- Talk title: A small introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
- Presenter: Florian Ellsäßer [email protected]
- Date: 22 June 2022
- Notes by: Christian Krippes and Florian Ellsäßer
- License: CC0 1.0 Universal, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- The talk is available as Jupyter Notebook. You find it in our GitHub Repository
- The example dataset (Iris dataset) is also available in our Repository
- A intallation guide can be found on the Juypter-Website
- The presentation on Jupyter Notebooks (also created in a Jupyter Notebook) can be viewed here.
- An example Jupyter Notebook featuring the famous iris data set can be found here.
Jupyter Notbooks are a combination of code and explanatory text.
It can process code of 12 different programming languages
Key Advantage: A notebook contains both code and its output.
A notebook is therefore human readable and executable
Jupyter Notebooks are a great way to communicate scientific analysis
They are also great for developing code and doing stepwise data analysis because the cell structure facilitates running small code sections
You can write text in markdown
You can link to external source
It runs in your browser (creates local server)
- Documenting a process
- Tutorials e.g. in teaching scientific analysis
- Show how things are used
- Enables learners to try things out
- Data analysis
- Code development
- Create figures
- Transformation and cleaning of data
- Data visualisation
- Statistical modelling