In this sample, we demonstrate effects to show the score counting that could occur when a level has been completed. A total score is counted up and three stars appears when different levels have been reached. The sample also uses the reload functionality for fast turn-around when tweaking values.
The scene is triggered by a message from the game.
The message contains the total score obtained and at which levels the three stars should appear.
When this happens, the heading text ("Level completed!") is fading in, while being scaled down to regular size (100%). This is done in on_message()
After the animation of the heading text has completed, the total score is starting to count up. Each time this happens, the current score is incremented by a small step. Then we check if one of the star-levels has been crossed, in which case the animation of a star starts (see below). As long as we haven't reached the target score, the total score is animated with a bouncing effect.
It will also grow towards a maximum in scale, the closer to the total score it gets. In the same manner, its color shifts gradually from white to green. This is done in inc_score()
Each time a star appears, it fades in and shrinks into regular size. This is done in animate_star()
When the star has finished animating, the smaller stars are spawned in a circle around the bigger star. This is done in spawn_small_stars()
Then they are animated to shoot out randomly from the star. They are both randomized in speed and scale while expanding out. Then they fade out and are eventually deleted. This is done in animate_small_star()
and delete_small_star()
When the score has reached the total score, the high-score imprint fades in and shrinks back into place. This is started at the end of inc_score()
and performed in animate_imprint()
The setup()
function makes sure the nodes have the correct initial values. By calling setup()
from on_reload()
, we make sure that everything is setup correctly each time the script is reloaded from the Defold Editor.
-- file: level_complete.gui_script
-- how fast the score is incremented per second
local score_inc_speed = 51100
-- how long time between each update of the score
local dt = 0.03
-- scale of the score at the start of counting
local score_start_scale = 0.7
-- scale of the score when the target score has been reached
local score_end_scale = 1.0
-- how much the score "bounces" at each increment
local score_bounce_factor = 1.1
-- how many small stars to spawn for each big star
local small_star_count = 16
local function setup(self)
-- make heading color transparent
local c = gui.get_color(self.heading)
c.w = 0
gui.set_color(self.heading, c)
-- make heading shadow transparent
c = gui.get_shadow(self.heading)
c.w = 0
gui.set_shadow(self.heading, c)
-- set heading to twice the scale initially
local s = 2
gui.set_scale(self.heading, vmath.vector3(s, s, s))
-- set initial score (0)
gui.set_text(self.score, "0")
-- set score color to opaque white
gui.set_color(self.score, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1))
-- set scale so the score can grow while counting
gui.set_scale(self.score, vmath.vector4(score_start_scale, score_start_scale, 1, 0))
-- make all big stars transparent
for i=1,#self.stars do
gui.set_color(self.stars[i], vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0))
-- make the imprint transparent
gui.set_color(self.imprint, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0))
-- the score currently being displayed
self.current_score = 0
-- the target score when counting
self.target_score = 0
function init(self)
-- retrieve nodes for easier access
self.heading = gui.get_node("heading")
self.stars = {gui.get_node("star_left"), gui.get_node("star_mid"), gui.get_node("star_right")}
self.score = gui.get_node("score")
self.imprint = gui.get_node("imprint")
-- start color of the score
self.score_start_color = vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
-- save score color and animate towards it during counting later
self.score_end_color = gui.get_color(self.score)
-- delete a small star, called when the star has finished animating
local function delete_small_star(self, small_star)
-- animate a small star according to the given initial position and angle
local function animate_small_star(self, pos, angle)
-- direction of travel for the small star
local dir = vmath.vector3(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle), 0, 0)
-- create a small star
local small_star = gui.new_box_node(pos + dir * 20, vmath.vector3(64, 64, 0))
-- set its texture
gui.set_texture(small_star, "small_star")
-- set its color to full white
gui.set_color(small_star, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1))
-- set start scale low
local start_s = 0.3
gui.set_scale(small_star, vmath.vector3(start_s, start_s, 1))
-- variation in scale of each small star
local end_s_var = 1
-- actual end scale of this star
local end_s = 0.5 + math.random() * end_s_var
gui.animate(small_star, gui.PROP_SCALE, vmath.vector4(end_s, end_s, 1, 0), gui.EASING_NONE, 0.5)
-- variation in distance traveled (essentially speed of the star)
local dist_var = 300
-- actual distance the star will travel
local dist = 400 + math.random() * dist_var
gui.animate(small_star, gui.PROP_POSITION, pos + dir * dist, gui.EASING_NONE, 0.5)
gui.animate(small_star, gui.PROP_COLOR, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0), gui.EASING_OUT, 0.3, 0.2, delete_small_star)
-- spawn a number of small stars
local function spawn_small_stars(self, star)
-- position of the big star the small star will spawn around
local p = gui.get_position(star)
for i = 1,small_star_count do
-- calculate the angle of the particular small star
local angle = 2 * math.pi * i/small_star_count
-- as well as position
local pos = vmath.vector3(p.x, p.y, 0)
-- spawn and animate the small star
animate_small_star(self, pos, angle)
-- start the animation of a big star fading in
local function animate_star(self, star)
-- fade in duration
local fade_in = 0.2
-- make it transparent
gui.set_color(star, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0))
-- fade in
gui.animate(star, gui.PROP_COLOR, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1), gui.EASING_IN, fade_in)
-- initial scale
local scale = 5
gui.set_scale(star, vmath.vector3(scale, scale, 1))
-- shrink back into place
gui.animate(star, gui.PROP_SCALE, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0), gui.EASING_IN, fade_in, 0, spawn_small_stars)
-- start the animation of the imprint fading in
local function animate_imprint(self)
-- wait a bit before the imprint appears
local delay = 0.8
-- fade in duration
local fade_in = 0.2
-- initial scale
local scale = 4
gui.set_scale(self.imprint, vmath.vector4(scale, scale, 1, 0))
-- shrink back into place
gui.animate(self.imprint, gui.PROP_SCALE, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0), gui.EASING_IN, fade_in, delay)
-- also fade in
gui.animate(self.imprint, gui.PROP_COLOR, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1), gui.EASING_IN, fade_in, delay)
-- increment the score one step towards the target
local function inc_score(self, node)
-- how much the score is incremented this step
local score_inc = score_inc_speed * dt
-- new score after increment
local new_score = self.current_score + score_inc
for i = 1,#self.stars do
-- start animating a big star if we cross the level in score for it to appear
if self.current_score < self.star_levels[i] and new_score >= self.star_levels[i] then
animate_star(self, self.stars[i])
-- update score, but clamp at target
self.current_score = math.min(new_score, self.target_score)
-- update the score on screen
gui.set_text(self.score, tostring(self.current_score))
-- if we are not yet done, keep animating and incrementing
if self.current_score < self.target_score then
-- how close we are to the target
local f = self.current_score / self.target_score
-- blend the color to get a slow fade
local c = vmath.lerp(f, self.score_start_color, self.score_end_color)
gui.animate(self.score, gui.PROP_COLOR, c, gui.EASING_NONE, dt, 0, inc_score)
-- new scale for this step
local s = vmath.lerp(f, score_start_scale, score_end_scale)
-- increase the scale by the bounce factor
local sp = s * score_bounce_factor
-- animate from bounced scale back to the appropriate scale
gui.set_scale(self.score, vmath.vector4(sp, sp, 1, 0))
gui.animate(self.score, gui.PROP_SCALE, vmath.vector4(s, s, 1, 0), gui.EASING_NONE, dt)
-- we are done, fade in the imprint
-- NOTE! this should in a real case be checked against the actual stored high score
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
-- someone tells us that we should display the level completed scene
if message_id == hash("level_completed") then
-- retrieve the obtained score and at which score levels the stars should be displayed
self.target_score = message.score
self.star_levels = message.star_levels
-- fade in heading ("level completed")
local c = gui.get_color(self.heading)
c.w = 1
gui.animate(self.heading, gui.PROP_COLOR, c, gui.EASING_IN, dt, 0.0, inc_score)
c = gui.get_shadow(self.heading)
c.w = 1
gui.animate(self.heading, gui.PROP_SHADOW, c, gui.EASING_IN, dt, 0.0)
-- shrink it into place
gui.animate(self.heading, gui.PROP_SCALE, vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 0), gui.EASING_IN, 0.2, 0.0)
-- this function is called when the script is reloaded
-- by setting up the scene and simulating level complete, we get a really fast workflow for tweaking
function on_reload(self)
-- make sure any setup changes are taken into account
-- simulate that the level has been completed"#gui", "level_completed", {score = 102000, star_levels = {40000, 70000, 100000}})