- Release 2.0.11
- update localytics
- Merge pull request #436 from graingert/ISO8601
- Use invariant locale for ISO8601 date formatter
- update localytics
- Merge pull request #432 from segmentio/uxcam
- uxcam: update header
- bump uxcam
- Fix podfile for 0.38.0+
- Fix mixpanel import (#417)
- Add support for custom dimensions and metrics.
- Send revenue to Localytics and not cents
- Upgrade GoogleAnalytics to 3.13.0
- Updating Amplitude SDK v3.0.0
- Fix typo
- Prevent crash when error occurs writing payload to disk
- Update Taplytics to 2.4.0
- Fix how Optimizely root is enabled
- pod: fixes for kahuna
- mixpanel: update to 2.8.2 (close #400)
- Fix kahuna link
- Integration file changes were removed during fetching from segment repo. Redoing it.
- SDK 2 Segment wrapper changes.
- Fix import (close #388)
- Merge pull request #399 from segmentio/fix/circle
- remove some links
- Fix uxcam
- add use-libraries to pod release
- fix platform versions
- bump deployment target to 7 for moengage
- fix script require
- update package.json for npm org
- Fix links to libs
- Update Kahuna integration to avoid clashing with MoEngage
- Update Kahuna SDK
- Kahuna: Added the IF condition for forwarding failedToRegisterError in case it was recorded.
- Fix Kahuna push notification swizzling
- Update Taplytics to 2.3.12
- Add MoEngage integration
- Fix mixpanel screen method to respect trackNamedPages and trackCategorizedPages
- Update Google Analytics
- Add Optimizely Root integration
- Add Apptimize root integration
- Update Countly SDK
- Add UXCam Integration
- Clean up auto synthesized properties in subclasses
- Force ISO 8601 for sentAt timestamp
- Remove deprecated header files
- Update Tapstream SDK
- Update Quantcast SDK
- Update Optimizely SDK
- Update Mixpanel SDK
- Update Localytics SDK
- Update Google Analytics SDK
- Update Flurry SDK
- Update Countly SDK
- Update Bugsnag SDK
- Update Apptimize SDK
- Update Amplitude integration
- Make Tapstream headers public
- Update Crittercism pod
- Update Taplytics to 2.1.96
- Force ISO 8601 Dates
- Update AppsFlyer
- Added pushSandbox option to Taplytics.
- Use infoDictionary and override with values from localizedInfoDictionary
- Added delayLoad, and shakeMenu options for Taplytics. Removed random, old files in Tapstream's directory.
- Call [super start] in all integrations
- Write copies of queue, traits
- Localytics: Dismiss In App Messages
- Send custom dimensions to Localytics
- Kahuna: Move push registration to start method
- Fix: Added more checks for concurrency
- Updated Taplytics. Added group functionality
- Enable Monitoring web views for Crittercism
- Update Crittercism Integration
- Update Optimizely SDK
- seg: remove use of mutable traits, use immutable live context
- Merge pull request #313 from segmentio/send-context.traits
- Send context.traits
- Bump pod
- Merge pull request #311 from jonathannorris/Taplytics-2.1.86
- Updated Taplytics to 2.1.86
- Use Localized Info Dictionary instead of default
- Respect trackAllPages setting for Amplitude
- Respect trackAllPages setting for Mixpanel
- Add Kahuna Integration
- Add Apptimize Integration.
- Update Amplitude to version 2.4.0
- Use the right context for sending custom context fields
- Fix for iOS 6 compatibility
- Updated Taplytics 2.1.82
- Actually send custom context fields
- Updated Taplytics to 2.1.78
- Add ability to send custom context fields
- Update Kahuna integration
- Check CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey != NO
- Swift support
- Add flush method
- Add alias method
- Update Google Analytics integration and sets the segment tracker always as default
- Drop flaky test
- Update Amplitude integration to 2.3.0
- Update Kahuna Integration
- Send location to flurry
- Merge pull request #273 from jonathannorris/Taplytics-2.1.60
- Updated Taplytics to 2.1.60
- Merge pull request #269 from jonathannorris/Taplytics-2.1.56
- Merge pull request #268 from segmentio/fix-plan
- Updating Taplytics to 2.1.56
- All enabled events should be sent to Segment
Update bugsnag dependency
Update localytics 1.11.0 / 2015-02-24 ===================
Merge pull request #266 from segmentio/tracking-plan
Tracking Plan
bugsnag: add headers from last update
tests: improve output for header test
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:segmentio/analytics-ios
- Fix call to localytics (#259)
- Merge pull request #261 from jonathannorris/Taplytics-reset-user
- Merge pull request #260 from jonathannorris/Taplytics-2.1.46
- Merge pull request #262 from y-ogi/fix/mixpanel_people_settings
- bug fixed: Even if you set "People" off on Segment, the SDK always calls "trackChage" API of Mixpanel.
- Added reset user function, requires #260
- Updated Taplytics to 2.1.46
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:segmentio/analytics-ios
- Update history.md
- Fix release script to include history.md changes
- Merge pull request #255 from jonathannorris/Taplytics-2-1-42
- updated Taplytics to 2.1.42
- Add headers
- Update bugsnag to 4.0.1
- Update history.md
- Merge pull request #256 from segmentio/catch-serialization-error
- Catch serialization errors
- Merge pull request #210 from segmentio/fix/localytics
- localytics customer lifetime value
- Ignore IDE files
- Update history.md
- Fix cached traits to be included in context.traits
- Update test
- Add kahuna header
- Add deps target to makefile
- Add separate build phase for opening release dir in finder
- Taplytics 2.1.36
- Add kahuna
- Fix dupd symbols
- Updated Taplytics to 2.1.34
- Fix localytics
- Remove testflight
- Add bugsnag logger header
- updating Taplytics to 2.1.32
- Update optimizely to 1.0.75
- updated Taplytics to 2.1.26
- updating Taplytics integration to support user attributes and analytics events
- Properly cast objc_msgSend calls
- Fix mapping of createdAt -> $created
- Upload localytics to 3.0.0
- Update optimizely
- Updating Taplytics to 2.1.22
- Update Amplitude to v2.2.4
- Add app.namespace to be bundle identifier
- Update Taplytics to v2.1.20
- add support for GA remarketing
- Update Taplytics to v2.1.20
- add support for GA remarketing
- Fix cli-release script to update changelog
- Update google analytics to 3.10
- Fix reachability
- Update mixpanel to 2.6.0
- tapstream: post notification that integration has started
- mixpanel: add check that user id isn't nil before identifying (just prevents an NSLog call they were making)
- tapstream: update to 2.8.3
- add: api for enabling/disabling ad tracking
- mixpanel: update to 2.5.4
- add: timezone to context
- taplytics: add missing headers
- localytics: fix call to register notifications
- localytics: update to 2.71.0
- taplytics: update to 2.0.10
- Update mixpanel to 2.5.3
- appsflyer: add logs
- mixpanel: fix resources being bundled
- flurry: track screen calls as events (disable via a setting in the web ui)
- update: mixpanel to 2.5.1
- fix: remote notification invocation
- updat: localytics to 2.6.0
- update: mixpanel to 2.5.0
- add: appsflyer
- fix: leak warnings
- add: add -reset for ga
- fix: remove log
- add: testflight
- fix: queue dispatching to integrations until settings request is finished
- fix: improve logging for disabled integrations
- fix: namespace async utils with seg_
- fix: remote notification forwarding
- add: ecommerce to ga
- update: ga to 3.0.9
- fix: reachability name clashing
- fix: add rest of integration headers as public
- fix: add tests for integration headers to be included as public
- fix: use introspection for iad
- fix: enable optimizely's mixpanel integrations
- fix: add checks for bluetooth symbols before use
- fix: add build module to improve building the sdk
- udpate: ga to 3.0.7
- fix: iad to be weaker
- fix: include all tapstream headers
- fix: make advertising managers use anonymous
- fix: include locale
- fix: fix thread-safety of SEGLocation
- fix: analytics version set correctly when installed from cocoapods
- fix: iad referrer get/set once rather than when queued
- fix: warning to import top-level framework headers
- fix: set iad, adsupport, bluetooth as weak frameworks
- update: optimizely to 0.6.52
- fix: getting case-insensitive properties with mixpanel
- fix: weak usage of bluetooth
- fix: quantcast sessioning
- add: send referrer data when installed from iad referrer
- fix: bad import
- add: optimize
- remove: apptimize
- add: -registerForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:options:
- fix: enabling/disabling integrations
- add: apptimize integration
- fix: manual install issue with taplytics
- fix: build phase error
- add: taplytics integration
- fix: add Analytics.h to public headers
- fix: ci tests
- add: ability to configure the lib with the new SEGAnalyticsConfiguration api
- fix: logging errors
- fix: attempt to flush queue when flushAt is updated
- fix: log when CLLocationManager errors
- fix: document SEGAnalyticsConfiguration
- fix: localytics subspec to dependend on Localytics-iOS-Client podspec
- fix: make parameter asserts more informative
- fix: use xctest
- add: ability to build specific integrations
- fix: using segment's spec
- fix: compiler error not finding +[Flurry setPushToken:]
- fix: make parameter asserts more informative
- fix: use NSCParameterAssert consistently
- fix: using adsupport framework optionally
- fix: incrementing and blocked events in segment integration
- fix: using ASIdentifierManager when adsupport framework isn't linked
- fix: including idfa to tapstream integration
- fix: debug logs to only happen when debug is enabled
- fix: including quantcast headers
- add: quantcast integration
- add: wifi, bluetooth, location, address to be sent
- fix: travisci to use utf-8
- fix: prefix screen events with Viewed
- fix: minor fixes to match segment's spec
- update: localytics depdency
- fix: podspec to require arc
- Added support for Mixpanel increment
- Updated Mixpanel from 2.3.2 to 2.3.4
- Updated Crittercism from 4.3.1 to 4.3.3
- Updated Flurry from 4.3.2 to 4.4.0
- Updated Google Analytics from 3.0.3c to 3.0.6
- Exposed remaining Google Analytics headers
- Added support for Google Analytics userId
- Fixes traits to copy, thanks @realf!
- Updating Amplitude to new 2.0
- Fixing Localytics to arm64 build
- Fixing Mixpanel flush before reset
- Updating Google Analytics SDK to 3.0.3c
- Updating Localytics SDK to AMP 2.22.0
- Updating Mixpanel SDK to 2.3.2
- Removing dependency on AdSupport
- Bundling resources for Mixpanel
- Adding disable/enable methods for handling optout
- Adding reset method for handling user logout
- Updating Flurry, Google Analytics SDKs
- Updated settings url to be https
- Changing settings request to update on app foreground rather than timer
- Updating Mixpanel to 2.3.1 and Flurry to 4.3.1
- Adding MPNotification.h
- Ensuring that no "touchdown" references are in the SDK
- Fixing Pods arm64 build issue to fix support for 64-bit devices
- Fixing Pods x86_64 build issue to fix support for 64-bit simulators
- Updating Localytics, Crittercism, Flurry, Google Analytics, Mixpanel and TapStream SDKs
- Removing support for Chartbeat since their lib doesn't have an arm64 slice
- Moving support for Omniture to server-side
- Adding arm64 slice to the fat lib to fully support iOS 7
- Fixing background event handling for Localytics
- Saving userId to disk for persistence between app launches
- Fixing issue with Countly threading
- Adding UUID for tracing events in Segment.io
- Adding timestamp for future time-correction in Segment.io
- Cleaning up docs in Analytics.h
- Setting up Travis-CI testing
- Adding Tapstream support
- Updating Mixpanel to 2.2.1
- Updating Bugsnag to 3.1.0
- Adding Reachability test case to prevent regressions
- Updating minimum iOS version to 6 since only 4% of devices are using older
- Adding support for alias
- Adding Crittercism support
- Fixing Omniture file references in build system
- Adds support for Omniture eVars and props
- Changes "context" to "options"
- Adds support for Mixpanel Surveys
- Adds support for Omniture SiteCatalyst by Adobe
- Improves internal reporting to Segment.io
- Fixes critical issue #60 with NSContainer array subscripting, many thanks to @lhasiuk
- Fixes critical issue #60 with NSContainer array subscripting, many thanks to @lhasiuk
- Fixing issue with Localytics not accepting booleans or integers, only strings.
- Changing debug to a class method
- Updating the internals so that reset method is unnecessary
- Fixing issue with cached settings
- Updating Mixpanel SDK to 2.0.4
- Updating Google Analytics SDK
- Fixing internal version number
- Updating Google Analytics, Chartbeat, Flurry and Amplitude SDKs
- Fixes common linker issue with old Google Analytics SDK
- Fixed identify to allow nil userId
- Fixing backgrounding crash issue
- Improving Countly logging
- Merging @cristianbica's pull request to fix literals syntax for iOS 5
- Queueing before settings cache is loaded the first time
- Flushing data to Segment.io on app close
- Using a custom store in NSUserDefaults to maintain user identity
- Prefixing internal classes to prevent compilation time conflicts
- Updating the Flurry and Mixpanel SDKs (iOS 7 support)
- Adding support for Mixpanel push notifications
- Adding comments, documentation and setup guide to Analytics.h
- Automatically handling app state hooks internally
- Adding Cocoapod podspec, with testing project
- Updating podspec to download from AWS rather than Github Raw
- Fixing build settings to include an armv7s slice, optimized for iPhone 5
- Moving version number to be visible externally from the library
- Fixing compile and run-time bugs
- Adding a complete testing app, including for crash reporting tests
- Adding debug logging setting to reduce debug log output by default
- Adding provider headers and binaries to project
- Restructuring project for Framework Builds vs CocoaPod builds
- Removing Crittercism to avoid HockeySDK PLCrashReporter collisions
- Adding support for context.providers to ProviderManager
- Implementing the reset method to help with debugging
- Cleaning up NSLogs everywhere
- Removing OS X Platform from podfile
- Re-architecting the library to bundle providers
- Adding support for Amplitude
- Adding support for Bugsnag
- Adding support for Chartbeat
- Adding support for Countly
- Adding support for Crittercism
- Adding support for Flurry
- Library now downloads the provider settings from the Segment.io server
- Fixing timestamps to include millisecond precision
- Fixing initWithSecret method signature in header file
- Simplifying sessionId to behave the same on iOS 6 as on iOS 5 and OS X
- Fixing reset function to actually destroy userId and roll sessionId
- Added a getSessionId method
- Added a testing suite
- Added context variable, which includes device info and metadata for Segment.io
- Added alias method
- Merged fix from @pkamb to fix types in logging statements.
- Removed UDID usage after Apple's announcement that it will no longer be accepted in the app store https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3212013a
- Renamed repo to analytics-ios-osx
- Made timestamp more accurate
- Added max batch size
- Merged in numerous improvements from tonyxiao
- support for OSX apps
- a shared dispatch queue and async flushing
- removed JSON library dependency to use native JSON support
- Added enqueueAction to DRY things up
- Added an optional initialization method that reveals flushAt and flushAfter
- Added Cocoapods podspec
- Added working library for iOS
- Added README