title | description | keywords | date | modified | image |
Movies and TV |
Various resources for Movies and TV data |
movies data, tv dataset, imdb |
2018-07-21 |
2018-07-21 |
movies-and-tv.png |
Large film/movie database claiming:
- 425,000+ titles
- 1,700,000 + filmographies of cast and crew members
- Films from 1891 to Present
- Foreign and independent movies, television movies and shows, new and future releases, and more
Information on database structure can be found here: . Individual files are gzipped an in a bespoke text format structure for which standard libraries exist e.g. IMDbPy.
Information on history and development (including 'enclosure') on wikipedia:
See conditions of usage - https://www.imdb.com/conditions
ftp index of all the IMBD dump files (which are themselves gzips of a bespoke plain text format):