You can configure darkvoid.nvim by setting up the colorscheme in your way and configuring it like this:
transparent = false,
glow = false,
show_end_of_buffer = true,
colors = {
fg = "#c0c0c0",
bg = "#1c1c1c",
cursor = "#bdfe58",
line_nr = "#404040",
visual = "#303030",
comment = "#585858",
string = "#d1d1d1",
func = "#e1e1e1",
kw = "#f1f1f1",
identifier = "#b1b1b1",
type = "#a1a1a1",
type_builtin = "#c5c5c5", -- current
-- type_builtin = "#8cf8f7", -- glowy blue old (was present by default before type_builtin was introduced added here for people who may like it)
search_highlight = "#1bfd9c",
operator = "#1bfd9c",
bracket = "#e6e6e6",
preprocessor = "#4b8902",
bool = "#66b2b2",
constant = "#b2d8d8",
-- enable or disable specific plugin highlights
plugins = {
gitsigns = true,
nvim_cmp = true,
treesitter = true,
nvimtree = true,
telescope = true,
lualine = true,
bufferline = true,
oil = true,
whichkey = true,
nvim_notify = true,
-- gitsigns colors
added = "#baffc9",
changed = "#ffffba",
removed = "#ffb3ba",
-- Pmenu colors
pmenu_bg = "#1c1c1c",
pmenu_sel_bg = "#1bfd9c",
pmenu_fg = "#c0c0c0",
-- EndOfBuffer color
eob = "#3c3c3c",
-- Telescope specific colors
border = "#585858",
title = "#bdfe58",
-- bufferline specific colors
bufferline_selection = "#1bfd9c",
-- LSP diagnostics colors
error = "#dea6a0",
warning = "#d6efd8",
hint = "#bedc74",
info = "#7fa1c3",
To use darkvoid.nvim as your lualine theme add this in your config (lualine.lua)
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
enabled = true,
config = function()