This document provides more granular guidance on how to develop, deploy, and test code changes to DUBBD.
This section outlines the development cycle to build, deploy, and test DUBBD-AWS.
The steps below mimic what is performed as part of the DUBBD CI process.
First authenticate to AWS (verify the right region is set), and create the following pre-requisite resources:
- AWS S3 bucket to store state
- AWS DynamoDB table for state locking
Note the created resources for later use by these Zarf variables:
Create an EKS cluster:
# change to the CI eksctl dir
cd .github/test-infra/eks
# if needed, modify the AWS region in the eksctl config
vi config.yaml
## name: "###ZARF_VAR_CLUSTER_NAME###"
## region: us-west-2 #<-- change this to match region used for state resources
# run zarf package create
zarf package create . --confirm
# deploy the package with the desired cluster name
zarf package deploy zarf-package-*.tar.zst \
--set cluster_name="YOURCLUSTERNAMEHERE" \ # <-- note the cluster name used
Zarf init the EKS cluster:
# confirm client is pointing at the right EKS cluster
zarf tools kubectl config current-context
# run zarf init
zarf init -a amd64 --components=git-server --confirm
Deploy remaining AWS resources needed for DUBBD-AWS:
# change to the CI-DUBBD-IAC-AWS dir
cd .github/test-infra/ci-dubbd-iac-aws
# run zarf package create
zarf package create . --confirm
# deploy the package with the appropriate zarf variable values
zarf package deploy zarf-package-*.tar.zst \
--set ephemeral="true" \
--set region="YOURREGIONHERE" \
--set state_bucket_name="YOURSTATEBUCKETNAMEHERE" \
--set state_key="tfstate/dev/install/YOURCLUSTERNAMEHERE-dubbd-aws.tfstate" \
--set state_dynamodb_table_name="YOURDYNAMODBTABLENAMEHERE" \
# source the setenv output from the IAC deploy
. ./
# verify the env var from setenv looks correct
# change to the DUBBD-AWS dir
cd aws/dubbd-aws
# verify the env var from setenv looks correct
# deploy the package with the appropriate zarf variable values
zarf package deploy zarf-package-\*.tar.zst \
--set domain="" \
--set key_file="" \
--set cert_file="" \
--set private_admin_lb="true" \
--set private_tenant_lb="true" \
Remove DUBBD-AWS from EKS:
# change to the DUBBD-AWS dir
cd .github/aws/dubbd-aws
# get list of zarf packages installed on the cluster
zarf package list
# run zarf package remove
zarf package remove zarf-package-*.tar.zst --confirm
# confirm DUBBD-AWS was removed
zarf package list
Tear down AWS resources created for DUBBD-AWS:
# change to the CI DUBBD IAC AWS dir
cd .github/test-infra/ci-dubbd-iac-aws
# run zarf package remove
zarf package remove zarf-package-*.tar.zst --confirm
Tear down EKS cluster:
# change to the CI eksctl dir
cd .github/test-infra/eks
# run zarf package remove
zarf package remove zarf-package-*.tar.zst --confirm