- document project as having more than just simpler CIDs
- document Tiles/DevServer and their APIs properly
- add CSP to SW
- test CSP
- surface manifest metadata to viewer
- include icons support
- test that updating content moves the frontend
- make frontend look good
- make a more complex demo
- Support range requests
- Make it work in Nostr?
- Make a little Express middleware that can work to ship to your own site
- Would it make sense to have a tile gateway? bafy….tile.example.net
- Finish pushing config to Caddy
- Test it
- Document
- Add a watch option that replaces the configuration whenever there's a change
- Support for more than one dir per server (use distinct @id prefixes)
- Add option to stop serving (just deletes)
- Make it announce itself, e.g. on IPNI
- A separate process that can be reverse proxied from *.ipfs.domain would be neat too
- A basic Nostr server that supports the minimum protocol and can expose events usefully
- finish onREQ
- write actual tests
- integrate into augury
- add a configuration that has allowlisting of pubkeys
- A special way to provide content for IPFS
- Expose the IPFS over an HTTP gateway
- Mimic IPNI over Nostr? Or register with IPNI?
- Tinker with a client that will upload this way
- add ipfs/lucid to NIP-94
- add a field to NIP-96 to indicate that the server produces URLs that are IPFS-gateway compatible
- Upload test tile to the augury server
- Tinker with a client that will render tiles (size rules too?)