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Command Reference

data-bomb edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 37 revisions

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Running Commands

There are several different ways to execute a mod command.

In-game Chat

Mod admins in the game can execute mod admin commands by either prefixing them with ! or /. Admin commands prefixed with a / will not display the command the admin used to all palyers while the other prefixes show the command to all players.

For example, if an admin (with the Kick power) wants to kick a player named Toasted Marshmallow types !kick Toasted or !kick Marsh in chat then the following would be displayed:

Admin: !kick Toasted Server: Admin kicked Toasted Marshmallow

But if an admin types /kick mallow in chat then only the following would be displayed:

Server: Admin kicked Toasted Marshmallow

Server Console

From the server console the host can use any mod admin command prefixed by sam_. For example, sam_silence Toasted will prevent the player named Toasted from having any of their chat messages displayed to anyone else.

Mod Command Overview

Mod Name Who Can Run It Command
Admin Mod Host-only !addadmin <player> <powers> <level>
AFK Manager Admins with Kick !kick <player>, !afk
Auto Teams Mode Select Admins with Map !nextmode <HvH, HvA, HvHvA>
Basic Balance Admins with Team !team [playername] <teamname>
Basic Banlist Admins with Ban !ban <player>, !kickban <player>
Basic Banlist Admins with Rcon !banid <steam64> <name>
Basic Banlist Admins with Unban !unban <exactname | steamid>
Chat Silence Admins with Mute !silence <player>, !unsilence <player>, !mute <player>, !unmute <player>
Commander Management Admins with Commander !demote <Alien, Sol, Centauri>, !commanderban <player>, !cban <player>, !removecommanderban <player>, !uncban <player>
Commander Management All players before the round starts !commander, !mutiny
EndRound Admins with End !endround, !endgame
Eject Admins with Eject !eject <player>
Mapcycle Admins with Map !map <mapname>
Mapcycle All players currentmap, nextmap, rtv, !nominate <mapname>
Resources Admins with Cheat !resources <amount> [teamname]
Spawn Configs Admins with Cheat !spawn <name>, !undospawn, !saveconfig <name>, !loadconfig <name>, !addconfig <name>
Surrender All players !surrender
Webhooks All players !report <optional: issue>
Worm Bounty Admins with Slay !devour <playername
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