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1040 lines (731 loc) · 34.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1040 lines (731 loc) · 34.7 KB

flextable 0.9.7


  • The fix_border_issues function is now useless for users, as it is now called automatically before printing.


  • fix caption issue that came with no version of bookdown (issue #645), 'bookdown' management of caption has been simplified.
  • fix vertical overlapping lines with grid output (issue #644)
  • fix broken internal links in PDF file, probably due to a change in knitr or rmarkdown (issue #632)
  • fix right outer border issue in grid format (issue #650)
  • fix flextable_to_rmd() issue with images in pdf (issue #651)
  • fix flextable_to_rmd() issue with local chunk eval option (issue #631)
  • proc_freq can now display only the table percentages without the count using include.table_count = FALSE.
  • bring back support for 'pagedown' with pagedown >= 0.20.2
  • apply defined text-format to empty cells

flextable 0.9.6


  • headers_flextable_at_bkm() and footers_flextable_at_bkm() are defunct.
  • flextable_to_rmd() is now using knit_child() for safer usage from for loops or if statements.
  • Add explanation about caption limitations in the manual of functions save_as_image() and ph_with.flextable().
  • Deprecate as_raster() since gen_grob() is easier to use and render nicer.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: in align(), the default argument value for align is now "left", rather than c("left", "center", "right", "justify"). This returns the default value to how it was in older versions of {flextable}.
    • in align(), use of the old default align argument could cause an error if the number of columns being adjusted was not a multiple of 4.
    • The documentation specified that align had to be a single value, when it could actually accept multiple values. This is why a default value of c("left", "center", "right", "justify"), was problematic. This documentation has now been updated and new examples included in the documentation.
    • The default align argument will now apply left alignment to all columns in the body.
    • If the user specifies an alignment that is invalid, a error will be displayed.
    • The path argument now has a signature of part = c("body", "header", "footer", "all"), but because only a single value can be selected, it will pick "body" by default, as before.
  • Deprecate lollipop() since it produces (ugly) results that can be replaced by nice results with gg_chunk() or grid_chunk().


  • fix issue with as_image() when the table contains no text.
  • fix font instruction issue with PDF and quarto
  • fix issue with Quarto detection and R > 4.4
  • fix align() issue with recycling and update documentation that was wrong about argument align that is vectorized over columns.

flextable 0.9.5

new features

  • new functions tab_settings() to set tabulation marks configuration for Word and RTF. It works with officer::fp_tabs().
  • new function fmt_signif_after_zero() to round significant figures after zeros.


  • summarizor() don't stop anymore if table only contain discrete columns.
  • supports 'data.table'
  • footnote() handle undefined ref_symbols argument
  • delete_rows() does not delete rows if the row selection is empty
  • improve gen_grob() alignments when wrapping text
  • fix horizontal border issue with gen_grob() when cells are vertically merged
  • Word captions set with set_caption() can have no bookmark and have autonumber used together.


  • default tabcolsep is now set to 2.
  • Deprecate set_formatter_type().
  • renovate fmt_2stats() so that it uses global flextable settings, i.e. digits, etc.
  • refactoring of data structure for content
  • footer along pages in PDF are now deactivated by default. It can be activated with command set_table_properties(opts_pdf = list(footer_repeat = TRUE)).
  • more argument checkings in as_chunk()

flextable 0.9.4


  • ph_with.flextable() formats widths and heights correctly.
  • move image shown in add_footer to footnote where it should be.
  • update the documentation and automatically change alignment 'justify' to 'left' for latex output.
  • borders'width for grid output are fixed

new features

  • new functions delete_columns() and delete_rows() to let users delete rows or columns.
  • save_as_image() now supports svg export with 'svglite'.

flextable 0.9.3

new features

  • The summarizor() function has been enhanced to offer three new options:
    • an empty by argument meaning 'no grouping,'
    • the ability for users to select numeric statistics to display ("mean_sd," "median_iqr," "range"),
    • and the option to specify whether or not to show all NA counts.


  • always shows the number of rows even if less than 10 (because I need it!).


  • Make sure 'gfm' format is rendered as an image.
  • As adviced by Ben Bolker, functions as_flextable.lm(), as_flextable.gam(), as_flextable.glm(), as_flextable.merMod() and as_flextable.htest() now respect the global value of getOption("show.signif.stars").
  • new argument add.random in as_flextable.merMod() to let add or not random effects in the final table.
  • drop superfluous semicolons when include.row_percent = FALSE
  • Super and subscripts are now correctly rendered in PDF (thanks to Philippe Grosjean).
  • argument max_iter of function fit_to_width is not ignored anymore.


  • rename technical column part to .part so that column named part can be used.

flextable 0.9.2


  • rmarkdown expect list of dependencies to be unnamed. This property is used in HTML or LaTeX deps resolution to know when to be recursive
  • dim_pretty() returns correct numbers when not 'inches'
  • as_flextable.table() now propagates ... as expected
  • pdf: when table was on two pages, there were duplicated caption entries, this is fixed thanks to Christophe Dervieux and Nick Bart. Repeating the caption along pages can be desactivated with command set_table_properties(opts_pdf = list(caption_repeat = FALSE)).
  • as_flextable() now works on tabular objects and R < 4.1.
  • to_html(type = "img") now use the correct width and height


  • bookdown has now bookmarks associated with captions and flextable benefits from this feature.
  • In 'Quarto' captions are ignored, which make Quarto captions valid with HTML and PDF outputs; the responsibility for managing captions lies with the Quarto framework itself. It does not work with Quarto for Word and should be possible with Quarto 1.4.
  • as_flextable.tabular() now generate tabulated content only if the sub group contains more than a single row. When possible, row titles are tabulated.

Deprecated functions

  • The functions footers_flextable_at_bkm and headers_flextable_at_bkm are deprecated. Instead, we recommend using the prop_section() and block_list() functions from the officer package as alternative solutions. These functions provide more reliable and flexible options for managing footers and headers.

flextable 0.9.1

breaking change

  • parameter keepnext and ft.keepnext are defunct, they are replaced by function paginate() that enable nice pagination of tables across pages or keep_with_next() to get total control over rows pagination.

new features

  • add RTF support for captions.
  • set_flextable_defaults() gains parameter pct_digits (number of digits for percentages) that will be used in relevant functions (only proc_freq() for now).
  • new method as_flextable.table().
  • new functions fmt_dbl(), fmt_int() and fmt_pct().
  • Support for Word and RTF pagination with function paginate()


  • refactor proc_freq and support 1d frequency table


  • colname type is now possible when using tabulator().
  • value for html dependancies parameter is a list of html-dep as expected. This solves issue for blogdown and pkgdown introduced in the previous version.
  • fix save_as_html() ugly default title.
  • fix alignment issues when rows are horizontally merged in PDF

flextable 0.9.0

new features

  • add RTF support for captions.
  • enable new labels with set_header_labels() from a simple un-named vector.
  • function set_formatter() now accepts single function to be applied to all columns.
  • HTML output now can capture google fonts if installed with gdtools::register_gfont().
  • refactor save_as_html(): use rmarkdown and add google fonts if possible (See gdtools::register_gfont()).


  • fix as_flextable.tabular(spread_first_col=TRUE)

flextable 0.8.6

In short:

  • RTF support,
  • revealjs support,
  • preserve all aspects within Quarto html format
  • use grid graphics for saving as png (no need for "webshot" or "webshot2" packages)
  • support for tables::tabular(): "Computes a table of summary statistics, cross-classified by various variables"

new features

  • add RTF support with officer::rtf_add().
  • new convert tables::tabular() to flextable with new function as_flextable.tabular().
  • add to_html.flextable() to make easy embedding of flextable results in HTML (with 'ggiraph' for example).
  • add global setting border.width (see ?set_flextable_defaults()) and set its default value to .75, this setting is used in theme functions. The old default value was hard coded to 1 and can be defined during the whole R session with set_flextable_defaults(border.width = 1).


  • drop 'base64enc' dependency and use 'officer' functions as replacement.
  • Use officer_url_encode() to encode URL in office files.
  • refactor knit_print.flextable() and related functions.
  • drop webshot dependency to produce images, now using package 'ragg'.
  • refactor captions: knitr context now updates the caption instead of managing caption value and defined knitr options.
  • use shadow in all HTML output generated via knitr (i.e. 'Quarto' and 'R Markdown').


  • support revealjs (and probably all RMD formats that generate HTML)
  • fix cell's vertical alignments in latex
  • fix detection of non transparent background table in latex so that the correct lines instructions (hhlines or clines) are being used.
  • fix headers_flextable_at_bkm() and footers_flextable_at_bkm()

flextable 0.8.5


  • use pkgdown features instead of images shots in the manual examples. The website now shows flextable results.


  • fix issue with flextable_to_rmd and pdf introduced in 0.8.4.
  • fix caption issue with Word and body_add_flextable().

flextable 0.8.4

new features

  • new argument expand_single in as_flextable.tabulator(). If FALSE, groups with only one row will not be expanded with a title row.
  • argument labels of labelizor() now support functions in addition to named vectors.
  • as.character() now returns the HTML string of the table
  • new method as_flextable for data.frame using df_printer() function implementation.


  • fix mis-calculated columns widths in latex
  • fix horizontal lines in latex tables
  • adapt latex table container to quarto changes
  • Word caption: autonumber works without bookmark

flextable 0.8.3

new features

  • new argument expand_single in as_grouped_data(). If FALSE, groups with only one row will not be expanded with a title row.
  • new functions fmt_avg_dev(), fmt_header_n(), fmt_n_percent() and renaming of fmt_2stats() to fmt_summarizor() to help working with tabulator(). tabulator() has also new internal values that allow N=xxx notes and automatic labels.
  • function set_table_properties() is now the recommanded way to set arguments related to format options and alignment in a document. It is supposed to replace "knitr" chunk options ft.align, ft.split, ft.keepnext, ft.tabcolsep, ft.arraystretch, ft.latex.float, ft.shadow, fonts_ignore although they are all still supported. This allows less interaction with the 'R Markdown' or 'Quarto' eco-system and let to define it globally with set_flextable_defaults().
  • HTML scrolling can be activated by calling set_table_properties() and providing a scroll value for argument opts_html: opts_html = list(scroll = list(height = "500px",freeze_first_column = TRUE)).
  • new function grid_chunk() to let users add grid graphics
  • functions add_header_row(), add_footer_row(), add_body_row(), add_header_lines() and add_footer_lines() now supports formatted paragraph made with as_paragraph().
  • captions: support for simple text in addition to as_paragraph()
  • summarizor() can now be transformed directly as a flextable with method as_flextable().


  • fix issue with keepnext and body_add_flextable()
  • fix issue of misordered chunks with prepend_chunks()
  • argument 'unit' is dropped in line_spacing() as it is expected to be a ratio


  • ft.keepnext now default to FALSE as lot of users had issues with this option.
  • function xtable_to_flextable() is removed (use as_flextable())

flextable 0.8.2


  • prevent docx captions test when pandoc version is "" (on CRAN Flavor r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc).

flextable 0.8.1


  • fix warning with subscript and superscript #456
  • prevent usage of gregexec if R < 4.1
  • fix for rdocx captions

flextable 0.8.0

new features

  • flextable now supports "Grid graphics" output format. See gen_grob().
  • labelizor() is a new function to help change text by labels.
  • add support for paragraph settings (made with fp_par()) in captions with set_caption().
  • captions are now made with as_paragraph()
  • caption alignments and keep_with_next is now computed instead of being provided by user
  • alternative text for Word tables with word_title and word_description by calling set_table_properties() or setting values to knitr chunk options tab.alt.title and tab.alt.description.
  • Word and HTML captions paragraphs settings can be defined by using set_caption(). The alignment of the paragraph can be different from the alignment of the table with the argument align_with_table=FALSE.
  • new theme 'APA', theme_apa (@rempsyc #426)
  • method as_flextable.tabulator() gains an argument spread_first_col to enable spreading of the first column of the table as a line separator.
  • fix doc links to functions from other packages for future releases


  • fix caption issue resulting from a clash with variable name 'n' (#443)
  • Quarto support
  • fix as_grouped_data() with date columns (#438)
  • fix footnotes spread over separate lines when 'inline' (#442)
  • fix missing caption with rmarkdown pdf output
  • fix first horizontal borders repeated issue with Word output
  • add empty paragraphs between tables in save_as_docx() to avoid Word confusion
  • fix fortify_width() calculation

flextable 0.7.3

new features

  • function as_flextable.tabulator() gained an argument label_rows used for labels to display in the first column names, i.e. the row column names.
  • new function shift_table() to produce Shift Tables used used in clinical trial analysis ready to be used by tabulator().
  • as_image() don't need anymore parameters width and height if package 'magick' is available.


  • plot.flextable now default to grid Graphics. It produce a plot object that can be used with packages 'ggplot2', 'patchwork' and 'cowplot'. The raster version made with 'webshot' and 'magick' pachages is still available, use plot(..., method = "webshot").


  • fix top borders correction (for docx and pptx)
  • check that used colors do not contain NA
  • fix HTML scrolling that is always visible to Windows users
  • fix "", "" and "" for Word
  • fix anti-selectors for bg/color/highlight, a regression from version 0.7.2
  • when HTML and layout "autofit", output width is not set when width has been defined to 0 to avoid unnecessary word breaks (#429).


  • pptx output is constructed with top and bottom margins whose value is top and bottom padding of the paragraph and there is no more borders copies while rendering.
  • add visual tests with doconv
  • footnote can not be used with "" symbols, use add_footer_lines() instead.

flextable 0.7.2


  • fix selector issue with numeric values (#409)

flextable 0.7.1

new features

  • function as_flextable() has now methods for lm, glm, models from package 'lme' and 'lme4', htest (t.test, chisq.test, ...), gam, kmeans and pam.
  • new function use_model_printer() to set model automatic printing as a flextable in an R Markdown document.
  • new function add_body_row() to add a row in the body part with eventually merged/spanned columns.
  • new function tabulator_colnames() to get column names of a tabulator object.
  • new function prepend_chunks() to prepend chunks of content in flextable cells as with as_paragraph() but without replacing the whole content.
  • addition of chunk function as_word_field() to let add 'Word' computed values into a flextable, as as_word_field(x = "Page") for a page number.
  • new function separate_header() to Separate collapsed colnames into multiple rows.
  • Functions autofit() and dim_pretty() now support newlines.
  • autofit() and dim_pretty() now have an argument hspans to help specify how horizontally spanned cells should affect the results.
  • PDF output now supports various floating placement options with knitr option ft.latex.float, supported values are 'none' (the default value), 'float', 'wrap-r', 'wrap-l', 'wrap-i' and 'wrap-o'.
  • HTML output have now a scrool bar if width does not fit in the container. This can be switch off by using the knitr option ft.htmlscroll = FALSE.
  • tabulator() can display any columns before and after the columns of displayed aggregations.


  • fix append_chunks usage by adding i, j and part at the end of the function arguments, after the ....
  • add forgotten supp_data in the result table of tabulator()
  • merged horizontal borders are now visible in PowerPoint (#378)
  • PowerPoint 'soft returns' are now real 'soft returns'. (#379)
  • mapping between argument j and source when color is a function (in bg(), highlight() and color()) is now based on colnames to avoid mistake while mapping. #395
  • Fix issue with footnotes forcing rectangular extent for selection; thanks to Sean Browning
  • fix horizontal and vertical alignements when rotating paragraphs for pptx, docx and html outputs
  • links in pptx and docx are not transformed anymore.
  • fix handling of special characters in latex
  • vertically merged cells now wrap text into the paragraph


  • refactor the code for pptx and docx output

flextable 0.7.0

new features

  • new function append_chunks() to append chunks of content in flextable cells as with as_paragraph() but without replacing the whole content.
  • new function tabulator() and its method as_flextable.tabulator() that help the creation of tables used in life science industry. It also comes with function summarizor() and sugar function fmt_2stats().
  • empty_blanks() gained arguments width so that users can also set blank columns' width.
  • pass ... to format() function when using colformat_num(). It makes possible to use arguments for format(), for example colformat_num(drop0trailing = TRUE).
  • add knitr chunk option ft.keepnext and parameter keepnext to function body_add_flextable() that enable the Word option 'keep rows together', so that page break within a table is avoided when possible.
  • new function add_latex_dep() to manually add flextable latex dependencies to the knitr session.


  • fix Rd files which when converted to HTML had <img> entries with invalid width attributes e.g. width=40\%.


  • In a bookdown context and without package officedown, it is not possible to keep the cross-references as they are provided by bookdown and to provide a real Word cross-reference on table captions (the reference number only is displayed). That's why when using bookdown without package officedown : 1. Word auto-numbering is desactivated and 2. caption prefix formatting feature.

flextable 0.6.10

new features

  • add function df_printer that can be used via the df_print option of R Markdown documents or by calling use_df_printer().
  • add support to knitr table options tab.cap.fp_text to let format caption prefix in function opts_current_table().
  • Applies existing formatting properties to new header/footer lines


  • fix convertion when unit = "mm"
  • fix regression with captions when bookdown generate a 'Word' document #354
  • fix highlight for PowerPoint


  • Theme functions behavior is now more detailed in the manual.

flextable 0.6.9

new features

  • add "nan" option in formatting functions
    colformat_* and set_flextable_defaults.
  • new function surround() to ease the highlighting of specific cells with borders.
  • add "pdf" option for previewing a flextable in PDF with print(x, preview ="pdf").


  • fix width with border overlaps in pdf
  • chunks are now ordered as expected in pdf
  • markdown can be used in table captions in R Markdown documents

flextable 0.6.8


  • fix issue with border spaces and widths in HTML output. #343
  • fix tests obfuscations with "pandoc-citeproc" that was not necessary.

flextable 0.6.7

new features

  • tab.lp is now a knitr supported chunk option and can be use to change the label prefix for the table sequence id when a caption is used. See davidgohel/officedown#71.
  • support for tab.topcaption that let modify the table caption position from "top" (TRUE) to "bottom" (FALSE).
  • add helper function before() to ease addition of hline() before some values to match with.


  • fix issue with white spaces instead of empty borders in HTML output
  • fix issue with missing top or right border in LaTeX output (thanks to huaixv for the fix)
  • Table cells containing square braces were causing errors (thanks to Nick Bart for the fix)
  • fix proc_freq error when include.row_percent, include.table_percent and include.column_percent are all set to FALSE.

flextable 0.6.6

new features

  • add argument ft.shadow = TRUE to htmltools_value so that shadow dom can not be used.
  • add arguments "", "" and "" to fontname.
  • add "line_spacing" to defaults formatting properties (see set_flextable_defaults(line_spacing=1))


  • fix issue with spaces in latex - see #314
  • fix issue with powerpoint hyperlinks - see #310
  • fix issue with conditional color with scale - see #309

flextable 0.6.5

new features

  • add function as_equation for 'MathJax' equations.
  • add argument text_after to function flextable_to_rmd to let append any text to the produced flextable.

flextable 0.6.4

new features

  • export of chunk_dataframe for those who want to create functions that work with as_paragraph.
  • in R Markdown for Word, bookmarks are now added to captions when output format is from bookdown
  • shadow hosts HTML elements get the class flextable-shadow-host.
  • set_flextable_defaults now accept argument padding that set values for padding top, bottom, left and right.
  • new functions colorize, as_highlight
  • functions nrow_part and ncol_keys are now exported


  • fix for minibar when all values are equal to zero (thanks to Martin Durian)
  • fix URLs formatted incorrectly in Word and PowerPoint (thanks to David Czihak)

flextable 0.6.3

new features

  • compose has a new argument use_dot to let use . and loop over columns
  • new function init_flextable_defaults()
  • inst/mediasrc/man-figures.R can also be used for visual testing with git diff


  • fix line spacing with pdf output
  • Now colformat_num calls the format function on the numeric values (integer and float) which are therefore displayed as in console R. This function is used during the creation of a flextable so that by default the content of the cells is the same as that displayed in console R.

flextable 0.6.2


new features

  • merge_v has a new argument combine to let use j columns be used as a single value (all values are pasted).
  • new function add_body for adding rows into a flextable body
  • new function colformat_image for images in flextable
  • new method as_flextable for gam models
  • function set_flextable_defaults gained 4 new arguments post_process_pdf, post_process_html, post_process_docx and post_process_pptx to enable flextable post-treatments conditionned by the output format.
  • new helper functions fp_text_default and fp_border_default.


  • fix encoding issue with Windows platforms
  • bring back caption into the table
  • fix overlapping issue with hline_top #244
  • fix \n and \t usage for pdf

flextable 0.6.1

new features

  • HTML flextable are now isolated from the document CSS (except caption which is copied before).


  • correction of latex tables which resulted in a centering of the following text.
  • minor correction for density graphs inserted in tables
  • fix suffix/prefix usage in colformat_* functions


  • drop defunct functions.

flextable 0.6.0

new features

  • flextable now supports PDF/latex output format.
  • new function highlight() for text highlighting color
  • new function set_flextable_defaults() to set some default formatting properties, i.e. default border color, font color, padding, decimal.mark ...
  • save_as_docx gained a new argument pr_section to define page layout with section properties, save_as_html can now output more than a single table.
  • colformat_ functions now use default values and filter columns that are irrelevant (i.e. if colformat_num, only numeric values are formatted). Also, new colformat_ functions have been implemented (colformat_date, colformat_datetime and colformat_double).
  • new functions plot_chunk and gg_chunk to add miniplots or ggplots into a flextable


  • defunct of ph_with_flextable()
  • use pandoc's raw attribute when possible within "R Markdown" documents.


  • fix bug in HTML output with invalid css when locale makes decimal separator not .
  • fix_border_issues is the last instruction of all theme functions so that borders are corrected if some cells have been merged.
  • caption was always printed in bookdown and now it's conditionned by testing if tab_props$cap has a value.
  • fix missing tfoot tag in HTML output

flextable 0.5.11


  • HTML code is now minimized as CSS styles are now used instead of inline CSS.

new features

  • save_as_html now accepts argument encoding
  • line spacing (for Word and PowerPoint) or line height (for HTML) can now be defined with function line_spacing() (or with function style()).


  • selection when i or j was integer(0) was resulting to all rows, it's now fixed. To select all rows or columns, use i = NULL or j = NULL, to select none, i = integer(0) or j = integer(0).
  • tab were not displayed when output was HTML

flextable 0.5.10

new features

  • flextable captions in Word can be auto-numbered and bookmarked
  • function footnote is now able to add inline footnotes
  • support for bookdown references
  • new as_flextable methods for lm and glm objects and xtable (replacing xtable_to_flextable())
  • new sugar function continuous_summary(): summarize continuous columns in a flextable
  • function autofit can now use only some parts of the tables. This allows for example to no longer have gigantic columns by not taking into account the "footer" part that is often composed of long texts.
  • bookdown and xaringan HTML outputs should now be rendered as expected - table css has been overwritten.
  • new function set_table_properties lets adapt flextable size as "100%", "50%" of the available width for Word and HTML.


  • manual pages have been improved and illustrations are added
  • bg() and color() now accept functions (i.e. scales::col_numeric())

flextable 0.5.9


  • defunct of display()
  • rename arg 'formater' to 'formatter' of as_chunk (#152)


  • drop officer::fp_sign importation that was not used anymore so that officer can drop digest dependency.

flextable 0.5.8


  • deprecation of display().
  • defunct of ph_with_flextable_at()
  • function knit_to_wml() has new arguments align, split and
  • function htmltools_value() has a new argument ft.align

new features

  • new function flextable_html_dependency to get flextable htmltools::htmlDependancy. This is necessary to output flextables in html R Markdown documents from loop or other nested operations.


  • fix issue #188, add_rows error that came with version 0.5.7

flextable 0.5.7

new features

  • new suger functions save_as_docx, save_as_pptx that lets users export flextable objects to PowerPoint or Word documents.


  • merge_v can use hidden columns.
  • new function hrule to control how row heights should be understood (at least, auto, exact)
  • Allow unused values in set_header_labels - PR #172 from DanChaltiel
  • deprecation of ph_with_flextable_at, ph_with_flextable will be deprected in the next release


  • fix issue #180, background color of runs transparency issue with googlesheet
  • fix issue #157, issue with rotate and HTML output

flextable 0.5.6


  • force officer >= 0.3.6
  • fix rounding issue for css borders

flextable 0.5.6

new features

  • new function lollipop that lets users add mini lollipop chart to flextable (kindly provided by
  • function proc_freq got a new argument weight to enable weighting of results.
  • function as_flextable.grouped_data() has now an argument hide_grouplabel to let not print the group names.


  • let footnotes symbols be affected by style functions (related to #137)
  • enable usage of 'webshot2' instead of 'webshot'. It enable better screenshots. It can be specified with argument webshot in function save_as_image or with chunk option webshot="webshot2".

flextable 0.5.5

new features

  • new function knit_to_wml to let display flextables from non top level calls inside R Markdown document.
  • ph_with method for flextable object. This enable ph_location* usage and make placement into slides easier.
  • new function fit_to_width to fit a flextable to a maximum width
  • set_caption can now be used with R Markdown for Word document and caption style can be defined with chunk option


  • fix issue with save_as_image with R for Windows

flextable 0.5.3

new features

  • new functions to render flextable in plot (see plot), as an image (see save_as_image) and raster for ggplot2 (see as_raster).
  • new function footnote to ease footnotes management
  • colformat functions are suporting i argument now for rows selection.

flextable 0.5.2

new features

  • new function valign to align vertically paragraphs in cell
  • new function proc_freq that mimic SAS proc freq provided by Titouan Robert.
  • new function linerange to produce mini lineranges.


  • fix issue with set_footer_df

flextable 0.5.1


  • fix issue with font colors in powerpoint
  • fix issues with colors for Windows RStudio viewer

new features

  • new themes functions theme_alafoli() and theme_vader()
  • new functions align_text_col() and align_nottext_col() to align columns by data type
  • new functions merge_h_range() to merge a set of columns row by row
  • new functions fix_border_issues() fix issues with borders when cells are merged
  • new functions add_header_row(), add_footer_row(), add_header_lines() and add_footer_lines() to add easily data in header or footer.
  • new generic function as_flextable() to let develop new flextable functions
  • new function as_grouped_data() and its method as_flextable() to create row titles to separate data in a flextable.

flextable 0.5.0


  • new arguments values for functions set_header_labels and set_formatter
  • styles functions now support injection of more than a single value
  • this version a big refactoring and got rid of R6

new features

  • new function compose that will replace display
  • new function set_caption only available for html output

flextable 0.4.7

new features

  • knit_print() can be used with rmarkdown when rendering to PowerPoint.


  • fix issue with regulartable and logical columns

flextable 0.4.6

new features

  • a new helper function body_replace_flextable_at_bkm to replace a bookmarked paragraph by a flextable.
  • new functions colformat_* to make content formatting easier. It also deals with NA.


  • Documentation format.flextable method so that users can create their components.
  • new knitr chunk options ft.align to align tables in rmarkdown::word_document and ft.split to activate Word option 'Allow row to break across pages'.


  • fix issue (unordered and duplicated chunk of text) in function display()

flextable 0.4.5


  • flextable will not be split across rows at a page break in Word documents.


  • fix border rendering with vline()
  • empty data.frame are no more generating an error

flextable 0.4.4

new features

  • Soft return \n is now supported. Function autofit and dim_pretty do not support soft returns and may return wrong results (\n will be considered as "").
  • format function for flextable objects.


  • fix border rendering with border_outer()

flextable 0.4.3

new features

  • new functions: hyperlink_text() to be used with display, font()
  • new functions hline*() and vline*() and many new helper functions to be used instead of borders.


  • manuals have been refactored


  • fix display issue when a cell was containing NA

flextable 0.4.2

new features

  • new function xtable_to_flextable() that is returning a flextable from an xtable object.
  • function htmltools_value() is exported for shiny applications.

flextable 0.4.1

new features

  • flextables have now a footer part

flextable 0.4.0

new features

  • new function knit_print() to render flextable in rmarkdown.


  • function tabwid() is deprecated in favor of a knit_print implementation.
  • list of dependencies has been reduced.

flextable 0.3

new features

  • new function regulartable, faster and simpler than flextable


  • characters <, > and & are now html encoded
  • fix columns widths when output format is HTML

flextable 0.2

new features

  • new function ph_with_flextable_at to add a flextable at any position in a slide.
  • new function merge_at is providing a general way of merging cells.
  • new theme function: theme_box()


  • function display() now works with a mustache template


  • fix fontsize when part == "all"