,
+$2k-1\geq k$. Thus, we can split off the addend for $i=2k-1$ from the sum
+$\sum_{i=k}^{2k-1}\dfrac{1}{i}$. We thus obtain%
+\sum_{i=k}^{2k-1}\dfrac{1}{i}=\sum_{i=k}^{\left( 2k-1\right) -1}\dfrac{1}%
+(since $\left( 2k-1\right) -1=2k-2$). Hence, (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.1})
+\sum_{i=1}^{2k}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\underbrace{\sum
+\dfrac{1}{i}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.2}))}}}+\dfrac{-1}{2k}%
+=\sum_{i=k}^{2k-1}\dfrac{1}{i}+\dfrac{-1}{2k}. \label{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.3}%
-So much for univariate polynomials.
-Polynomials in multiple variables are (in my opinion) treated the best in
-\cite[Chapter II, \S 3]{Lang02}, where they are introduced as elements of a
-monoid ring. However, this treatment is rather abstract and uses a good deal
-of algebraic language\footnote{Also, the book \cite{Lang02} is notorious for
-its unpolished writing; it is best read with Bergman's companion
-\cite{Bergman-Lang} at hand.}. The treatments in \cite[\S 4.5]{Walker87}, in
-\cite[Chapter A-3]{Rotman15} and in \cite[Chapter IV, \S 4]{BirkMac} use the
-above-mentioned recursive shortcut that makes them inferior (in my opinion). A
-neat (and rather elementary) treatment of polynomials in $n$ variables (for
-finite $n$) can be found in \cite[Chapter III, \S 5]{Hungerford-03} and in
-\cite[\S 8]{AmaEsc05}; it generalizes the viewpoint we used in Definition
-\ref{def.polynomial-univar} for univariate polynomials above\footnote{You are
-reading right: The analysis textbook \cite{AmaEsc05} is one of the few sources
-I am aware of to define the (algebraic!) notion of polynomials precisely and
+But we have $k+1\leq2k$ (since $2k-\left( k+1\right) =k-1\geq0$). Thus, we
+can split off the addend for $i=2k$ from the sum $\sum_{i=k+1}^{2k}\dfrac
+{1}{i}$. We thus obtain%
+Also, $k\leq2k-1$ (since $\left( 2k-1\right) -k=k-1\geq0$). Thus, we can
+split off the addend for $i=k$ from the sum $\sum_{i=k}^{2k-1}\dfrac{1}{i}$.
+We thus obtain%
+{2k}\\\text{(by (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.4}))}}}=\dfrac{1}{k}+\sum
+Subtracting $\dfrac{1}{2k}$ from this equality, we obtain%
+Comparing this with (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.3}), we obtain%
+\sum_{i=1}^{2k}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=k+1}^{2k}\dfrac
+{1}{i}. \label{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.8}%
+But this is precisely the statement $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right)
+$\ \ \ \ \footnote{because $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ is defined to be
+the statement $\left( \sum_{i=1}^{2k}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}%
+{i}=\sum_{i=k+1}^{2k}\dfrac{1}{i}\right) $}. Thus, the statement
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds.
+Now, forget that we fixed $k$. We thus have shown that if $k\in\mathbb{Z}%
+_{\geq0+1}$ is such that $\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds, then
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ also holds. This proves
+Now, both assumptions of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} (applied to $g=0$) are
+satisfied (indeed, Assumption 1 holds because the statement $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( 0\right) $ holds, whereas Assumption 2 holds because of
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.step})). Thus, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} (applied
+to $g=0$) shows that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$. In other words, $\sum_{i=1}^{2n}\dfrac{\left(
+-1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=n+1}^{2n}\dfrac{1}{i}$ holds for each
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$ (since $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ is the
+statement $\left( \sum_{i=1}^{2n}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}%
+=\sum_{i=n+1}^{2n}\dfrac{1}{i}\right) $). In other words, $\sum_{i=1}%
+^{2n}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=n+1}^{2n}\dfrac{1}{i}$ holds
+for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$ (because $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}=\mathbb{N}$). This
+proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.alt-harm}.
+\subsubsection{Conventions for writing proofs using \textquotedblleft$k-1$ to
+$k$\textquotedblright\ induction}
+Just like most of the other induction principles that we have so far
+introduced, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} is not usually invoked explicitly when
+it is used; instead, its use is signalled by certain words:
+\label{conv.ind.IPg-1lang}Let $g\in\mathbb{Z}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq
+g}$, let $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ be a logical statement. Assume that
+you want to prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ holds for each
+$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g}$.
+Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} offers the following strategy for proving this:
+First show that Assumption 1 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} is satisfied;
+then, show that Assumption 2 of Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} is satisfied;
+then, Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} automatically completes your proof.
+A proof that follows this strategy is called a \textit{proof by induction on
+}$n$ (or \textit{proof by induction over }$n$) \textit{starting at }$g$ or
+(less precisely) an \textit{inductive proof}. Most of the time, the words
+\textquotedblleft starting at $g$\textquotedblright\ are omitted, since the
+value of $g$ is usually clear from the statement that is being proven.
+Usually, the statements $\mathcal{A}\left( n\right) $ are not explicitly
+stated in the proof either, since they can also be inferred from the context.
+The proof that Assumption 1 is satisfied is called the \textit{induction base}
+(or \textit{base case}) of the proof. The proof that Assumption 2 is satisfied
+is called the \textit{induction step} of the proof.
+In order to prove that Assumption 2 is satisfied, you will usually want to fix
+a $k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g+1}$ such that $\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $
+holds, and then prove that $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $ holds. In other
+words, you will usually want to fix $k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq g+1}$, assume that
+$\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds, and then prove that $\mathcal{A}%
+\left( k\right) $ holds. When doing so, it is common to refer to the
+assumption that $\mathcal{A}\left( k-1\right) $ holds as the
+\textit{induction hypothesis} (or \textit{induction assumption}).
+This language is exactly the same that was introduced in Convention
+\ref{conv.ind.IPglang} for proofs by \textquotedblleft
+standard\textquotedblright\ induction starting at $g$. The only difference
+between proofs that use Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg} and proofs that use Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} is that the induction step in the former proofs assumes
+$\mathcal{A}\left( m\right) $ and proves $\mathcal{A}\left( m+1\right) $,
+whereas the induction step in the latter proofs assumes $\mathcal{A}\left(
+k-1\right) $ and proves $\mathcal{A}\left( k\right) $. (Of course, the
+letters \textquotedblleft$m$\textquotedblright\ and \textquotedblleft%
+$k$\textquotedblright\ are not set in stone; any otherwise unused letters can
+be used in their stead. Thus, what distinguishes proofs that use Theorem
+\ref{thm.ind.IPg} from proofs that use Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg-1} is not the
+letter they use, but the \textquotedblleft$+1$\textquotedblright\ versus the
+Let us repeat the above proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.alt-harm} (or, more
+precisely, its non-computational part) using this language:
+[Proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.alt-harm} (second version).]We must prove
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$. In other words,
+we must prove (\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) for every $n\in
+\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$ (since $\mathbb{N}=\mathbb{Z}_{\geq0}$). We shall prove
+this by induction on $n$ starting at $0$:
+\textit{Induction base:} We have $\sum_{i=1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{\left(
+-1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\left( \text{empty sum}\right) =0$. Comparing this
+with $\sum_{i=0+1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{1}{i}=\left( \text{empty sum}\right) =0$,
+we obtain $\sum_{i=1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}%
+=\sum_{i=0+1}^{2\cdot0}\dfrac{1}{i}$. In other words,
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) holds for $n=0$. This completes the
+induction base.
+\textit{Induction step:} Let $k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$. Assume that
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) holds for $n=k-1$. We must show that
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) holds for $n=k$.
+We have $k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1}$. In other words, $k$ is an integer and
+satisfies $k\geq1$.
+We have assumed that (\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) holds for $n=k-1$. In
+other words,
+\sum_{i=1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}%
+=\sum_{i=\left( k-1\right) +1}^{2\left( k-1\right) }\dfrac{1}{i}.
+From here, we can obtain%
+\sum_{i=1}^{2k}\dfrac{\left( -1\right) ^{i-1}}{i}=\sum_{i=k+1}^{2k}\dfrac
+{1}{i}. \label{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.ver2.4}%
+(Indeed, we can derive (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.ver2.4}) from
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.ver2.1}) in exactly the same way as we derived
+(\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.8}) from (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.IH}) in the
+above first version of the proof of Proposition \ref{prop.ind.alt-harm};
+nothing about this argument needs to be changed, so we have no reason to
+repeat it.)
+But the equality (\ref{pf.prop.ind.alt-harm.ver2.4}) shows that
+(\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) holds for $n=k$. This completes the
+induction step. Hence, (\ref{eq.prop.ind.alt-harm.claim}) is proven by
+induction. This proves Proposition \ref{prop.ind.alt-harm}.
\section{\label{chp.binom}On binomial coefficients}
@@ -3283,21 +15826,17 @@ \subsubsection{The combinatorial interpretation of binomial coefficients}
does have such an interpretation.)
-\footnotetext{A mathematical statement of the form \textquotedblleft if
-$\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{B}$\textquotedblright\ is said to be
-\textit{vacuously true} if $\mathcal{A}$ never holds. For example, the
-statement \textquotedblleft if $0=1$, then every integer is
+\footnotetext{Recall that a mathematical statement of the form
+\textquotedblleft if $\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{B}$\textquotedblright\ is
+said to be \textit{vacuously true} if $\mathcal{A}$ never holds. For example,
+the statement \textquotedblleft if $0=1$, then every integer is
odd\textquotedblright\ is vacuously true, because $0=1$ is false. Proposition
\ref{prop.binom.subsets} is vacuously true when $m$ is negative, because the
condition \textquotedblleft$S$ is an $m$-element set\textquotedblright\ never
holds when $m$ is negative.
-By the laws of logic, a vacuously true statement is always true! This may
-sound counterintuitive, but actually makes a lot of sense: A statement
-\textquotedblleft if $\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{B}$\textquotedblright\ only
-says anything about situations where $\mathcal{A}$ holds. If $\mathcal{A}$
-never holds, then it therefore says nothing. And saying nothing is a safe way
-to remain truthful.}
+By the laws of logic, a vacuously true statement is always true! See
+Convention \ref{conv.logic.vacuous} for a discussion of this principle.}
Some authors (for example, those of \cite{LeLeMe16} and of \cite{Galvin}) use
@@ -3444,6 +15983,10 @@ \subsubsection{Binomial coefficients of integers are integers}
$. This proves Lemma \ref{lem.binom.intN}.
+It is also easy to prove Lemma \ref{lem.binom.intN} by induction on $m$, using
+\eqref{eq.binom.00} and \eqref{eq.binom.0} in the induction base and using
+(\ref{eq.binom.rec.m}) in the induction step.
\label{prop.binom.int}Let $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Then,%
@@ -3481,13 +16024,12 @@ \subsubsection{Binomial coefficients of integers are integers}
The above proof of Proposition \ref{prop.binom.int} may well be the simplest
-one. There is another which proceeds by induction on $m$ (using
-(\ref{eq.binom.rec.m})), but this induction needs two induction steps
-($m\rightarrow m+1$ and $m\rightarrow m-1$) in order to reach all integers
-(positive and negative). There is yet another proof using basic number theory
-(specifically, checking how often a prime $p$ appears in the numerator and the
-denominator of $\dbinom{m}{n}=\dfrac{m\left( m-1\right) \cdots\left(
-m-n+1\right) }{n!}$), but this is not quite easy.
+one. There is another proof, which uses Theorem \ref{thm.ind.IPg+-}, but it is
+more complicated\footnote{It requires an induction on $n$ nested inside the
+induction step of the induction on $m$.}. There is yet another proof using
+basic number theory (specifically, checking how often a prime $p$ appears in
+the numerator and the denominator of $\dbinom{m}{n}=\dfrac{m\left(
+m-1\right) \cdots\left( m-n+1\right) }{n!}$), but this is not quite easy.
\subsubsection{The binomial formula}
@@ -4076,9 +16618,9 @@ \subsubsection{An algebraic proof}
Compared with%
-& \sum_{k=0}^{N}\dfrac{k}{N}\dbinom{x}{k}\dbinom{y}{N-k}\\
-& =\underbrace{\dfrac{0}{N}\dbinom{x}{0}\dbinom{y}{N-0}}_{=0}+\sum_{k=1}%
+\sum_{k=0}^{N}\dfrac{k}{N}\dbinom{x}{k}\dbinom{y}{N-k} & =\underbrace{\dfrac
& \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left( \text{here, we have split off the addend for
}k=0\right) \\
& =\sum_{k=1}^{N}\dfrac{k}{N}\dbinom{x}{k}\dbinom{y}{N-k},
@@ -4098,8 +16640,8 @@ \subsubsection{An algebraic proof}
& =\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}\dbinom{x}{k}\underbrace{\dfrac{y}{N}\dbinom{y-1}{N-k-1}%
-(\ref{pf.thm.vandermonde.pf.2.8}),}\\\text{applied to }a=N-k\\\text{(since
-}N-k\in\left\{ 1,2,3,\ldots\right\} \text{ (because }k\in\left\{
+(\ref{pf.thm.vandermonde.pf.2.8}), applied to }a=N-k\\\text{(since }%
+N-k\in\left\{ 1,2,3,\ldots\right\} \text{ (because }k\in\left\{
0,1,\ldots,N-1\right\} \text{)))}}}\\
& =\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}\dbinom{x}{k}\dfrac{N-k}{N}\dbinom{y}{N-k}=\sum
@@ -6637,7 +19179,8 @@ \subsection{Basics}
sequence}} is the sequence $\left( f_{0},f_{1},f_{2},\ldots\right) $ of
integers which is defined recursively by $f_{0}=0$, $f_{1}=1$, and
-$f_{n}=f_{n-1}+f_{n-2}$ for all $n\geq2$. Its first terms are%
+$f_{n}=f_{n-1}+f_{n-2}$ for all $n\geq2$. We have already introduced this
+sequence in Example \ref{exa.rec-seq.fib}. Its first terms are%
f_{0} & =0,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f_{1}=1,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f_{2}%
=1,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f_{3}=2,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ f_{4}%
@@ -6678,8 +19221,8 @@ \subsection{Basics}
fact, the \textit{Binet formula} says that the $n$-th Fibonacci number $f_{n}$
can be computed by%
where $\varphi=\dfrac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$ and $\psi=\dfrac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}$ are the
two solutions of the quadratic equation $X^{2}-X-1=0$. (The number $\varphi$
@@ -6687,7 +19230,7 @@ \subsection{Basics}
it by $\psi=1-\varphi=-1/\varphi$.) A similar formula, using the very same
numbers $\varphi$ and $\psi$, exists for the Lucas numbers:%
+\ell_{n}=\varphi^{n}+\psi^{n}. \label{eq.binet.l}%
@@ -6758,6 +19301,9 @@ \subsection{Basics}
values. Here are some further examples of $\left( a,b\right) $-recurrent sequences:
+\item The sequence $\left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\ldots\right) $ in Theorem
+\ref{thm.rec-seq.fibx} is $\left( a,b\right) $-recurrent (by its very definition).
\item A sequence $\left( x_{0},x_{1},x_{2},\ldots\right) $ is $\left(
2,-1\right) $-recurrent if and only if every $n\geq2$ satisfies
$x_{n}=2x_{n-1}-x_{n-2}$. In other words, a sequence $\left( x_{0}%
@@ -7357,19 +19903,6 @@ \subsection{Additional exercises}
a,b\right) $-recurrent sequences (e.g., Lucas numbers).
-\label{exe.rec.addition}\textbf{(a)} Let $\left( f_{0},f_{1},f_{2}%
-,\ldots\right) $ be the Fibonacci sequence. Prove that $f_{m+n}=f_{m}%
-f_{n+1}+f_{m-1}f_{n}$ for any positive integer $m$ and any $n\in\mathbb{N}$.
-\textbf{(b)} Generalize to $\left( a,b\right) $-recurrent sequences with
-arbitrary $a$ and $b$.
-\textbf{(c)} Let $\left( f_{0},f_{1},f_{2},\ldots\right) $ be the Fibonacci
-sequence. Prove that $f_{m}\mid f_{mk}$ for any $m\in\mathbb{N}$ and
\label{exe.rec.fibonomial}\textbf{(a)} Let $\left( f_{0},f_{1},f_{2}%
,\ldots\right) $ be the Fibonacci sequence. For every $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and
@@ -9778,6 +22311,11 @@ \subsection{More on signs of permutations}
give a new solution to Exercise \ref{exe.ps2.2.5} \textbf{(b)}.
+The next exercise relies on the notion of ``the list of all elements of $S$ in
+increasing order (with no repetitions)'', where $S$ is a finite set of
+integers. This notion means exactly what it says; it was rigorously defined in
+Definition \ref{def.ind.inclist}.
\label{exe.Ialbe}Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $I$ be a subset of $\left\{
1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $. Let $k=\left\vert I\right\vert $. Let $\left(
@@ -11006,8 +23544,8 @@ \subsection{\label{sect.commring}Commutative rings}
for the additive inverse of $a$. This is the same as $0_{\mathbb{K}} - a$.
The intuition for commutative rings is essentially that all computations that
-can be made with the operations $+$, $-$ and $\cdot$ on integers can be
-similarly made in a commutative ring. For instance, if $a_{1},a_{2}%
+can be performed with the operations $+$, $-$ and $\cdot$ on integers can be
+similarly made in any commutative ring. For instance, if $a_{1},a_{2}%
,\ldots,a_{n}$ are $n$ elements of a commutative ring, then the sum
$a_{1}+a_{2}+\cdots+a_{n}$ is well-defined, and can be computed by adding the
elements $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,a_{n}$ to each other in any order\footnote{For
@@ -11015,9 +23553,21 @@ \subsection{\label{sect.commring}Commutative rings}
ways: For example, we can first add $a$ and $b$, then add $c$ and $d$, and
finally add the two results; alternatively, we can first add $a$ and $b$, then
add $d$ to the result, then add $c$ to the result. In a commutative ring, all
-such ways lead to the same result. To prove this is a slightly tedious
-induction argument that uses commutativity and associativity.}. The same holds
-for products. If $n$ is an integer and $a$ is an element of a commutative ring
+such ways lead to the same result.}. More generally: If $S$ is a finite set,
+if $\mathbb{K}$ is a commutative ring, and if $\left( a_{s}\right) _{s\in
+S}$ is a $\mathbb{K}$-valued $S$-family\footnote{See Definition
+\ref{def.ind.families.fams} for the definition of this notion.}, then the sum
+$\sum_{s\in S}a_{s}$ is defined in the same way as finite sums of numbers were
+defined in Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} (but with $\mathbb{A}$
+replaced by $\mathbb{K}$, of course\footnote{and, consequently, $0$ replaced
+by $0_{\mathbb{K}}$}); this definition is still legitimate\footnote{i.e., the
+result does not depend on the choice of $t$ in (\ref{eq.sum.def.1})}, and
+these finite sums of elements of $\mathbb{K}$ satisfy the same properties as
+finite sums of numbers (see Section \ref{sect.sums-repetitorium} for these
+properties). All this can be proven in the same way as it was proven for
+numbers (in Section \ref{sect.ind.gen-com} and Section
+\ref{sect.sums-repetitorium}). The same holds for finite products.
+Furthermore, if $n$ is an integer and $a$ is an element of a commutative ring
$\mathbb{K}$, then we define an element $na$ of $\mathbb{K}$ by%
@@ -11210,8 +23760,18 @@ \subsection{Matrices}
1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $ to $\mathbb{K}$. We represent such a map as a
rectangular table by writing the image of $\left( i,j\right) \in\left\{
1,2,\ldots,n\right\} \times\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,m\right\} $ into the cell in
-the $i$-th row and the $j$-th column.} For instance, when $\mathbb{K}%
-=\mathbb{Q}$, the table $\left(
+the $i$-th row and the $j$-th column.
+Thus, the notion of an $n\times m$-matrix is closely akin to what we called an
+\textquotedblleft$n\times m$-table of elements of $\mathbb{K}$%
+\textquotedblright\ in Definition \ref{def.ind.families.rectab}. The main
+difference between these two notions is that an $n\times m$-matrix
+\textquotedblleft knows\textquotedblright\ $\mathbb{K}$, whereas an $n\times
+m$-table does not (i.e., two $n\times m$-matrices that have the same entries
+in the same positions but are defined using different commutative rings
+$\mathbb{K}$ are considered different, but two such $n\times m$-tables are
+considered identical).} For instance, when $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{Q}$, the table
1 & -2/5 & 4\\
@@ -26858,7 +39418,8 @@ \subsection{\label{sect.laplace}Laplace expansion in multiple rows/columns}
\item If $I$ is a finite set of integers, then $w\left( I\right) $ shall
denote the list of all elements of $I$ in increasing order (with no
-repetitions). (For example, $w\left( \left\{ 3,4,8\right\} \right)
+repetitions). (See Definition \ref{def.ind.inclist} for the formal definition
+of this list.) (For example, $w\left( \left\{ 3,4,8\right\} \right)
=\left( 3,4,8\right) $.)
@@ -28030,7 +40591,8 @@ \subsection{Additional exercises}
I=\sum_{i\in I}i$.)
\item Let $w\left( I\right) $ denote the list of all elements of $I$ in
-increasing order (with no repetitions). (For example, $w\left( \left\{
+increasing order (with no repetitions). (See Definition \ref{def.ind.inclist}
+for the formal definition of this list.) (For example, $w\left( \left\{
3,4,8\right\} \right) =\left( 3,4,8\right) $.)
\item Let $\left( A\mid B_{\bullet,I}\right) $ denote the $n\times\left(
@@ -37970,7 +50532,8 @@ \subsubsection{First solution}
m\%c\equiv m\operatorname{mod}c. \label{pf.prop.sol.choose.a/b.lem1.rem.2}%
+Indeed, these two relations follow from Corollary \ref{cor.ind.quo-rem.remmod}
+\textbf{(a)} (applied to $N=c$ and $n=m$).
We shall now show that two of the $c+1$ integers $b^{0}\%c,b^{1}%
\%c,\ldots,b^{c}\%c$ are equal.
@@ -39438,14 +52001,16 @@ \subsection{Solution to Exercise \ref{exe.ps2.2.1}}
\textit{Proof of (\ref{sol.ps2.2.1.claim}):} We shall prove
-(\ref{sol.ps2.2.1.claim}) by strong induction on $n$. So we fix some
-$N\in\mathbb{N}$, and we assume that (\ref{sol.ps2.2.1.claim}) is already
+(\ref{sol.ps2.2.1.claim}) by strong induction\footnote{See Section
+\ref{sect.ind.SIP} for an introduction to strong induction.} on $n$. So we fix
+some $N\in\mathbb{N}$, and we assume that (\ref{sol.ps2.2.1.claim}) is already
proven for every $n